stcrmborne · 20 days
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stcrmborne · 1 month
Narrator Outtakes Prompts
An assortment of prompts taken from the Narrator Outtakes (Baldur's Gate 3) videos on Youtube. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ Think you know how to pronounce it? I think not! ”
“ I haven't read one line yet, how did it get weird already? ”
“ That is some fantasy bullshit right there. ”
“ Yeah, everything's fine. ”
“ Calm, breath. It's ok. ”
“ Nobody talks to me. Nobody ever talks to me! ”
“ You may know me from such things as lying on the sofa eating cheese for several months. ”
“ What does this word mean? ”
“ I can make up words too! ”
“ I'm enjoying myself. ”
“ Enjoy the fantasy, and then call a therapist. ”
“ Wow, I am a patronizing bitch today. ”
“ No filth for you, ha ha. ”
“ It's already injured, maybe just kill him a bit. ”
“ You're a nerd. We're all nerds here. ”
“ The world continues to turn while you read everything. ”
“ I have no hands, apart from the ones I use to repeatedly slap you with. ”
“ Where were we? Who am I? What day is it? Why do my arms hurt? ”
“ Sometimes you think you're on mute and you're not. ”
“ Frantic bi energy. ”
“ I can fuck my way through any problem! ”
“ I've got splinters in places you don't want to know about, but I'm through. ”
“ We live in horny jail, you can't send us there. We've got the keys! ”
“ Go on. Do it. See what happens. ”
“ Who the fuck do you think you are? ”
“ Somebody studied Shakespear and now it's everybody's problem. ”
“ I think we need to have an intervention. ”
“ I like hearing you breathing. ”
“ Oh, aren't they having a nice time? But you're going to die. ”
“ I've lost my authority! ”
“ Right, fine. Whatever. This is my job and I'm not tired at all. ”
“ It's happening again. It's happening again! ”
“ Everything's fine. Normal is a state of mind. ”
“ I'm a professional. I can say the word 'erected' without laughing. Once. ”
“ I have exceptionally moist ankles. ”
“ I learned a word today. I don't know what it means. ”
“ There's a name for what you are and you'll learn it one day. ”
“ He's lucky I didn't rip his face off and melt it like plasticine. ”
“ It's not you, it's... It really is me. ”
“ I am the problem here and I am fully aware, but I made the decision to inflict me on everyone else. ”
“ They do like just slamming shit together in this, don't they? ”
“ I'm taking myself off to the chamber of penance. ”
“ Who doesn't like to prod an eye? ”
“ You got it, buddy. ”
“ Try not to look too closely, everything's gonna start swirling. ”
“ It's a little bit sexy, but you are going to be covered in blood in the end. ”
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stcrmborne · 2 months
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stcrmborne · 2 months
“So where does corporal fall as far as ranking? And… How long is a tour?” she questioned, a somewhat sheepish note strung through her words as she took a healthy step back from the tree. Rhaya had long since abandoned pretense of knowing anything about how militarized forces worked. The only fleeting knowledge she had was from snippets Freddie had tried teaching them, and even then, the bulk of it was so foreign to her it ended up going in one ear and right out the other without sticking. Plus, it was a safe assumption the military Grollor spoke of might be different from how Alkenstar ran their operation, even if they held some structured similarities. When the tree halted its descent after his final swing the druid glanced up, made a soft disappointed humming noise, then stepped around it to get a better angle on what it was stuck on. Briefly she considered attempting to push on the trunk in a feeble attempt at dislodging it for comedic effect, but decided against it. Instead she adjusted her stance and drew on a short incantation, one hand sweeping up and arcing in a gesture meant to aim the called-upon magic. A short but potent burst of wind followed the line of the trunk up into the canopy, catching the leaves from branches and rattling against where the felled tree had caught against the other. The trunk wobbled, then shook, and finally jostled lower when an unseen branch supporting its weight fractured with a snap. “Ta-daaa AH–!” The disconnected trunk lurched downward with more gusto than anticipated and Rhaya’s showmanship was cut short as she scrambled out of the way, her victory entirely quashed by the unceremonious look of panic on her face as she skittered past Grollor to safety.
