stoneworldimagines · 10 months
Good morning world!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I'm Eli!
I'm not a pro or anything, I'm just a hobbyist writer who's super into Dr. Stone! I thought it'd be cool to start up an imagines blog to flex those writing muscles and maybe connect with fellow Dr. Stone enthusiasts along the way
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Let's establish some RULES!
No NSFW! Suggestions are anonymous, so don't expect any of that spicy stuff. But I'm cool with a bit of playful, suggestive content. I'll say no to a request if it doesn't sit right with me.
This is an imagines blog. No full-length novels or fanfiction please. Keep your requests to headcanons, scenarios, and drabbles. If something really grabs my attention, I might dive a bit deeper into it. Requesting multiple characters is fine, but let's cap it at three per post.
Can't promise how fast I'll crank stuff out. It's all about what grabs my attention. I'm up for writing about most characters, but I'm playing favorites. (Sorry not sorry)
I'm cool with shipping, but I'm more into individual headcanons. I've got some no-go pairings, but I'm keeping those under wraps for now. And naturally, I have no tolerance for problematic stuff.
Include your preferred pronouns in your request. Otherwise, I'll keep it gender-neutral!
About me:
I'm up to date with Dr. Stone, so nothing's off the table!!! :D
Also a huge AU enthusiast—writing about them is like my favorite thing. Feel free to add a dash of humor to your request as long as it isn't anything too vulgar.
My Favorite characters include Ryusui, Senku, and Gen, but honestly, I'm a fan of almost every character. I get that Gen and Senku have a MASSIVE fan following, but how about tossing some requests my way for the underdog characters?
Apart from writing, I'm a bit of an introvert. Plus, being a full-time student doesn't exactly leave much time for social media.
Hope this gives you an idea of what to expect from me! After hitting post, I'll probably remember something I left out and end up feeling embarrassed about it. I'm excited about any requests that might come my way. Thanks again for checking me out!
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