stonedminister · 3 years
“Nice, very nice… I’m Peter Hale,” he formally introduced himself, watching Jerry filling out the paperwork. “Cora Hale and Roman Rose will become very familiar to you while you work here as my niece is the head of security and Roman is the top performer,” he shared idly, although Roman’s description barely scratched the surface of what the vampire meant to the White Fang.
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“Cora Hale and Roman Rose.” He nodded, “Is Cora the girl who comes out when I’m smoking outside most of the time?” He asked curiously, tilting his head as he finished filling out the paperwork and held it out towards Peter. 
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stonedminister · 3 years
Peter made a mental note of the fact he had another job, pondering on his question. “First three days will be training, we could say,” he informed the other, opening his office’s door and going into a drawer for the appropriate paperwork. “Your start date will be of your choosing—there’s a section for it on the paperwork. There’s also a section to mark down your preferred working days.” He offered a smug smile. “It’s up to you, Mister…. what’s your name again?”
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“Okay! I can do that.” He murmured as he walked into the office. Taking the paperwork he sat down to begin filling it out when the man asked for his name. “I’m Jerry!” He said as he looked over the paperwork now. 
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stonedminister · 3 years
As the loiterer made his way to the empty stage, Peter crossed his arms over his chest, standing to the side with a critical eye. Although he seemed as aloof as ever, the werewolf was beyond ready to dash to the other’s rescue—expecting it.
Still skeptical at first, Peter’s opinion soon changed, an intrigued brow arching. Diamond in the rough was starting to make a little sense, even if there was some polishing to do still. Watching him hang upside down with a grin, Peter chuckled. There was still a chance he’d crack his skull at some point, but the werewolf was trying to be positive. “Not bad, MJ,” he noted with a chuckle. “You got the job. We can go over to the office for the paperwork—license, social, filling up the w4—the fun stuff. We can go over your benefits too.”
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When Jerry was told he had the job he grinned, letting himself down from the pole and heading back towards the man, “Okay! We can do that, when would I start officially working?” He asked as he followed the man to his office. “I can start whenever, I’d probably be able to work most nights and some of my off days from my other job.” He grinned, “It won’t be an issue.” 
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stonedminister · 3 years
Hearing the other’s assurance, Peter rolled his eyes as he walked. People really underestimated performers, and believed that the routines came flawlessly without acknowledging the hard physical work that went into it. “We could call it that,” the werewolf compromised when asked if there were tryouts to complete. “I just need to know you aren’t a danger to other or yourself.” With everything going, Peter didn’t need a brain damaged individual to look after as well. Looking to the center stage, Peter sighed. “Doesn’t need to be too fancy nor detail, just don’t… hurt yourself.”
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Nodding Jerry looked towards the stage, he’d never done anything like this before. But he had taken a class of gymnastics once on a whim in college. Approaching the stage he stepped up onto it and eyed the pole a little cautiously before deciding fuck it. 
Shrugging off his jacket he took a deep breath before grabbing the pole with both hands and pulling his body up vertically at first, using his upper core strength to hold himself there before bringing his legs up to wrap around the top portion of the pole, his thighs squeezing against the pole as he let go of it with his hands and hung upside down with yet another easy grin on his face, his shirt had fallen down to reveal his abs and chest which he didn’t really care about, only looking over to the man to see if he was watching. 
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stonedminister · 4 years
The familiar smell of cannabis reached him before the loiterer even spoke to him. Peter had seen him a few times, thinking to himself he was either trying to get the courage to partake in the temptations of the White Fang or apply for a position. He could use some cleaning up, but the little stray wasn’t bad looking… He did look clumsy as shit, though, so if he was going to be a hazard, Peter would have to turn him down. 
Looking him over, Peter smirked, tilting his head. “I could be,” he answered. “You finally smoked up the courage to try your hand at the pole?” the werewolf teased with a chuckle, motioning for him to follow. “You ever done anything like this before? I don’t mind first timers, but you’ll have to go through some training, we don’t need anyone getting hurt.”
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Jerry had intended to ask about bartending positions, but at the mention of smoking up enough courage to try the pole made his brain shortcircuit to the point he could only nod and follow after the other. 
“Nope, first time. But I’m a quick learner.” He grinned, looking around as he followed the man. 
“Do I have to like, try out?” He asked as he turned to look back at the man. 
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stonedminister · 4 years
Closed Starter for Peter 
It’s not that Jerry needed the job, he just liked the idea of it. After waking up bored on one of his off days and knowing that a little extra income was never a bad thing he made his way to the strip club in question. The one he’d met a girl named Cora who kind of scared him but also really intrigued him. 
So with that thought in mind he let himself into the strip club for the first time versus just hanging out outside of the main entrance smoking joints. 
Looking around he tapped fingers anxiously against his skin, a habit he’d picked up again recently, probably from Stiles’ since they’d hung out so much. At least, they had hung out so much, he still hadn’t seen Stiles’ since the fiasco at the carnival which was a lot more worrisome. 
But he didn’t think about it, Stiles’ was probably fine and would come find him when he wanted to smoke. 
