stoneandseed · 2 months
Weather spells resource list
A quick note: Please don’t send me asks relating to weather magic. It is an interest of mine but I am not comfortable teaching others yet. I’ll link some helpful blogs at the bottom!
To bring…..
Sun invitation (in winter)
A spell for sunshine
Chants to bring the sun
Sunny day charm
Sunny weather travel spell
Springtime sun spell
Quick sun spell
Warm weather chant
Sun spell to bring warmer weather
Good weather spell
Spell for warmer weather
Rain summoning spell
Rain summoning spell jar
Rain calling chant
Rain-bringing chant
To bring rain to a region
Heavy rain spell
Quick and easy rain spell
A summers rain
Chant to bring cold weather
Cold weather spell
A spell for snow
Chant to draw snow to you
Holiday ornament snow spell
A snow day incantation
Make it snow spell
Snow spell
Snow spell
Clouds and Fog:
Chants to bring fog + mist
Chant to bring clouds
Fog calling spell
Wind charm
Chant to make it windy
Calling a strong wind
Whistling up a wind
A storm:
Thunderstorm spell
Long distance storm calling
“Song of storms” enchantment
Spell to bring up a storm
Storm calling incantation
Summon a storm spell
To raise a storm
To Banish:
Spell to weaken a hurricane
Anti-hurricane spell
Charm to seal up a storm
Spell to halt a storm
To lessen a storm
Protective storm ward
Spell to ward off rain
Stop the rain incantation
Untie the wind
“I’m tired of this heat” spell
A collection of spells + sigils
This post with even more spell links and resources for beginning weather magic
Some tips + Part two
Bedridden witch: Weather edition
Helpful blogs:
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stoneandseed · 6 months
Persuasion Powder
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Intent: To make your words ring true with your listeners, to sway them to your point of view without directly commanding, to make your arguments strong and get your point across in a convincing fashion.
Wild Cherry Bark
Marshmallow Root
Galangal Root
Orris Root
Optional: Spoonful of Sugar
Mortar & Pestle
Mesh Strainer
Collection Dish
Note: Powdered versions of most herbs are available online. I recommend Starwest Botanicals and Penn Herbs for quality products at reasonable prices. Also, if you can get your hands on a good electric spice grinder, you can make your own powder from dried herb products.
Grind each ingredient separately for several minutes to produce fine powder. Sieve the material through the mesh strainer into the collection dish; this removes the larger ungrindable pieces and gives you cleaner powdered herb. (Pro-Tip: Putting a funnel under the strainer helps reduce lost material.)
For the Wild Cherry Bark, Marshmallow Root, and Galangal Root, retain the leftover large pieces that don’t make it through the strainer. You can use this for loose incense or charm bags later. Remember, witchlings: waste not, want not! (If you don’t have Marshmallow or Galangal Root handy, plain sugar and cinnamon will suffice.)
Combine the component powders in the collection dish, mix well, and bottle immediately.
Sprinkle a little pinch in your shoes before going to important meetings or interviews, or any time you feel like you might need your arguments to have a little extra oomph. This powder can also be used in any spellwork intended to achieve the same result.
Copal Resin may be added to this mix to create an incense. If you plan to do so, do not use sugar in the mix, as burning it may damage the vessel or leave a sticky, hard-to-clean residue.
Note: As tempting as it may seem, do not put this powder in your mouth as a method of application. If you want to sweeten your speech with magic using an edible focus, use sugar, hard candy, or a drop of honey, not Persuasion Powder.
-adapted from Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils, © 2017 by Bree NicGarran
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. You may also enjoy my show, Hex Positive - available wherever fine podcasts are heard. 😊)
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stoneandseed · 7 months
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Khalil Gibran
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stoneandseed · 11 months
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“Untitled” by | (Zookomi0124)
Hananuki Valley, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
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stoneandseed · 11 months
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wanderlust and what you could become
(they’re pen pals for the rest of the traveler’s life)
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stoneandseed · 1 year
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stoneandseed · 1 year
My best friend toured a college in the PNW that offered a meal plan called "scavenger" in which, you guessed it, you could eat anything another student left on their plate. You had to pay for this honor.
I went to a hippie art school in California. You would lose your mind studying the people there. Vegans? Weak. I knew honest to god freegans. Both kinds.
My Aunt Lynn once gave herself and her family intestinal parasites by dumpster diving for meat a supermarket threw out.
Nothing against freegans actually, I'm all for reducing food waste, but for the love of fuck don't do it with expired beef and pork that've been in a dumpster in 85F heat for hours
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stoneandseed · 1 year
hi ^^ I would like to ask you, if you have any rituals for purification. I'm interested not only in the basic stuff, but also in more complex and in-depth rituals, that focus on home and ambience. thank you so much in advance for the help. ~mem.
This is a tough one, I’ll link some little stuff that might be helpful (this house cleansing powder or her other post on occasional cleaning methods) but my ways of purifying the house are actually fairly basic (why mess with something easy that works). Here’s how I completely cleanse my home and my self, which I only probably do once a year (I do smaller cleanses now and then, but save the major one for mid-spring, preferably a rainy day, but that’s just a personal preference): 
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stoneandseed · 1 year
Take this dialect quiz! X
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stoneandseed · 1 year
I saw a post saying that Boromir looked too scruffy in FotR for a Captain of Gondor, and I tried to move on, but I’m hyperfixating. Has anyone ever solo backpacked? I have. By the end, not only did I look like shit, but by day two I was talking to myself. On another occasion I did fourteen days’ backcountry as the lone woman in a group of twelve men, no showers, no deodorant, and brother, by the end of that we were all EXTREMELY feral. You think we looked like heirs to the throne of anywhere? We were thirteen wolverines in ripstop.
My boy Boromir? Spent FOUR MONTHS in the wilderness! Alone! No roads! High floods! His horse died! I’m amazed he showed up to Imladris wearing clothes, let alone with a decent haircut. I’m fully convinced that he left Gondor looking like Richard Sharpe being presented to the Prince Regent in 1813
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*electric guitar riff*
And then rocked up to Imladris a hundred ten days later like
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stoneandseed · 1 year
I keep making everyone look at this rose. Look. Look at it.
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stoneandseed · 1 year
"i only wanna eat things with ingredients i can pronounce" has always been one of the funniest moral positions of all time. literally just learn how to pronounce more ingredients then? truly undefeated in its celebration of ignorance
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stoneandseed · 1 year
Solstice Squad: June 21st
Your options are: join the squad voluntarily, or live with the fear I’ll publicly guilt you into joining.
Circle the date, start gathering up your wood or candles, and think about what seasonal flavors - homegrown, foraged, or store-bought - you’d like to use in your solstice infusion (to be added to wine, spirit, or juice).
* This entry’s an open invitation to anyone who’d like to join the Squad. <3
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stoneandseed · 1 year
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stoneandseed · 1 year
“how do I taxonomize this???” is too many people’s frantic response to near everything
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stoneandseed · 1 year
Really fucked up actually that the “you are valid” culture which, usefulness and uh, validity thereof aside, was intended to provide some some perspective for people who may have been blamed for harmless things they could not control morphed into “if strangers on the internet do not constantly tell me I’m good and perfect they are the oppressor” and “even constructively and gently telling me that I hold some power and responsibility to seek a better situation is an unspeakably cruel act.”
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stoneandseed · 1 year
The thrill you get correctly naming a native plant tho
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