"Lor, Grollor, I'll answer to both," he said before swinging at the skinny tree. With one swing, the trunk was about halfway cut down. "In the military, we stuck to full names or rankings. Did four tours just to be ranked corporal, however." He chuckled, swinging at the base of the trunk once more. The trunk hung on by a few sinewy wooden threads, wobbling with the wind. "Tyrla!" He swung one more time, the tree slowly falling forward. The trunk was caught in the middle of another tree's branches, Grollor letting out a disappointed "Oh."
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stcrmborne · 2 months
A long pause follows as Rhaya mulls over the question, her thoughts grasping at an acceptable response about as quickly as her gaze scans their surroundings for any unwanted eavesdroppers. “It took a lot of digging, but I do. At least – I think I do, unless all the gods are in on one big cosmic prank. That option’s still not entirely off the table, honestly. They seem to enjoy being cryptic bastards about it.” She offers a breath of halfhearted amusement, though there’s a tension in her expression. “Not sure how common or uncommon it is to know though, sorry to say… I’ve only ever met one other aasimar, and we didn’t exactly have the time or the familiarity to sit down and have a heart to heart on it. Admittedly, she was also like eight feet tall and scared me a little too much to ask.” Taking another moment, the druid looks the other over a bit more closely. “Any luck on your end? Assuming you’re…” she gestures vaguely. “--You know.”
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[ STARTER CALL / still accepting ] ⸻ @stcrmborne gets a fellow feathery friend
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There's a lot that he doesn't know about what he was, which at the age he was should be a great feat of the small daily defiance against his own making. The celestial deva looks upon the aasimar, once like herself and now Eli was more an unwilling gift. ❝ So, do you know who you were divinely blessed by? I mean the gods that gave you or feathers; or is it normal to not know who? ❞ A quest he often pondered even if he had a guess at who in the upper planes chose him; he figures a fellow celestial blessed individual may have answers.
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stcrmborne · 2 months
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stcrmborne · 2 months
Freaking wizards, man. Why did they always seem to have the innate compulsion to go from zero to one hundred in everything they did? The startled look being aimed towards the other scrunched into one of judgmental disbelief, the spear in her hand waving wildly through the air as she gestured towards the portal. When the druid spoke, her words escaped in an indignant yelp. "Two out of three of those options I've seen enough of to last a lifetime, thank you,” Wincing at the shrillness of her own voice, Rhaya took a quick step back when he seemed to have cast something. An immeasurable sense of relief followed soon after when the crackle of magic seemed to dissipate before winking out entirely moments later, and she loosed a pent up breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. All at once she seemed to deflate, her shoulders sagging and arms dropping to her sides as she leaned against the table between them. “Not even a little bit…” she muttered in reply, amber eyes lifting to peer warily towards the space where the portal had been. “What’s wrong with sticking to more reasonable arcane research like, uh  – Look, I don’t really know what wizards consider normal. Stuff like cataloging cursed items and storing them all in one place, or figuring out how to reverse engineer lichdom, probably?” That at least sounded right. @fulgur-caeruleum
" Don’t you know how dangerous this is ? "
"Counterpoint!" Exclaimed the wizard. "This is a breakthrough discovery of arcanic nature, one that could connect dimensional gates between all material planes across the multiverse." He made a stop, reconsidering the possible dangers, after all.
He then scratched his chin. "... Admittedly, there's always a possibility of these planes entering conflict, large scale war, or even... the unlikely but very real chance there will be an eldritch being noticing the connection..." And then proceeded to frown.
The makeshift portal was just there, glowing in purple tones, waiting to connect somewhere else. Sareth dismissed it with a counterspell, and dropped his tome of translocation on the table, with all the other books.
"Yeah, maybe the world is... not ready for this yet..."
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stcrmborne · 3 months
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Abandoned lighthouse on Sakhalin Island, Russia. 
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stcrmborne · 3 months
" nothing on earth can silence that quiet voice inside you ”| - Argo Faer, talking to Rhaya about wanderlust and the need to keep moving.
