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LEADERS IGNITE! A big citywide event (4 Tshwane congregations together) that we have twice a year. This us for all our volunteers & leaders in serving & discipleship! What a great time we spent in corporate worship! So many people that are so passionate about growing God's Kingdom! ❤️ I had the privilege of designing & branding the whole event too! Yay! And it was so cool to see my designs come to life, and create such a professional atmosphere visually for such a great cause! Woohoo Thank You Jesus!!!!!
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Aahhh my beautiful friend Anica!!! This girl is SUCH a go-getter. We lead a "LG" together.. Which is our Leaders-Groups. This means that all the girls that we meet with weekly, already have started their own connect-groups with new girls in church. At our LG, we spend time in the Word of God together, hear where everyone's at with their own Connect Groups (CG), how they are personally, do they feel like THEY'RE getting enough input spiritually etc,. Once their CG's feel 'ready' to start their own connect group with new girls, we draw them into our LG, so that they cam also have input & support when starting their own CG's:) I love seeing how God grows His Kingdom, one relationship at a time!!!
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Rize | Ruzani | Elizma When I look at these 3 girls, I see beautiful young ladies being formed & transformed by The Gospel - The POWER of God unto salvation. I see God working mightily in their lives & hearts, aligning their hearts with His. How these girls have grown, one can KNOW, is not from their own strength, but only by God's grace. WOW. So a while ago, (about 2 weeks ago..), we had a biiiiig cry-fest in my commune.. Because in our commune: I was going through a bit of a depression-dip, my one friend's dad passed away, and my other friend and her boyfriend broke up after more than 3 years. It was all very painful and there was a lot of sobbing in & around our home... In these times, the most beautiful thing to hear, was the voices of these friends of mine, singing praises to God in the mornings in their rooms, while playing guitar. Wow! Through this all, it can sometimes become quite difficult if you want to support a friend, but you're also not feeling well... And then ONE DAY, Rize, Ruzani & Elizma phoned & asked if we're at home, because they realized that we're all quite down, and they just wanted to bring us flowers & give us hugs🙊😱😭😭😭😭 HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! What's amazing, is that these are girls that my friend-group and I started discipling in our connect groups when they first joined church. And now here they come giving input & support to us! ❤️🙌🌹🌹🌹🌹 THANK YOU JESUS!!!!! You three girls are amazing, and God is SO GOOD!!! May He bless you in ABUNDANCE, & guide you in ALL of His ways!!!!!! I love each of you SO MUCH. ❤️❤️❤️
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A sneak peek of the beautiful faces we got to tell & teach about the Life of Jesus. What a privilege. More updates coming soon. #Outreach #mission #theGreatCommission #Botswana #sharingthegospel #discipleship #spiritualfamily #godisgood
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Sunday, 14 August We had an awesome time practicing for the musical worship! André & I led the team, and we had so much fun. Our team has really good relationships - we actually braai together on weekends.. Haha :) and that really makes a big difference when you serve together. At the service, the corporate time of worship was so great, and there were about 270 students! Whaaat! The biggest number of students we've had in our tiny little venue EVER! PRAISE GOD!
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So the past few weeks have been wonderfully busy and blessed. In the few following posts I’ll explain a bit about all that has happened, together with a few photos. :)  God is so so good. Through all that I’m experiencing & going through in this MiX-year He is scratching open parts of my heart, so that the old can be done away with, and that He can reveal my true identity to me - who I am IN HIM.
Thank you for your love for me, and your prayers and support so far. I’m so thankful, looking back to how much I’ve grown & learnt already. Sometimes you really can’t fully explain what has changed in your heart, but you just know that something is very different. You feel as if people who have seen you a while back struggle to understand what you’ve gone through because it has just been so profound. I’ve actually been struggling with trying to explain this change of perspective in my own heart, but realized that the Kingdom of God & the Gospel of Christ isn’t something that we’ll EVER be able to understood fully, but that we can approach with faith, going to God IN our NEW IDENTITY!
1 Corinthians 4:20 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.”
Hebrews 10:19-22 “Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”
I want to also encourage you to pray for your family and friends; God just convicted me this morning that the more I pray for the people around me, the more I’m inviting heaven to invade our earthly lives and beings. LET YOUR KINGDOM COME, LORD! And listen to the music video - such a beautiful song to worship on.
