stitchedscripts · 4 months
tetsuya hinazuki | original character
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FANDOM ;; jujutsu kaisen
FACECLAIM ;; cutthroat [ akudama drive ]
NOTES ;; time to introduce one of my favourite ocs to tumblr !! i have a lot more lore for him thought out than what i've included here, this is just a basic backstory. PLEASE ask me ab them in my ask box if y'all like him though, they're my baby and i love talking ab them so SO much so i'd be happy to tell y'all more of his lore :0
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tetsuya was born with the inability to feel any sort of adrenaline at all. though they could feel basic emotions such as happiness, sadness, a bit of anger, etc. things like true excitement and immense fear were alien concepts to him. That didn't change for years into his childhood, not even when his ability to see curses started to show.
when tetsuya began to be able to see curses, they, unlike many other people, never felt any fear toward them due to this lack of adrenaline. even if one were to attack them… nothing. he wouldn't even try to fight it off, deciding to accept it as a friend that had been drawn to him rather than a monster that was attacking them. a lot of the time, their brother, yukio, had to be the one to fight curses off of them because tetsuya never took any action.
their ability to see curses and his reaction to them became a subject of concern for tetsuya's mother. as an ordinary human and non-sorcerer who lacked the ability to see curses, she became concerned when they started interacting with things that, to her, weren't really there. they would happily wave at and start talking to what seemed like thin air. yukio used to do the same, and while he could still see curses, he stopped acknowledging them around his mother, which led her to believe that he had stopped seeing things. tetsuya, on the other hand, refused to stop acknowledging the entities that he had somewhat referred to as his "friends."
back to tetsuya's lack of adrenaline, at some point, they managed to find something that actually did let them feel it somewhat, and that was picking fights with people. after watching countless movies with bloody fights front-and-center, they started to wonder if he could get a feeling of fear or excitement beaten into him, or, if he could get it from beating up other people, so they tried it. it worked, but it only encouraged him to continue on with it rather than stop once they felt enough of what they wanted to feel. this further concerned their mother, coupled with what she thought were "hallucinations," and something needed to be done about it. he was sent away to a place that was supposed to at least help to fix all of their many issues… but they weren't there for very long.
on the fourth night, tetsuya escaped through the window of their room, and there they were, out and about on the streets of tokyo, picking more fights than he ever had before in attempt to feel a little bit of a buzz. one fateful day, he happened to bite off a little more than they could chew, picking a fight with someone that could much more easily beat him up than he could take them on. knowing that he would likely be beaten down more aggressively than usual if he had been any softer, tetsuya ended up accidentally killing the person in an act of self-defense. rather than be shocked and horrified than what they had just done like any normal, sane person, he felt… strangely excited by it all. it seemed as though the one thing that really could get his adrenaline levels up was taking the lives of other people, and he had to do more of it.
the problem arose when he was almost caught. they had been pretty out in the open, so it was no wonder that people saw what had happened and tried to call the police on them. it was then that he came into contact with one suguru geto, who had just happened to be in the right spot at the right time when everything happened. coincidentally, the person that tetsuya had killed happened to be a non-sorcerer that geto had been planning to pick off in the creation of his ideal world for sorcerers, but now because of tetsuya, he could move onto others. normally in a situation like this, he would have simply moved on with his life after someone else happened to do his intended job for him, but he could already tell that tetsuya was an interesting case.
after simply killing those who tried to stop them and hearing them tell him their situation, geto offered tetsuya a simple suggestion that would affect them for the better as they continued on in life: they could join the group of sorcerers that he had created for his cause, put his desire to shed blood to that purpose, and be protected from persecution. tetsuya agreed to his proposal– not because he had any real contempt for non-sorcerers per se, but because being able to do the thing that finally provided him with some adrenaline without getting pinched sounded pretty damn good.
since he joined geto's group, when he's just chilling, tetsuya can now be found munching on gummy worms, flopping across the laps of just about everyone in the group that will let him, and lovingly trying to stab geto … just as a challenge, to see if they can do it. ( they have not succeeded yet. )
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stitchedscripts · 4 months
happy birthday suguru .ᐟ | headcanons
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SUMMARY ;; headcanons for how suguru spends his birthday with satoru, shoko, mimiko and nanako .
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– Suguru was never one to do much for his birthday, much preferring to plan events for other people rather than doing anything big for himself, until he met Satoru and Shoko.
– Satoru and Shoko always argue about what they want to do for Suguru’s birthday. Satoru always wants to make it into a big production whereas Shoko just wants to take him out for lunch or something.
