stcr · 2 years
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Lana del Rey with her doggie backpack
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stcr · 2 years
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The man's whimpering is a lovely backdrop to the sound of Elizabeth's voice in her ear, dark and low and sweet. Painted lips curve at the corner, eyes flitting over her lover's face. "My pleasure, my darling." The knife that she produces is one of her own, clean and silver in her palm, and her other hand comes back to tangle in the man's hair, tugging sharply back so her lover is afforded an excellent view of his face as she drags the blade down the side of his cheek, drawing a long thin line of blood and a muffled wail from the recipient. She can't deny her own dark pleasure as she cuts, watching the blood well and pour over his clothes, the floor, and knowing that Elizabeth is watching all of it heightens her enjoyment. By the time she turns to her lover, hands cupped around the heart of the man lying prone on the floor behind her, dripping gore, she's breathless with anticipation, eyes alight with lust and hunger. She offers it, tongue swiping over her lower lip and tasting lipstick, blood. Her pulse quickens with it.
stcr​ / annette
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Slender fingers trail her shoulder, down her lover’s arm, lips brushing her ear as she speaks. “I’m going to kill him for you, and then I’m going to fuck you covered in his blood.” Snowy white teeth graze the curve of her ear, hand curling around Elizabeth’s waist so Annette can press a kiss to her lover’s mouth, full of dark promise. “Shall I bring you his heart, my love?”
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      she can’t deny theshiver that washes over her at her lover’s touch – and her lover’s words. in this state of desire and lust, the countess often finds it difficult to fully control herself, and even more so when a partner joins her in her games. emerald eyes close as she breathes in annette’s words, their lips meeting seconds later in a deep and warm kiss.     “ would you be so kind, my love? ”     elizabeth whispers to the brunette, eyes slowly opening to meet the other’s gaze.
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stcr · 2 years
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stcr · 2 years
question below the cut
so my psycopath oc fc is currently this lovely creature
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but i am considering a switch to this lovely creature
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stcr · 2 years
EMOTIONAL  BAGGAGE .      bold  whatever  applies  to  your  muse ,      italicize  the  things  that  only  somewhat  apply / are  verse  dependent .      repost  don’t  reblog .
been  cheated  on      |      been  bullied      |      had your heart broken      |      broken  someone’s  heart      |      told  a  horrible  lie      |      been  betrayed      |      been  framed / set-up      |      stolen  something  of  value      |      overdosed  on  drugs      |      been  drunk      |      cheated      |      bullied    |      been  publicly  humiliated      |      punched  someone  in  the  face      |      been  beaten  up      |      broken  a  bone      |     been admitted to a hospital      |      put  someone  in  the  hospital      |      had  a  near-death  experience      |     been  drugged      |      done  drugs      |      smoked      |      been  arrested   |      been  homeless      |      been  forced  to  commit  a  crime      |      died  and  came  back  to  life      |      kissed  someone  you  weren’t  attracted  to     |      bled  severely     |     killed  someone     |      been  forced  to  kill  someone      |      had  an  attempt  on  your  life       |      made  an  attempt  on  your  own  life      |      lost  someone      |      loved  someone      |      watched  a  loved  one  die      |      failed  to  save / help  a  loved  one      |      felt  helpless      |      watched  your  world  die / disappear      |      had  your  life’s  work  stolen / destroyed      |      gone  without  food  for  over  three  days      |      gone  without  sleep  for  over  three  days      |      been  tortured / questioned      |      been  shot     |      been  stabbed      |      been  poisoned      |      been  held  prisoner     |      been  trapped      |      been  buried  alive     |      been  held  hostage      |     held  someone  hostage      |      been  stuck  in  a  different  world / universe / time      |      been  abused  by  someone  who  should  have  loved / appreciated / valued  you     |     had  a  panic  attack     |      had  night  terrors      |      been  in  a  car  accident      |      lost  your  job      |      lost  a  fight   |      had  sex  with  a  stranger   |      been  divorced      |      been  abandoned      |      passed  out  from  pain      |      cried  yourself  to  sleep      |      spent  a  whole  day  in  bed      |      hurt  yourself      |      taken  your  anger  out  on  yourself      |      taken  your  anger  out  on  someone  you  love      |     been  used      |      been  manipulated       |      felt  used      |      manipulated  someone  else       |      had  your  memories / mind  wiped / stolen   or  tampered  with      |      been  taken  over  by  a  hostile  force      |       been  terrified      |      played  a  cruel  game  on  someone      |      been  forced  to  smile      |      felt  too  many  things  at  once   |      laughed  when  you  felt  like  crying      |      been  in  denial      |      been  denied      |      faced  your  demons
tagged by: @greyhoundgxrl
tagging: all of ya
0 notes
stcr · 2 years
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Slender fingers trail her shoulder, down her lover’s arm, lips brushing her ear as she speaks. “I’m going to kill him for you, and then I’m going to fuck you covered in his blood.” Snowy white teeth graze the curve of her ear, hand curling around Elizabeth’s waist so Annette can press a kiss to her lover’s mouth, full of dark promise. “Shall I bring you his heart, my love?”
stcr​ / annette
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Hazel orbs drop to the man in question, and she takes dark pleasure in the fear on his face. “Let me do it for you,” she suggests, gaze slipping back over to her lover, fingers trailing across her back enticingly as she steps around to the Countess’ other side. “I like watching you, but this time, I think I’d like you to just sit back…” she leans in, painted lips a breadth from her lover’s ear. “…and enjoy the show.”
