stellahex · 5 months
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Your voice in the night by Dioknarf [instagram] [twitter]
♡ reprint permission was granted by the artist.
Sayaka & Kyoko set
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stellahex · 2 years
As a quick continuation of my previous post about Xavier… One thing I was really surprised about was how the scene with him interacting with Wednesday, in the infirmary, episode 1, and the recall of their childhood encounter… just got dropped. 
For the rest of the show, it feels as if this didn’t happen. He could have just been a random guy. For example the hinted connection between him and the Addams family through his godmother just… disappears. And he casually mentions that he looked very different back then… only for this to also just never be brought up again, making it feel like just “Oh, that’s the typical “used to be ugly but now is handsome” cliche from so many YA romance stories… They could have used that, crafted that a bit. This is the Addams Family for Pete’s sake! 
If his godmother was such a great friend of Grandma Addams, and if the Addams and Thorpe family met during their funeral, we could have explored him interacting with other family members during their visits… And for the whole “I used to be shorter and fatter” stuff there is one so obvious way to make it fit the Addams aesthetic. Remember, it is topsy-turvy world. So instead of framing it as “I was an awkward looking kid, but now I’m a handsome guy”, it should have been the reverse. As a short obese kid he definitively would have been more “handsome” to the Addams ; and showing him becoming tall, thin, more conventional through puberty could have been played as him becoming an “awkward-looking teen”. Remember : just in the 60s sitcom, every time a man is praised by the Addams for his good charm he is described as having things such as buck teeth, receeding chin, three eyes… And in the first 90s movie it is FESTER who is the handsomer of the two brothers, by everyone’s agreement. 
I can’t stress how much potential there was packed in the first episode that slowly got drained… I won’t say everything they did with the character was bad - the whole “monster reaching out of the painting” to attack him was very nice, and it played so well in the aesthetic of the “tormented artist” to have him beeing attacked by his work. But let’s be honest: it could have been done better…
But I guess this is why sometimes fan-work exist: we’re here to explore the roads people create and don’t even think of walking on X)
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stellahex · 3 years
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stellahex · 3 years
“You never realize how much someone means to you, until you mean nothing to them.”
— William Chapaman
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stellahex · 3 years
“An illusion shared by everyone becomes a reality.”
— Erich Fromm
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stellahex · 3 years
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Let’s make some new memories together, okay?
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stellahex · 3 years
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stellahex · 3 years
So I went to the Josh Fight
a summary:
- Two Josh Swains were in attendance. OG Josh, hailing from Arizona
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- And Nebraska’s own Josh Swain, from Omaha.
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(feat. An Audio Engineer doing THE MOST for that sound quality)
-All the local news stations were there
- The majority of attendees were from out of state
- The two Josh Swains battled for supremacy by Rock Paper Scissors duel.
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- The victor? Josh Swain, from Arizona. A crushing defeat for Josh Swain, who despite having none of Josh Swain’s newfound Twitter Clout, DID have the home team advantage, as well as a Great Look.
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- Following the Josh Swain Duel and coronation of the One True Josh Swain, there was an All-Josh pool noodle battle royale
- A brief list of notable Josh Variants I saw in this battle:
Josh Swain (Prime)
Josh Swain (Secondary)
Medieval Josh (full chain mail armor)
Spider Josh (x2)
“Josh Wick” (had pool noodles mounted to two electric drills for spin-attack capabilities)
Furry Josh (A Josh in a fursuit)
Big Josh (A large man with the words “Big Josh” painted on his bare torso, and “Dad Bod” painted on his back. Armed with pool noodle wolverine claws)
Little Josh (A small boy of about 5 years old)
Luchador Josh
Roman Centurion Josh
The rules were simple. Enter the ring and fight honorably (no headshots, no hits below the belt.) If you are hit with a pool noodle, you are dead, having fallen in glorious battle. The last Josh standing would be the winner.
The battle lasted a little over sixty seconds in total. The final victor was….
