stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
message 📲 open
etta: can i convince you to come taste test some new ice cream flavors we got in??
etta: you’ll get free ice cream AND my unconditional love
etta: and $5 if you really want
layla: did you say ice cream? 👀
layla: i would taste them for free
layla: but the $5 would also be rly nice, so i'm down
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
“don’t call me a loser or anything but i may have cried in a store today.” slone was smiling as she spoke, a bit embarrassed by the whole thing. it wasn’t as if she wasn’t an emotional person, that’s for sure, but she still felt like a loser for being such a sap. “it was literally over baby clothes. they’re all so cute & tiny. i couldn’t handle it.” she shook her head. “next time i need clothes i’m going to completely avoid that whole section so i can also avoid the tears.”
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the girl pursed her lips as she listened to the short story. "do you need a tissue, maybe?" she questioned, already beginning to dig through her bag. "i'm not going to call you a loser though. i can already imagine how embarrassed you must have felt, but it’s totally alright. you’re not the only one who cries about simple things anyway, right? just the other day, i’m sure i cried over one of my heels breaking. --it was tragic.”
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
📱 ➺ dylan & lydia.
lydia: you don't have to ask me twice.
lydia: what's the special ocassion?
dylan: i'm so glad i can count on you, lydia.
dylan: and it's a family dinner. relatives are coming over, so mom thinks it's best to just get a new dress for the night
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
Text Message 📲
Danielle: oh, bless you!
Danielle: the twins are being a handful lately, just a fair warning...
Danielle: they now both believe bedtime is optional
Julie: it's alright! i've had experience with babysitting my cousins before, so no worries.
Julie: have you tried telling them that the earlier they sleep, the earlier they'll get to wake up and play?
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
📱 ➺ dylan & open.
dylan: okay, so this is an emergency
dylan: i need to go shopping and i'd like you to join me
dylan: pls say yes?
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
text message 📩
tristan: well, i'm so glad i texted
tristan: i just told you
tristan: a pack of gum, final offer
frankie: oh, i just skimmed your text, so i didn't realize you were offering just gum
frankie: it's still a no
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
mari - > all contacts
mari : I think I’m going to retire and become a hermit.
mari : feels like the smart way to go
mari : otherwise , a2 + b2 = my death
frankie: what would you even do as a hermit?
frankie: rip then
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
text message 📩
tristan: would a free pack of gum convince you to keep me company for the rest of this shift?
tristan: seriously, this is torture
tristan: my brother downloaded tiktok on my phone and i've resorted to watching that cause this place is dead
frankie: let me think about it
frankie: .......
frankie: no
frankie: unless, what's in it for me?
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
Text Message 📲
Danielle: okay, so I had this big thing come up for work
Danielle: and I really need someone to watch the twins
Danielle: would you by any chance be up for watching then tomorrow night?
Julie: of course!
Julie: luckily i didn't make any plans for tomorrow night yet, so everything should be okay
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
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mace: did you mace: by any chance mace: take this?
layla: yeah layla: why? you don’t like the pic?
📲 mace && OPEN
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
hey, guys!! i’m sora and i’m happy to be here. i just want to start off by talking a bit about myself. such as having a love for anime, disney movies, doggos, and uhh, i’m also recently binge watching stranger things s3. anyway, this will be a super mega intro post as i’ll be putting all my charas into one intro, so here’s info on julie tran, layla evans, frankie sullivan, and dylan grayson!!
edit: i also have a general plots page, but i’m open to anything outside of it!
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if you want to go through a specific chara, all you have to do is ctrl+f and type “--chara name”
* lana condor. twenty-three. female. she/her. | did you see julie tran this morning on main street? i heard they were heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for all her life and last time i spoke to them, they were a sales associate. if i remember correctly, they’re a scorpio and they remind me of colorful striped tops, lazy sundays, sunbathing probably because they’re sociable and prim.
things seemed like a picture perfect image for the girl when she was young. she helped her family with chores, worked hard in elementary and middle school classes, etc. however, by the time high school rolled around, her relationship with her parents weren’t exactly the same. she realized her dream of becoming a fashion designer, which they didn’t approve on due to how they wanted their daughter to work in the medical field.
at first, she agreed on dropping the dream and went on with doing well in her classes. except, she never gave up on her dream. when she finally graduated high school, she moved out of her parents’ place with saved up money and hardly talked to them since then. she felt guilty for not being who they wanted her to be, but being away felt better than trying to be someone she didn’t picture herself as.
soon, her parents decided to move away too and the relationship between her and them became more estranged. now, she’s in the process of improving her designs while working as a sales associate.
tl;dr basically a girl who wants to be a fashion designer someday and has an estranged relationship with her parents.
character aesthetic + inspo
disgust (inside out), wendy darling (peter pan), tori vega (victorious), lara jean covey (to all the boys i’ve loved before), jane sloan (the bold type), lady (lady & the tramp), mabel pines (gravity falls), cher horowitz (clueless).
