stormyniqhts-blog · 5 years
hey, guys!! i’m sora and i’m happy to be here. i just want to start off by talking a bit about myself. such as having a love for anime, disney movies, doggos, and uhh, i’m also recently binge watching stranger things s3. anyway, this will be a super mega intro post as i’ll be putting all my charas into one intro, so here’s info on julie tran, layla evans, frankie sullivan, and dylan grayson!!
edit: i also have a general plots page, but i’m open to anything outside of it!
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if you want to go through a specific chara, all you have to do is ctrl+f and type “--chara name”
* lana condor. twenty-three. female. she/her. | did you see julie tran this morning on main street? i heard they were heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for all her life and last time i spoke to them, they were a sales associate. if i remember correctly, they’re a scorpio and they remind me of colorful striped tops, lazy sundays, sunbathing probably because they’re sociable and prim.
things seemed like a picture perfect image for the girl when she was young. she helped her family with chores, worked hard in elementary and middle school classes, etc. however, by the time high school rolled around, her relationship with her parents weren’t exactly the same. she realized her dream of becoming a fashion designer, which they didn’t approve on due to how they wanted their daughter to work in the medical field.
at first, she agreed on dropping the dream and went on with doing well in her classes. except, she never gave up on her dream. when she finally graduated high school, she moved out of her parents’ place with saved up money and hardly talked to them since then. she felt guilty for not being who they wanted her to be, but being away felt better than trying to be someone she didn’t picture herself as.
soon, her parents decided to move away too and the relationship between her and them became more estranged. now, she’s in the process of improving her designs while working as a sales associate.
tl;dr basically a girl who wants to be a fashion designer someday and has an estranged relationship with her parents.
character aesthetic + inspo
disgust (inside out), wendy darling (peter pan), tori vega (victorious), lara jean covey (to all the boys i’ve loved before), jane sloan (the bold type), lady (lady & the tramp), mabel pines (gravity falls), cher horowitz (clueless).
insecure, loyal, motherly, organized, passive, picky, prim, self-righteous, sociable.
she’s basically a mom friend. anything you’ll need, she’ll more than likely have it. she’s also always there for her loved ones no matter what, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night.
she tends to think of her friends and others before herself. adding onto this, she tends to not say no to others because of how helpful she wants to be, so at times, she’ll feel overwhelmed or exhausted.
the reason why insecure is added is because she feels as if she’s quite bland. that there’s really no unique trait about her. sure, she cares about others, but she feels there are so many people in the world that are also caring and it’s not exactly something different.
julie can also be quite self-righteous because she thinks she knows what’s best for people and just doesn’t realize she may bring harm.
colorful striped tops, lazy sundays, sunbathing, single-colored sunglasses, ponytails with ribbons, white blouses with collars, cup of tea, clothes organized by color.
she’s known to wear black mary janes, neutral colors or single-colored outfits, and is usually seen wearing blouses with skirts or dresses. once in a while, she’ll wear a patterned top or bottoms.
she’ll always have necessary things in her bag. such as snacks, band-aids, tylenol, tissues, etc.
as she dreams of being a fashion designer, she has sketchbooks filled with clothing designs.
she has a small orange kitten named oliver (because of oliver & company)
* danielle campbell. twenty-eight. cis female. she/her. | did you see layla evans this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for all her life and last time i spoke to them, they were a worker at twice new and housekeeper at horizon suites. if i remember correctly, they’re a leo and they remind me of matching lace bras & thongs, waves crashing against the shore, piggyback rides probably because they’re adventurous and stubborn.
about (tw: mentions of death & abuse)
one would think she’s the happiest girl alive with her parents. they would spend a lot of time together, watch layla during her ballet recitals, and eat dinner at the dining table every night. things were immediately different the moment her dad passed away when she was nine years old. since then, her mom began ignoring her because of how much the girl reminded her of her husband. layla learned to take care of herself soon enough.
things were spiraling down from there. once she was in middle school, she started rebelling and causing trouble. she destroyed properties, stole from stores, etc. when she became a high schooler, she started failing classes and took summer school, partied almost every night, drank a lot, and almost got expelled. the only reason she didn’t was because her advisers and teachers gave her a second chance to improve. she ended up taking it. by her junior year, her behavior was improving gradually and worked harder at bringing up her gpa. the reason why she took the second chance was because of her dream to be a best-selling author and to go to college. which she was accepted into.
