steebrogurz · 3 years
My favourite genre of movie is 'vapid girly teen flicks from the 90's and early 00's that actually have important feminist and socially conscious messages'.
Some examples;
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Don't be afraid to break the pointless and sexist rules society has imposed upon you, especially if they stand between you and your dreams.
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Learn to recognise your self worth beyond the trappings of success.
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Recognising and working to correct your white privilege, is not only the right thing to do morally, but will also lead to a more diverse and exciting playing field.
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You absolutely do not have to sacrifice your femininity or sense of self in order to make your way in a traditionally masculine field.
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steebrogurz · 3 years
I know we all know that toph loves to cuss, but I just realized
She had an extremely sheltered upbringing, then when she snuck out to fight, she went to the Earth Kingdom version of WWE, which, if it’s like real world WWE, is family entertainment, and she never spent time backstage, she came she fought she left
I don’t think Toph knows any swear words
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steebrogurz · 3 years
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Hello I’ve been gone for a while, anyway this is my Disney’s Beauty and the Beast OC, his name is Chopin, I will not be taking questions at this time.
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steebrogurz · 3 years
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Lainey Molnar
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steebrogurz · 3 years
watching spiderverse makes me never wanna see another live action movie ever again like. why did we ever start making comic books into live action movies?? make it animated to explore the art form instead of trying to make it hyper realistic you fucking cowards
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steebrogurz · 3 years
Your comments on AO3 are more powerful than you know.
A comment on a fic more than once gave me the idea or inspiration I needed to add another part to that fic. It helped me to produce even more of the content that the reader who left it enjoyed so much.
A comment on an older fic reminded me that my fics don’t get lost 24 or 48 hours after posting. True, that’s when most fics get the majority of their hits, kudos and comments, so a writer sometimes feels like if a fic hasn’t done well in that time frame, it’s as good as gone. But some people discover and love such fics later on and that’s incredible.
A comment once stopped me from deleting my AO3 account. For reasons, I was feeling really low, like I had no talent and nothing to offer. Like everything I was posting was banal and worthless. And as my finger was hovering over the ‘delete account’ button, a mail notification let me know that someone left a comment on one of my fics. I went to read it and it was absolutely lovely. And it complimented not just that fic, but my writing overall. It helped me get through a rough moment.
Your comments can mean so much more than you know. You have more capacity to do good and help content creation in the fandom, that you and others enjoy, than you realize.
So this is my little note, as an author, to say THANK YOU to all the people who take the time to leave a comment on AO3 or send an ask on Tumblr or write kind words in the tags of a reblog. It all means so very much! <33333
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steebrogurz · 3 years
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Avatar: The Last Airbender 1.05 | The King of Omashu
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steebrogurz · 3 years
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i wish i had this man’s “dick out no pants” approach to his work
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steebrogurz · 3 years
Dean’s hand sits on the Impala’s seat between them, palm up and fingers curled. The fingers flex, slowly and unconsciously, as if they want something to hold.
They do want something to hold. Castiel can feel it. He always feels it. Dean’s longing is the background noise to Castiel’s existence, always there, always on the edge of his perception. 
The first time Castiel feels the pull of Dean’s longing, Castiel tries to follow it. He steps in close to Dean, leans into him, stares into his eyes, and tries to see into his mind. 
That is how Castiel learns about personal space.
The longing, however, never stops. It is a constant prayer, a continuous plea, emanating from Dean. Castiel, at first, only feels it when he is near. Now, however, it becomes stronger the farther he goes and more muted when he returns. 
Castiel inches his hand closer and closer to Dean, listening to the sound of his soul. Dean’s eyes are on the road but, the more Castiel leans in, the louder his heart sings. 
When Castiel takes Dean’s hand, the song reaches a joyful crescendo. Dean finds the spaces in between Castiel’s fingers, fills them, and squeezes. 
It is not enough. Castiel takes his other hand and places it on the back of Dean’s neck. His thumb rubs circles over the spot just below Dean’s ear. Dean gasps. Before Castiel can pull away, Dean leans into the touch. 
“Stay,” Dean whispers.
The longing still sounds; the song still sings. Castiel slides across the seat and presses against Dean’s side. He rearranges them until Dean’s arm wraps around Castiel’s waist and rests their joined hands on his thigh. Castiel lays his head on Dean’s shoulder, his other hand running through Dean’s hair.  
They stay like that for the rest of the drive. When Dean parks the Impala in the bunker’s garage and turns off the engine, he does not move.
“Dean?” Castiel asks, concerned.
Dean shakes his head. He grips Castiel by the shoulder with his free hand, holds him close. 
“Stay,” Dean whispers against Castiel’s hair.
The longing surges. The prayer, before wordless, is now loud and clear.
“Of course,” Castiel replies. “Always.”
The longing bursts. The song quiets. 
Dean kisses the crown of Castiel’s head and releases a long-held breath. 
The prayer remains but it is reborn. It is something soft, something sweet, something solid. Castiel hears the words.
I love you.
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steebrogurz · 3 years
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Maps of The Gaang’s Travels throughout the series. 