After asking an employee where he could apply for a job he was directed to who he could only assume was the owner of the entire establishment.
“I wanted to know if you were hiring.” He murmured as he gave the man an easy grin.  
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stonedminister · 4 years
As hauntingly similar to Stiles as he was, for good reason it seemed, Lydia still found him endearing and her mouth fought not to smile.
“I’ve caught up with my friends, yeah. Not sure if you know them; Scott McCall’s one of them, S-” She caught herself, and jumped over Stiles’ name quickly. “Malia Tate. Another old friend of mine is one of the resurrected so I got to see her. I’ve a few more to drop by before the week’s out.”
Being taken behind the scenes as fascinating, and even though marine biology wasn’t her main area of interest, Lydia’s eyes still lit up at the workings. Mostly it was just sticky notes from one colleague left for another, but posters and the other side of the displays was interesting to see. 
“Sure,” Lydia tapped her nose once. “technically we don’t know each other. You’re just showing a random woman around, and- Oh!”
Lydia broke off when she spied an enclosure housing a sea lion. She approached, bold in her curiosity, and didn’t stop until she was only two feet from the cage side. “Hey there, Ginger huh? I’m Lydia: nice to meet you.”
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“Scott McCall, I know the name.” Jerry said with a grin as he grabbed a bucket of fish. He heard that she skipped over a name that began with S, he wondered if she knew Stiles’ but he didn’t know why she wouldn’t just say it. 
Watching as she interacted with Ginger he smiled, the smile only widening when Ginger gave a quick bellow. Walking behind with the fish he lifted the bucket. “You wanna feed her?” 
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stonedminister · 4 years
“Not all that much… this place keeps me far too busy for a social life. So I do get lonely.” She pouted, shrugging a shoulder. “Animals can’t talk back though, surely you get lonely too?”
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“I have friends, I have Ryn and Hope, Maddie, there’s Ben even if he can’t remember much. I have friends here in town, my buddy Stiles always comes around to see me.” 
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stonedminister · 4 years
“So that’s why I’m here,” Lydia murmured to herself. 
Maccini. If not for her powers, and how accustomed she’d become to them, she’d have thought ‘what are the odds?’ A memory of a picture in her hands. A whole family, various adults and a few children, all posed around a barbecue. Over her shoulder, Lydia can practically still feel Stiles hovering to peer over, and his clicking tongue still sends a spark of fond annoyance through her.
 Ah, the Stilinski-Maccini clan. Mom’s side… it’s been a while.
“I’ve lived here all my life, but I’ve been away for studies. Not everyone glues themselves to this place,” Lydia answered, aware she sounded catty and not caring. “I heard about the carnival attack and wanted to check on my family.”
Family. Her Pack. She’d include her mother, but as if the woman in question would have set foot at something like a carnival. Psh.
“Lead the way. Let’s see if Ginger has good taste.”
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“Yeah, that was pretty scary. Heard the screams from where I was.” He admitted. Turning he nodded and gestured for her to follow as they walked. “I’ve been meaning to check on my friends, make sure they’re all okay.” He murmured as they walked to the back where Ginger was probably lounging beside her pool.  “Have you talked to anyone since getting here?” He asked as he glanced back at her as he opened the gate that lead into the back area where they fed and took care of everything behind the scenes.  “If you see my boss you don’t know me.” He grinned, letting her through the gate before shutting it behind them. 
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stonedminister · 4 years
She wrinkled her nose at the mention of a joint. While she was certain it’d have no effect on her, she didn’t want to risk it. “Not right now, but feel free if you’d like to, I don’t mind keeping you company while you do.” She reasoned.
“So you take care of things… How sweet…” She noted, nodding to herself. If she wasn’t so focused on her plans, he’d be the perfect human to use for more warlocks, but it would just be an inconvenience right now.
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“I do, I take care of the animals and other things.” He smiled before giving a shrug. “What do you like to do in your free time?” He asked as he pulled out a joint and lighting it before taking a hit.
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stonedminister · 4 years
Maybe she’d been wrong about why her powers guided her here of all places. 
Floppy brown hair. Hands dancing in wild gestures. Words that leaped around like a puck over a hockey field. The same endearing absurdity; why it was almost eerie. 
He wasn’t the source of the call she could hear, but that didn’t matter. That was all forgotten as she fought back a wave of emotion filling her from head to toe. She wanted to sob, scream, perhaps even hit this man for daring to be so much like him. 
“Ginger?” Lydia finally managed, shocked to silence. “Who… who’s that?”
After losing Stiles, suddenly meeting someone so much like him hurt.
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The woman looked like she’d seen a ghost, which given what he knew about Beacon Hills was more than a little disconcerting. But he didn’t let that bother him, instead he shifted closer to the woman in case she needed to talk to someone.  She seemed okay enough though, “Ginger! She’s a sea lion, you wanna meet her? She might be okay with a visitor like you.” He said as he grinned at her reaching up to rub his mouth. “You have good vibes.” 