– After the arguments are sorted out, they usually decide on taking him out for lunch, then give him a couple options for outings that they prepared and let him choose which he would prefer to do. Then, they go back to one of their dorm rooms, order pizza and watch all of Suguru’s favourite movies together. To finish the night off, Satoru and Shoko present him with a little cake ( they always sing to him too ) as well as their gifts.
– Suguru always insists that they don’t have to do nearly as much as they do for him, but he deeply appreciates that they care so much about him that they always want to celebrate with this little tradition.
– The last time that they all celebrated his birthday may have been the first time that Suguru ever cried in front of Satoru and Shoko. Despite the three of them always being so busy after the Star-Plasma Vessel incident and him having somewhat begun to isolate himself from them, his best friends still took the time to plan and make sure he was happy on his birthday, and that hit him in a way that he just couldn’t help but cry.
– One of their outings has been to the arcade, where Satoru and Shoko pooled all their tickets together with Suguru’s to win him whatever prize he wanted as an additional gift. He told them both that they should keep them, but they insisted ( well, Shoko did at least. )
– Another time, they just went to the candy store and filled their buckets up with as much candy as they could before they overflowed.
– Piggybacking off of my hc that Suguru and Shoko still saw each other after he left, Shoko took him out drinking on his 20th birthday. Though he did enjoy going out and spending time with her, part of him was saddened due to the two of them and Satoru always saying that their first time really going out for a drink was going to be together.
– After Suguru left, he and Satoru secretly met for his birthday for several years. They never did much, all they wanted to do was cuddle on Satoru’s couch and never leave each other’s arms until the sun came up. Satoru would always try his best to make sure Suguru felt extra loved and valued on his birthday. He may not have agreed with his ideals, but he absolutely adored him, and he wanted to make sure Suguru knew that on his special day.
– Suguru always wears a little candy bracelet with a heart charm that he refuses to take off or eat. It was a birthday gift from Satoru, who had a matching one, ages ago, and it reminds Suguru of him every time he looks at it. Whenever he may feel unloved by the world, he pulls up the sleeve of his robes to look at it, and it always reminds him that he is loved by the most important person in the world to him.
– Suguru’s favourite gift from Shoko has been an enormous beluga whale plushie. Even years later, he kept it in the corner of his room and hugged it when he was in need of comfort.
– One year, Satoru and Shoko teamed up to make Suguru a scrapbook of all of their best memories and photos together. It took everything in him not to cry when he saw it.
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– After he left Jujutsu High, Suguru never thought he was going to have any fun celebrations or sweet traditions for his birthday again. He expected to, for the most part, think of his birthday as an afterthought and simply focus on pursuing his ideals like he would any other day.
– Mimiko and Nanako had other ideas, however. When they were younger, they would both make him little cards and try their best to be independent for the day so that he had a chance to rest after working so hard for them.
– Nowadays, they still each make Suguru a card, but they also like to get some of the other members of his group to take them to their favourite crêpe shop so that they can bring some home for the three of them to share and surprise him.
– The girls love to spend as much time with Suguru as possible on his birthday, wanting to show how grateful they are to have him as their dad and make him feel appreciated.
– One year, they treated him to a little at-home spa day to help him relax. He ended up with the smoothest complexion a person can have after a facial, and flowers braided into his hair.
– Like Satoru and Shoko, the girls also like to bring Suguru a cake and sing to him every year.
– The year after Suguru’s death, everything felt so empty on his birthday. All the girls wanted to do was at least have a grave to sit by and try to talk to his spirit at, but instead, they were faced with Kenjaku, using Suguru’s body for his own gain rather than allowing him to rest in peace.
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stitchedscripts · 5 months
❝𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫?❞ | s. geto headcanons
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WORD COUNT ;; 2264 .
TRIGGER WARNINGS ;; a bit of gore, s / h, && suicidal ideation .
NOTES ;; i think about geto more than any normal, sane person should so i thought i'd share my headcanons for him here !! they're split into categories for silly && wholesome, dark && angsty, and an au in which he becomes a teacher at jujutsu high ! i hope y'all enjoy !
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– Suguru has two cats, Koko and Ruru. He named them after Shoko and Satoru, respectively. Ruru is very chill and gets along with most people, though he’s usually seen taking naps by the window. Koko, however, is very attached to Suguru and can get extremely jealous when he gives other people attention. She has a massive grudge against Satoru, and tends to attack him at every opportunity. Despite that, she loves other cats and is happy to spend time with them.
– Suguru keeps a small plushie that he and Satoru won together at the arcade by his bedside table at all times. It’s a massive comfort for him when Satoru isn’t really around, especially in the months leading to his defection from Jujutsu High. When he left, the plushie was one of the few things he took with him to remember Satoru by.
