It's almost been a year since my cancer surgery. It will probably sound weird, but I'm somewhat thankful for it. This last year in have been surviving and thriving. Having such a health scare made me change my life. Although I ended up with lymphedema following surgery, my life is so much better now. I separate my life into BC and AC. Before and after cancer. AC me takes much better care of myself. I'm now down 52 lbs and feel better than I have for 15 years. Life is good. :)
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I hit a goal today!
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This keto-ish way of eating has been the easiest way for me to lose weight. I've yo-you dieted my whole adult life. For the first time, I'm losing weight without being hungry. I'm not killing myself at the gym. I do make sure to get my 10k steps a day (usually closer to 15k)
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Life is good
It has taken a bit of adjusting to this new life with lymphedema, but I am moving forward! I'm still eating a keto diet and exercising fairly regularly. I've lost 30 lbs! I have so much more energy now, I'm not spending as much time online...I need to keep busy :)
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101 days later
My disability is over, I go back to work tomorrow. I'm nervous about it, I'm not sure how I'll handle the physicality of the job now. But I have to try. Also, going back to my normal wage is necessary. The bills are piling up.
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Yesterday I had a physio appointment, and my compression garments showed up as I was about to leave.
I hate them so fucking much. They are so uncomfortable 😪
I'm so disappointed, I thought once I had them I'd be ready to go back to work. This is going to take some getting used to.
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Riced cauliflower
Tastes like cauliflower
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I can’t stand having to do this, but it really is the only way I have any hope of getting the money to get through the next 3 weeks. If you can do anything to help, it would be greatly appreciated. Please share this with anyone you think might be willing to help us in this desperate time. If you’d prefer to send paypal, you can contact me directly for that information.
Thank you in advance,
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Keto supper prepped and ready for the oven
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3 weeks 🚶‍♀️🚴‍♀️
⬇️ 8 lbs!
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No, I don't want a title thanks
I'm either very motivated or crazy. I also went to an aquafit class last night!
Back to the track this morning for 10 laps, and then 20 mins on the stationary bike.
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Last nights dream motivated me to go buy a city recreational pass. I walked during the seniors time on the track and THEY ALL PASSED ME. But, I still did 10 laps, and then went and tried the stationary bike for 15 mins. :)
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Last night I had a dream I was running. I was so proud and happy. I felt like a child.
And then I woke up. Gutted.
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Moving in the right direction
A friend of mine pointed me in the direction of a keto lifestyle. Turns out it's the suggested diet for lymphedema- lower inflammatory foods helps with symptoms. I have always been such a sugar and carb addict. So far so good.. I haven't had any added sugars for a week and have done really well lowering my carbs. I am someone who has always loved being in the kitchen, so its been interesting making new foods. I love a challenge!
I've also been on my treadmill each day (in my slippers because I still can't fit into a shoe) I even tried my elliptical yesterday!
I lost 2.8 lbs in a week
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Michael Finnegan, begin again 🎶
And now my new cancer free life begins. I have to wear this bastard for the next 2 months, 24/7 to try to reduce my swelling. After that, I will likely have to wear some type of compression garment for the rest of my life.
But, this is not going to slow me down! I have the go ahead to start working out. I started on the treadmill walking barefoot. Slowly. I'm up to 30 mins today 💪
I'm also cutting way back on sugar and carbs.. I'm going to lower my weight which also helps lymphedema.
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Buh-bye myxoid liposarcoma!
I had my 6 week follow up on Wednesday. I am officially CANCER-FREE!! 🎉
He was concerned about my swelling and sent me for an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't a blood clot. (It wasn't)
So now I begin physiotherapy with a complex decongestant therapist to help me with lymphedema. My first appointment for consultation is today. Its 90 minutes from home.
Living in Saskatchewan sucks sometimes.
I've also been put off work for 2 more months. I'm going to use this time to get better! Yesterday I walked on my treadmill barefoot for 10 minutes and I kept to my food plan for the day. Small steps are still steps in the right direction. ☺
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Without going into detail in interest of their privacy, I will say that my sister is fleeing a very dangerous situation with her 3 young children and she is having to start from the barest of scraps and very little support. Any help is super appreciated, even just a share of this link bc I know many of us can’t afford to give physical monies, but the support of sharing and spreading the word is its own kind of valuable.
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