sterekationstation · 6 years
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Awesome Hale 🐺🖤 inspired by sterek ff work
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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some soft bois for the amazing @stickykeys633  for the @fandomcares sterek charity auction!! thank you for bidding♥♥♥ and i hope u like it!!
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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Sterek all the way 🖤
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid Our mistakes they were bound to be made  But I promise you I’ll keep you safe 
I’ll keep you safe
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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u kno guys i never posted these here so here ye go a present at the Eternalstereksecretsanta2017!!!
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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high school sterek ️🏀
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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Thank you to @suis0u for giving me feelings and ruining my mascara *slow clap* cuz i mean….Derek watching  and being mesmerized by this amazing acrobat who is the owner’s son in the circus he joined to after the hale family died and that son is fucking sarcastic and mouthy and lean…and beautiful…and strong….and Derek might have feelings for him and he hates that. and i need more circus fics. like a lot of them ok. hella lot.
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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Can I make you feel okay Would you let me take you to a higher place No no no no, I bet you never knew There’s a universe inside of you
Drawn while listening to this
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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A commission for queenofthecupcakelords :) 
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sterekationstation · 6 years
Okay, the corsets one you did for @luvs-jade (my RL twin sister) was beautiful! I've been inspired to request "Sterek morning snuggles". Please and thank you. 😀 Only if you have time and are inspired too.
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sterekationstation · 6 years
Meet Me Back Home
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This is my fic for the Glompfest!! I’m so exited to have finished this and had lots of fun writing it. I hope you guys love it tooooo.
“No, no, no, the storm really isn’t that bad, I promise.” Stiles is practically on his knees at this point to beg with the woman behind the counter. Her name is Sharon and her flight attendant uniform is neatly pressed to perfection.
“Thank you, sir, for your input but I believe company policy is to listen to our licensed and trained meteorologist.” The woman quips, she types something out on her computer primly before turning back to him. “The next flight leaves tomorrow morning at seven, we’ll arrange to have you on that flight but no one is leaving the airport for the next eighteen hours. Is that all, Mr. Stilinski?”
“Yes,” he sighs, pulling up his rolling bag handle and reshouldering his satchel. “Thanks for your help.” He takes the new ticket she’s printed out and walks back to the waiting area. He pulls out his phone, sitting down and looking around to be sure no one is near the little alcove he had found earlier. He pulls one long sleeve up and swipes his thumb over a rune of silence, keeping an eye out as he goes. He dials and listens to the ringing while he situates himself into a more comfortable position with his satchel propped up against the wall behind him to lean on.
“Stiles, what’s up?” Scott’s sleepy voice comes over the phone. It was late for both of them.
“Hey Scotty-boy. I’ve got good news and bad news.”
“Alright, you don’t sound out of breath or in pain so good news first.”
“Good news - I stopped the aloviti. Bad news - humans are easily scared by testy weather and I’m stuck at O’Hare until tomorrow morning.”
“Damn, I really wanted you here for the McGreg pack arrival.” Scott sighs and Stiles sinks into his satchel more with the weight of his best friend’s disappointment.
“I know, and I wanted to be there too. I was gonna strike the fear of Stilinski into them.” Sott laughs and Stiles smiles. He knew Scott was stressed, trying to bring together packs and forge alliances. If he were just trying to bring packs together it wouldn’t be too hard, just a lot of territory disputes and pack politics. But no, this boy wanted to go all out and get werewolves to partner with hunters.
Stiles had countered that plan before it was even halfway out of Scott’s mouth. There was no possible way anyone else would be willing to shake hands with the men and women who killed so many of them and forced them into the dark ages of hiding and living low. But Scott was determined and Stiles did what he could to help his best friend. It had taken time but over the years, with successes and failures behind them Scott’s plans for supernatural peace were coming together.
“It’s alright, buddy. You’ll get here when you get here, just stay safe, okay?”
“Of course, dude. When have you ever known me to get into unnecessary trouble?” Scott just scoffs and hangs up with a quick good-bye. Stiles chuckles as he puts his phone away. He starts to pull out his book, a new mystery novel written by one of his fae friends in Orlando when his stomach makes an obnoxious growl.
