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Something that is so underrated is let’s say A is on the toilet with diarrhea because of something bad they ate and B made a light hearted comment about A’s stomach and A weakly says from the other side of the door “stop I can’t help it. I feel so sick”
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I can't believe I never post this but.
When a person having a bad stomach ache and went to the doctor to check it and the doctor doing examination on their belly by pressing on it. And when the doctor press on area that hurt they let out a whimper. Bonus if the doctor press it again, making them whimpering again.
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This might sounds weird, but sometimes I feel like I am too kinky for normal people but too vanilla for kinky people. Lots of stories, fanfics, and scenarios involves many other things that I am not into such as stuffing, overfeeding, vomiting, and of course, I am not trying to kinkshame, but the thing is, my thing most of the time is just simple stomach ache, and finding ones that suited my taste is.... Harder?
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I never thought I could be into it, but I found a fic (it's in my native language and RPF so I don't think I'd share) about person A having an upset stomach and they dash to the bathroom and forgot to close the door. And person B are concerned about him and went into the bathroom to check on them. Person B ended up rubbing and massaging Person A's stomach while he still shitting because he was in so much pain.
It's.... Something that I never thought before and it would be really gross for non-fetishist thus makes it even better scenario for me.
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i need a context??? What are they saying 😭 atiny pls help
san started rubbing woo’s tummy for him i’m so soft 🥺😭
also i hope no one minds me posting about another group for once (they are so cute 🥺 and i couldn’t resist from posting this) 👉🏻👈🏻
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i noticed jimin kept rubbing his stomach like it hurt :( i hope he’s taking care of himself. seeing him cry today hurt my heart so bad, i hope he’s well :(
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Sometimes I’m looking for something online - often “how to” articles - and I want to filter for - like - a website that was clearly built in 2010 at the latest, which may or may not have been updated since then, but contains a vast wealth of information on one topic, painstakingly organized by an unknown legend in the field with decades’ worth of experience. I don’t want a listicle with a nice stolen picture in a slideshow format written by a content aggregator that God forgot. I want hand-drawn diagrams by some genius professor who doesn’t understand SEO at all, but understands making stir-fries or raising stick insects better than anyone else on this earth. I don’t know what search settings to put into Google to get this.
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A List of VLive (and a few additional) Occurences
(If any of the links don’t work, just send me an ask/dm me which ones aren’t working and I’ll look into it, but they should all be fine!) 
In Jungook’s 161129 VLive around the 27 minute mark, he interrupts himself by burping and then apologizes before carrying on (“I keep burping, sorry.”)
In RM’s - MAP OF THE SOUL : PERSONA Behind around the 30 minute mark, Namjoon burps (you could actually hear that shit if you listen closely, and if your volume is high enough you can ever so vaguely hear Jungkook in the above one listed for him, too), “Sorry, it’s the soft drink.” 
In Taehyung’s 170623 BTS LIVE: 김태형과 함께하는 고민상단고  around the 16 minute mark, Tae makes the most ridiculous faces as he tries (and fails) to burp, announcing “I drank a lot of cola.” 
Jin’s 180905 Live has him burping and talking about how water upsets his stomach and how it drives him crazy, ends that section of his rant with “anyway, now for a question that’s not about my digestive system…” (I’d put direct time marks but it’s a shorter live anyway and it’s sorta sprinkled about if I remember correctly)
Umm, if you would really like individual time marks for it I can post them, but the entirety of the 180907 (haha it was posted on my birthdayyyy~) BTS Live: 오랜만이죠?! has multiple events sprinkled through them…at one point Hobi comes in to steal chicken, burp, and leave, and that’s it (I think it’s this one)…Jimin only mentions it once, he burps and gets all embarrassed at one point and Jin comforts him by talking about his own bad stomach on his last live (mentioned above), but beyond what’s mentioned he sorta looks like he’s trying not to burp for the second half of it if I’m being honest, but that might just be me. Jin also mentions that spicy food gives him “side effects in the toilet the next morning.” This is all around a fun one to watch. Jimin and Jin are an interesting pair, hahaha. 
