cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
You just KNOW if the serpent told Adam to eat the apple instead of Eve men would go on and on about basic human nature and reverse psychology and “like you wouldn’t” and “cmon, the serpent is really to blame, Adam is a victim! He’s just a boy! Like you wouldn’t do whatever a magic talking serpent tells you to do 🙄”
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Joan of Arc wearing armour and mounted upon a horse at the head of her troops
by Jules Prater
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Extremely good paragraph from an article exploring the concept of sentience in invertebrates
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Unidentified women c. 1900
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
"Women have been obliged to remain forever young so that men can delude themselves that they are not ageing themselves."
- Hags by Victoria Smith
"Women have served as looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size."
- A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf
"Femininity pleases men because it makes them appear more masculine by contrast; and, in truth, conferring an unchallenged space in which to breathe freely and feel stronger, wiser, more competent, is femininity’s special gift. Men are known to be highly appreciative when a woman has taken the trouble to create an entire human being who looks and acts and smells so different from them, a continuing reassurance that a male is a male because a female dresses and looks and acts like another creature."
- Femininity by Susan Brownmiller
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
I cant fkn wait
I just remembered Netflix is putting out a series adaptation of 100 Years of Solitude this year.
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
He really had been through death, but he had returned because he could not bear the solitude.
100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Marquez (1967)
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
i mean, i love margot robbie as much as the next australian, but having her play cathy ernshaw in wuthering heights seems an odd choice
especially after she played barbie? i mean, margot has acting chops sure, but i dont see her as the right actress for the role
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Edward Hartwig was born in Moscow in 1909 and he died in Warsaw in 2003. The most important creator of artistic photography in the second half of the twentieth century, he was a co-founder of the Związek Polskich Artystów Fotografików (Union of Polish Art Photographers) and one of its activists. He was the author of several dozen photographic albums and an artistic photographer whose work encompassed a wide array of genres and a broad formal spectrum, ranging from travel, portrait and theatrical photography to photomontage and experimental, intensely rasterised studies verging on the abstract.
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Actress Zofia Mrozowska wearing a stylized 16th-century Polish costume in a theatre play ‘Droga do Czarnolasu’, 1952.
Photography by Edward Hartwig, via wspolczesny.pl
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Lucy Lawless (41) in Spartacus (TV 2010)
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Lublin, 1937, photo by Edward Hartwig
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Edward Hartwig, Wiosna pokoju (1949)
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
“I like how sleeping next to someone means more than sex sometimes, the body’s way of saying ‘I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time,’ you have no defenses when you are asleep, you tell no lies”
— Eric Shaw
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cleavingtolilac · 1 day
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Natural Spring on Mt. Fuji, Japan. Takeshi Kimura.
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