Upon hearing the words spoken, Rhaya pulled a face of thinly veiled ire. It was less eloquent than the situation called for, perhaps, but conveyed what she was feeling well enough without the need for words to sour the air further. Regardless, she opted to go for broke and drove the point home with a matter-of-factly muttered, “Well, that sucks.” She wasn’t entirely certain what she was looking for in venting her frustrations. Reassurance? An ear to simply listen? The rest of the crew often talked about their plans for the future, with the majority intending to retire in a safe port or a peaceful, cozy village with the savings they made sailing – if they survived. The concept of retirement genuinely baffled Rhaya, the young druid unable to grasp a world where she would be content staying in one place for any extended amount of time. “So, what then…? I just keep moving, never staying in one place or putting down roots anywhere? Forever?” A discernable tinge of bitterness crept into her words as she stared intently at her hands, nimble fingers beginning to furl and unclench. In the moment, she couldn’t decide what was more distressing: The idea that one day she might grow out of this ingrained wanderlust and grow bored of the world, or the notion that she never would.
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stcrmborne · 3 months
“I’m tired and I think I want to go home.” (From the sentence starters, maybe from either Linast or Oscar?)
At first she said nothing, staring down at the elemental with a face creased in apprehension. There was something about Linast that spurred an instinctive need to make sure he remained safe – or at least unharmed, and that urge alone was enough to make Rhaya uneasy. “Yeah– Okay, might be a bit tricky, but… sure,” she offered, not unkindly as she stepped up beside him to scan the horizon. “Can you, uh… point us in the right direction for that, by chance?” she ventured, aiming a sidelong glance his way before she turned to look over her shoulder. Some members of her crew were positioned behind them a distance away, busying themself with cleanup.
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stcrmborne · 3 months
ooc: Hello new friends! I just wanted to make a quick post to say I'm so excited to kick up some interactions with any new faces and to reply to the older stuff I owe, if you have any questions or would like to do any plotting my inbox is always open and I have a disco for chatting. I've got an important test tomorrow that I'm spending the rest of today bracing for (I use the word bracing because I'm confident I'm not going to pass one of the portions, but I'm still going to see if I can make it through the rest so I can practice and try for the next time) but once that's blown over I'll be on later this week to start getting back into drafts and making a starter call post in case anyone is inclined to kicking up threads that way. Have a great rest of your Monday!
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stcrmborne · 3 months
It would be hard for Kirin to miss the twitch of recognition at the mention of a pirate ship, as if the druid had been caught off guard by such an inadvertently accurate guess. A spark of intrigue chased surprise across her face and the young woman’s gaze flicked curiously down to the other’s feet before rising back up, her head cocking to the side. Lightning feet, restlessness… The other woman didn’t know it, she couldn’t, surely – but every word that left her mouth had struck a chord with Rhaya. “I know the feeling,” she offered with a dip of her chin, her expression turning briefly to commiseration before her focus was drawn to the question directed at her. “No, not quite the nightlife,” she snorted, folding her arms across her chest. “Some friends of mine needed to handle a last minute… arrangement. Something that required discretion and for a few of us to not be present. This happened to be the nearest place that seemed quiet and had trees, so they dropped me off.” She pondered how much she should really divulge. The meeting a couple of the Drunken Calamity’s officers were currently handling wasn’t exactly top secret, but nor was it something exactly legal. Then again, how much harm could a young woman who didn't seem to leave this place really do? As if coming to an internal decision, she shrugged. “I won’t be here long. Half a day tops, maybe less depending on how well things go. Is there anything interesting to see here in the meantime? What do you do for fun?”
✧˚ · .  ❝ ON A SHIP? ❞ kirin repeated, loading her words up with admiration. she’d been across the sea twice and neither journey had been kind to her. between the bandits and the seasickness, kirin would be content to stick with teleportation from here on. ❝ LIKE A PIRATE SHIP? ❞ mostly a joke, her tone playful, but kirin was watching for the other woman’s reaction. a pirate in her hometown? they must be lost. 
kirin hummed in approval. she’d had a brief run-in with a cursed sword a few years ago – one of her group-mates had taken it off a ghoul he’d slain and it almost killed him in turn. far more trouble than it was worth, in hindsight. but it made a good story. 