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she has taught her lover so well. now smiling at annette, the corners of her lips curling up, the countess will go on as the space between them is closed. back pressed close to the other woman’s chest, elizabeth sighs and closes her eyes.     “ mm… you’re going to put on a show just for me? ”     she’ll question, finding comfort ( and excitement ) in annette’s arms; she’s almost forgotten about the man sitting bloodied on the floor in the room.
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stcr · 2 years
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Smiling lips purse thoughtfully like she hasn’t already made her decision, ignoring the noise on his end and the irritating trill of laughter emanating from the dining room, where her mother is entertaining her boyfriend and his friends.
“Alright then. Should we meet there, or d’you want me to pick you up?”
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“Uh huh.”
Flat tone and a rolling of hazel eyes, but the unbidden stretching of her mouth betrays her fondness. “The movies? Saturday?” Brows arch in surprise as her smile widens into a full grin.
“…you askin’ me on a date, Bender?”
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He propped a shoulder up against the wood paneled pillar of his home, turning his back to his folks so they wouldn’t over hear, not that they could with the amount of shouting back and forth that was going on in the open plan kitchen behind him, she’d probably hear something to do with a missing turkey sandwich and John was of course getting the blame.
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He took to chewing his nails while she asked the question, unable to help the smile, glad it was hidden from view otherwise flack from the ol’ man would sure follow in pair with a horrendous amount of teasing from his mother.
“Sure…you wanna call it a date, it can be a date.”
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stcr · 2 years
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stcr · 2 years
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“Something they can’t control…does an insatiable sex drive count?”
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Send “They’re ’s a 10, but..” and fill in the rest to call out my muse! @stcr​ said:  He’s a 10 but he thinks doors are for squares
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“Doors are for people who have something to hide or to contain something you can’t control, which are you?”
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stcr · 2 years
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“Uh huh.”
Flat tone and a rolling of hazel eyes, but the unbidden stretching of her mouth betrays her fondness. "The movies? Saturday?" Brows arch in surprise as her smile widens into a full grin.
“…you askin’ me on a date, Bender?”
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Annette/ @stcr​ said:  ❛ if you called just to get off on my voice, i’m hanging up. ❜
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Well that was that idea out the window, an audible sigh was heard from the other end of the phone followed by the thunking of the receiver against his forehead.
“Wasn’t actually.”
Came a defensive lie.
“Was gonna ask you to the movies this Saturday?…”
Couldn’t spend too long on the phone, the ol man always eaves dropped or went bat shit crazy if the bill was too high, better make it short n sweet.
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stcr · 2 years
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Hazel orbs drop to the man in question, and she takes dark pleasure in the fear on his face. “Let me do it for you,” she suggests, gaze slipping back over to her lover, fingers trailing across her back enticingly as she steps around to the Countess’ other side. “I like watching you, but this time, I think I’d like you to just sit back…” she leans in, painted lips a breadth from her lover’s ear. “…and enjoy the show.”
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“Darling…I’m sure he didn’t mean it…and blood would simply be a nightmare to wash out of your dress…”
     the countess looks to her lover, expression tense, but annette has a point – this man isn’t worth it. inhaling deeply and exhaling the same, she’ll turn her expression back to the man before them both.     “ then what do you suppose we do, my love? ”     she’ll ask the brunette, keeping emerald eyes on their next victim.
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stcr · 2 years
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stcr · 2 years
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"Darling...I'm sure he didn't mean it...and blood would simply be a nightmare to wash out of your dress..."
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     “ you take that back. ”
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stcr · 2 years
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Rock and roll playing softly on the radio, red-tipped fingers drumming on the steering wheel along with the beat, red lipstick smeared on the end of the lit cigarette wedged between two digits. Hazel eyes search the parking lot and then drop down to look at her watch again, clicking her tongue when she sees the time. He's late. She's not surprised.
When next she looks up, she sees him striding toward her car like he has nowhere in particular to be, and she can't help but grin at his effortless gait. If you can say anything about John Bender, it's that he runs on no ones time but his own.
"Hey handsome," she greets with a smile, tugging her sunglasses down her nose as he gets in. "You're DJ and navigator." She reaches to tug the map from the dashboard. "I've already got the route outlined," she says, pointing it out, and then hands it over, along with her cigarette pack and lighter. She wouldn't need the map until they got out of Illinois anyway, but better to be safe. "There's a bunch of tapes in the glove box and more in the back seat if you wanna look through them." She pulls her seat belt around herself and starts the engine, glancing over at him with a slight grin. "Ready to go?"
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stcr · 2 years
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stcr · 2 years
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stcr · 2 years
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