insecure, loyal, motherly, organized, passive, picky, prim, self-righteous, sociable.
she’s basically a mom friend. anything you’ll need, she’ll more than likely have it. she’s also always there for her loved ones no matter what, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night.
she tends to think of her friends and others before herself. adding onto this, she tends to not say no to others because of how helpful she wants to be, so at times, she’ll feel overwhelmed or exhausted.
the reason why insecure is added is because she feels as if she’s quite bland. that there’s really no unique trait about her. sure, she cares about others, but she feels there are so many people in the world that are also caring and it’s not exactly something different.
julie can also be quite self-righteous because she thinks she knows what’s best for people and just doesn’t realize she may bring harm.
colorful striped tops, lazy sundays, sunbathing, single-colored sunglasses, ponytails with ribbons, white blouses with collars, cup of tea, clothes organized by color.
she’s known to wear black mary janes, neutral colors or single-colored outfits, and is usually seen wearing blouses with skirts or dresses. once in a while, she’ll wear a patterned top or bottoms.
she’ll always have necessary things in her bag. such as snacks, band-aids, tylenol, tissues, etc.
as she dreams of being a fashion designer, she has sketchbooks filled with clothing designs.
she has a small orange kitten named oliver (because of oliver & company)
* danielle campbell. twenty-eight. cis female. she/her. | did you see layla evans this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for all her life and last time i spoke to them, they were a worker at twice new and housekeeper at horizon suites. if i remember correctly, they’re a leo and they remind me of matching lace bras & thongs, waves crashing against the shore, piggyback rides probably because they’re adventurous and stubborn.
about (tw: mentions of death & abuse)
one would think she’s the happiest girl alive with her parents. they would spend a lot of time together, watch layla during her ballet recitals, and eat dinner at the dining table every night. things were immediately different the moment her dad passed away when she was nine years old. since then, her mom began ignoring her because of how much the girl reminded her of her husband. layla learned to take care of herself soon enough.
things were spiraling down from there. once she was in middle school, she started rebelling and causing trouble. she destroyed properties, stole from stores, etc. when she became a high schooler, she started failing classes and took summer school, partied almost every night, drank a lot, and almost got expelled. the only reason she didn’t was because her advisers and teachers gave her a second chance to improve. she ended up taking it. by her junior year, her behavior was improving gradually and worked harder at bringing up her gpa. the reason why she took the second chance was because of her dream to be a best-selling author and to go to college. which she was accepted into.
nonetheless, she may not be a writer at the moment, that doesn’t mean she plans to forget her dream. she just wants to use up more time to improve on her writing. she’s talked to multiple publishers and is just continuing to grow for now.
tl;dr she’s had a rough past and just wants to be a best-selling author.
character aesthetics + inspo
adventurous, childish, impulsive, obstinate, promiscuous, valiant, vulgar
layla’s very outgoing and sociable. she loves hanging out with people, whether it’s going to a party, drinking, going out for food, road trips, or just having a simple picnic or laying on the ground to look at stars. she’s just always looking to have fun and definitely a party animal. almost any party you see, she’ll be there. 
she also stands up for those who are close to her heart and can be reliable as she’s there for them no matter what. 
nonetheless, once in awhile she’ll get an idea and quickly act on it. and even though she can be wrong at times, it does take her a moment to admit it.
a journal full of words, matching lace bras & thongs, waves crashing against the shore, piggyback rides, the comfort of someone being there, wanting to hear the words ‘i’m proud of you’, hands gripping bed sheets, police sirens, worn out ballet shoes.
basically her fashion consists of all kinds of shorts (mainly booty shorts and ripped ones), crop tops, oversized hoodies and shirts, spandex shorts, tops that show off cleavage, fishnets, and occasionally skirts + denim, ripped jeans. 
she has a few very nice dresses too.
she has this tattoo on the back of her left arm and this tattoo in the same area.
she’s bisexual and proud of it.
other labels that can define her: the dirtbag, the halcyon.
one of her most prized possessions is a necklace her dad gave her.
* chloe bennet. thirty-one. cis female. she/her.  |  did you see frankie sullivan this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for 2 months and last time i spoke to them, they were a ceo of a florist company. if i remember correctly, they’re a virgo and they remind me of a hot cup of starbucks coffee, plants scattered throughout the bedroom, reading alone in a library probably because they’re generous and reserved.
a girl who was born in las vegas, nv. she had wonderful parents that divorced when she was fourteen. however, she didn’t mind it at all. she was happy as long as they were. plus, she wanted a bigger family, so if they were going to remarry to other people, she was oddly okay with it too. mainly because of how she always wanted a bigger family since she’s an only child. eventually, that was what happened. five years ago, her dad remarried and soon, frankie had a step-mom and step-sibling. at first, she cared about them due to how much family already meant to the girl, but as months became years, she soon grew suspicious over the relationship between her step-mom and dad.