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On youth day Elizabeth and I went out for some waffles. I love my sister so much. We go together through thick & thin.... TALLL & SHORT! Haha She's has the most beautiful heart & so much love for those around her! I'm so glad to have you in my life!xx
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Recently we had MISSIONS TRAINING! Many of our missions are going out this June-July, and were so excited😁. I'm going to Gopong in Botswana (also known as Lobatse), and currently i'm planning the Kids-Ministry teachings we'll be doing with the children there. There's already an Every Nation church planted there and we'll be going to help out and invest, teach the kids biblical foundations and reach out to people in the community who might not have a personal relationship with Jesus. 🙏 This way, when we reach out to the people in the community, they won't be left alone, but have spiritual family to return to and learn more about Christ!❤️
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This is Henri, my budgie! He is still quite small, and very tame! He enjoys long walks on my desk and nibbling on papers. 😊
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Last friday we had a staff social! What fun! Our Every Nation Lynnwood staff went bowling and then had the Spur breakfast special! What a festive morning!!! And the guy who looks like a wall walked into his face... That's one of our lead pastors - Mike! No, he's not a boxer or something, he blacked out from medication because he was very sick, and when he woke up half an hour later, his face looked like this🙈🙈 Luckily his recovery is going well!!😊🙏
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This is my dear dear friend (primarily) & (secondarily) also one of the student at our evening services that I connect with. (Our Connect Groups are almost like little cell-groups, just a bit more focused on really laying clear biblical foundations so that each of us can make disciples, and also very focused on personally investing in people❤️). Rize has such a soft heart and the kindest spirit. I look forward to our one-to-one connect group every week, and looking at how she's grown in her relationship with Jesus, and how He's tought her to really love Him, love people and love HERSELF truly and honestly inspires me so much. You are beautiful dear Rize. In the pas month, she's already started two of her own connect groups where she started walking personal journeys with 3 other girls! WOW!!!! I can't wait to see how Jesus will change their lives & teach them and walk with them in the biblical foundations and love that you've got to know. ❤️🌸
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I led the worship last Sunday evening and this was our music team! What a good evening! Thanks guys!😄🙋🏻 Top row from the left: JP, Anica, Nelis & Amcois. Bottom row from left: Rean, Me, Dewald!
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In April I got the opportunity to sing at one of my friends' weddings in thw bushveld! What a beautiful wedding, and what an honour, Dehan & Roelandi! Their wedding was such a beautiful representation of Jesus' covenant with us - His bride. I led worship at the wedding and there was even an opportunity to receive Jesus as your Lord & Saviour at the wedding! Dehan was my matric farewell date back in 2011! How cool is that! Dankie vir julle mooi liefde vir mekaar en vir God. Dit inspireer soveel harte! Liefde, Stephanie
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This is Elizma!!! I love her to bits. She's one of my lovely connect-group girls that is also in our Leaders-group! She's been a disciple-making machine right from the start, bold, loving & humble. Thank you for how you're so obedient to God's call in your life. I love you. 🙋🏻💖💐👑
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So this past sunday we had to move church outside because the hall was used for other things... But it was such a beautiful day! We had 3 services throughout the day (as always) and people got baptized, there were also 2 salvations in the evening service!!! The guy being baptized in the photos' name is Frans! He's 26 years old and lives on the street. In the beginning of the year, he started coming to church - vert diligently and some of the guys started discipling him. It's quite a beautiful testimony. Since Frans has started to get to really know the Lord more, he's been making so many new friends at church, he's gotten a job, he's attended our victory training, got baptized, is going on men's camp this upcoming weekend, and has been able to see his sister again (who started crying when she saw him & told him that she was wishing to see him), she also told him that his father is very sick and close to death, and his only wish is to see Frans again. And on Sunday, after Frans got baptized (and Eugene preached a beautiful message on Reconcilliation) , he felt that his heart is now ready to go see his father (after years of feeling rejected and hating his father), and Frans said that he really felt that he could now forgive his father and face him, because of what Jesus came to establish about who Frans truly is in Jesus Christ! Thank You JESUS for Hope & Reconcilliation!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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Good neeeewwssss!!!!! My friend Anica got engaged over the long weekend!!!! Yay!!!!! So happy for her & Niel!!!!! 😄👏👏👏
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This weekend we have an event coming up - especially for the ladies. It's an event very close to my heart, as this is something that the Lord started laying on our hearts since last year. The photo at the bottom right is the girls from my house last year. Such beautiful women, so in line with God's heart & will. And now God is starting to move things (that He started revealing to- & planning with us last year already) into place, so this weekend we're expecting about 60-80 ladies, where we'll speak about identity, worth and purity. We'll also have worship and ministering time! Please pray for this event with us!!! ❤️🍃👑🙋🏻💖💐
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