demacianhcart · 6 months
There were many duties that were given to Shyvana, and they seemed to be even more with recent events. One of them was a very specific type of border patrol, one that only she could do. Every now and them she went on a little trip around the perimeter of the country (this usuallly took a couple of weeks) and did a bunch of markings to make sure that it was claimed as a 'territory' so that other dragons would stay away. For the most part it would work but of course that there were dragons that didn't respect that.
Ana was in one of those trips, making way through the main road when the wind brough a strange scent to her. While it was not unusual to her, since people often came and went, this one was..... odd. It was human, yes, but there was something else in there too. Dragon.
Straighing up her posture, she followed along the road carefully, trying to locate the source.
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llixulia · 2 months
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Eive had just woken up when she felt something weird tied at the end of her tail. To her surprise, it was a high heel. Wait a second... Did this have anything to do with last night? What was she supposed to do, just slither with it?
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eightfoldjourney · 3 months
"It's ready!", the backsmith announced with a big smile as he presented the man with his weapon. A sturdy, two handed spear, with a wide, black blade. The shaft was covered in leather in the lower part for sturdy hold, while leaving the red wood of the rest unwrapped for easy change of grip.
"She's a beauty, if i might say so myself! And now, she is yours. Take good care of her, and she will take care of you."
Partitio whistled as he examined the weapon. It was definitely something else. His merchant's eye for quality told him that much for free. "Hooey! You'd better believe I'll treat this fine lady with respect." He lifted up the spear and turned, giving it a few testing swings and jabs... Carefully, of course, so as to not risk damaging anything.
It was then that Partitio got an idea. "Say... How'd ya feel about goin' a round or two to help us get acquainted?" And by 'us,' Partitio meant himself and his new spear. A good practice bout would definitely help him get a feel for the new weapon before he wound up needing it in a real fight.
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peacedomain · 3 months
✧  @steel-and-fire
for  this  small  starter  call.
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 ❝  need  a  place  to  hide,  but  i  can't  find  one  near...  ❞ 
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green-x-reaper · 14 days
"Hey, Dee, wanna grab some food with me? Or well, whatever you like to eat. I'm sure we will figure something out.", the dragonborn grinned and took her hand, softly hoping to persuade her.
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Goddamn it. Her favorite dragon friend was inviting her out to eat but the reaper herself cannot eat anything but souls themselves. Deep breaths. She can tell him no. Just look into his eyes and say it.
"Yeah, sure." Yeah, no. It was nearly impossible to say no when he looked at her like that. He's just so sweet. Plus, she'd like hanging around him so she'll just have to find a way around the eating part.
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reapersxchambers · 5 months
-biting or sucking?
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"Oh, darling, don't torment me like that. I love both of those respectfully. Biting is so fun when you can bite hard enough to mark your partners anywhere on their body, primal urges, things quickly heating up in the bedroom~ And licking. Tasting your partners, teasing them, watching their faces react when your tongue just hits that luxurious spot. . . I can't possibly choose between my favorite things!" Dead sighed disappointingly. "But I suppose I'll choose biting."
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fragmented-desire · 3 months
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Vyre's most erogenous zone is a mixture of a few things, and I'm an indecisive dumb, so you get all three. ◔ω◔
Besides the bewbs and you-know-whatsit-down-below, it's the neck! Inner thighs are pretty sensitive, and... specific as it is, the small of her back to the base of the tail. (Vyre'll tell you that she haaaates her tail being touched for the reason that it's really sensitive.)
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dalishborne · 3 months
🕒what’s the longest time they went without engaging in sexual activity with a partner? [masturbation doesn’t count]
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
Sinday Headcanons || Accepting!
🕒what’s the longest time they went without engaging in sexual activity with a partner? [masturbation doesn’t count]
Answered here! :)
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
I think she'd have multiple "prominent" ones (besides the clit and whatnot), mostly her nipples, inner thighs, lower back and her scalp. She's likely had/will have partners who assume(d) that because she's an elf, her ears must be sensitive in that way, but it doesn't do too much for her.
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seekslight-arch · 3 months
♡ uvu
@steel-and-fire  ✧.*  send  ♡  to  see  what  my  muse  thinks  of  yours.
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●●●○○  |  attraction ●●●○○  |  affection ●●●○○  |  interest ●●●●○  |  loyalty ●●●●○  |  trust
her  beloved  knight  &&.  trusted  guard...  i  often  think  of  how  they  march  through  the  city  as  luxanna  runs  errands  and  gets  to  chatter  to  fen  about  anything  &&.  everything  and  catches  herself  talking  too  much  about  the  details  of  her  work  and  says  something  like  sorry,  you're  probably  not  interested  in  that  at  all  and  fen  gives  her  that  charming  smile  and  assures  he's  going  to  listen  because.  LOYALTY.  and  devotion  and  AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhhh  i  can't......  and  she  can  tell  him  abt  her  struggles.  and  have  a  trusted  person  by  her  side.  sob
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tribus-semitae · 4 months
👁‍🗨 c:
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"A fine snack he is~" she gives a small wink followed by a bite on her lower lip.