nonetheless, she may not be a writer at the moment, that doesn’t mean she plans to forget her dream. she just wants to use up more time to improve on her writing. she’s talked to multiple publishers and is just continuing to grow for now.
tl;dr she’s had a rough past and just wants to be a best-selling author.
character aesthetics + inspo
adventurous, childish, impulsive, obstinate, promiscuous, valiant, vulgar
layla’s very outgoing and sociable. she loves hanging out with people, whether it’s going to a party, drinking, going out for food, road trips, or just having a simple picnic or laying on the ground to look at stars. she’s just always looking to have fun and definitely a party animal. almost any party you see, she’ll be there. 
she also stands up for those who are close to her heart and can be reliable as she’s there for them no matter what. 
nonetheless, once in awhile she’ll get an idea and quickly act on it. and even though she can be wrong at times, it does take her a moment to admit it.
a journal full of words, matching lace bras & thongs, waves crashing against the shore, piggyback rides, the comfort of someone being there, wanting to hear the words ‘i’m proud of you’, hands gripping bed sheets, police sirens, worn out ballet shoes.
basically her fashion consists of all kinds of shorts (mainly booty shorts and ripped ones), crop tops, oversized hoodies and shirts, spandex shorts, tops that show off cleavage, fishnets, and occasionally skirts + denim, ripped jeans. 
she has a few very nice dresses too.
she has this tattoo on the back of her left arm and this tattoo in the same area.
she’s bisexual and proud of it.
other labels that can define her: the dirtbag, the halcyon.
one of her most prized possessions is a necklace her dad gave her.
* chloe bennet. thirty-one. cis female. she/her.  |  did you see frankie sullivan this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for 2 months and last time i spoke to them, they were a ceo of a florist company. if i remember correctly, they’re a virgo and they remind me of a hot cup of starbucks coffee, plants scattered throughout the bedroom, reading alone in a library probably because they’re generous and reserved.
a girl who was born in las vegas, nv. she had wonderful parents that divorced when she was fourteen. however, she didn’t mind it at all. she was happy as long as they were. plus, she wanted a bigger family, so if they were going to remarry to other people, she was oddly okay with it too. mainly because of how she always wanted a bigger family since she’s an only child. eventually, that was what happened. five years ago, her dad remarried and soon, frankie had a step-mom and step-sibling. at first, she cared about them due to how much family already meant to the girl, but as months became years, she soon grew suspicious over the relationship between her step-mom and dad.
years ago, she was betrayed by her closest friends and now has a cynical view because she wasn’t able to forgive them. she was told multiple times to get over it, but couldn’t. she continued to wonder how people can be so close then do something harsh to another. it still astonishes her now and from that point on, she didn’t really let anyone into her life, thoughts, or feelings.
tl;dr one who prefers being with plants than people
character aesthetics + inspo
adaptable, distant, generous, grouchy, reserved, responsible
she tends to be pessimistic because of her past and doesn’t want history to repeat itself, so she tends to not get too close to others. she may have two or three friends, but that’s about it. plus, she can be quite rude and cold-hearted to push others away.
however, she’s also very giving when it comes to charities because with so much money, she still wants to be kind to others, especially those who are in need.
when things change in her life, however, she faces them head on and is just calm about it.
walk-in closets but wearing the same 5 outfits, walking through trails, smelling fresh air, having polaroids of flowers, black hair ties, not needing glasses but wearing them for fashion, stacks of books that were actually used and read, a hot cup of starbucks coffee, plants scattered throughout the bedroom, a person reading alone in a library, being the wallflower at a party
most of her style is denim and single-colored tops with a lot of neutral colors. she tends to leave her hair longer than her shoulders and mainly leaves it down, but will put it in a ponytail once in a while.
can be labeled as the anthomaniac or the recluse.
she comes from old money from her dad and new money from her mom.
the idea of frankie was originally from wanting to play a flower child, but not in a stereotype way.
she owns a florist company, but wants to place a shop in ballard.
she has this tattoo on her side.
her whole apartment is filled with plants, real and fake.
she has an ex who cheated on her when they were dating.
frankie prefers to use her time indoors watching movies/tv shows, taking care of her plants, reading, or simply going on the internet. 
if anything, she’s mainly the type to have a one night stand, but has kept only three or four friends with benefits all her life. and has one or two close friends.
