stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“Worried about me?”
You shouldnt be out here at night. Get inside or go home.
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“You seemed to spark my interest.”
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“Of all the open seats, you chose here? Interesting.”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“I don’t know, i’m bored.” 
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“Then, what are you still doing here?”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
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“Vanity, stop wasting my time. Clothes, off, now.”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“Well, in all honesty, he isn’t hers anymore though is he?” she smirked and then laughed, squeezing her arm slightly. “Amazing, maybe I should meet up with him sometime.” she teased. “Good, because despite his annoying ways, he’s the best.” 
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“Oh hush.” Nixie laughed, nudging against her slightly. “Yeah.. Ana’s Sawyer.” Nixie paused, making a face before shrugging slightly. “Eh, she’s done it to me before. And, I mean.. He was amazing. Besides, I am over Randolph, just not over making his life a living hell.” She grinned, blushing slightly. “Oh come on, Stella. I love Dexter more than anyone, I would never intentionally hurt him.”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“I miss just being in my home and not having to deal with people I don’t want to see.”
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“I’ve missed sleeping in my bed. It’ll be heaven getting to sleep in it again.”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“Awww, do I need to kiss you better?”
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“My heart.” Heath held a hand over his chest. “The ache.”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“Exactly. I really want some food, can you get me some food?”
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“No, yeah… free country.”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“Will you punish me for being a naughty girl?”
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“I guess I’ll just have to give you a detention if you keep having fun”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“No one, I just got a strange look.”
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Nah, who’s stopping you? I certainly wouldn’t.
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
She pulled the book in front of her, flipping through the pages to find their section. “Oh please Potter, my handwriting is certainly better, I just don’t want to write when I can get you to write.” 
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“Fine,” James huffed, pulling the parchment towards him. “I can guarantee that my handwriting is so much more impressive than yours anyway.”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“That doesn’t make it the best Mads...that’s just them tricking you into thinking that.” 
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“No. But this one is really good. They have a sign that says ‘Best ice-cream place in London.’”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
She grinned at the shorter girl “You’re so short.” so teased. “Sawyer? As in Sawyer Burwell? As in Ana’s Sawyer? Well...I guess he’s not anymore but you know what I mean. Good for you.” she laughed “Was it good? Oh sweetheart you just need to move on from Randolph.” She smiled at Dexter’s name. “If you hurt Dexter, I swear I might have to hurt you slightly.”
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“I thought you might.” Nixie giggled, linking her arm with Stella’s. “Well, I don’t honestly know. I definitely did too much with Sawyer, Randolph simply makes me angry and well, Dexter.. I don’t want to hurt him but, I like to believe I won’t. What about you? Find someone suitable yet?”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“Well luckily for you I don’t follow the rules so I’m going to smile all i want.”
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“Nope, no fun allowed”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“Sleeping in my own bed is going to be the most amazing thing.”
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“I can not wait to go home and sleep in my own bed. And not to mention sleep in everyday too.”
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stella-vanity-blog · 9 years
“Fine. We’ll talk if you’re that desperate to actually be a ‘team.’” she said and crossed her arms across his chest. “You’ll be the one writing though.”
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Shaking his head in protest, James pushed the book back towards her again. “Not a chance,” He argued, eyeing the object scornfully. “What’s the point in taking notes? We’ll have to write it out in full again anyway, so unless you’re planning on doing that yourself, we write it straight.”
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