❝ COMES FROM BOREDOM, MOSTLY. ❞ kirin grinned, keeping the stories of her own quest in her head where they belonged. everyone around here had heard them so many times they rolled their eyes whenever kirin opened her mouth. ❝ MIGHT AS WELL KEEP AND EYE OUT WHEN THERE’S NOTHING INTERESTING TO LOOK AT ON AN EVERYDAY BASIS. ❞
the other sure hit the nail on the head with that assumption. kirin was restless down to her bones. she always had been – her mother said she had to install leather locks on all the doors when kirin was small because she was running out of the house before she even knew how to walk. ❝ I WAS KINDA BORN WITH LIGHTNING IN MY FEET. FAVORITE TOWN IS ALWAYS THE NEXT ONE, YOU KNOW? ❞ she said, trying to keep the resentment out of her voice. she’d not seen any towns other than this podunk village in more moons than she could keep count of. it was like her lightning feet were stuck in quicksand. 
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stcrmborne · 3 months
Sentence starters meant to be used as roleplay prompts & sentence starters. These are from various sea shanties and songs that remind the author of the sea. Please feel free to change pronouns and words as needed!
“ never shall we die! “
” some of us died, but some are still alive “  
” turn the sails toward home! “  
” i had to shake myself to make sure you were really there “  
” who’s the one with the nut-brown hair? “  
"  fair and square, i surrendered there to your charms ”  
“  i’ve a heart to let, and no tenet yet ”
“  i’ve never seen anyone like you. ”
“ will you go, lassie? ”  
“  i’m trying to prove i have love in my heart ”  
“  my heart is wounded and forlorn ”
“ home is behind, the world ahead ”
“ still ‘round the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate ”
“ tomorrow we may come this way ”
“ let’s take the hidden paths that run toward the moon or toward the sun ”  
“  when you go, i fear you’ll never return again ”
“  my heart is pierced by cupid ”  
“  i disdain all glittering gold ”
“  my happiness attends you wherever you may go ”
“  i pray the day arrives when you’ll never roam again ”  
“ keep your feet fast on the land  ”  
“  when the sunset fell into the ocean, i would hold you for hours in the dark ”  
“  time is a dangerous enemy ”
“  take my hand. let’s go home together ”  
“  when i jumped in, you jumped in too ”
“  i’m a wreck of a ship tossed on the waves ”  
“  the night was yours and you were mine ”
“  i can’t let too many thoughts in ”  
“  you were once my true love ”
“  all the harm i’ve ever done was only to myself ”  
“  good night and joy be to you all ”  
“ i’ll swim and sail on stormy seas without a fear of drowning ”  
“  i’ll gladly ride the waves of life if you would marry me ”
“  no scorching sun or freezing cold will stop me on my journey ”  
“  my dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me ”  
“  i’ve no need for mighty deeds when i feel your arms around me ”  
“  i would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me ”  
“  i have no use for rings of gold, and i care not for your poetry ”  
“  i only want your hand to hold, i only want you near me ”  
“  i am a lighthouse, worn by the weather and the waves ”
“  your joy means everything to me  ”  
“  the winds that blow remind me of what is and what can never be ”
“  where the horizon meets the sea, there’s a land that i call home ”
“  come build memories with me in the starlight ”
“  you’ll remember the land you loved when you come back home again. ”
“  will i forever wonder why? ”
“  i promise i’ll remember you the next time i come here ”
“  what are these tears upon your face? ”  
“  soon you will see, all of your fears will pass away ”
“  you’re safe in my arms ”  
“  the ships have come to carry you home ”  
“  don’t say that we’ve come to the end ”
“  i’m tired and i think i want to go home ”
“  catch me if you think you can ”  
“  i’ll row to the edge of the world  ”
“  follow me if you dare ”
“  do you need it? do you need me to tell the truth? ”  
“  i’m not ready for this ”
“  my mother told me someday i would buy galleys with good oars and sail to distant shores ”  
“  if you had fought like a man, you wouldn’t be about to die like a dog ”  
“  kiss me like there’s nobody else in the room ”
“  i’m gonna put you in a song i write ”
“  see me now, a ray of light in the moondance ”
“  don’t ask me to follow where you lead ”
“  now you belong to me ”
“  i was never meant to leave ”
“  there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you ”  
“  if anything bad was after you i’d rip it apart with my bare fists ”
“  what’s this? what are you talking about? ”  
“  no one’s gonna hurt you, no one’s gonna dare ”  
“  come and dream the night with me ”
“  have no fear when the night draws near ”
