stoleweb · 5 years
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She hates the way he talks to her. Like they’re familiar, like he really knows anything about her. Hates how much she likes it sometimes, that it makes her feel like she belongs because that’s a dangerous road to go down and there’s more than herself to think about. “I’m the same as I always was. Maybe you just don’t know me as well as you seem to think you do.”
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                "    No,    don't    pull    that    shit    with    me,    babe.    I    know    you.    "    It's    because    he    wants    her    to    have    a    safe    place    to    be    herself,    where    she    feels    like    she    doesn't    have    to    build    up    those    walls.    For    both    her    AND    Lyla's    sake.    "    You    can    talk    to    me,    and    you    know    that,    you    just    don't    want    to    admit    it.    "
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stoleweb · 5 years
all of my likes are just clayton posts
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stoleweb · 5 years
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“i didn’t need your fucking rescue, you know?”
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                "    Really    ??    Because    it    sounds    like    you    do.    You    becomin'    distant,    Mick,    whats    goin'    on    ??    "
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stoleweb · 5 years
@fortunefavours replied to your post: u kno who loves 2 smooch? narciso. he loves...
mickey vc: uh oh
ico vc: i WILL love u, and u WILL like it
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stoleweb · 5 years
u kno who loves 2 smooch?
narciso. he loves smoochin. he loves makin his girl feel wanted and loved. he loves that.
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stoleweb · 5 years
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stoleweb · 5 years
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stoleweb · 5 years
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@liveslies | james baldwin
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                He    nods    in    agreement.    "    Yeah,    sometimes    you    scare    me    too,    Mick.    "    He    sips    at    his    beer,    watching    her.    "    I    know    trust    is    hard    for    you,    but    I    ain't    gonna    fuck    up    your    life.    Take    it    one    day    at    a    time.    "
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stoleweb · 5 years
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@fortunefavours | james baldwin
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                "    Sweetheart,    I    ain't    goin'    anywhere.    "    Narciso    bends    over,    scooping    the    girl    up    into    his    arms.    "    If    I'm    gone,    assume    I'm    dead,    alright    ??    I    wouldn't    ever    just    ditch    you,    kid.    "
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stoleweb · 5 years
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@strikeshard | cont.
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                Narciso    stares    for    a    long    moment,    brows    furrowed,    inhaling    deeply.    Eventually    he    shakes    his    head.    "    No,    Isaiah,    that    won't    make    me    feel    any    better.    "
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stoleweb · 5 years
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@strikeshard | the cartel
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                "    Uhhhh...    guns    ain't    really    my    thing,    ya    know.    If    I'm    in    a    fight,    it's    a    fist    fight.    "
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stoleweb · 5 years
aight i’ll be on either wednesday night or thursday
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stoleweb · 5 years
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“You went off the radar, hard (man) to find.”
“You think you could put the gun down?”
“Okay, we’ll just stand out here with our hands in the air like jerk-offs.”
“If your boy there moves to the side again I’ll shoot you first.”
“Can we go some place and talk?”
“But you don’t give a damn, right? You live in this ethereal world now. ‘In it but not of it.’ ”
“He’s gone Céline Dion, you can’t stop the guy from singing.”
“Everyone knows who you are.”
“No, I just didn’t want to drink it alone. I thought it would be more fun if we drank it together.”
“If there’s something you’d like to talk about…”
“If you do that, I can’t stop you.”
“Who hired you, cabrón ?”
“We always knew, that we’d end up here, didn’t we?”
“I didn’t say he was horrible, I just said that he was North American.”
“I think, that it is important to distinguish between revenge and justice.”
“Have you ever been in a firefight before?”
“I’ll burn this shithole to the ground!”
“That’s what soldiers do.”
“Is there where you grew up?”
“You’ve risen from the dead.”
“Never had the time or interest, besides, families make you vulnerable.”
“I don’t need your help, you need mine.”
“Dead, they’re martyrs; alive, they’re bitches. That’s the song you want sung.”
“The truth is, I don’t know if I could live with that kind of heartbreak again.”
“Jesus Christ, take a minute to celebrate, would you? It’s a good day and we don’t get a lot of them. Let’s at least crack a smile when we do.”
“Someone is always telling me lies, If I don’t get lied to by lunchtime, I feel deprived.”
“From the prison you abandoned me to? Thank you so much.”
“Well, you should know about cops, you own enough of them.”
“Pure evil. Evil beyond the possibility of redemption.”
“Then I slept with him, or I didn’t, whichever turns you on more.”
“You don’t know. You don���t know what they make you do.”
“I can take you to a place where you can sleep.”
“You cannot climb a mountain with a sack of garbage on your back.”
“I’ve done bad things.”
“In an evil world, sometimes we have to do evil to survive.”
“There I go again, being socially awkward. What I meant was…I don’t know…you don’t seem…”
“I was reading a book the other night while eating—alone—in a Chinese restaurant, and the book talked about a man so lonely that he eats alone in Chinese restaurants.”
“I think this is where I ask you for your phone number. So I can…call…”
“So, I was thinking if we’re going to have dinner alone, we could have it alone together.”
“Well, we’re both just guilty bastards, aren’t we?”