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stcrmborne · 7 months
Starter for @steel-and-fire “Say that again, I dare you!” It wasn’t the threat of a confrontation that first drew Rhaya’s attention as she stepped out of the tavern – after all, in the small seaside port with scarce guard presence and a propensity to attract less than savory crowds, scuffles seemed to break out in the streets on a fairly routine basis – It was the fact that she distinctly recognized the voice behind those shouted words. A short distance away stood one lone figure facing three others, all postured in a notably standoffish manner. What was worse, the solo figure who had shouted was someone Rhaya recognized as a newer member of the crew. Great. Hopefully glancing around to see if any of the other Drunken Calamity officers were within eyesight and finding none, the druid loosed a deep sigh, straightened her shoulders, and strode towards them. “Jeremiah,” she greeted with a curt nod as she came up to stand beside the new recruit, arms folded. “What’s the issue here?” To his credit Jeremiah had the good sense to flinch slightly upon glancing over, while the three men in turn snapped their gazes towards her, each reflecting the same exact look: Surprise, followed by the faintest glimmer of recognition, and tailed finally by a sneering disinterest. They likely recognized her as a pirate of some sort, but with her small stature and soft features, it was easy enough to write her off as a cabingirl or deckhand. “They were runnin’ their mouths about my hometown,” Jeremiah explained, his tone accusatory. She only then realized he was clutching a dagger in his hand, as was one of the men across from them. Another rested a hand against what she assumed was the pommel of a sword at his waist. “Everyone knows Hell's Harbor breeds nothing but trash and corruption, it's in the name,” the lead male fired back across from them, jabbing a finger. While he didn’t pull his gaze away from Jeremiah, his next words were for her. “Why don’t ya' move along, little lady? This doesn’t involve you.” “Anything that involves my crew involves me, unfortunately,” she asserted, the last word mumbled more for her own benefit than his. “Oh?” She was pleased to hear some genuine surprise in his voice and he deigned to glance at her properly, scowling. “Maybe you should have a talk with your captain, then. Doubt he knows he’s got a demon-fucker working for him. Hope you don’t got any tieflings on board–” That was about as far as he got before Jeremiah lunged forward and swung at him with a yell. Rhaya felt equal parts frustration and satisfaction as she watched him land a solid hit across the stranger’s jaw before the notably larger male bodied him to the ground, assisted by one of his lackeys. The third, surprisingly, barreled past them and took a swing at her with a small dagger. "Shit--!" Stumbling back, she dodged the wild swipe, the air crackling with energy as she suppressed the urge to loose the reflexive spell that pinpricked up her arms. Gods damnit, she was not sober enough for this.
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piltover-sharpshooter · 5 months
what are some more situational or contextual turn-ons?
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"The most contextual turn-on would be violence or extreme roughness. It has to be something that both parties agreed to beforehand they are fine with, and that there are proper precautions taken. Safewords, places where it's alright to enact violence upon, where not, etc."
She thinks for a moment.
"There's also the post-raid high, whenever I survive a particularly dangerous mission and the adrenaline for said survival is through the roof, and I need to eat, drink, or sleep with someone after. Probably all three"
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llixulia · 2 months
✏️ + Eive and anyone else you want xd
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demacianhcart · 5 months
"What if they kissed?" -Let me indulge
@steel-and-fire Send "What if they kissed?" and I'll write a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren't shipped together. it is it's own thing and doesn't have to lead to an official ship. a "what if scenario"
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They had gone through a couple adventures since they had met and were, now, camping at a day's distance of the headquarters of the Dragon Guard. Shyvana had convinced him to at least come take a look on how they had their special armor done, maybe he could learn a thing or two about blacksmithing them.
It had been an exhaustive day and she was the that would take the first turn on night vigil. They had come across some not so friendly wild life so they were very tired, what explained how Ferenir had fallen asleep almost immediately after settling in for the night.
She had been watching him, catching herself fancing his company more than others, what was a somewhat new feeling for her. She didn't know what it meant, exactly, even if she had some idea of what it could be. But she wasn´t about to say anything to him, not yet. The dragon needed to understand what it was and how to deal with it.
And it could be totally pointless as the other might not even have the same feelings. She was almost sure that no, she was, after all, his hero even if that was not something she was completely used to yet. Still, she saw there a small opportunity. What if...?
Ana moved slowly, as to not awake him, and approached Ferenir with a soft gaze on her eyes before leaning in and gently stealing a kiss from him.
And then, as quick as she had come she had gone, sitting by the edge of the camp.
"Goodnight." She whispered, hoping he hadn't woken up and wouldn't know of any of this.
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pure-patissiere · 6 months
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
Character Building Questions
- She is very guarded surprisingly . She will show the emotions others are more comfortable seeing ; her genuine compassion and care for those around her being most prominent . However , she doesn’t like others seeing how broken she actually is . It’s not good for business ! She’ll keep to herself when she feels down or upset , and she’ll get her act together as best she can before someone can see her in such a state . It takes a lot of time and work to get her to trust someone to be that vulnerable with .
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green-x-reaper · 2 months
"Hey Dead! It has been a while.", the dragonblooded warrior waved at her with a smile, walking closer.. He hadn't seen her for long, and he was quite happy to meet her again.
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Dead's wings flapped when the warrior approached her. It has been so long since she last seen him. Sensing that warm aura around him gave the reaper a bit of chills. "My darling dragon! How are you?" Once he got close, the reaper stretched out her arms and hugged the gigantic figure. "Good to see that you are still in one piece! Have you gotten taller or have I shrunken a bit?"
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