leichefrau · 5 years
HC: Veal
Following the end of the Thousand Year Blood War and the Tokinada Rebellion, Giselle began spending more time in two places: The Gotei Fourth Division and the World of the Living. In the vein of the latter, she ran into a peculiar black cat on her way home from picking up groceries.
This feline, much to the contrary to how most animals received her (they often hissed or became agitated thanks to her slightly corpsey smell) this feline nuzzled right up to her and began to purr. During a time when Giselle was in particular mental turmoil, this peculiar cat would soon come to be known as Veal, and become Giselle’s first and only Pet.
Giselle spends her evenings brushing Veal and generally confiding in them about her day, her anxieties, and her own general thoughts about the past and future. She has made a small replica of her own Ritter cap for Veal and celebrates the anniversary of finding Veal every year since she does not know Veal’s actual birthday.
To date, Veal is the only living thing Giselle has spoken to in regards to her life before the Vandereich. Giselle often worries about the day Veal will die, but has promises herself she will never zombify them. If nothing else she wants the chance for a happy afterlife for Veal.
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hakiimono-blog · 6 years
            He was born on December 31st... And just a few short hours later, her arrival came to pass in an entirely separate part of the Shihoin Mansion ( and under many more watchful eyes than he ), born on January 1st. 
                   Sometimes, he thought that perhaps she had been born just for him. 
            She certainly didn’t behave like a typical princess -- and not due in any part to a shortage of resources on her part. She was regularly put through the monarchial wringer with a strictly observed schedule, passed around by private tutors and etiquette instructors alike. Perhaps it was because of the inert detest for her own position she’d seemed to be born with. She quietly reserved herself to her destined position, folding her slender hands into the ample sleeves of her rich, elegant robes and schooling her expression into that of a stoic and untouchable figurehead while striking crowns of gold and silver adorned her hair like a halo -- but there was fire behind her eyes, and she tore that veil she wore before the public eye asunder whenever the aperture closed behind her, raking her wild nails through her even more untamed hair and tearing through the night like a righteous thunderstorm rolling through the hills.
            She always made time for him -- whether it was squeezing an hour in between music lessons and sparring sessions or sneaking out beneath the guise of the moonlight. No matter where he was, she always found him, and they played every day. Every day she would come for him, and every day he bore witness to the lightening storm that was the girl beneath the imposing weight of that crown -- he watched her stretch and grow and evolve, as she did he, memorizing her fears, her insecurities, her dreams and her breaths. 
            She never took him seriously, of course ...why should she, given his station? It should have been enough, considering that she was a princess -- the princess, and no amount of desire from either party for their respective reasons could feasibly change that. And perhaps she knew that -- perhaps it was why she never took him seriously. Perhaps that was why she always teased him the way she did, playfully flirting without any real substance or intention behind the gesture; perhaps she felt safe enough with him to be utterly and wholly herself. ...perhaps she trusted him. 
            She shouldn’t have -- not with the way he watched her hips swing as they began to fill out with the whiles of womanhood. But he accepted his lot with a patient smile. He volleyed her flirtations and her suggestive barbs back with an amiable nature, and he pushed every button on her metaphorical being -- he relished in riling her up in the only way he might ever be given the pleasure of having opportunity to, watching the lightening that danced along the edges of her soul fray out her hair and light up her dark, luxurious skin. 
            Nothing lasted forever -- as the scientist he’d grown into, he knew that a stagnant environment was unsustainable. Everything changed that night in the forest, the life he had known and cultivated for himself and those he cherished ripped from the clutch of his grasp. The world had gone dark, and he’d been drowning as he gathered what little remnants of his sanity remained and stood in the raging sea of inky black, his head cast down before the jury that had decided a fate he had not rightfully earned ...once more, resigned to his lot. 
            ...And then, from the depths of his darkest hour, in a flash of lightening ...she came for him once again. No matter where he was, she always found him. The thunderstorm, the force of nature had cast down her crown and thrown away the fate that she, too, had resigned herself to ...for the sake of crafting a new one for the both of them. He stood there stunned beneath the weight of the inconceivable knowledge that she had abdicated her duties and abandoned her various positions of wealth and authority ...all for the sake of his insignificant self. Let’s go, she’d said ...as if it were the easiest decision she’d ever made.