“So what brings you to Beacon Hills? I haven’t seen you around before, I’m new myself obviously. But I’ve been here a little while, long enough to know most of everyone who comes to town.” He smiled, continuing to ramble on.  “My names Jerry, Jerry Maccini.”
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stonedminister · 4 years
@stonedminister you remind me of a ghost
Stepping back in Beacon Hills again was hard. Usually, Lydia was eager to be home and seeing her friends and family again; but knowing one was missing… gone forever.
That was hard. She’d not lost someone so close to her since Allison, and years later she wasn’t even over that.
Walking through the town she knew so well, Lydia allowed her feet to be guided along towards a whisper of sea salt and bubbles. Bitter coil of blood, perhaps, but mostly the heady undertone of the aquatic. 
Blinking back to herself, Lydia smiled when she realised her spirit had taken her to a place she’d felt happy as a child: the aquarium. How many hours had she spent with her nose pressed to the glass, peering at the fish and sharks, and so much more, reading the information plaques and pestering her mother for answers that weren’t provided on them.
The feeling of danger was new though. A whisper in her ear, like a beautiful song she was listening to from another room. Muffled, but there. It wasn’t one Lydia had ever encountered before, and could suddenly see so clearly why her senses had guided her here. Distraction, a good one.
“Hm,” Lydia looked around, and spied a man looking not too busy. “Excuse me.”
She waited for him to come closer, just to see if the aura came from him or not.
Looking up Jerry saw the woman watching him, “Hi there, are you looking for a specific area of the aquarium? I know the ins and outs of the place at this point so if you ask, I know where it’s at! Unless you’re looking for Ginger, she’s not having a good day. I forgot to order her favorite kind of fish and she had to eat mackerel.”  He heaved a sigh as he leaned against the broom he’d grabbed to clean up a mess in the back after Ginger had thrown a fit.  “Or maybe you wanna know where the bathrooms are, or where the touch tank is. That’s a popular area. Do you need help?” He finally asked, tilting his head at her.  “Oh! Did you see they’ve got a sale going on at the gift shop? You could get something there.” 
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stonedminister · 4 years
“My name’s Mara. And the marine centre? What do you do there?” She asked, not caring, but it didn’t so matter what you said to humans - show an interest in them, and they were often putty in your hands. She didn’t have a use for him yet, but she was sure she could think on it. “I haven’t seen you around before. What do you do when you’re not working?”
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“I do lots of things! I make sure everyone's fed, that they’ve had their medicine. Check in on everyone make sure they’re doing okay. It’s a busy job!” He said with a grin. 
At her question he shrugged, “I hang around, smoke weed. I mostly spend my time down at the beach or on the docks. Most of the time I’m just at the center though, even when I’m not working. I just like being there.” He admitted. 
“Do you wanna smoke a joint?” He asked, he had one on him that he didn’t mind sharing. She seemed like she could loosen up and smoke a joint anyway. Have some fun. 
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stonedminister · 4 years
Hope curled into Jerry’s lap, and Ryn smiled, raising her eyebrows a little at Cami’s name. She’d seen them around eachother a lot more recently. “Cami is Jerry’s love?” She asked, tilting her head. 
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At Ryn’s words Jerry choked a bit on the lollipop before looking up at her, “Mm, I like her. She’s cool, fun to hang out with. We like the same stuff for the most part. We both like sushi!” 
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stonedminister · 4 years
Hope smiled and hugged his legs, and Ryn smiled again, stroking her hair. “You lead the way. She follow like a puppy.” She teased, following Jerry over to the bench. “You are here alone? No friend to come with?”
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As they approached the bench Jerry turned and sat down, grabbing Hope and pulling her up and onto his lap. “I was gonna hang out with Cami but I haven’t seen her yet.” He admitted as he opened the lollipop and put it into his mouth.
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stonedminister · 4 years
Closed starter for @stonedminister​
Ryn smiled as Hope ran a little ahead of her - it was the first day of the carnival, and Ryn was happy for her to come and enjoy it, even if it was just the first few days. It was a relief, seeing Hope act her age, knowing the water sometimes left her too serious. Too mature. Ryn wanted her to enjoy being a child for as long as she remained one.
So watching as she ran up to tap Jerry on the arm, and hold up a heart-shaped lollipop for him, she couldn’t help but smile.
“You are her Valentine, I think.” She said, tilting her head. 
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Kneeling down Jerry took the lollipop and smiled, “Well thank you, Hope. I would love to be your valentine. Do you want to go sit over there with me?” He asked with a grin, “We can share the lollipop!” 
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stonedminister · 4 years
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“ so like christmas ? “ cami questions, wondering if it was similiar. holidays were an entirely new thing. “ well i understand you, and i guess she just didn’t know how to appreciate you. for being you.” it earns a slight elbowing from the brunette. “ you gonna share that with me ? and i guess not, glad we’re not like that.”
“Yeah, I guess it is like Christmas. You give gifts, though they’re usually romantic.” When she talked about understanding and appreciating him he smiled. At her question he nodded and lit the joint, inhaling deeply before holding it out to her. “Anything for my favorite mermaid.” He said softly. 
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