“  don’t worry about times ahead, the future is unknown ”  
“  we can trust our love to guide us home  ”
“  i’ve seen your flag on the marble arch ”
“  love is not a victory march, it is cold and it is broken ”  
“  come, my love, be one with the sea ”
“  rule with me for eternity ”  
“  leave their souls to me ”  
“  your voice comes in like the tide ”
“  i’m scared of what’s inside my head ”
“  fear is suffocating me, i can’t breathe ”  
“  i feel like i’m drowning and sinking deeper ”
“  the people you love will change you ”
“  nothing on earth can silence that quiet voice inside you ”
“  the call isn’t out there at all, it’s inside me ”
“  i have crossed the horizon to find you ”
“  let it all burn down around us ”
“  i’m no man of honor, my guilt goes dark and deep ”  
“  i’ll endure you till my grave ”
“  i hear the voices telling me that this should be mine ”  
“  fear me or love me, it’s all the same ”  
“  just say the word, and i’ll let the world burn ”
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stcrmborne · 3 months
for the low price of $0.00 you could sit by the ocean and calm the fuck down
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stcrmborne · 4 months
My toxic trait is that I truly believe I could win a fight against anybody if I was mad enough. U might have the strength and size but I have pure, unfiltered rage.
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stcrmborne · 4 months
“Why does anyone want to do anything?” she couldn’t help but mutter as she pulled at the clasp of the pouch looped against the Preserver’s side a bit too aggressively, the metal loop nearly snapping in her haste to get it open. The audible venom in her own tone prompted her to set her jaw and exhale once it was evident the bystander was following her request, the forced recentering breath followed by a soft, “Sorry, long day. People like to meddle in things they don’t understand.” His question earned him a long pause as Rhaya scrunched her face in concentration, her focus divided between his words and her current task. It was only after she got the unconscious man’s bag open and she began haphazardly transferring its contents into her own bag that she replied. “Half a year? A year, maybe…? We’ve been running into them for a while and they’re good at blending in, so it’s hard to say–” Whatever she was about to say next was eaten by a sharp intake of breath when she noticed the man at her feet stirring, the fingers of his left hand twitching. “Hey, uh… How’s it looking out there?” There was little she cared to do to hide the rising anxiety in her voice. A quick glance was cast towards the doorway and she placed a foot across the Preserver’s wrist and pressed some weight down on it – Less with the intention of breaking anything and moreso to keep him from being able to use that hand to trigger the magical properties of the quill and inkpot tattoo etched into his other arm, though she wouldn’t feel too terribly if she happened to feel any unidentified popping. “You any good at sprinting?” Rhaya questioned as follow up, watching the man beneath her’s face creased slightly in discomfort as her weight shifted enough for her to stoop and tear a necklace off him.
❝Why would they want to do that?❞ The question slipping past his lips rather quickly, which not long afterwards, he cursed himself for not having more control. Then again, it's not often he came across such things or know about it. It's not that he doesn't think there aren't any gods. He came face to face with one at one point. So, the belief of these deities truly became solid for him.
Vasco doesn't know all the details about what's going on or who these Preservers guys are. The details will come later. Probably. Who knows. He can't exactly count on the fact that there may be answers to his questions. Regardless, he knew how people like this can be. They aren't always alone. Someone within the same group could be nearby or have been told that this guy is going somewhere. And much to his confirmation, she had similar thoughts.
❝Fine. I'll keep a look out.❞ Vasco wanted to ask for a favor in return. Details about this, though he came to a realization he didn't really have the strong urge to know. Despite his involvement here, he isn't concern to be involved more later on. A one-time thing. Hopefully.
Without uttering another word, he moved to a good spot to keep a look out. A spot where he could still keep her in sight - and in hearing range if one of those guys decided to slip on by him - while keeping an eye out for the surroundings.
❝And how long have they been going after you?❞ Voice dropped enough so she could only hear while still maintaining the ability to not get caught. In case a buddy is nearby and could pick up on any voices.
