sting-them · 6 years
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outofpoison: hello darlings. my name is jay. sui feng and i are not new to the tumblr game. we’ve been around for a while. i’m just finally revamping this blog and getting active on her again. so if you don’t mind giving this feisty little bee and her overly stretched out mun a chance, hit that like/reblog/follow button and we will most definitely check you out! 
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sting-them · 6 years
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sting-them · 6 years
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sting-them · 6 years
outofpoison: don’t ask me how because i actually don’t know. but i just noticed that shuhei’s hairstyle did change slightly after the time skip lmao. how the fuck did i not notice that before? jfc. get it together jay, get it together.
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sting-them · 6 years
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sting-them · 6 years
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sting-them · 6 years
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You won't beat me if this all you have!
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sting-them · 6 years
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ツナはるまき ( x )
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sting-them · 6 years
“You’re bleeding.”
( meme | accepting | @senboago​ ]
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            “i don’t need help, it’s just a scratch anyway. it’s not as if i’m going to die from it.” yes, she was relatively fine, but if that bleeding kept up it could turn fatal. simply because of where the wound was. she’d have to stop the bleeding. but surely, she could do so herself.
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sting-them · 6 years
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sting-them · 6 years
“You’re bleeding.”
( meme | accepting | @strawberrydaiko​ ]
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            “and here i thought that it was just water running down the side of my face.” she may be wounded, but, the blunt sarcasm has not left nor has her glare at the orange hair that insisted on not only telling her she was bleeding, but also had the audacity to clean it up. really, was it so much to ask that no one touch her unless given permission? the boy had better be glad that he was needed or she really would have killed him just then. “kurosaki... hurry it up. i’m not particularly fond of you touching me but i know telling you to stop will only make you persist in doing so.”
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sting-them · 6 years
control | halsey | lyric starters for multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
“they send me away to find them a fortune, a chest full of diamonds and gold.”
“the house was awake, the shadows and monsters, the hallways they echoed and groaned.”
“i sat alone, in bed till the morning crying, “they’re coming for me”.”
“and i tried to hide these secrets inside me, my mind’s like a deadly disease.”
“i’m bigger than my body.”
“i’m colder than this home.”
“i’m meaner than my demons.”
“i’m bigger than my bones.”
“and all the kids cried out, “please stop, you’re scaring me”.”
“i can’t help this awful energy.”
“goddamn right you should be scared of me.”
“who is in control?”
“i paced around for hours on empty, i jumped at the slightest of sound.”
“and i couldn’t stand the person inside me, i turned all the mirrors around.”
“i’m well acquainted with the villains that live in my head.”
“they beg me to write them so they’ll never die when i’m dead.”
“and i’ve grown very familiar with the villains that live in my head.”
“they beg me to write them so i’ll never die when i’m dead.”
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sting-them · 6 years
You’re bleeding.
( meme | accepting | @iaiadixdeus ]
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            “correct me if i’m wrong, but, i don’t recall giving you permission to touch me.” never mind that she’s bleeding from an almost severed arm. or that he was being nice enough to actually try and stop the bleeding or administering kido to keep her from losing said arm. while she was, slightly, grateful, there were boundaries. and this was grounds for most people being hit twice with her suzumebachi. she was not fond of being touched without permission. but she would let it pass, for now.
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sting-them · 6 years
The “I will do it because you said I couldn’t” club
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sting-them · 6 years
@flashdios liked the starter call.
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            for over 100 years, sui-feng wondered. wondered why her beloved master had abandoned her, aligned herself with a traitor such as kisuke urahara. why she had relinquished her post as taicho of the second division. she’d been alone, so very alone, during those long years. throwing herself into her work to keep the depressing thoughts of what once was at bay. and then it happened. yoruichi was thrust back into her life with the sudden appearance of those ryoka. 
            she’d been relieved to find that her master was alive and well. that nothing about her had really changed other than the length of her hair. it wasn’t as short as she’d remembered it from before; reaching downward to her hips even in the high ponytail she sported. but then, the anger set in. the anger from being abandoned. the anger from her betrayal. the anger of her expecting to be greeted with opened arms after all this time. she would eventually get over it, her love and adoration for the shihoin clan member far outweighing her bitterness. a sense of normalcy had returned after all the commotion. and sui-feng was grateful just to be in her presence whenever she would make a trip to the soul society.
             buildings lay in ruin after the battle for the seireitei with the quincies. but they were alive and that was all that mattered. with how many casualties they had suffered, she was grateful for the quiet that filled the area. it allowed time to mourn those that were lost. what she wasn’t expecting, however, was for someone to join her on her walk through the seireitei. and for that someone to be lady yoruichi of all people.
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sting-them · 6 years
outofpoison: i’m actually here and on twitter!sui-feng at the same time. i’m relatively bored.. actually should be doing homework but screw that right now. if you would like a starter, hit the little heart and i will certainly write you one. bare in mind though that starters/threads are for mutuals only.
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sting-them · 6 years
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outofpoison: hello darlings. my name is jay. sui feng and i are not new to the tumblr game. we’ve been around for a while. i’m just finally revamping this blog and getting active on her again. so if you don’t mind giving this feisty little bee and her overly stretched out mun a chance, hit that like/reblog/follow button and we will most definitely check you out! 
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