Alright everyone, this is where I’ll be from now on! All of my muses from separate blogs, as well as some new additions, will all be found here now!
Previous blogs: cursed-rcse, stillanislegirl, prince-warlock, stutteringgenius, enchanted-song (deleted, but I brought the muse back here), and fxllowmyheart! 
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Alright everyone, this is where I’ll be from now on! All of my muses from separate blogs, as well as some new additions, will all be found here now!
Previous blogs: cursed-rcse, stillanislegirl, prince-warlock, stutteringgenius, enchanted-song (deleted, but I brought the muse back here), and fxllowmyheart! 
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Alright y’all, it’s finally up!
I’m gonna start following people over there, reblogging memes, etc. If we have an active thread and would like to move it, please let me know!
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I’m actually doing it
Currently working on a multimuse, so I will be moving everyone over to one blog! It should be up and running soon, and I’ll give everyone the link as soon as I’m done!
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Ben took a small step forward, trying to close the large amount of space between them. “You have me in your corner.” He smiled, “I’m not going anywhere.” He cared for the younger girl, hating that she was trapped on the Isle for so long. Blaming both himself and his father for it.
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“Thank you, really, but you’re always so busy..” Not that she blamed him, of course. Being king must have been incredibly difficult with loads of responsibility, so he couldn’t possibly do everything. 
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right now Frollo is winning by far, and honestly the more i think about it, the more i’m feeling him too! ahh i might actually do this in the morning!!! 
(may or may not just make a multimuse to have everyone in one place instead of three blogs with sideblogs and that mess, and if I do that look out for Lady Tremaine too!)
Nothing is for sure yet, I’m still thinking about it, but in a PURELY HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION, that I were to make another blog………
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Harry Hook already made a stop by the salon this week, once again stealing all of the money from the register. Money that her family desperately needed, but there was no way Dizzy could stand up to the pirate by herself. 
Hearing the door swing open, Dizzy glanced up from cleaning her work station to see Uma standing there. “Oh... hi.” She whispered. The captain was a regular at the salon, so she could be here for legitimate business, but the little girl never knew until she explained herself. 
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Max sat all the salt shakers he had in his hands on a nearby table before he grabbed the only two sugar shakers they had. He handed one to Dizzy before moving to get a bowl. “Okay if you want to start dumping all the salt in that bowl, I’m going to just do this,” He flipped the lids the the sugar shakers and tilted the upside down letting the sugar gather in the air. 
“Got it!” She nodded, doing as he instructed. She glanced up occasionally to make sure they weren’t caught. “Okay, I’m done! What are you doing over there? Something I can do too?”
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“I don’t see why you wouldn’t be.” Max shrugged as he held the door open for her. As soon as both of them were in the room, Max started gathering all the salt shakers. “Alright Kiddo, let’s get shaking.” 
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“Okay.” Even if she just met him, she trusted him enough with something like this. Besides, it would be fun! Dizzy took a salt shaker off the counter, then looked up to him, waiting to follow his lead. 
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Max grinned as he pushed open the faculty lounge door and glanced around. “Wonderful! Let’s cause a little chaos my dearest Dizzy”
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“Okay!” She laughed, looking around with him. “You’re sure it’s okay if I go in here?” Dizzy asked nervously, but tried to push it away. They were only doing a harmless prank, and Max was a member of the faculty, so she should be fine. 
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my favorite thing ever rn is me and @stillanislegirl dragging driz about her treatment of children
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“You shouldn’t feel bad about stealing something essential like that. You needed it right?” Max gave a slight shrug as he pulled out a tiny black and gold notebook and flipped through it. He glanced down at her a small smirk in his face. “I’m glad you asked Dizzy dear. It’s nothing big, just a simple switch a roo in the staff lounge. You see I feel they’re all a little salty around here. So why not give them all salt instead of sugar with their coffee?” 
Dizzy only shrugged in response. Yes, they needed it, and yes, it was one of the things that kept them alive those few nights, but she always had the guilt of stealing from someone else who needed it just as much as she did. It was silly, especially in a dog-eat-dog world like the Isle, but she couldn’t help it. 
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“Ewww, that sounds gross!” She giggled. “Yeah, let’s do it!”
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Max raised his brow even more as he started towards the main building. “I think we’ll have to change that. The pranks thing, not the stealing thing. Honestly I’ve only ever stolen once in my life. I regret it to this day.” He looked back to see if she was following him or not. 
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“I’ve stolen food before, and I felt bad, but we were really hungry that night..” Winter was always a miserable time, and people always did what they had to do. “What prank are we gonna do?” She asked, following him as he started walking away. 
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“The normal kind?” Max questioned as he looked down at Dizzy. “Have you never pulled a prank? Stolen some stuff? Anything?”
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“I mean... maybe really tiny pranks, but not a lot.” Pranks on the Isle were almost always mean-spirited and hurtful, and Dizzy wanted no part in that. She saw no entertainment in those kinds of pranks. “People stole from me, but no I don’t think I’ve ever stolen anything unless I really had to.”
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Max shook her tiny hand and grinned. “I’m glad too.” He stood and dusted his knees off before stretching. “Now promise me to cause as much trouble as possible ok? But not so much you get sent home.” 
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Was he joking? Dizzy was not a trouble maker, but that would be something he would quickly learn. “What kinda trouble?” She asked curiously. 
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Max put his cigarette out as he raised a brow and slid off the school sign. He ignored the looks from the passing teachers as he knelt in front of the little girl. The fact that she was introducing herself as family made his heart melt a little. He didn’t get a long well with his mother and barely knew his sister, so he wondered what they told her about him. “Well Dizzy Tremaine, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I may just be a meager Librarian, but I can teach you loads.” He winked as he held out his hand. “Don’t hesitate to ask me anything.” 
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The man seemed to completely change his attitude now, which lifted Dizzy’s mood significantly. “I’m really happy to meet you too!” She smiled and shook his hand. “I don’t think I have anything to ask you right now, but I’m glad we’re gonna get to know each other!” 
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Nothing is for sure yet, I’m still thinking about it, but in a PURELY HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION, that I were to make another blog.........
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