* rose park. twenty-four. cis female. she/her.  |  did you see dylan grayson this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for five months and last time i spoke to them, they were a voice actress & influencer. if i remember correctly, they’re an aries and they remind me of red lipstick, dealing with chaos behind doors, uploading youtube videos probably because they’re driven and shallow.  
since she was a baby, she was already adopted by mr. and mrs. grayson, a well-known old money family. past generations owned a huge company for properties and built malls across the country. which didn’t seem like such a big deal to the girl growing up. all she cared about was belonging somewhere and being with a family. she was even happier to have grown up with siblings. even her biological parents hardly came to mind because she was happy where she was. however, the older she became, the more chaotic her family seemed. there would be scandals written in articles about her family, secrets being revealed, and it felt dramatic fights happened almost every week. nonetheless, it didn’t matter to the girl. she was extremely loyal to her parents and siblings. she swore she’d do anything for them.
for her childhood, she grew up in ballard and she’s loved the town deep down. she thought about how cute the place was and cherished everyone. a reason why when she left during the beginning of high school, she was quite sad for a while. soon enough, she got over it though. she attended a private school, made friends with multiple people, and eventually graduated. moving onto college, she went to nyu then later on received both bachelor’s and master’s in business. during her time in college, however, the town centre mall was already built and didn’t hear word of it at the moment. eventually, thinking she was mature enough and able to handle it herself, she was given the town centre mall as a gift at the age of twenty-four.
tl;dr she was adopted from a rich family, that she loves very much, and now owns the town centre mall
character aesthetics + inspo
the carringtons (dynasty 2017), fallon carrington (dynasty 2017), serena van der woodsen (gossip girl), stella (winx club)
ambitious, cautious, driven, loyal, protective, shallow, materialistic
she’s very determined and hard-working. when she wants something, she’ll do better than doing her best and work on getting it.
with being materialistic and shallow, she tends to think about appearance first. during her high school years, she 
microphones, red lipstick, dealing with chaos behind doors, uploading youtube videos, studio booths, scripts, shopping bags with expensive brand names, diamond necklaces, family portraits
80% of the time, she’ll be seen wearing a dress or matching 2-piece outfits. the other 20% are filled with patterned tops, jeans, faux fur coats, and skirts. a bit less than half of the dresses she own are sparkly too. while her shoes are mainly high heels and knee boots. as for her hair, she mostly leaves it down. she’ll also be seen wearing jewelry everyday.
the girl just loves to go shopping. she’ll take anyone to go shopping with.
the reason one of her occupations is voice actress is because during her summers in high school and college, she took up jobs in voice acting since she wanted to go out into the entertainment business for a while, but didn’t quite feel comfortable singing or acting for tv shows and movies. she just preferred being in a booth and saying lines.
as for influencer, it started during her high school years as she mainly gave fashion advice and worked on make-up tutorials.
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ofsympathy · 5 years
*  sophie turner. twenty-four. cisfemale. she/her.   |  did you see antonia ‘toni’ quinn this morning on main street? i heard they were heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for their whole life and last time i spoke to them, they were a photographer + blogger. if i remember correctly, they’re a taurus and they remind me of the click of a camera, messy tops buns, heated debates for no reason, + late nights out probably because they’re determined and opinionated.  
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toni’s intro doesn’t really have any heavy triggers but there are mentions of divorce.
next up , meet my dramatic bitch antonia quinn ! i’m hoping this one isn’t gonna be as long but we’ll see. alec is a recycled muse but toni is newer, so i think this shouldn’t be as long and droned on but we’ll see
anyway ! unlike chase , toni is fine with pretty much any rendition of her name, but typically sticks with toni + she doesn’t care if people spell it tony but she’s named after her great grandmother antonia so she likes to spell it with an i
toni was born in ballard and has never left oklahoma which she does want to change but hasn’t gotten around to making any plans to do so
definitely grew up just a little spoiled. she was an only child and got all of her parents attention. they weren’t super loaded, but definitely comfortable and liked to spoil their daughter.
though mostly humble, toni did like getting what she wanted. she would listen if she was told no , but admittedly she wasn’t told no a lot.
toni always felt like she had the perfect family. her parents weren’t super strict, but she couldn’t do just anything she wanted. but mostly, she had enough freedom to keep her happy + her parents loved her and she loved them.