            ...Perhaps, he thought for the very first time ...such things weren’t so far from his reach. Perhaps, he thought as he took the hand of a woman who had proven she would follow him into hell ( with a smile to rival the Devil himself’s on her beautiful features ) in bewilderment and terribly dangerous optimism, fate wasn’t something to be resigned to, and anything in this world could be changed after all. 
            ...He was born on December 31st, and she arrived shortly after on January 1st.
                                Sometimes he thought she had been born just for him.
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destructivour-aa · 6 years
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❛      how `bout  SOME FUN  just between you an` me ,  kittycat   —   ??     ❜ 
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inazxma · 6 years
@flashdios started following you
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cchouwa-blog · 6 years
@flashdios ( liked. )
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“ Shihoin. ” Ukitake smiled warmly at his visitor, though concern welled in his chest at her presence. It was perfectly possible that she was only here to visit, but just as well, she could’ve been holding important news, courtesy of Urahara. He wouldn’t know until she elected to tell him; in the meantime, he would extend her his fondest hospitality, as always.
“ It’s been awhile. How are you ? ”
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sting-them · 6 years
@flashdios liked the starter call.
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            for over 100 years, sui-feng wondered. wondered why her beloved master had abandoned her, aligned herself with a traitor such as kisuke urahara. why she had relinquished her post as taicho of the second division. she’d been alone, so very alone, during those long years. throwing herself into her work to keep the depressing thoughts of what once was at bay. and then it happened. yoruichi was thrust back into her life with the sudden appearance of those ryoka. 
            she’d been relieved to find that her master was alive and well. that nothing about her had really changed other than the length of her hair. it wasn’t as short as she’d remembered it from before; reaching downward to her hips even in the high ponytail she sported. but then, the anger set in. the anger from being abandoned. the anger from her betrayal. the anger of her expecting to be greeted with opened arms after all this time. she would eventually get over it, her love and adoration for the shihoin clan member far outweighing her bitterness. a sense of normalcy had returned after all the commotion. and sui-feng was grateful just to be in her presence whenever she would make a trip to the soul society.
             buildings lay in ruin after the battle for the seireitei with the quincies. but they were alive and that was all that mattered. with how many casualties they had suffered, she was grateful for the quiet that filled the area. it allowed time to mourn those that were lost. what she wasn’t expecting, however, was for someone to join her on her walk through the seireitei. and for that someone to be lady yoruichi of all people.
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leichefrau · 6 years
@flashdios @nonviiolent
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“You should stop being so mean to my cat, otherwise she’s going to scratch you.” She pipes in, turning so that her torso was between the feline and the head Captain.
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hakiimono-blog · 6 years
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            ❝ -- heeeey, you’re finally back! I was beginning to wonder if you’d got stuck in a tree somewhere! Oh Tessai! Could you get a bowl of warm milk, please? We have a guest! ❞
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nonviiolent · 6 years
@flashdios // my dear
the day was waning - sky colored in brilliant purple pink orange all fading off in the distance. the nearby brook babbled, telling a story that no one could understand and despite the relaxed atmosphere the head-captain had been contemplative. though not exactly  TENSE   he was ill at ease. 
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❛  are you gonna come out?   ❜   a smile as the elder shinigami stole a quick glance over his shoulder at the bare expanse of the field behind him. seemingly empty save for the swaying reeds and tall grass. 
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godkilller · 6 years
' so you're the rising star of squad five ... kisuke told me about you. i wasnt expecting you to be so little ~~ '
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          So, this was the woman who tormented Byakuya, another Shinigami rising (but much slower than Gin had, hah, poor spoiled brat…) through the ranks. Shihoin Yoruichi. The third seat smiled, as he often did, only to let it fall in falsified reaction to her jab at his height. Such trivial comments could get a genuine rise out of many, but not Gin. He’d play along, though.
          ❝ Who’re you? ❞ Of course, he didn’t have to play nicely.
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leichefrau · 6 years
flashdios replied to your post: the cat jumped into her lap, circling in it a...
// veal ???!! omg
Yes, she named Yoruichi Veal. Because it sounds pretty and its a kind of meat. Not that she plans on eating the kitty, but Kyoraku suggested mince meat. And she thought of meat names and veal was super pretty so she chose it.
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hakiimono-blog · 6 years
keep eyes contact as she knocks his glass off of the counter.
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            ❝ – what the ?? -- okay, that stuff gets a free pass when you’re in cat form, but don’t go knocking things off tables as a human!! As a cat, you look like a snarky pet -- like this, you just look like an incredibly rude house guest! ❞
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