years ago, she was betrayed by her closest friends and now has a cynical view because she wasn’t able to forgive them. she was told multiple times to get over it, but couldn’t. she continued to wonder how people can be so close then do something harsh to another. it still astonishes her now and from that point on, she didn’t really let anyone into her life, thoughts, or feelings.
tl;dr one who prefers being with plants than people
character aesthetics + inspo
adaptable, distant, generous, grouchy, reserved, responsible
she tends to be pessimistic because of her past and doesn’t want history to repeat itself, so she tends to not get too close to others. she may have two or three friends, but that’s about it. plus, she can be quite rude and cold-hearted to push others away.
however, she’s also very giving when it comes to charities because with so much money, she still wants to be kind to others, especially those who are in need.
when things change in her life, however, she faces them head on and is just calm about it.
walk-in closets but wearing the same 5 outfits, walking through trails, smelling fresh air, having polaroids of flowers, black hair ties, not needing glasses but wearing them for fashion, stacks of books that were actually used and read, a hot cup of starbucks coffee, plants scattered throughout the bedroom, a person reading alone in a library, being the wallflower at a party
most of her style is denim and single-colored tops with a lot of neutral colors. she tends to leave her hair longer than her shoulders and mainly leaves it down, but will put it in a ponytail once in a while.
can be labeled as the anthomaniac or the recluse.
she comes from old money from her dad and new money from her mom.
the idea of frankie was originally from wanting to play a flower child, but not in a stereotype way.
she owns a florist company, but wants to place a shop in ballard.
she has this tattoo on her side.
her whole apartment is filled with plants, real and fake.
she has an ex who cheated on her when they were dating.
frankie prefers to use her time indoors watching movies/tv shows, taking care of her plants, reading, or simply going on the internet. 
if anything, she’s mainly the type to have a one night stand, but has kept only three or four friends with benefits all her life. and has one or two close friends.
* rose park. twenty-four. cis female. she/her.  |  did you see dylan grayson this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for five months and last time i spoke to them, they were a voice actress & influencer. if i remember correctly, they’re an aries and they remind me of red lipstick, dealing with chaos behind doors, uploading youtube videos probably because they’re driven and shallow.  
since she was a baby, she was already adopted by mr. and mrs. grayson, a well-known old money family. past generations owned a huge company for properties and built malls across the country. which didn’t seem like such a big deal to the girl growing up. all she cared about was belonging somewhere and being with a family. she was even happier to have grown up with siblings. even her biological parents hardly came to mind because she was happy where she was. however, the older she became, the more chaotic her family seemed. there would be scandals written in articles about her family, secrets being revealed, and it felt dramatic fights happened almost every week. nonetheless, it didn’t matter to the girl. she was extremely loyal to her parents and siblings. she swore she’d do anything for them.
for her childhood, she grew up in ballard and she’s loved the town deep down. she thought about how cute the place was and cherished everyone. a reason why when she left during the beginning of high school, she was quite sad for a while. soon enough, she got over it though. she attended a private school, made friends with multiple people, and eventually graduated. moving onto college, she went to nyu then later on received both bachelor’s and master’s in business. during her time in college, however, the town centre mall was already built and didn’t hear word of it at the moment. eventually, thinking she was mature enough and able to handle it herself, she was given the town centre mall as a gift at the age of twenty-four.
tl;dr she was adopted from a rich family, that she loves very much, and now owns the town centre mall
character aesthetics + inspo
the carringtons (dynasty 2017), fallon carrington (dynasty 2017), serena van der woodsen (gossip girl), stella (winx club)
ambitious, cautious, driven, loyal, protective, shallow, materialistic
she’s very determined and hard-working. when she wants something, she’ll do better than doing her best and work on getting it.
with being materialistic and shallow, she tends to think about appearance first. during her high school years, she 
microphones, red lipstick, dealing with chaos behind doors, uploading youtube videos, studio booths, scripts, shopping bags with expensive brand names, diamond necklaces, family portraits
80% of the time, she’ll be seen wearing a dress or matching 2-piece outfits. the other 20% are filled with patterned tops, jeans, faux fur coats, and skirts. a bit less than half of the dresses she own are sparkly too. while her shoes are mainly high heels and knee boots. as for her hair, she mostly leaves it down. she’ll also be seen wearing jewelry everyday.
the girl just loves to go shopping. she’ll take anyone to go shopping with.
the reason one of her occupations is voice actress is because during her summers in high school and college, she took up jobs in voice acting since she wanted to go out into the entertainment business for a while, but didn’t quite feel comfortable singing or acting for tv shows and movies. she just preferred being in a booth and saying lines.
as for influencer, it started during her high school years as she mainly gave fashion advice and worked on make-up tutorials.
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
a girl can respect herself and still wanna suck a dude soul out
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stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
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