working at a bookstore is great
i was handed a volume of manga today by my coworker who said “this book made me think of you” 
it was Dick Fight Island
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the security guard at my ~*my place of work*~ always says “mangekyo sharingan” whenever he sees me
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happy 420
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The angels found in Neon Genesis Evangelion are one of the closest in terms of depicting angels correctly, at least when we consider the Biblically accurate angels. Minus Rei and Kaworu (which I will get into), all of the angels are monstorous or obscure (Armisael or Leliel) and the ones that are akin to human are still monstorous in some way (Lillith or Sachiel). No one ever reacts positively to them until they appear as completely human and even then they’re treated with a certain trepidation because of how generally strange they are. While Evangelion is arguably a series that just uses religious symbols willynilly I’d still say that the depection of angels is on the upside when compared to say... almost any other anime. 
Then there’s Kaworu, or Tabris, who tries to be human, who falls in love with Shinji, he could easily be a Lucifer figure; fighting for free will and being punished because that’s how the story goes, falling in love and being punished because, once again, that’s how the story goes and Kaworu knows that. I don’t think Kaworu knew he was going to give up the way he did, but he did, which in a way means he achieved free will, alongside feeling love and care for Shinji (who could represent the whole of humanity in a way). Also the whole... angels taking on the form of humans so that they may be perceived without deadly repercussions and the only angels that cause outright and public destruction are the ones who appear not human, yet Kaworu does the most damage inherently when considering its effected Shinji. 
Of course there’s also Rei. Rei who is both Lillith and artificial, but so, so human. She’s an angel who was able to become human, to have free will, but even when she has it, she’s still following “God’s” (Gendo’s) orders. But she does break away from God to find her own happiness and it gets her killed (Armisael) and then replaced by another clone who’s completely devoid of any past memories or feelings, thus being punished for thinking free will was ever an option. She has the capability because she’s made from Yui but it’s made clear at every turn that having a will of her own outside of Gendo’s is not without punishment.  
and the humans are trying to become humans through the Evas, they’re taking free will and turning it against the mothers within the Evas, of course they want to protect their child that’s piloting them, but it’s less free will and more because that’s what they were built to do. Even then, we have Yui fighting to protect Shinji more clearly and with unbridled rage, Auska’s mother awakens barely in time, and Eva 00 fights to have Rei taken out of her, because that isn’t her child that isn’t the person she was made to protect. 
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Graweedy Falls
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