however, when she was in middle school, her parents got divorced. it had been brewing for a while and they never wanted toni to see that their marriage was failing. it wasn’t until the divorce finalized that she realized that her mom had an affair, resulting in toni’s younger sister. toni was already 12 at the time, far grown out of her spoiled only child phase, but she felt like her mom betrayed the family.
as a result of the divorce, her dad moved out and toni decided to go with him. she was always a mommas girl but couldn’t seem to get over her mom cheating.
her dad stayed in ballard because he knew how much toni loved it there, and her mom left town with her half-brother.
moving on ! tonis dramatic about ..... literally everything and it partly has to do with her parents split. since then, she took a lot of things to heart and always spoke her opinions even if they were a little rash.
it was hard to see her parents, who she always say so in loved, separate and it was even harder to see her mom leave town like it was nothing.
toni’s view on love was always a bit jaded after that because everything seemed to fine to her.
MEANWHILE toni goes through heartbreaks of her own ( hints @ my wc on the main ) and starts to find her footing, now just her and her dad and she was happy she made the decision that she did. they started doing joint holidays so she could see her little brother.
so now shes in college + has a small photography business , mainly weddings, pets, and newborn pictures, but does pretty much anything. she
she moved out of her dad house with a roomate when she was 21, so they’ve lived together for three years and this is a wc for her !!
just this last christmas, toni started to notice that her parents were talking more, spending more time together, and her dad just told her that they’re starting to rekindle things. she’s not sure how she feels about it, but is attempting to keep her nose out of it.
personality wise, she’s a little prissy and very opinionated but generally not too hard to get along with as long as you don’t try to argue with her.
her highlight is always on point thats a fact
that wasn’t a personality trait but it should be
this one is just as long as alecs and now i’m tired so that’s all for now folks
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hugogw · 5 years
* bill skarsgard. age 25. cis-male. he/him. | did you see spencer hamilton this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for seven years and last time i spoke to them, they were an barista. if i remember correctly, they’re a virgo and they remind me of a seemingly never empty flask, dark circles under his eyes and sleeping on park benches probably because they’re intoxicating and reckless. 
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hi guys! it’s madison again and i’d like for you to meet my child, aka the saddest boy in all of the land. please be nice to him! like this if you’d like to plot and i’ll message you.
TW: homophobia, conversion therapy, brainwashing, HIV+, death, depression, alcoholism
So he’s a Preacher’s Kid. Or was a Preacher’s Kid who grew up in a small town in Kansas. When he was 13 his father caught Spencer kissing another boy and all hell broke loose.
His parents insisted that Spencer’s “gayness” needed to be reversed. So he started seeing a counselor who brainwashed him into believing that being gay was a choice and a sin of nature.
For a few years he was miserable. He tried to be with girls but hated himself for not feeling the way they felt about him. He beat himself up internally and externally, using his anger to crack his knuckles against mirrors and walls etc.
He was 16 when he met Xavier, a 21 one year old college student taking a break from college who Spencer fell hard for. He coaxed Spencer out of this front he held up and allowed his walls to break free for this man. The two fell in love. It didn’t take long before his father found out about this affair and he immediately kicked Spencer out of the house.
Spencer and Xavier used what little money they had to travel to Ballard and to get an apartment together. For awhile, everything was fine and Spencer was happy being free and living his life. Until Xavier realized he was HIV+ He passed away 4 years later and Spencer stood by his side for every second of it. Spencer promised Xavier he’d give life another chance.
It’s a been a year since Xavier’s passing and Spencer is just trying to not spiral. He doesn’t allow himself to become too close to anyone, he works as a barista and believes it’s somehow his fault that Xavier passed, even though Spencer is HIV negative. He believes he’s a burden and is afraid to love anyone in any capacity. He’ll lose himself in drugs, alcohol and meaningless sex but the poor soul feels himself wilting away.
He’s a sweet, passionate, loving and caring boy who has endured a lot. Once you break down his walls, he’ll be one of the best people you can know because when he’s carefree and letting loose, it’s a contagious sight.
Is a total fuck boy at this point. LOVES sex and will flirt with you even if you’re straight.
Basically always drunk at this point, it’s the only way he can not feel and thus the only way he can get through life.
Currently a barista but he keeps getting fired so who knows how long he’ll last there!