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The crowd was going wild. The chanting for Little Josh was deafening. Truly there could have been no better outcome.
pool noodle combat was then opened to the general public, for fun rather than glory.
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As for Josh Prime, he was like a very cool dude! As of last reporting, he raised $6600 dollars for the Children’s Hospital and a truckload of nonperishables for the local food bank alongside the other Josh Fight attendees! He offered masks to any maskless people he met, and did his best to keep things as safe and socially distanced as he could, despite the ungodly amount of people who showed up to this random fucking field outside of Lincoln, Nebraska.
(Also for the Nebraskans: Yes he tried a Runza, and yes he says he enjoyed it.)
So anyway. Shoutout to the one and only Josh Swain.
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stellahex · 4 years
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stellahex · 4 years
“Can I talk a bit more?”
The absolute ROMANCE of that question, the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, the sheer DEVOTION. That scene was a mutual love confession and you cannot change my mind.
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stellahex · 4 years
“My life is a struggle between my need for acceptance, my fear of rejection, and a desire to not care at all.”
— Unkown
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stellahex · 4 years
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stellahex · 4 years
i just wanted to doodle them ): they deserve the world
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stellahex · 4 years
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stellahex · 4 years
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“studio ghibli romances be like “what if we didn’t kiss, but instead both spiritually matured as people because we met each other.”
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stellahex · 4 years
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Throughout my gameplay (good ending route), everytime Sunny woke up, I decided to listen to mother’s message. One of the messages was to check the clothes Sunny wanted to throw away, or something like that, and I believe I had read that it was downstairs. At first I had thought it was the room Sunny refused to enter, but when he finally accepted to go in there (the piano room), it didn’t look like it was the room that mother had mentioned.
I also had the same question about the toy box. Where was it?
So finally going through the whole path that would lead to the final battle, I got to see the house as it was, when Mari was there. And it had a door I hadn’t seen before (I believe that before, Sunny would make the remark that there was nothing there, a remark that you won’t find anywhere else or won’t find necessary if indeed there is nothing there). So this would hint to Sunny’s denial to face reality, because this room had the toy box where the secret from the past was hidden.
When I decided not to save Basil, while staying in his house, he died. Then I had the choice to look inside his room, or to simply go home.
If I decide to look, Sunny sees a dead Basil with “something” around him. If I try to look again, the door disappears, just like the door in Sunny’s house. And a message saying “there is nothing here” shows again, when I try to interact with the place where the door is. Sunny decided to hide/forget Basil’s death.
What’s also interesting is that, returning home, I could see the door, for the first time in the real world (not the world from the past as I had seen in the good ending), but Sunny still refuses to see it. The player sees it, but Sunny “doesn’t”. And that’s the picture I put here. Because when I first heard mother’s message, I felt it was weird I couldn’t find the place I thought she had mentioned (even if Sunny doesn’t want to make the chores). I thought it was weird Sunny would say that message if nothing was indeed there, but seeing the good ending, I had thought they had simply covered it because of Mari’s death (as for example, they had removed her bed from his bedroom).
For a moment I had thought I had mixed everything, but no. I was just seeing through Sunny’s eyes, and Sunny had blocked almost everything related to Mari (which also explaind the reluctance to go to the treehouse and to see enter the piano room).
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stellahex · 4 years
Kel and Hero are probably the only members of the gang who came out fairly well-adjusted in spite of everything because they were the only kids whose parents were consistently there for them.
Jesus Christ, Basil’s parents! Where the fuck were you?! Sunny’s parents I can sort of understand, because they’d had to go through suddenly losing their daughter, and an event like that can fuck up even the happiest, most functional family really badly. But Basil’s parents just suck.
And Aubrey? She basically had to raise herself after her dad left and her mom slipped into catatonic depression. Judging by the fact that Aubrey as a kid spent most of her time at her friends’ houses, they probably weren’t doing great even before the divorce. Mari was probably the closest thing she had emotionally to a real parent. No wonder she fell apart when Mari died and went absolutely feral afterwards.
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