“Oh, yes, we’re all very important. Just ask us.”
“Only if you come with me.”
“Let me teach you what my mother taught me: If you keep your mouth shut, no one can stick his dick into it.”
“Cheer up, things might go bad and then we can kill everybody.”
“Perhaps we’re not the greater good, but we are the lesser of evils.”
“I believe that evil is an absolute, without gradations.”
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stoleweb · 5 years
* james baldwin prompts
assorted lines from james baldwin novels. tw: violence and military.
‘ don’t feel bad. ’
‘ think it’ll be all right for a while? ’
‘ i guess it’s time to go. ’
‘ everybody has troubles. ’
‘ do you ever pray? ’
‘ go wash your face. ’
‘ i don’t want to make a big fuss over nothing. ’
‘ are you ready for your bath? ’
‘ i hate goodbyes. ’
‘ you want to take a nap? ’
‘ i’m spinning like a feather. i don’t know where i’ll land. ’
‘ i’ve been in a bad mood all day long. ’
‘ you hungry, little sleepyhead? ’
‘ stand up, come over here, let me look at you. ’
‘ make a fist. ’
‘ lunch is on the table. come on, now, hurry, before it gets cold. ’
‘ don’t talk that way. ’
‘ you get into a fight, or did you beat him up, or what? ’
‘ sometimes i scare myself. ’
‘ you still love me? ’
‘ there is nothing like the first cold plunge, and any survivor will tell you that. ’
‘ that’s easy for you to say. ’
‘ i don’t think you realize how tired you are. ’
‘ you don’t know where i’ve been. you don’t know what life is like for me. ’ 
‘ nothing’s going to change, baby. people are too empty-headed, too empty-hearted. ’
‘ is that the truth? ’
‘ which is a hell of a reason to love anybody. ’
‘ the world’s wide and life – life, she is very long. ’
‘ a burnt child dreads the fire. ’
‘ you were wrong. it’s worse. ’
‘ i’m going to go to bed now. ’
‘ don’t bug me any more. ’
‘ you better pull yourself together. ’
‘ i’d rather drop dead than fight for this miserable country. what have i got to fight for? ’ 
‘ you’re usually in bed by this time. ’
‘ shut up. i don’t want to hear any of your bad philosophy. ’
‘ you wouldn’t just go away and leave us? we’d miss you, baby. ’
‘ don’t sweat it. if you’re tired, rest. ’
‘ you got a pretty bad crack in the jaw, didn’t you? ’
‘ now, that doesn’t mean shit, really, and yet it means everything. ’
‘ don’t be such a baby. ’
‘ it can be a goddamn pain in the ass. ’
‘ they’re such cornballs. ’
‘ oh, but sometimes the road was rocky. ’
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stoleweb · 5 years
Funhaus sentence starters - various
a few are nsfw and may be triggering for like drugs i guess i dunno
“What the fuck is (name) doing here?” “And now (name) is… looking… up… a girls skirt.” “GO TO VIEW.” “What the heck was that, dude?” “AAAAAAAH.” “SIT DOWN AND START THE SHOW.” “Nice job, way to go.” “Ahaha, I don’t- I don’t know what’s going on.” “*Stares into the camera like on the office*” “There IS milk in this vodka, I learned.” “Yeaaah… it’s pretty milky.” “Well hold on, waste not what not, we should… we should drain this, right?” “Fuckin milk vodka?” “Can you smile?” “I was told I would not have to do math when I accepted this job.” “I wanna scruff it.” “Look at the fattie that Puff found.” “You wanna hit off of Puffs fattie?” “He’s tryna spleet my smaug.” “Stop it, your soundcloud doesn’t make that much!” “Think about all the weed you can’t afford now.” “I love when we’re rippin’ on people’s twitter accounts, that’s my favorite.” “Wow that was a good rip. Good job.” “You better show your dick, or something.” “Are you wearing the dolphin prosthetic penis, or not?” “Well I’m touching myself right now so it’s a little hard… WAIT THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!” “You used to dream about managing gay Swedish night clubs?” “I don’t know what that means.” “Trade in those scrobbles for prizes!” “I wonder why last.fm isn’t succeeding.” “they break their backs and throw them in the trash.” “Oh look at the mew- the MOON.” “In the future, gerbils are trained to do what man- men only wish.” “That clip is gonna come back to haunt me in like thirty years.” “Oh, god no, come on… I just wanna go home.” “So here’s a cool trick, as soon as y- nevermind.” “I hate myself.” “This game tricked us into giving some dude a blowjob.” “Alright, we gotta stop.” “That looks like a Hebrew National.” “My parents said they don’t like the vulgarity so I’m not gonna curse.” “Well that’s fuckin’ dumb.” “The crowd is going mild.” “The trick to buying condoms at the store is to have your dick out while you purchase it with your debit card.” “You went to the stripclub with your wife?” “They love a non creepy couple.” “Hey, I’m gonna drop some wisdom on you assholes. Add a splash of grape to anything makes it taste like a tootsie roll.”
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stoleweb · 5 years
i’m tryna do tags rn but like
i dunno about that man
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stoleweb · 5 years
fortunately i have stupid sexy little bitch disease so i never understand anything you guys are talking about
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