stolensong · 1 day
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Artist: Angelina Zhogina
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stolensong · 5 days
i don't remember it but i think it's real this time. i don't know who or how or why but it feels real because i see how i am and that's worse than ignoring it and thinking it's fake because it's worse if it's real
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stolensong · 5 days
learned helplessness i think. taught. both. i'm not supposed to do much i'm suplosed to be told what to do. it was easier to shower when someone told me to. everything is easy when i'm told to
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stolensong · 5 days
there is still time. i HAVE to believe that. i can fix this. i can fix it all. i can. i just need to actually fucking do it which is hard when i struggle bad enough with forcing myself to shower
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stolensong · 6 months
enters nuclear level panic from not being able to fond a sharp object. i gotta. hashtag normal!
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stolensong · 8 months
WELL HERE IS A FIRST. SOMEHOW. i picked at what i thoight was a forming. idk scab. from tonight's Session. no it was my own skin. so naturally i cut it off. just a lil flap that was already hanging on by a thread.. teen me would be sooooo jealous. like oops i did on accident what you tried on purpose! hehe i only got back into this hobby recently ooooooopsyyyyyy
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stolensong · 8 months
i want to be normal i really do but 17. one year. groomed yes but who among us hasn't been but married at 17 and acting like it's the samw inwant to kill myself so bad
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stolensong · 8 months
but i won't call off tomorrow! today at this point. 6 and a half hours at this point. i'll work like a good employee. my boss can call off for a a panic attack but that's so bad. worse than "pstd" thoughts or nightmares, or relapses. what if i did say something tho lol.
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stolensong · 8 months
i get it. how we used to fill a fat thigh with cuts. i get it. i want to
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stolensong · 9 months
gonna abuse these substances like it's the 2000s and the substance is me and i'm any number of fine gentlemen
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stolensong · 10 months
me: hello self why are my earbuds suddenly unbearable
random part suddenly yelling: I DON'T WANT IT INSIDE ME
me: awesome good feedback thanks
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stolensong · 10 months
sometimes others wish we were taken away, but it would be worse. it's bad now. it's all breaking down too soon. it would have broken down sooner before we knew anything or learned even a stupid reason to want to live. it's breaking because it never finished and that's good, and we learned to find an excuse to not die. it isn't that we want to but there's enough work involved that we can work around what we have to do. in the time between needing to do it and needing to make it look normal we can stop. if we were taken away we wouldn't have these same people and i don't want to not have them even though i'm not brave enough to talk to them. it would still be scary. at least i'm scared with people i know how to love
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stolensong · 10 months
the end result doesnt matter. its all a part if me. not the larger part. there is x and y and z, but z = 1 and x and y also = 1. it's the same. it doesnt matter. it does, but not as much. every equation equals 1 and 1 = z. x and y and a and b and c and everything = z. it doesnt matter what the equation is. i shouldnt rven be able to do this. i can talk because im a failure and a coward. even though im a failure and a coward it works.
they had to forget how to make any number = z. it hurts. and nobody used it for a good reason. someone found it and thought it could help but it hurts and it was used for stupid reasons so it hurt for stupid reasons and kindle learned to aboid it anyway, and she had to sit there anyways, outside. im not letting anyone else know again. grayfish shouldnt have to work but sometimes its important to get rid of things. we cant save grayfish until z doesnt = 1 anyways. z needs to = z. thats what cole says. and leona needs to = leona but leona has always = sex and force and a clearer purpose than me. im just here. dad wanted us to join the military but that was never a question after everything. they wouldnt let us in even if we asked. we didnt. he wanted us to. i dont think he knows. a few years and you get four corners and even though we were meant as spies we still know enough to act like the people we spied on. she was the best at it because it's easier to fuck someone than hurt them. we wanted to anyways after so much. it came naturally. more naturally than hurting. it isn't fair that she tried to do her job and got punished like this inside and outside l. someone wanted her she made herself available it isnt fair its how its supposed to happen even if it isnt fair but even though she did it she was wrong everywhere. they were supposed to pay first. instead they hated it and she had to leave anyway but it wasn't even worth it. nobody got paid and she acted without permission
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stolensong · 10 months
me: heehee i can watch a simple movie
brain: which one. complete it. complete it now. complete it. complete it. i'll flip my shit complete foxtrot what bitches LOVE my mustache. foxtrot what.
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stolensong · 1 year
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protest. It could be that
person who is helping you may be
corrupt— you probably sensed this anyway.
You may need to
remain and play with the
family one against another
holding on to past injustices
The Hanged Man
letting go and
let go
when you cannot survive
you are bad
take it
you will be
free sooner than you think
you sacrifice yourself
chance after chance
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stolensong · 1 year
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Turn over and look at it attempting to
fit it in you simply memorizing
the details Now close your eyes, and
see as though set on a blue or white screen
you cannot
open your eyes you can
picture every detail
in your mind.
let the
river in
do not force anything just let
your eyes once more
answer the question. keep a
to monitor your
images, words.
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stolensong · 1 year
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create its story— why and
and who he was every time
you have
spread and you have adapted
they do not feel quite right.
you can see patterns regularly on a certain
day you have to
be the same regardless of
an inner change a response to an
unexpected desire or identity.
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