stolesanity · 1 year
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Dark Poet Aesthetic
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stolesanity · 1 year
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The Elder Scrolls Aesthetic - Sheogorath, Deadric Prince of madness
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stolesanity · 1 year
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✧ The madgod smiled, canting his head a bit. "Is that so? Well pretending or not, you know who I am, you just don't know that ya know!" He laughed a bit. "The name is Sheogorath, daedric prince of madness! And do ya know where ya are? Course not! This is my realm! The Shivering Aisles! But ya aren't a mortal no no, so I wonder how ya got here.. ah don't tell me don't tell me! Did ya get an invite from Haskil? Ya know I am always saying he's a hoot."
Vali tilted his head to the side in confusion. "I am going to pretend like I understand what that means!" He laughed, voice tinged with nervous suspicion. He hoped, maybe blindly, that this is some sort of strange metaphor. Mostly, he felt concerned he bore any resemblance to this insane man. Oh well -- when in Rome? "I can't say I've ridden a narwhal, but I did ride a minotaur, once, maybe twice, to great effect." Valeriu said this with a completely straight face, but once could see the glimmer of amusement in his eyes.
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stolesanity · 1 year
Sheogorath bringing dog treats for Hircine at the totally legit daedric meetings they have and then laughing when he gets butt hurt
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stolesanity · 1 year
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stolesanity · 1 year
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stolesanity · 1 year
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A few Sheogorath aesthetics I made over a few months!
(None of the images belong to me! I only did the edit.)
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stolesanity · 1 year
I love you violence I love you descent into madness I love you transformations into an unrecognizable self I love you monsters who were human I love you questioning if I’ve changed or been like this all along I love you being scared I love you secrets I love you twisted coming of age stories
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stolesanity · 1 year
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Sheogorath dementia
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stolesanity · 1 year
“I’m not sure which is worse: intense feeling, or the absence of it.”
— Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin
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stolesanity · 1 year
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✧ Mutuals like this post to summon Sheogorath ✧
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stolesanity · 1 year
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Sheogorath Daedric Prince of Madness. The Elder Scrolls
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stolesanity · 1 year
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✧ Mutuals like this post to summon Sheogorath ✧
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stolesanity · 1 year
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@seeasunset said: ❝ An empty pocket is better than a full grave. We should leave. ❞
✧ This was the big reveal, the end to his mortal facade. The mad god grinned as his features shifted into the elderly man with strange yellow eyes, grinning at the sailor. "Do you even realize who you're speaking to? Of course you don't of course not! Except you do know me but.. you don't know!" Sheogorath chortled. " It's always exceptionally boring when mortals don't know they've been fooled, pah no matter. I am Sheogorath, daedric prince of madness, and you dear boy have absolutely exhausted me!"
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stolesanity · 1 year
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into the woods we go
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stolesanity · 1 year
feel free to change pronouns as you please! ____ signifies a place where you can insert a name.
❝ You look like someone who can hold their liquor. How about a friendly contest? ❞ ❝ I’d love to help you, truly, but I’m too busy cleaning up your mess! ❞ ❝ You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here. What do you have to say for yourself? ❞ ❝ You really don’t remember stealing a goat and selling her to a Giant? Are you thick? ❞ ❝ Look, I’ve been patient, but you still owe me. ❞ ❝ Darling! I’ve been waiting for you to return…so we can consummate our love! ❞ ❝ Sorry it didn’t work out between you and ____. I know you were excited for the wedding. ❞ ❝ You’re here! I was beginning to think you weren’t going to make it! ❞ ❝ I haven’t been so entertained in years! ❞ ❝ Get a hold of yourself! I promise you, they’re just dreams. ❞ ❝ We’re in serious danger, but there’s so little that I can do about it… ❞ ❝ I’ve said too much. If anyone overhears what I’m saying, it could start a panic. ❞ ❝ I won’t lie to you, there is risk involved in this… ❞ ❝ I swear I’ll do everything in my power to prevent harm from befalling you. ❞ ❝ We must remain here and guard this place…with our lives, if necessary. ❞ ❝ You’re a traitor. You left me here to die. ❞ ❝ Is this punishment for my past? Is it your will to torment me so? ❞ ❝ One day, I’ll tear your face apart so that you leave me alone. ❞ ❝ I’ve been waiting for someone as fit as you to carry out my will. ❞ ❝ Your world is admirably steeped in lies and inclinations. ❞ ❝ Sometimes the world can only be cleansed by disease. ❞ ❝ I have been watching you for quite some time. The decisions you make intrigue me. ❞   ❝ I will not stand for betrayal. I want you to kill ____ , in my name.