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stcrmborne · 4 months
There were a vast many benefits to being a pirate lord in the Shackles. Being responsible for the safety and behavior of your subordinates was most decidedly not one of them. Crouched lower to the ground, the young druid produced a small knife of her own from the pouch at her waist and brandished it in warning. She and the man across from her both seemed to recognize the small hunk of sharpened metal would do little to get past the knotted muscles around his arms and legs, even if she landed a solid hit on him. “Look, I really need you to do me a solid and call your guys off.” She hated how exasperated she sounded, but at this point she would take one of Freddie’s bullets to go just one single day without having to play Responsible Crew Chaperone. Understandably, her request was met with a guffaw. Bastard. Luckily for her, it seemed someone else was willing to step in to relieve her of that role. From her peripheral she watched a stranger – tiefling? No, dragonborn, maybe? – emerge from a side street to interject himself before things got too nasty. Jeremiah, having bought himself some time by viciously rabbit-kicking the man on top of him in the gut until he rolled off, scrambled into a haphazard crouch in preparation for round two. Rhaya and the man she had been facing off with instituted a brief pause in whatever it was they had going on to watch as his compatriot failed to stab at point blank range, the sound of the blade hitting skin and deflecting off audible. Something appeared to malfunction in his brain and he yelled, reeled back, and made a second attempt. “Dude…” Was all Rhaya muttered, partially in shock, and partially as a eulogy for the man who was probably about to get absolutely bodied by the newcomer. She sighed and straightened. Probably no point holding back now when a man who was literally unable to be stabbed had entered the equation. Her gaze met her opponent's, who had caught on to the confident shift in her posture and taken an assured step forward of his own in response. She frowned at then challenge. “I did ask nicely.” When she moved next her hands formed three simple but flourishing gestures, the primal magic she called upon coalescing into a fierce burst of wind that slammed into him and sent him toppling backwards. She watched him barrel ass over teakettle through the dirt, scrambling in a way that reminded her of a turtle being flipped before he managed to find his footing and stumble upright, looking exponentially more pissed off. Fantastic.
Ah, what a place! Pirates! Brawls! Brothels every second corner, and all the scum of society seemingly gathered in one place!....Where the hell did he come to again...
The armored man let out a long sigh as he walked the streets, the sun falling down quickly beyond the horizon of the sea. He stood up, that's for sure. He did everywhere he went, but in this place especially he didn't quite...fit with the aesthetics.
Heavy plate armor in the color of blackened silver covered his tall, strong body, perfectly fit into his form. This was custom made, not stolen, not found and not given. Well combed brown hair that became crimson on their edges, with a thin, long pontail falling over his back. A golden half cloak and a matched the color of his large horns and tail, which were by far what was drawing most of the attention. Anyone with half an eye could tell he was no tiefling, for his tail was thick and spiney, like a lizard's.
His green, bright eyes were starting to shift to gold as the darkness approached and his darkvision started to take over his normal one. A round shield on his back, a wahammer on his belt, a flail on the other side and a shortsword on his lower, made him look significantly more dangerous than his expression betrayed.
"Ugh...", he whined as he stepped into water pit on the...let's say 'road'. But he didn't have enough time to complain too much about it, for shouts and sounds of combat grabbed his attention. Stepping forward and past any of the crowd that were trying to enjoy the show, he came into view of what was happening...
He took a moment to understand the teams, and who the swears were constantly coming from. Normally, he wouldn't care to intervene to every brawl that he came across...that would be endless.
But...he noticed, for the faintest moment, the magic surge on the woman's arm...She was powerful, the other's stood no chance, yet if they kept swinging their daggers with such bloodthirst, they would find themselves soon into a swallow grave.
He stepped in. Completely announced, and grabbed the shoulder of one of the two men that the woman's partner was facing.
"Hey, don't you think this is enough? Anymore and there will be dea-"
*Clink!* Unexpected...maybe? But the Blacksmith found a dagger trying to penetrate his face, as the man in his anger didn't seem to care too much about who was interrupting him.
Well, *trying* is the key word. Pressed tightly against his cheek, the flesh refusing to yield to the edge of the blade, Ferenir frowned deeply.
"....I guess you really have no sense of preservation..."
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