stitchyace1997 · 3 days
I would like to see more people talk about how jobs treat disabled employees.
I used to prep, wash dishes, and cook at mellow mushroom. I had chronic pain that wasn't NEARLY as bad as it is today, but it was still very debilitating. I told my employer "i cannot stand more than 4 to 6 hours. I CANNOT do shifts longer than this due to my illness." And even though i made my boundaries VERY clear, everyday i worked it was 8 hours at the least and 10 or 12 at the most. I would go up to my manager and say "look i really need to leave, my shift is over, my chronic pain is killing me." And he'd say "we really need to here, you HAVE to push through." And so i did, and after one, ONE month of that job my crps got incredibly worse to the point where i could no longer walk my dog around the block which was .5 miles. I quit, and that was FOUR years ago, and ever since that day I HAVE BEEN BEDRIDDEN AND HAVE TO USE A WHEELCHAIR. It is my biggest regret in life.
My best friend who has seen my whole journey has recently developed undiagnosed chronic pain, and she is in the EXACT same scenario i was 4 years ago. Busting her ass at a pizza place with extreme pain that hurts her so much she tells me "im in so much pain i don't even feel like a person." She doesn't feel LUCID. And her manager and coworkers are saying the same thing "if you don't help us you will let us down, we'll be in the shit."
That job thats hurting you isn't fucking worth it. I promise you no money is worth losing all your physical abilities and never getting them back. Your coworkers and boss do not give a shit about you, so don't you dare suffer for them. They will never understand your struggle and they will never try. They truly think being understaffed is worse than whatever pain you experience. They would rather you permanently damage yourself than inconvenience them. FUCK THEM. DON'T FUCKING DO IT!
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stitchyace1997 · 3 days
Neurodivergent asexuals, sound off in the comments, if you’re 23-30, I want to make more friends in the asexual community.
I’m a musician/singer, and a gamer. My main game is Fortnite, but I also love the LEGO video games, and Mario Kart.
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stitchyace1997 · 17 days
I’m so proud of people living with chronic health conditions. That shit is HARD. Idk who needs to hear this, but if no one else has said it: I’m proud of you. You’re sticking it out through so much pain and grief. That’s no small feat.
Every small thing you do for yourself health adds up. The grief is heavy and it comes from a place of love. The grief knows the pain is wronging you.
I’m proud of you. I hope on the good days you can be proud of yourself.
Keep going.
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stitchyace1997 · 25 days
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You’re never too old to cuddle stuffed animals.
ID: I, a white person, with brown hair pulsed back into a ponytail, am wearing a gray t-shirt, while laying in bed. I’m cuddling Grogu, a light green creature, with big eyes, huge protruding ears, and he’s wearing a big, tan coat on him.
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stitchyace1997 · 1 month
Please mask up, and don’t stop masking. 😷🥺
with the news of the mask ban in nassau county, i need everyone to start masking up again. we are in the middle of a covid surge and the police state has been furthered enabled to kill marginalized folks. wear a mask. make it known to your representatives locally & beyond that masks must remain legal. urge your community to do the same. the disabled folks who testified against the mask ban in nassau county were immediately arrested and charged with felonies after the hearing. we cannot stand for this. this is facism, this is eugenics, this is genocide. wear a mask.
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stitchyace1997 · 1 month
the feeling when you're soooo used to your pain and then suddenly you just want to sob and cry because it never stops and you're so tired of this and with no reason your usual daily level of pain becomes unbearable and it feels like shittttt
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
Yes exactly, and we don’t get much support. We STILL don’t have marriage equality, SSI income is still below the poverty line, etc.
I think that it's really important for people to realize that being disabled is traumatic. genuinely. your body and brain feel like they are breaking down and wrong. you are in constant heavy stress from stuff like chronic pain. most disabled people i know have a somewhat regular emotional break down from the trauma of it all. and we are expected to just smile through it by society, to not be in the way, to not be an issue.
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
Damn… 🥹🫠
It's late at night
Imagine I'm tickling you, and it's late at night. The kind of late which seems to infect you with tiredness... Such tiredness that your eyelids grow heavy and talking turns into slow... st-eady~ sleeep... filled... whisp-er-sss~ With my drowsy voice, I whisper velvety teases into your ears as my fingers trace your tummy. If you were to wear a sleeping gown, it wouldn't matter, I'd find my way past that lackluster layer of defense and get to your adorable bare skin anyways. It probably doesn't tickle all too bad, but just enough for you to forget about whatever might have been troubling you. The tickling sensations push everything else out of the way, even the urge to stay awake... Eventually I'd be too tired to speak anymore; I'd switch from whispering into your ears to kissing your neck lazily, with no technique. My movements being fueled by love instead. My fingers trace your ribs much like how someone would trace the rim of a wine glass... such delicate... intoxicating tickles... exactly at midnight, as we're both under the covers... As your energy drains, as does mine... the tickles come to a stop... and we both just- finally drift off to sleep~
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
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I was feeling agitated and artblocked yesterday so I decided to give my brain a rest by watching TV and then the next thing I knew these were in front of me
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
subs sholud never feel bad for using safeword/speaking up about something that makes them uncomfortable. you are not being a bad sub, i promise
— a good dom is going to be proud of you and happy that you are comfortable with them and trust them enough to speak up
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
Yes I love tickling people but not in a "haha I'm so evil I love how much this bothers you mwahaha" way but in a "OMG EEHEHEHEE I LOVE YOU WE ARE FRIENDS YOU ARE SO CUTE I WANT TO MAKE YOU SMILE AND HAVE FUN EEHEHEHE" way.
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
I, and I cannot stress this enough, want to be pinned down, teased, and tickled until I can’t take it.
I want to be a blushing, whimpering, mess of giggles. And then when I beg for it to stop?
Keep going.
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
Reblog if your Tumblr page is your little secret!
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
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Being disabled shouldn't equal being poor.
Abolish the sub-minimum wage, increase income caps for disability assistance, and establish universal basic income.
digital illustration of a disabled nonbinary person with leg braces. They have a green mullet and are wearing a black t-shirt, purple cargo pants, green chunky heels and a green belt. There's text that reads, 'being disabled shouldn't equal being poor.'
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
Anyway this disability pride month I would like to shoutout disabled folks whose creativity has suffered because of their condition. I’m talking people with hand tremors and pain that stop them from drawing, knitting, and playing instruments. People whose thinking has become so disorganized that nothing they write makes sense to other people. People with chronic pain who can no longer dance. People so over medicated in a fruitless attempt to maintain stability that the wells of their imagination have run dry.
I see you and I love you. You are more than your creative output. You are not a shell of what you used to be. You are a whole, complete person, regardless of what your creativity has been, is now, or will be in the future.
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stitchyace1997 · 2 months
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