Some wanted plots:
EVENTUALLY HIS ROOMMATE, listen i imagine this person to be his best friend and honestly who looks out for him because he’s such a fucking mess? spencer would legit do anything for this person. they are his family. If this doesn’t get taken up I’ll probs put in a WC.
HOOK UPS. pls all of the hot hook ups.
ENEMIES…that hook up. Maybe they can’t stand each other but have hot sex?
Maybe people who were related to Spencer’s ex? Or even friends with him?
Party buddies
Family friends? Someone who knew him from Kansas?
Protective friends
Adventurous friends
HIS CLIENTS pls. this could be so so so fun. (he’s an escort on the side, it’s a new gig as of now.)
SOMEONE who knew Xavier really well!
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llarkk · 5 years
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* camila mendes. 24. cis female.she/her.  |  did you see andrea silva this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for nine years and the last time I spoke to them, they were a bassist and graphic designer. if i remember correctly, they’re a taurus and they remind me of empty bottles of mike’s hard lemonade, a box of unsorted tour polaroids, the glowing apple of her macbook in a dark room probably because they’re dedicated and dominating.  (  carmen, 22, est, she/her. )
hiiii nice to meet ya i’m carmen, 22, est ! i’m not in school currently but i am working a full-time hospitality job so my schedule is never the same but i am online most nights.  I’ve dragged andrea through multiple rps already and i’m happy ballard will be her home. i’m a ~mess~ so i’m still putting together a wanted connections page and such but here is some ideas i have including some of her background:
wanted connections:
⇝ matches. if you’re character is on tinder they can swipe right here. (dates with peeps. probably not into anything long-term right now. but she wants to get out more. is bi-curious so her interests is set to men and women.
⇝ high school connections. people she loves to check in with to see how they’re doing. people she actively avoids. give me small town drama. invite her to the barbecue.  
⇝ someone she’s envious of. maybe you’re character’s life is structured and perfect-seeming. andrea’s distant from her family. has made a family of her own with her friends but it’s still not the same. 
⇝ roadtrips buddy to go to concerts. it’s not like ballard is part of most if not all band’s touring dates. 
 — Andrea’s father passed away when she was 10. Her mother remarried when she was 12. And by 15 she couldn’t take one more second of their arguments and mental abuse so she begged her dad’s sister to let her finish high school in ballard with their family. 
— Some of the best summers were spent in Ballard with her cousins. Living with them was a completely different story. She shared a room with the eldest cousin and whenever she stepped out of the room her was harassed by her younger cousin. Andrea had no space of her own. 
— This led to resenting her cousins. Sneaking out most nights. Finding solace in the high school band room and the pizza parlor open until midnight. 
— her family bought silver spurs inn in hopes of making decent money; but as much coin they put into it they don’t get nearly as much of it in return. They hope the commercial businesses being brought in with bring them even more visitors.
— uncle is kind of a shady character but also a family man. turns a blind eye to what the inn’s guests are doing as long as things don’t get out of hand or puts his immediate family in danger. 
— Super angst filled kid who felt she didn’t really belong anywhere. Still feels that way. Very grateful to her aunt and uncle for accepting her into their home but that doesn’t change the feeling of not having a real foundation. 
— Is kind of nomadic nowadays. Travels with the band. Doesn’t have her own place since coming back from touring. Rents month to month. Fears having to go back to live with her aunt and uncle.
— Graphic design pays her bills. Her laptop is one of her prized possessions. Wherever she is her laptop is no more than ten feet away. Continuously takes courses to improve her skills and looks for ways to profit anyway she can. She designed the band logo and all of their merch. Helps out other bands for a price and assists in advertisement
— Aunt is in the process of filing for a loan to refurbish the inn. She’s seriously disgusted by the condition the property is in and is sick of her husband pocketing what little money they have and not putting it back into the business. 
— Uncle truly doesn’t care what becomes of the inn. 
— Dreams of van life. Owning her own van and being able to have all her necessities in it and just travel. Is close to accomplishing it; has enough saved up for her dream van but now has to consider the cost of refurbishing it to her liking. 
