It has been very exciting last few weeks in the history of Advancells and that is why I could not write this earlier. After months of hard work and elaborate planning, we finally threw open the state-of-the-art facility in Noida, India. I will share some pictures with you all very shortly.
Another thing which kept up busy was the visit from Dr. Cornelis Kleinbloesem, Founder and CEO of Cells4Health GMBH and our technology partner. In his own words, he has not seen many labs in the world as good as the new one that we have put together.
While he was here, we met close to 50 patients who are willing to get stem cell therapy done. The patients ranged from Muscular Dystrophy, to Cerebral Palsy to diabetes etc. Meeting and understanding the sufferings of patients from all walks of life really puts things into perspective for you. Suddenly you start seeing the purpose of why you are in this line of work very clearly. You wish to help all of them and eradicate their sufferings, but soon you realize that no matter you have a ‘game changing’ therapy in your hand, you still can’t fight nature. Few patients were disqualified as potential clients as their disease had progressed beyond the benchmark levels. Few were not convinced as to the progress they hoped to achieve from the treatment and wanted much more and a few could simply not afford it.
We did a few cases though and now eagerly look forward to the results that will come out. Hopefully there will be miracles, at least I am keeping my fingers crossed.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Autism
What is autism?
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are neurodevelopmental disorders because of their multifactorial nature. Autism is the most prevalent ASD. According to Statista –The Statistic portal, the U.S. was estimated to have the highest rate of autism with approximately 168 children per 10,000 with the disorder. Autism is characterized by two core symptoms: The first one has marked abnormalities in social interaction, impaired verbal and nonverbal communication, and the second situation is repetitive obsessive behaviour. Apart from core symptoms, autism is also triggered by associated symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, aggression, compulsions, mood lability, gastrointestinal issues, depression, and sleep disorders. Two common consistent findings are associated in children with this disorder are diminished oxygenation in specific areas of the brain and a chronic immunologically mediated inflammatory condition in the gut.
Autism treatment requires Variable and multimodal approach although no clear golden standard approach exists. Conventional treatment strategies use behavioral, nutritional and medical approaches. Unfortunately, none of these approaches address the root causes of oxygen deprivation and intestinal inflammation.
Can Stem cell therapies cure autism? If yes, what is the success rate of treatment?
Stem cell therapy has shown great potential for treating ASDs. Fatal stem cells, Mesenchymal stem cells, neural stem cells, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid-derived stem cells and Induced pluripotent stem cells can be used for the treatment of autism. The combination of CD34+ and mesenchymal stem cells has shown to induce synergistic effects in neurological disorders. Various medical reports suggest that after stem cell therapy patients have shown improvements in eye coordination, writing, balancing, cognition, and speech and showed reduced hypersensitivity to noises and smells. The redesign of brain architecture, generated from reprogrammed somatic cells isolated from living patients, reverses or ameliorates the symptoms of the disorder.
Stem cell therapy with a success rate of 90%-92% is considered as one of the most powerful treatment methods for autism. In conclusion, stem cell therapy may be a safe and effective treatment for autism patients.
How much does stem cell therapy cost for autism?
As Autism treatment requires Variable and multimodal approach the cost of therapy depends upon various medical factors like the type of stem cell treatment, number of cells, type of stem cell, hospital stay etc. The average cost in European countries cost approx. $45,000- $50,000. American clinics charge approximately $15,000 - $35,000. According to a Twitter poll by Bio Informant, the cost can be even higher. However, in India the average cost of stem cell therapy can range from $6,000- $8,000. Stem cell therapy in India is significantly economical and hence many patients from all over the world now prefer India for getting stem cell treatment. However, Final cost for treatment depends upon patients severity, hospitalization facility availed, number of stem cells, type of stem cell etc. Countries whose regulatory policies allow stem cell expansion include Mexico, the Cayman Islands, the Bahama Islands, and India, and others.
 How many days hospitalization required?
For stem cell treatment minimum 5 days hospitalization is needed which involves a physical examination and blood testing on Day 1, followed by intravenous infusions of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on Days 2-5. Stem cell transplant is one-time procedure.
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How Stem cells can be use for anti aging?
Anti aging is a complex process has different signs in individuals it needs to be addressed individually. Majority of problem related to aging starts skin wrinkles, skin dullness, loosing elasticity of skin, and change in complexion. Some of the major sources that lead to skin aging include UV damage, environmental insults, inflammation, and an increase in reactive oxidative species in comparison to antioxidant load.
There are many other methods available for anti aging treatment such as anti-aging creams, Facial fillers, Plastic surgery etc. Each of listed treatments has some drawbacks associated with it and also it last only about six months to one year. Unlike plastic surgery that addresses surface looks alone and not the cause; stem cells replace, regrow, repair and rejuvenate on a cellular level that goes far beyond appearances. They restore more youthful levels of energy and resolve age-related damage to face, body, and organs.
 Stem cell therapies are the ultimate anti aging treatment. They are unique because they use a patient’s own stem cells and can be transplanted where they are needed. Treatments replenish the body with a fresh supply of concentrated stem cells to allow the repair and rejuvenation process in all organs, including skin. Impressive results have been seen in all age groups, regardless of gender and cultural ethnicity.
Multiple types of stem cells such as adipose-derived stem cell, mesenchymal stem cell, and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell have exhibited ability to tackle the problems associated with anti aging.
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Stem cells for treatment of PIP injury in AS patient
In most recent times transplantation strategies based on stem cells present enormous potential for repairing the damage caused to PIP joints by ankylosing Spondylitis. In stem cell therapy healthy stem cells are transplanted into the affected area of patient. The cell survives and they formed connections with the surrounding tissue. Mesenchymal Stem cells can be derived from the patient’s own body, avoiding potential immunological problems. After stem cell therapy patients have observed decrease in pain level on average of 2.9. No adverse side effects have reported in stem cell transplant.
Cost of Stem cell therapy in India is economical when compared with America and European countries. However, in India the average cost of stem cell therapy can range from $6,000- $8,000 depending on patient’s severity, number of stem cells and stem cell type.
Looking for stem cell therapy but confused whether stem cell treatment right for you? Come see the
. They will provide a comprehensive examination and after examination, they will customize treatment plan for each patients’ specific condition
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