❞ ❝ Your betrayal will be punished, and your obedience will be rewarded. ❞ ❝ An empty pocket is better than a full grave. We should leave. ❞ ❝ I feel the hunger inside you. Gnawing at you. ❞ ❝ It’s alright. I will not shun you for what you are. ❞ ❝ You’ve found a friend who understands you. You can let go of your guilt. ❞ ❝ Why don’t you lay down and rest while I get the meal ready? ❞ ❝ I knew when you walked into this place that you were special. ❞ ❝ Follow me and keep your eyes open. You never know what we might find. ❞ ❝ Fool! Did you think I would so easily reward you? ❞ ❝ I want you to bend your knee and give me your soul. ❞ ❝ Are you here to kill me? To slay me, while I sit here tired and helpless? ❞ ❝ Ah, you mortals and your frail, limp, pathetic bodies. ❞ ❝ When your enemies lie broken and bloodied before you, know that I will be watching. ❞ ❝ Who sent you? Was it ____? We agreed there would be no more questions. ❞ ❝ You are nothing. An empty vapour dispersed by the slightest breeze. ❞ ❝ You have caught my attention. That is most unwise… ❞ ❝ You have proven the strength of your will and your tongue’s gift for lies. ❞   ❝ Are you able to cast aside your honour and strike with the hidden blade? ❞ ❝ I will not give you the dignity of defending yourself. ❞ ❝ You have earned my respect, a feat few manage and live to tell about. ❞   ❝ Why don’t you come in? I have a job you’d be perfect for! ❞ ❝ I don’t declare a winner whilst there is still a pawn on the board. ❞ ❝ You’ve been a worthy tool. Fill the world with destruction in my name. ❞ ❝ What’s your heart’s desire? What kind of deal can we strike? ❞ ❝ It seems a shame to give away a weapon like this, doesn’t it? ❞ ❝ You forget how nice supreme power feels when you’ve been stuck in a cave for years. ❞ ❝ It’s a shame you wished for something so dull…A lack of imagination on your part. ❞ ❝ A lack of ambition like yours really should be punished. ❞   ❝ Your free will is an illusion. ❞ ❝ We cannot carry on this way! We’re doomed if we don’t do something! ❞ ❝ I have no wish to depend upon a stranger, but I have no choice. ❞ ❝ You’re weak, you’re small, and you’re an embarrassment. ❞ ❝ You’re always trying to scheme yourself out of responsibility. ❞ ❝ Your deceitful ways have cost everyone dearly. ❞ ❝ A new day is dawning…and you shall be its herald. ❞ ❝ This wasn’t anything I intended to do, believe me, I just…lost control. ❞ ❝ There’s no purpose in keeping secrets if we’re going to die here anyway. ❞ ❝ I feel the animal inside me, stronger than ever. ❞ ❝ Why does everyone ignore me? Why will no-one help me? ❞   ❝ You are far too hard on yourself, my dear. ❞ ❝ What would people do without you? Dance? Sing? Smile? ❞ ❝ Have you any idea where you are? Where you truly are? ❞ ❝ I’m finally ready to love myself…and continue hating everyone else. ❞ ❝ I find everyone being out to get you so terribly entertaining. ❞ ❝ You wield fear like a cleaver. ❞ ❝ The trouble you can get into while I’m gone simply boggles my mind. ❞
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stolesanity · 1 year
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✧ The madgod did grin at her words. Clearly this was an oversight on her part, she had no idea where she was, or who she was speaking to. The surroundings that the argonian found herself in was indeed no such library- but she was standing in the middle of a pathway, one that led up to New Sheo Palace. The vivd plant life and chittering sounds of wildlife, the bright colors would suggest this was the path of bliss. And the daedric prince of madness stood before her, a grin on his face as he leaned on his staff.
"A wrong turn? A wrong TURN?" He exclaimed throwing one hand up in an energetic display. "No indeed...you made the right turn but you don't know where you are at all! You are another hopeful in a long line of hopefuls trying to get to that library that Hermaes Mora rules over- his domain." There were so many who wanted to get there but there was one tiny, gigantic detail most mortals didn't know. " Well where you are.. is the Shivering Isles and you can call me Amery, that is of course if you are fond of being skinned alive and having an angry immortal skip rocks with your entrails!" A cackle, a pause.
'No no but I am Sheogorath, Lord Sheogorath, Daedric prince of madness and little mortal in order to get to Apocrypha, you have to pass through a test, if you cannot handle the madness here, you've no chance there, or maybe you do, but no you don't!"
@acuityfeed from ✧
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