steelstones · 8 years
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Guess who forgot that deadline week was the week I actually brought this loser back to rtrp.  If you’d like a starter please like, capping at 3 (not including soar who has already claimed one)
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steelstones · 9 years
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steelstones · 9 years
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;When will Tetsu, Ali, and Cel senpais notice me? 
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steelstones · 9 years
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Pokemon XY: The Strongest Mega Evolution - Act III Alan & Champion Steven Stone
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steelstones · 9 years
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Steven Stone ・ ツワブキ   ダイゴ ・Daigo Tsuwabuki
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steelstones · 9 years
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;;glares at boxes that need to be packed and the cat inside of it.           - my apologies on Steven and Wallace being a little MIA recently. I’ve been preparing to move back to Cardiff and it’s slipped my mind in places. I’m afraid I’ll be gone a wee while longer too, so if this is the last you see of me for a while, don’t worry I’ll probably be back.
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steelstones · 9 years
While everyone’s lost, the battle is won With all these things that I’ve done.
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steelstones · 9 years
Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs
I could literally listen to this all day everyday
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steelstones · 9 years
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“Speaking from experience?”
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“As a previous stone cold lesbian, yes.” He laughed. “I meant, you could be a wanted criminal in 50 different countries. Being ... well. I don’t really know where I am going with this and it would be wrong to make assumptions.”
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steelstones · 9 years
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“There are worse things you could be.”
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“Why am I the stone cold lesbian?”
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steelstones · 9 years
Jotaro hugs Steven.
He freezes for a moment, before smiling.
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“Thank you, although I don’t understand what this is for. Heh.” He laughed, slightly broken, hidden by a faux happiness that he knew from experience no one would see through.
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steelstones · 9 years
long hard nights / open
Falling. He fell backwards. Not from a height, at least, not a literal one. He fell backwards onto the hard unwelcoming mattress of a bed that was far too large to be anything but lonely. He glanced to the window, staring at the stars that twinkled brightly over the city scape and for a moment, STEVEN wondered how they could shine so brightly when the world was so cruel and unfair. How could they light the way for travellers but not tell them that the road ahead of them is cold and rocky.
The road hurts. It’s full of poor choices and regret. He had so much hope when he had first come to Brieve and discovered that the myth of the red thread that tied you to another person was highly believed by the people who resided there. He had prayed that perhaps he would see his best friend again and the two of them would have been connected after all. Considering their close childhood together STEVEN was more than upset to find that wasn’t the case.
It wasn’t that <ALIBABA> was even a bad person. From the little he knew about the blonde haired boy he seemed to mind his own business. He didn’t seem to get in trouble and there didn’t seem to be any connection between the two of them. It was nothing but a platonic connection binding them for the rest of their lives. Perhaps that was why STEVEN felt regret.
He felt regret for the actions he did, a sticky residue quickly drying on his skin, something a wet wipe or a damp towel would soon fix. He regretted that he hadn’t once thought of the man whom he was connected to, but rather glimpses of other people. There was never enough to ever put that person together. It would be the faint colour of someone’s eyes, or a slight accented voice, of the smooth skin of their hands that STEVEN would think about in these times. Yet once he was relieved, the feeling of guilt would slam into his stomach, almost winding him before he even had the chance to bask in the afterglow.
Not caring for the mess, he turned away from the window and glanced at the phone that had softly buzzed earlier. He didn’t care for talking to anyone and he doubted that anyone cared for him to talk more than ask for some advice on geology, or if they knew when the deadline for the essay was. He pushed the phone under his pillow, and drew his hand to his face.
That was when the sobs came. Thick and heavy, nothing stopping the tears from running down his face and into his mouth. He couldn’t breathe. The weight in his chest pushed against his ribcage, against his lungs stopping him from doing even the most basic of human functions. Loud pained wails escaped his throat, and to stop them he moved his hand from his tear filled eyes to his mouth, gently shoving his fist into his mouth to stop him from making as much noise.
He wanted everything to stop. The guilt. The pain. The nightmares he wouldn’t dare talk about. He wanted to feeling something other than numb and bitter. STEVEN wanted to feel life’s warmth and be able to smile without wondering how long it would be before he got to do the same thing again. He wanted to feel cared about.
That was when he heard the soft beep of a dial tone. STEVEN’s attention snapped to the phone that was put under the pillow previously only to notice a call was made to one of his phone contacts for the past 45 minutes that he had spent sobbing into his fist. 
Fear struck him. No one could know that STEVEN STONE was really this broken. He wasn’t some shiny rock that deserved to be worn on your finger with pride. He was a dirt covered pebble, and now someone was going to see that.
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steelstones · 9 years
Sophie stalks the man from behind. She hums the melody of Jurassic Park into his ear.
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“Is this going to become a mating call for you?” STEVEN was rather tired of these games she seemed to be playing today.
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steelstones · 9 years
"So, when you're saying little one, what are you referring to?"
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“Your small bust size, clearly.”
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steelstones · 9 years
Don’t let go I’ve wanted this far too long Mistakes become regrets Please show me what I’m looking for
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steelstones · 9 years
Steven quick, hand over your card. I need to buy some Rubies.
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“Rubies?” STEVEN stared in disbelief. He hadn’t thought that would even want to get into rock collecting. He pulled the card out of his pocket and began to give his details over.
“Okay, the number is -” 
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“Steven no! It’s a trap!” Well fuck you too Wallace…
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steelstones · 9 years
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“What do you mean any intention of not offending me?” Hostility lingers in her tone as she glares up at the strange of silvery intentions that could easily melt into malicious content. Even as she rubs her hands into the folds her dress, oft moose and soft eyes ignites a flicker of resilience and loathing as her mind concludes without any further hypothesizing. ‘As if I can believe that. Don’t play me a fool.’
The hatter, however, remains with her head bowed as she awkwardly steps away from the stranger.
‘…His hair…’ The hatter pauses and adamantly draws at the ground and draws her lips inot her mouth. She squeezes her eyes shut and takes a deep breath. She might as well humor the man as long as she can. Then again, she shouldn’t already be this trusting towards strangers.
“..You may say. However, I wish for you to state your business and why my hair has drawn your attention, quietly.”
“Exactly that. It’s not in my nature to purposely insult someone... I was not trying to make you feel uncomfortable or attacked in the slightest, but I see that is the case here, and I apologise, again. It really wasn’t any of my intention.” STEVEN sighed, and looked down at his feet, clearly this conversation was not going he way that he had intended. He glanced up at the question, noticing that she seemed more uncomfortable than his last glance in her direction. 
“My business? Surely you don’t mean my father’s?” There was no way that this woman before him would know about Devon, unless there had been more news stories in the papers about their use of infinite energy and the awful rumours. He didn’t really feel like getting into the details of the comapny he was deemed heir too, and he wasn’t about to tell it to a stranger at that. 
“Well, it is unusual to see another person with silver locks, and it intrigued me. That was merely it. I thought it would be a good idea to... well I don’t know. I don’t exactly have that many acquaintances in this city, and I thought it would be a good topic to talk about in the hopes of gaining one.
“I understand that it was entirely selfish of me, and I apologise, I didn’t realise it was such a sensitive topic for you.” He felt awful about it. He had just wanted to make a friend and even he fucked that up. Well, you win some and you lose some STEVEN.
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silver haired dreamboat // steven + sophie
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