– Suguru LOVES horror movies, both good and bad. His favourites are movies with heavy psychological elements and ones that really make you think, and he loves to overanalyze them. He also likes supernatural and paranormal horror movies, though they don’t scare him in the slightest, as he can logically imagine most of what happens in those movies to be due to curses, and even if none of it was, those are the least realistic types of horror movies anyway.
– On the topic of movies, Suguru enjoys intentionally watching bad ones just to judge them with Satoru and Shoko. He gets surprisingly passionate about pointing out the flaws, much more than to be expected from him.
– Suguru also enjoys playing video games when he has the time to, though his attitude towards a lot of games is a lot different than it probably should be. Games that are supposed to be relaxing and chill ( e.g. Animal Crossing ) stress him out an unnecessary amount, whereas the games that he plays to wind down tend to be the goriest horror games.
– Speaking of playing games, Suguru tends to easily become attached to certain characters in story-driven games. In a more modern au, he and Satoru would have randomly decided to play Doki Doki Literature Club on a whim without knowing what they were getting into. Suguru quickly became attached to Sayori as a character because in a way, she reminded him of Satoru, and he was FLABBERGASTED when she died. He refuses to ever admit it to anyone but he cried and a break needed to be taken after that.
– Suguru’s favourite animal is the beluga whale. He liked them as a child and that carried on to his later years. They just seemed to bring him a sense of joy that he just couldn’t explain. Belugas seem to be drawn to him as well, as there have been several times where he’s taken a trip to the aquarium and a beluga has swam right up to where he was standing, pushing its nose right up against the glass where he had gently placed his hand.
– Suguru doesn’t swear all that much. A lot of the time, he has to be really upset for a curse word to come out of him, and anyone he talks to can tell he’s in the worst mood when he says it with his usual calm, collected tone and that soft smile on his face.
– Suguru has a bit of a problem when it comes to taking people into his group. Whenever he comes across a mistreated sorcerer with nowhere else to go, he instantly wants to take them in, as he doesn’t want them to have to suffer in the way that Mimiko, Nanako and many others had. He very frequently has to be stopped by the other members of his found family, though, because there would probably be way too many people and not enough space in the temple if he were to take in everyone he wanted to.
– Even after he defected, Suguru and Shoko still met up for coffee every couple weeks due to Shoko still remaining a voice of neutrality in the jujutsu world. The two of them would simply catch up and have a nice conversation with each other every session. Most of the time, Shoko would poke a little fun at Suguru for his ideals, and while he does try to defend himself, he mainly just lets her. ( best friend clownery privileges <3 )
– Suguru used to do theatre in middle school. He used to be cast in all the scary roles despite that being the opposite of who he was at the time, and he was great at playing them.
– Suguru enjoyed going all-out for Halloween back in school. He always had the best costumes, and sometimes he would act the part as well. One year, he dressed up as a character who was possessed for a majority of the thing they were from, and it was a team effort between Satoru and Shoko to do his makeup, wrap chains around him and dump a jug of fake blood on him while he stood in a bathtub. When he showed up to school with ripped clothes, messy hair, bloodshot eyes and completely soaked in blood, it scared the hell out of Utahime and Haibara.
– Suguru very much enjoys reading. He finds that books can make for a great escape from the world, and he loves curling up inside and getting lost in a good book when he can.
– In a similar vein, Suguru likes watching the movie / TV show adaptations of books he’s read and pointing out the differences between them. He appreciates seeing the different versions of the stories being told in a new medium, but he will get passionate and a little upset if the adaptation is bad. Satoru has had to listen to many a rant about how film adaptations have completely messed up some of Suguru’s favourite books.
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– In an au where Suguru was talked out of defecting and becomes a teacher at Jujutsu High, his mind is still very fragile and he could still very well be driven to violence the way he was in canon if pushed far enough. Unfortunately, “far enough” means “at every minor inconvenience” to him. Dropped a piece of chalk? Well damn, all of the non-sorcerers have to die now. He’s not gonna do it, but he’ll certainly think about it.
– In that same au, Suguru has a very close mentor / student bond with Nobara, Yuji, and Inumaki.
– Suguru and Nobara talk about absolutely everything. They have weekly shit talks and gossip sessions, in which he usually tells her about embarrassing things that Satoru did back in high school for her to use as blackmail against him. He also lets her rant / vent to him about anything that might be on her mind, and he gives her the best advice when she needs it.
– Suguru often takes Nobara out shopping ( with Satoru’s credit card, of course ) when the two of them have spare time, then takes her out for ice cream afterwards.