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lashcurled-blog · 5 years
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*  lalisa manoban. twenty-two. cisfemale. she/her.  |  did you see corey manoonsil this morning on main street? i heard they were heading towards the protests. they’ve lived in ballard for eight years and last time i spoke to them, they were a salon stylist. if i remember correctly, they’re a virgo and whenever i hear ophelia by the lumineers, i’m reminded of them. 
full name:  corey rashida manoonsil dob: september 15th, 1996 hometown: thani, thailand occupation: salon stylist at studio rhita sexual orientation: bisexual living arrangements: a separate addition behind her mother’s house, as she isn’t keen on leaving her mother on her own. clothing style: feminine, sophisticated. lots of pastels, denims and dark colors. chunky gold costume jewelry. myers briggs: esfj-t (consul) temperament: choleric hogwarts house: hufflepuff alignment: lawful neutral
corey was born in her home country of thailand, but she really has no memories of it. her parents moved her at quite a young age, and the small family made their home in washington dc.
it was the only home she knew of, and after her parents divorced when she was five years old, everyone agreed it would be best not to uproot her a second time. her father had a fairly comfortable job as an insurance agent, so it was decided that he would be her primary provider.
corey’s mother laid down roots across the country in oklahoma, starting her own salon business, and making herself quite the local success. corey only got to see her about twice a year, and she always hated leaving her to go back home. she and her father’s relationship had changed after the divorce. they didn’t really speak much. he appeared completely disinterested in her life, especially after he had hit the dating scene again.
she basically had to raise herself, aside from the couple of visits with her mom. her father remarried when she was thirteen, essentially dissolving whatever was left of their bond. he even suggested that she go live with her mother in oklahoma; and though corey actually wanted that, it still devastated her that her father seemed to want to be rid of her.
still, she knew she really didn’t have a place there anymore, so she left the only home she’d ever been familiar with to set up shop in a completely new place. to her surprise, she fell in love with ballard’s small town feel. everyone seemed more patient and nice, and she actually had a parent who seemed interested in listening to her.
corey developed a pretty strong attachment to her mom, who honestly was a capable woman who didn’t need the hovering. still though, being used to caring for herself, corey tried to act like the parent more often than not. she’s always weary of her mom being lonely, even though her business surrounds her with plenty of socializing.
and speaking of, corey grew quite fond of her mom’s salon business as well. she began helping out on the weekends while she was still in school, and eventually, she even began styling hair. a bit of a prodigy, she’s now the most sought after stylist who works there.
once ballard began to fill with gentrifying business dealings, it genuinely upset corey, as she felt the small town she had grown to love was going to transform into something she didn’t recognize. she’d done the city thing, and she was perfectly content now, in her small town surroundings.
she protests the changes every chance she can, and her outspoken nature has gotten her in trouble at the picket line before. still, she has no intention of giving up, as she feels her mother’s business is on the line.
personality wise, corey is the kindest spitfire you’ll ever meet. she’s empathetic, but she can also be a bit of a sasshole. she has good intentions, though. she’s a simple person, who likes to laugh and hang out with the people she loves. she avoids math at all costs. it’s actual satan.
she will probably remind you of sewn on patches covering holes in jeans, cheap beer after work, impassioned arguments, wearing rain boots even when it’s not raining and taking in a firefly light show while a gentle breeze blows.
some wanted connections i’d love to have (other than the one on the wc page)!!!
drinking buddies ; it’s not uncommon to find corey chilling at hideaway after her shift. i’d love for her to have a regular at the bar that she drinks with! they can basically just vent about their days and how crazy the world is yo.
partners in crime ; corey’s best friend! the one she always goes to protests with, and they tend to push each other over the line sometimes. are they really your best friend if they don’t do stupid shit with you after all??? like as long as they have bail money ready tbh
former penpals ; this person lived in ballard while corey still lived in washington dc with her dad, but she met them on one of her visits with her mom. they hit it off immediately, and continued communicating after corey returned to dc. their favorite way to interact was through letters. since corey moved to ballard, they’ve gotten to know each other on deeper levels and remain close to this day.
and like Otherwise we can just plot stuff based on who our muses are so YEH let’s do that! can’t wait to love you!!!
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ofsympathy · 5 years
*  luke hemmings. twenty-three. cismale. he/him.  |  did you see alexander ‘alec’ chase this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for one year and last time i spoke to them, they were a mechanic. if i remember correctly, they’re a leo and they remind me of dirtied hands wiping against white shirts, leather jackets thrown over chairs, + resting plain expressions probably because they’re intelligent and abrasive.