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steebrogurz · 3 years
anyway here are some MCU Facts™️:
- t’challa does not like tony stank. neither does shuri. in fact im sure after the shit he pulled in AoU and CW all of wakanda hate his lily white ass and have every single right to hate him
- steve was fully in his right to tell tony to fuck off and save his friend who was being falsely accused of crimes he did not commit or was brainwashed into doing. bucky is innocent no matter what twisting of canon yall want to do
- the accords are legally wrong and tony broke them literally fifteen minutes after signing them anyway so hes a hypocrite in one of many regards
- stop trying to force tony into every single goddamn movie. steve and natasha would have no reason to check up on him in cap 2. literally why wpuld thor care in any of his three movies. tony shouldn’t have been in cap 3, he shouldn’t have been in homecoming, he shouldn’t be in any movie beyond his own and the avengers movies.
- the guardians would not and probably wont like him. i personally hope gamora kick him in the head at some point.
- stop throwing around “rape” to demonize steve or wanda. steve beating tony up or wanda showing tony a ~bad image~ isnt rape. yall are literally removing the context of a horrible crime to make tony be a victim which he very much is not
- shuri is 100% smarter than tony. i know you people just HATE the idea that a young black girl would be smarter than your white fave but she is. she’s also selfless and cares for others without being a complete jackass about it
- aunt may is peter’s guardian no matter what! tony kidnapping him to germany then giving him a suit with a kill option and trying to coerice him into the avengers does not make him peter’s dad! thats so blantantly rude to aunt may also it only makes it clear tony would be a shit parent anway considering he manipulated peter through hero worship and almost got him KILLED because he dragged him into a fight against trained adults who didnt know he was a 15 year old to begin with (HE MADE HIM A CHILD SOLIDER?????)
- bruce, if he was in cw, wouldn’t be on tony’s side because he wouldn’t ever let ross control him or his actions, so jot that down
- the other avengers arent “abusing” tony because they call him out on his shit. steve’s reasoning is obvious in why he hates tony. thor had every reason to choke tony for going behind his back to make dangerous AI. natasha is actually friends with steve and sam and it makes sense she’d help them out in the end. tony literally EXPOSED CLINT’S FAMILY so of course he’d be against tony?? scott has never like tony so that’s obvious. wanda lost ALL of her family to tony so she has a very real beef with him. why would sam EVER like tony after he shot him point blank for something THE VISION DID???
- t’challa, literally only DAYS after seeing his father die in front of him, figured out the truth about bucky and decided to forgive him and take him in so him and shuri could get him back to his old self. in contrast, tony, who was twenty years removed from his parents dying in a plot he didnt even see, still decided after finding out the truth that he wanted to murder bucky for a crime he did not willingly do. the directors CONFIRMED THIS. he was not “subduing” him, tony was trying to KILL HIM.
- tony in all mcu canon thus far has never faced any consequences for his actions. even after he broke the accords he pushed for he ran off into the sunset problem free while everyone else has to hide for their safety. name ONE TIME in ANY of the mcu that tony ever faced repercussions for actions? hecause i can’t find a single example
- stank is ugly and pepper deserves better
- hes a bad friend and rhody and happy deserve better
- hes a literal war mongerer who makes bank off of damage HE CREATES. stan lee purposely designed him to be a fucking asshole war enabling capitalist and yet none of you seem to care??
- tony is not PoC or progressive or “female-coded”. he’s literally designed to be a white man power fantasty who lbr here would probably vote libertarian (if at all) after shitting on the idea of universal healthcare or reduced military spending. just because he has one (1) black friend doesn’t make him a beacon of modern values.
- steve, bucky, and sam are all war veterens with bucky literally being brainwashed and both him and steve having to live during the great depression. natasha was made into a child solider and neutered against her will. clint was also brainwashed. wanda saw both her parents die, felt her brother being killed, and was experimented on til her breaking point. t’challa saw his father be killed right in front of him. bruce tried to KILL HIMSELF. and yet despite the obvious PTSD they may have, all of them still do their best to be good people and do the right thing. tony on the other hand gets excused left and right for his right on brand bullshit that has actually harmed others because of his PTSD while every other character is demonized to hell and back when they do the right thing??
- tony has a lot of fucking nerve calling wanda a “weapon of mass destruction” when he made millions (maybe even billions) off of selling actual weapons of mass destruction that has destroyed countless undocumented lives in the mcu for a good chunk of his adult life.
- fuck tony stark i cant wait til he dies
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steebrogurz · 3 years
Polyamory is safe for work. Polyamory is safe for kids. Polyamory is safe for day time tv. Polyamory isn’t more sexual than any other relationship and it can be just as romantic, sweet, and healthy.
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steebrogurz · 3 years
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Time to put the past behind us.
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steebrogurz · 3 years
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steebrogurz · 3 years
I just want to pin a pretty boy to the ground is that too much to ask
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steebrogurz · 3 years
megamind is one of the greatest animated films of the 21st century, one of the funniest films of all time, one of the greatest superhero movies and satires ever made, and was a gift from god in heaven unto humanity, and all current events are just punishment for us failing to appreciate god’s gift back in 2010
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steebrogurz · 3 years
Dreamworks movies that need sequels: Megamind and Rise of the Guardians.
Dreamworks movies that are getting sequels: Boss Baby and Shrek.
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