In Hoseok and Yoongi’s 170622 BTS Live : 화개장터 솝 꿀피부를 부탁해 at the 18 minute mark Hoseok reveals that he gets a stomach ache when he doesn’t eat and literally two seconds (okay, a minute) later Yoongi hums an agreement and then interrupts himself by burping. And then Hoseok finds it absolutely fucking hilarious and comments that it’s only natural while Yoongi makes it metaphorical and poetic. In Namjoon’s 170625 BTS Live : RM, he gives himself a little speech on not burping (with weird counterproductive movements; isn’t patting your chest meant to help you burp, Namjoon? Jeez) around the 13 minute mark, then he says “I shouldn’t drink coke” before drinking more coke. His 148 IQ at its finest. 
I feel like I’m forgetting something, but these are all of the ones that come to mind…oh, and there’s that clip from that one VLive that comes up if you google “Jungkook farting” where people have been debating on if a noise that happened was his ass or the chair his ass was on. 
I’ll also drop a few other non-vlive related things I’ve stumbled across: In this video, Hoseok and Taehyung both laugh over Taehyung having a bad stomach ache (and, based on context, the runs) at about the 17 minute mark. And in one of Tae’s old logs he talks about being stuck in the bathroom for three hours with a horrible stomach ache after eating too much food truck junk. The last thing I have on the topic of diarrhea is Yoongi discussing his appendicitis, which you’ll find a source for just by googling “Yoongi’s appendicitis” lololol, he essentially just says “while promoting in Japan, I woke up with a really bad stomach ache. I thought I just had diarrhea, but nothing came out” before giving vague details on the hospital trip and the flight from Japan to Korea with a burst appendix. 
And here’s a link to with Jungkook either hugging his stomach or handling back pain (I’ve heard both, I don’t think anyone knows exactly what was going on here.)
And, for those of you who like emeto, I’d highly suggest going through all of the endplates in Rookie King because there are quite a few moments with gagging type of reactions and stuff (they eat gross shit, so. One time, I think it’s in episode two, whichever one where he had his face painted like Jigsaw, he gagged in the middle of talking and lurched off cam for a sec before laughing it off. And then we obviously can’t forget about Jungkook hugging his stomach after eating that hot sorbet.)
If anyone has anything to add on, feel free! Of course, beyond all of these, there’s also the clips/screenshots from BV season 4 that are going around, the ones from that one Run BTS episode where Yoongi (and Jimin, I think) were complaining of nausea, screenshots from the behind-the-scenes thing where Yoongi talks about airsickness and Jimin talks about carsickness, and then there’s Jungkook’s vomiting scene in the BS&T Japanese MV that I’m sure everyone already knows about.
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I suddenly thinking about a nervous tummy.
Stomach ache and nausea when a character is nervous before a big event and their caretaker comforts them.
Giving reassuring words to calm their nerves, rubbing their back, making them a warm drink to ease their upset stomach, rubbing their tummy........
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The precious-est birthday dumpling in all the world!!!
Happy Birthday, Suga ssi~~~~~~
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hueningkai x rubbing bellies - soobin + beomgyu ((for anonymous))
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Oh my god this is bad.....
Okay, so. During my hiatus here I manage to got into BTS.
And today we have a news about Jimin having COVID and also appendicitis.
I did not tell any of my irl or close army about this but when I read that weverse announcement and read "Jimin had an abdominal pain", man, that turns me on lowkey and slowly activates my fetish brain. Like, sure I worry about him but it's like, 30% worried and 70% got the jittery feeling thinking about Jiminie holding his tummy in pain and have his stomach examined in the doctor, that maaaybe involved some pressing and prodding.
I guess I'll stop.
I wish Jimin a speedy recovery, but I am not gonna lie, today's news riled me up.
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Anyone out there
With just a belly/stomach ache kink? Looking for more blogs to follow that focus more on the pain/hurt-comfort aspect and less on feederism/emeto/scat part.  headcanons, descriptions, pictures,… whatever really! 
Like this post if that’s you!!
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The perpetual discomfort someone have when suffering an upset stomach is *chef's kiss*
The pain that never goes away, comes in mix of dull pain and cramps. The hassle of needing to use the toilet every hour or so. The feeling of weakness....
Just..... Watching someone rubbing their stomach in pain, looking weakened and pale.
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