“Well, I guess I need food then.” He mutters to himself, taking up his stuff and looking for a map. He spots one near the end of the hallway he’s in, connecting two wings of the airport. He looks over the map and does his best to locate the food court when the hairs of the back of his neck stand on end and his spark sizzles under his skin. Someone is watching him, intently by the feel of it and his magic isn’t too happy about it.
He resumes his search and nods when he finds what he’s looking for. Maybe his glamour over his rune tattoos aren’t strong enough after so much energy being drained in travel. They probably still look like average tattoos but there’s bound to be a lot of them and his undercut won’t be covering any of the ones crawling up his neck and around his throat. He walks in the direction of food and tries to take the feeling with a grain of salt but he can’t seem to shake it loose.
As he walks, he rubs at his shoulder, easy to mistake as him rubbing at soreness from where he satchel could be digging into the muscles. Really he’s activating a rune to sweep the nearby area for threats. His spine jolts with the shock of predator pinging on his magical radar, somewhere behind him and the the right, prowling at a slight distance. He doesn’t look but he knows  it’s a supe with teeth and claws, it felt animal and proud - a wolf without a doubt.
He keeps walking, Panda Express in his sights but he knows that it’s going to be a while longer before he gets anything to eat. He feels the wolf draw closer and sticks his hand in his jean pocket, feeling the vial of mountain ash and the small baggie of wolfsbane.
“Hey, honey, I think I found a good place to rest over there,” a smooth voice carries a bit, a scruff surrounded lips pressing to his temple to whisper “follow me and don’t make a scene” as a hand, lightly pricked with too sharp nails presses to his lower back.
“Werewolves and your theatrics,” Stiles sighs, giving into the shove he’s given to keep moving. He takes a moment to look at his “captor” from out of the corner of his eye and damn, that’s a hot hunk of man. Damnit, Stiles, no objectifying the kidnapper. Mage-napper. Whatever. You haven’t even been napped long enough for Stockholm Syndrome.
A few moments later, Stiles finds tossed into a closet, lock somehow picked by wolfie’s claws in an amazing show of dexterity. He’s still righting himself from the stumble when Hot Guy pushes up behind him (don’t go there, now is not the time) and closes the door, plunging them into darkness.
“Well, this is bringing me some fantastic flashback of seven seconds in heaven from middle school. And when I say fantastic, I mean traumatizing -”
“Shut up.”
“No, man, you don’t get it. I had to kiss Greenberg and he had this weird like, tongue rash” Stiles shivers for emphasis, “never again. And don’t get me started with Sandra Blueguard -”
“I said shut up.” The werewolf hisses, noises of fumbling coming from his direction. Stiles assumes he’s looking for a light.
“And I had a story to finish,” Stiles huffs, snapping his fingers (he didn’t have to, but he had to keep up appearances) to bring a ball of light to the tips. “As I was saying -” The werewolf turns around with a snarl and swipes at his hand, effectively extinguishing the light.
“Are you insane? Someone could see you!”
Find the rest on AO3
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sterekationstation · 6 years
Drabble Me March 20: Silky
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“At least let me get my socks o—”
Derek’s protestation was weak, and melted into a moan as Stiles rubbed his face up over a thigh and onto his stomach.
“Nope,” Stiles answered. Or, at least that’s what Derek assumed was said. It was muffled, pressed into his armpit.
“If I’d known you’d be this into it, I’d have stopped waxing years ago.”
Stiles’ blinked at Derek. His eyes glowed and swirled silver, and then he closed them again and went back to slip-sliding his face all over Derek.
“I liked you smooth, too,” Stiles told Derek’s balls, then licked.
silky(adj): of or like silk; smooth, lustrous, soft, or delicate
[Image Source] Prompt List
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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*NSFW\ Gore\ Other ships\ Loop animations\ Fic illustrations- all possible don be shy! *Background and details might effect the prices
i may have gone and wasted too much money lately on fixing some stuff up and now in a lil need of some commissions so if u guys up to it commissions r open!
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sterekationstation · 6 years
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It occured to me the other day that I can just draw myself anything I want to see.
So, have some Sterek because I wanted to see some.
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sterekationstation · 6 years
Imagine Stiles and Derek each dreaming up these wild fantasies of what they thought their first kiss would be: a blistering passionate mess of relieved sexual tension. But when it came down to it, they were both so scared and so pensive that their first kiss was the most passive, tender kiss: perfect.
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