– Yuji’s smile and energy is absolutely infectious to Suguru. He could be having the worst day imaginable, but one smile from Yuji and a word of reassurance that everything would be okay could brighten his mood in an instant.
– Yuji is fascinated by Suguru’s cursed technique and loves hearing about it from him – and Suguru, of course, does his best to tell him everything he wants to know. Sometimes, he even summons a few of his lower level curses for Yuji to practice training with.
– Suguru was initially the person to recruit Inumaki to come to Jujutsu High after hearing of some of the incidents regarding him accidentally cursing people without intending to.
– Suguru picked up on the meanings of Inumaki’s rice ball speech fairly quickly, and it didn’t take long to be able to have a conversation with him. Sometimes, he would speak in rice ball ingredients back, making it almost like a kind of code for the two of them. Suguru was one of, if not the first person to make Inumaki feel as if he were finally truly understood.
– Suguru ended up acting as a translator for Inumaki due to being able to understand him so quickly. His favourite time to translate for him was in the middle of arguments, where he would speak in the exact same tone as Inumaki so that the translated words would have the same effect.
– Due to being specifically targeted by Kenjaku for his cursed technique, Suguru still dies by the end of this au, the difference being that he ends up being brutally slaughtered by Kenjaku himself while out on a mission, completely disappearing from the school without a trace.
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– From the moment he was born, Suguru always felt as though he was being watched by a pair of eyes that burned into his skull, judging his every move. He always passed it off as an irrational feeling and ignored it, but the truth was that he was right. Kenjaku was always watching him, pulling the strings that eventually led to his demise in order to steal his body and cursed technique.
– Suguru absolutely despises crying, especially in front of other people. He never lets himself do it in front of even the closest people to him, yet the guilt, sorrow, hatred and anger that he constantly feels towards the world and the pain that he’s inflicted on those he holds dear makes him feel as though he constantly needs to. When he’s alone, he feels as though he can finally sob his heart out, although it always makes him feel pathetic and weak. He’s supposed to be a ruthless, brutal killer, the worst curse user, yet there are many times after a long, exhausting day where all he can do is let himself cry.
– Piggybacking off of that, this parallels what Suguru used to do in the weeks leading up to his defection from the school when even spending time with Satoru and Shoko, the two who were supposed to bring him the most joy out of anything, hurt him too much. When he couldn’t do that, all he could do was hole himself up in his room and sob his heart out.
– Along with crying, Suguru despises the idea of worrying people with his issues, so he’s extremely prone to bottling them up until they completely explode inside of him. He often feels like he has no one to turn to when he isn’t doing well due to his aversion to burdening others with his problems on top of his own. He constantly forces himself to keep up his calm, collected persona and tries his best to help other people with their issues despite being in no condition to do so, just so that he can ensure he won’t worry anyone else.
– For ten years, Suguru craved the sweet hand of death to come and take him from the mortal realm. He wasn’t sure if he genuinely wanted to die or if he was simply waiting on his inevitable execution, but the truth was that he really did crave his end. That was a sentiment that he seldom admitted to even himself, but it ate away at his mind at every waking moment. He told himself that he had to live for his family and for the creation of his ideal world, but as he was living on borrowed time anyway, he wanted death to envelop him in its sweet embrace sooner rather than later.
– Suguru has recurring dreams that involve him eventually snapping and ripping his own heart out and watching himself bleed, squeezing it until it eventually pops, letting the blood inside of his heart soak his hands and the rest of his body. These dreams stem from his internal belief that his life would be so much easier to get through if he really were heartless like much of the jujutsu world believes him to be. If he didn’t care nearly as much as he did about the people he loves, he could do so much more without the constant mental consequence, but seeing as he does, he’s plagued with so many negative emotions at all times that he is unable to voice to anyone. Over time, his dreams started occurring so much that they became genuine ideation and he really began to wish that he could just rip his heart right out of his chest.
– Due to all of the walls that Suguru has put up since the Star-Plasma Vessel incident, he’s realized that a lot of the time, he doesn’t even feel human anymore. He struggles to differentiate between what he really feels and what’s all just part of the front he puts up, and he sometimes questions if any of his feelings are real or if he’s just fooling himself and everyone else into thinking they are.
– Suguru has a bad habit of stabbing into his hand with his nails so hard that it bleeds. It used to be an impulse thing he did on autopilot, but it became intentional as he tried to focus on the pain and the blood dripping from his hand rather than the thoughts in his head.
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stitchedscripts · 5 months
reflection | s. geto
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GENRE ;; angst .
WORD COUNT ;; 725 .
