stitchspell · 2 years
There's something so sapphic about Jane Austen.
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stitchspell · 2 years
Openly reading at work because I hate my boss
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stitchspell · 2 years
Growing Things pt 1
by Paul Treblay
guess this person also wrote 'cabin at the end of the world', honestly don't know what that is or what it's about SPOILERS
but for THIS BOOK, also bought at the mystical book store, i.e a book a lady was selling out of a barn on her farm (i love it there), is a collection of short 'idk if you would call them horror so much as drama/suspense' stories. The first is about two sisters staying in a secluded cabin, it kind of sounds like they were already secluded, and their dad goes out to get rations while the older sister kind of tells little stories explaining the current world state which is a result of some kind of forever growing plant that's taken over the major cities/ world and swallowed everything up.
you kind of follow the younger sister, the more rational of the two, kind of trying to keep everything together until her dad gets back with the rations. The older sister is obviously getting worse in this timeframe and the younger sister finds the plants growing in the basement of the cabin? She even WATERS them with what little water they have left and when the plants start growing like crazy it uproots their 'missing mom' from the dirt floor????? Which i guess I was kind of expecting, I generally do whenever they're like 'oh my parent ran away a few years ago' etc stuff, plus dad is kind of explained to be a little off in the beginging? But I loved the really dramatic and fast paced ending, I couldn't figure out if it was supposed to be a kind of hidden meaning for their family home being uprooted from the basement, where mom was buried, or if it was to be taken in a more literal sense but I loved it. I also made one of those fleece blankets, you know where you cut the edges into strips and tie two together from the strips on the sides, and i've been using the scraps as bookmarks and for some reason it's been sparking joy for me
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stitchspell · 2 years
Tbh I don't understand people wanting to scare off twitter users. Like, I enjoy the jokes and all, but like.
Guys. We want twitter users to come here. We want as many people to get off of twitter as possible. Tumblr's pride and joy is costing verizon a billion dollars. I'll put up with a million more annoying people if it means I can be a part of costing Elon Musk 44 billion dollars. Bankrupt that mfer. Let the bird app become a desolate wasteland. Let it be the new myspace.
Welcoming twitter users and teaching them to not be dicks on this website is an important step in costing Elon Musk 44 billion dollars. Do your part to make his investment worthless.
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stitchspell · 2 years
I keep trying to do things in my community but my house is warm and it's cold outside. A shame.
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stitchspell · 2 years
As a reminder: libraries, museums, zoos, etc are NOT brand accounts! As an example, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Tumblr is very cool & they support ocean conservation and education! I believe the National Archives and Smithsonian Libraries are also around here somewhere. Support public institutions!
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stitchspell · 2 years
Temptation in a Kilt CH 1
by Victoria Roberts
fun little find at a local bookstore, they sell a lot of these old romance novels they pick up at estate sales. Every now and again I drop in to pick up a cheesy romance book and my partner and I read through them chapter by chapter until we both get lost in an ADHD activity frensy, but the books help keep us on a task.
hard to read aloud if you can't do a good scottish accent, which I cannae, but my partner puts on a fantastic show for me.
So far we've got a traditional 'met at royal banquet' kind of setting. We've got our MC, Cieran (I looked up how this could be pronounced and there were like 3 different ways and we settled on KEER-IN bc it seemed like the one we would mess up the least), oldest of three sons who inherited his father's estate, etc, etc, general male lead stuff, haven't seen too much of his personality yet but he seems to be the stereotypical 'my brothers are idiots and I'm very serious' guy. Our female lead, Rosalia, is honestly the star of the show, we've got our typical 'parents are broke and trying to marry me off to a gross dude for m o n e y' thing going on. I was kind of guessing the way the story was going to go when we were introduced to her via her mom screaming at her in the banquet hall about how she was 21 now, nO oNe WiLl MaRrY yOu kind of scene, you know. The male and female lead lock eyes and gush about it endlessly (they haven't spoken at all in the first chapter'. Rosalia's mother, unnamed so far I think (she may have been named but her character is basically 'bitchy mom' so I kept reffering to her as that), finds said 'gross dude' she's supposed to marry who basically offers an open marriage after she bears him an heir, basic plot kind of stuff for these books. The world is really small up to this point? Like, my partner and I kept kind of flip-flopping between 'yeah, this is about right for these kinds of books' and 'okay this is a little different' kind of stuff. Maybe my scope on this kind of literature is still small. Work in progress i'll probably return to later. Anyway, Rosalia and Cieran part ways at the banquet, again they haven't spoke at all, and Rosalia returns home to discuss her future being married to aforementioned 'gross dude' with his gross dude plans and sexual propositions. They give us a sweet older cook who's kind of a grandma to her and a stable boy who sees her (platonically) as like a sibling/friend as a relief from her otherwise shitty life with her mean ass mom and complacent dad (dad's still a dick in my option for sitting by while the mom does all of the forced marriage arranging/ beatings), we see a little bit of her life there and kind of see a peak of her personality, which is a little one dimensional so far but to be fair we're only in first chapter, BUT THEN
we get like a 'mulan' moment???? She cuts off all her hair and runs away in the night with one of her family's horses???? I know it's a little cliché but I didn't expect it with the way the chapter was going, honestly. She takes off towards Northern Scotland where she has a grandmother she's never met (her mom was an englishwoman and didn't want to associate w/ any of dad's family, but she's gotten letters/ gifts from her grandmother), the last scene in the chapter is her passing out on her horse but like, I read a tiny bit into the second chapter and she was FOUND by Cieran's party on their way back to his estate (obv she's still in disguise) So that's my poor, uncultured review of Temptation in a Kilt Chapter 1 (and kind of a tiny bit of 2.)
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