But would sirens affect people who have reached Nirvana?
why are there so many posts about asexuals being immune to sirens. people. sirens don’t lure you in with sex (necessarily). they sing about whatever it is that you want most. they could sing about mothman or cinnamon toast crunch and guess what then your asexual pirate is fucking dead
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He spent 22 years prepping himself for the dramatic goth phase, though.  
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Did I just hear Mass Effect Andromeda?  Dragon Age: Inquisition?  Battlefront 2?  Halo 5?  Battlefield 5?  Fallout 4?  Gamer bros aren’t exactly complaining about Billie Lurk, Zevran, or Bayonetta.  They’re complaining about games that are bogged down by an attempt to please an audience that doesn’t care about the actual games.
Gamer bros: if gaming industries keep pandering to the feminists and lgbt im never playing video games again.
everyone else:
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Wayne should become a worldhopper in The Lost Metal for two reasons
1. We finally learn how someone becomes a worldhopper
2. Wayne disguising himself as Hoid. 
That’s it.  That’s why Wayne should become a Worldhopper over any other character.
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The best part is that it’s accurate.
STRONG DISAGREEMENT WITH THE COSMERE PREP/GOTH JOCK/NERD SCALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where the FUCK is Wayne?????????????? There should be a second, companion scale, where all the names are replaced with wayne
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Good points, ones that others already touched upon.  My mind was changed on the topic.  Storyline is the easier topic, since the rule of thumb is “Do something that hasn’t been done before”.  The Witcher is the best example for that, but a linear story like Metro: 2033 would not go amiss.
Brandon Sanderson’s books are better suited to video game adaptions than movie or TV show adaptions, animated or otherwise.  Change my mind.
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So I made a post stating that the Nazis were National Socialists.  Because they were the National Socialist Party.  It was reblogged by someone who called me a “Dumb fucking horse” before they blocked me.  They were called, according to every single historical text I have read, every single person who wasn’t educated by Tumblr and Buzzfeed, and the FUCKING WIKIPEDIA PAGE,  “The National Socialist German Workers' Party.”  I don’t know about you, but there’s a lot to unpack in that name.  They’re a Nationalist group, yes, but also Socialist, and are a “Worker’s Party.  What is the most prominent party that also is a Workers’ Party?  Oh, that’s right.  The Communist Party.  
Directly from the Wikipedia Page of the Communist Party, “A typical example of the latter [Renaming the party as a measure for broader acceptance] was the renaming of various East European Communist parties after the Second World War, as a result of mergers with the local Social Democratic parties.[b] New names in the post-war era included "Socialist Party", "Socialist Unity Party", "People's or Popular Party", "Workers' Party" and "Party of Labour".
The Nazi Party of Germany was a Socialist party.  Let’s lay that to rest now.  
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I’m worried I might be included in that definition because while I am a nationalist, I am not a socialist.  Also I view Asians as the superior race based on what they accomplish.  I don’t want people to consider me a Nazi because I’m a conservative.  If your definition of Nazi is “Conservative”, I don’t want to be anywhere near you.  If your definition of Nazi is “Nationalist racist,” you’re wrong, because Nazis are a group of Nationalist and socialists who were not just racist, but ethnically prejudiced, where their own race was targeted if they didn’t meet the requirements of the National Socialist ideals close enough.  The Nazis are far worse than Antifa makes them out to be, even as Antifa uses their tactics.
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How to know you’re talking to a Nazi
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Hopefully that man in the jersey was sent to prison.
how is trump alive?? like hes rlly gone thru his whole life like That …. and no one has ever just fuckin decked him?? gave him the ole one two? knocked his lights out??? incredible
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“I don’t find penises attractive.”  - Man who is considered transphobic.  Because reasons.
I read another post explaining that if you’re heterosexual, and you lose attraction to a woman after finding out she has a penis, that’s because of transphobia.
All I can say is that I have tried and tried as hard as I fucking can to stop being attracted to people just because of their bodies, and no matter how much I try and how guilty I feel about it I can’t seem to force myself to stop. Some people are sexually attractive to me and some aren’t, and usually their bodies are involved, and usually they have bodies that are stereotypically feminine.
And I simultaneously hate myself for being so patriarchal and at the same time just pretending my desire doesn’t really matter and is just a little thing seems soul deadening.
Also, it is so weird to me how many people take it as gospel that being attracted only to men or only to women is obviously biological, innate, and can never be changed no matter what, but being exclusively attracted to certain genitals is definitely just a social thing that everyone can alter as long as they try hard enough and aren’t prejudiced.
Like, when you put those two together it’s okay to be attracted only to women, but it is not okay to ascribe any qualities to women at all.
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So the questions are “When is it pandering?” and “When does it make them interesting?”  
I propose that a character that is a female/minority is only interesting when it has a purpose in the setting they are in.  It does not matter if they are in a story set in a world like Dungeons and Dragons, but it is interesting in a world like Warhammer 40,000, where women have formed a specialized group of warriors specifically to serve alongside Space Marines without the enhancements, instead relying upon their gear.  Their being females matters because only men can become Space Marines.  
So when is it pandering?  the answer is “when the character or character traits exist only to please a certain demographic.”  An example of this is creating a character that is black in an otherwise all-white organization, save for those whose faces are never shown, especially if said all-white organization is evil and the black character is good.  That’s pandering.  White Savior characters are pandering as well and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE DO NOT RECOGNIZE THIS MORE OFTEN!  FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, YOU WOULD THINK SOMEONE WHO CAN RECOGNIZE PANDERING TO MINORITIES WOULD RECOGNIZE PANDERING TO MAJORITIES AS WELL!!
>A character being female/minority doesn’t automatically make them interesting
But also
>A character being female/minority doesn’t automatically make them “pandering” or a “token“
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You would think that a progressive, forward-thinking people, would be liberal in their ideas of what a woman is allowed to believe, not close-minded, dogmatic, and oppressive of women.
every time a random right wing blog posts a picture revealing they’re a girl I don’t believe them tbh 
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Question: Throwing powers out, 
Kaladin Stormblessed VS Matrim Cauthon.  
Who wins?
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This is NOT how Adolin looks while fighting a duel.  He’s just as skilled, if not more so, but fighting with a Shardblade would be very different from fighting wiht a longsword.  
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230K notes · View notes
You’re right.  You changed my mind.  Except about Warbreaker.  
Brandon Sanderson’s books are better suited to video game adaptions than movie or TV show adaptions, animated or otherwise.  Change my mind.
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I really hope Shallan’s Fourth Ideal is “I am a good person.”  I want one of these ideals to lift her up instead of plunging her deeper into her own mental hell.
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I’m not a game designer, I can’t answer those questions, but from what we have seen in video games such as Dishonored, Spider-Man 2 with the webslinging, the use of The Force in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, the use of stats in RPGs of every sort, Detective Vision, Spider Sense, and other alternative sight modes in video games, the option to treat each metal, as a mistborn, as having a set amount of ammo that acts similar to mana, (without regenerating), it seems that these are relatively minor hurdles to innovate and create a specific experience.  In regards to Mistings and Surgebinders, each one would have specific play styles and mechanics, similar to classes in arena games, or simply RPGs.  Lift would play differently from Kaladin, who would play differently from Shallan, because they offer different play styles.  Or you could set the games farther back, creating a story about when the Heralds would join these battles, and use the same mechanics.  Still, though, innovation is a thing, and they could just create new systems entirely.
Brandon Sanderson’s books are better suited to video game adaptions than movie or TV show adaptions, animated or otherwise.  Change my mind.
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