TRIGGER WARNINGS ;; mentions of blood, self-loathing && mass murder .
SUMMARY ;; when suguru returns from the village massacre, he no longer recognizes his reflection in the mirror and despises what he sees .
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When Suguru looked in the mirror, his reflection wasn’t that of the calm, upstanding member of jujutsu society that he knew. He was so much more than just a little dishevelled. Quite the contrary, he looked like a complete and utter wreck.
He aggressively yanked his hair tie off of his head, allowing his messy, black hair to spill down his back. Small pieces from his bangs fell in front of his eyes, though the look on his face was still clear to see. His eyes were filled with a look of pure hatred and disgust, and he couldn’t tell if that feeling was towards himself, the rest of the world, or anything else in between. The dark circles under his eyes were incredibly prominent, showing exactly how tired he was that night.
Suguru’s clothes and face were covered in dirt and grime, though it was fairly normal for him to come back a bit dirty from a mission. It wasn’t just dirt that soiled his clothes, however.
The worst part was that he was completely soaked in dark, crimson blood. From his hair to his clothes to his skin, Suguru was drenched in the blood of one hundred people.
One hundred people that he had killed.
“They deserved it.” He thought to himself as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.
“They were all like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals.”
Though he certainly wasn’t in his right mind at the moment, that truly was what Suguru believed. The people that he killed weren’t really people at all. They were more like rabid animals who no longer had a place in the world and needed to be eradicated. They deserved what was coming to them for the constant mistreatment of the two young girls that he had taken in.
Still, he couldn’t help but despise what his reflection in the mirror showed. He didn’t hate that he had killed all of those people – it was the opposite, really. He still felt completely numb towards the action itself. It was more like he hated what had become of himself, how he’d deteriorated from someone who once was so well put-together and had such a strong moral compass, to, well this.
The hatred for what he saw in front of him began to consume him, and without thinking, Suguru brought his fist to the mirror and shattered it to pieces. Bits of glass stuck into his knuckles, piercing the skin and causing blood to trickle down the back of his hand. He winced in pain as he ripped the glass out from his knuckles, his breath becoming heavier as he tried to hold back the distressed yell that he desperately wanted to let out.
Eventually, the combination of the pain in his hand, complete exhaustion and his emotions bubbling up in the way that they were caused his legs to give out. He dropped to his knees with a ‘THUD’ before he scooted over to the corner of the bathroom, turning around and sitting up against the door with his knees pressed to his chest. He had completely neglected to check the cabinet for gauze or bandages to stop the bleeding in his hand, so the best that he had was his other hand.
Suguru squeezed his right knuckles tightly with his left hand. Blood seeped through the cracks between his fingers and mixed with the dried blood that he had already been covered in. His breath became shaky as he continued to watch the blood soak his hands more and more quickly with every second.
He couldn’t believe that the reflection that he could be proud to see when he looked in the mirror had deteriorated into this within a single night. If anyone were to walk in on him now, rather than seeing a fine, upstanding model of jujutsu society, they would see a face of abhorrence and a hint of insanity. A deranged monster who had killed one hundred people in a single night without a hint of remorse and was now bleeding out of his hand on the floor, sitting in a pile of broken glass.
Was that just who Suguru was now?
In the midst of the million thoughts that flooded his mind, one of them in particular stood out to him the most:
“I don’t recognize myself.”
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stitchedscripts · 5 months
cele. she / they. 18. your local geto && kenjaku enthusiast. <3
REQUESTS ;; closed .
ASK BOX ;; open for chatting !
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WHAT YOU'LL FIND ON THIS BLOG ;; so, SO much jjk, ship, platonic && familial relationship drabbles + oneshots, angst for DAYS, character studies, headcanons, ocs .
WHAT YOU WON'T FIND ON THIS BLOG ;; character x reader, smut, anything icky like pedophilia, incest, etc .
CHARACTERS I'LL WRITE ;; geto, kenjaku, gojo, yuji, megumi, nobara, maki, junpei, sukuna, nanami, mahito, shoko, utahime, riko, my own ocs . this list is subject to be changed .
EXTRA NOTES ;; i absolutely LOVE talking about my ocs and their lore, if you ask me about them i'll love you forever. i'm OBSESSED with angst, especially when it has to do with stsg && gojoken, and i have SO many headcanons + aus for the two ships. on the subject of gojoken, if you want them toxic, bloody and batshit insane, i'm your girl.
SHIPS I'LL WRITE ;; satosugu, gojoken, itafushi, itajun, nobamaki, shokohime, mahiken, nanago, sugunana, possibly others occasionally but those are the main ones . anything else is fine platonically .
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