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just as quick warning, there are general themes of drinking, drugs, cheating, and general douchecanoe activity all throughout alecs intro !!
meet the man , the myth , the asshole , alexander chase !
first things first , don’t call him alexander. he hates it and will likely punch you.
it’s alec, not alex, ale, allie. specifically alec because he’s edgy like that.
alec is from sydney, australia but moved to brooklyn, new york when he was fifteen.
he took the move super hard. he was already an Angsty teen but moving away from his life all the way to the states was really hard on him.
alec always had a super hard time figuring out who he was ; his parents are incredibly ... close minded and anything he did wasn’t good enough for them
so fifteen year old alec moves to new york and he’s immediately in with the wrong crowd thanks to his leather jacket wearing ass and generally pissed-off appearance
and its definitely not long until his parents are getting calls about their son getting into trouble - it starts with simple stuff - skipping class, cheating and then as he gets older it turns into trespassing, stealing, drinking.
alec basically didn’t have a lot of motivation ; he didn’t have any constants in his life besides his friends who were bad influences on him. he never really had any serious girlfriends, boyfriends, etc. because he couldn’t stay loyal to save his name life.
he did, however, have a best friend that no one really understood. his friend jackson had moved to ny around the same time he did, from england, and they hit it off pretty fast. jackson was pretty much his opposite ; clean cut, kind, but they worked. they had a good dynamic. though he wasn’t able to keep alec out of trouble, he did at least urge alec to graduate high school.
after high school, alec worked a few odd jobs here and there, mostly because he couldn’t hold a retail job.
at some point, around 19, alec and jackson started to date. alec knew it was a bad idea, considering he had cheated on every partner he ever had - both serious and not serious. everyone said it would be different with jackson , but the minute alec felt himself falling, he freaked out.
to keep a Long story short, this happened twice before jackson finally got his head on straight and realized even alec wasn’t worth the heartbreak - so alec (rightfully) lost his best friend.
since then, his (bad)behavior definitely increased and since he was still living at home, his parents were fed up with their son being a hot mess. not only was he almost always drinking and/or high, he had more than one run in with the law that his parents had to bail him out of.
finally, completely fed up with his behavior and needing him to get his act together, they ship him off to oklahoma because making him move the first time was such a good idea ! however , feeling pretty much defeated , he does without arguing.
his aunt , though promising to take care of him , works 55+ hours a week and it’s just her, so alec has the place to himself most of the time and definitely hasn’t done any self growth in the last year.
it did give him some thinking time and without really realizing, he’s not as bad as he was after he crashed and burned with jackson , but he’s definitely not the Star Student but hey , it happens.
sorry i know this is long if u read all of this i love you
i’m sure you can guess but his personality isn’t .... The best but surprisingly he’s not a completely dick wad to be around - it just depends on his mood. if he wants something, he can be super charming. very good at manipulating to get what he wants. but if you bother him / waste his time / catch him in a bad mood, he’s ruthless. but if you take any advice from jackson, know he can be swayed with food and not giving up when he’s a douche.
jackson never really got any positive attention so any type of positive affection is like Poison to him but he needs it
he’s an incredibly artist which is a fact not a lot of people know. one of the jobs he got into was working on cars, so he’s currently a mechanic but he dream job would be something with art.
if he starts you enough to show you his art, you’ve made it.
i could honestly..... go on about him for Ages but i’m gonna fucking stop before i get even deeper into this demon
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hugogw · 5 years
*  alex fitzalan. age 23. cis-male. he/him.  |  did you see theodore ’teddy’ becker this morning on main street? i heard they were heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for twenty three years and last time i spoke to them, they were an college student/escort. if i remember correctly, they’re a leo and they remind me of unruly curls, guitar calloused fingertips & kiss swollen lips probably because they’re infectious and reckless. 
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hi hi hi! i’m madison and i’m super stoked to be here and to be bringing you the latest LOML, teddy! like this if you’d like to plot and i’ll message you.
tw: abuse mention
so teddy doesn’t really remember much about his childhood before his mom abandoned him at a shopping mall and never returned. he was put into the system after that and grew up bouncing around from foster home to foster home.
he was a pretty lovable kid but a big troublemaker and was honestly…a lot to handle.
has battled depression from a young age but learned to hide it because he knew he had to be the kind of kid people would want to adopt.
honestly had such…shitty luck with a lot of his foster homes. but apparently the man who was running for mayor needed good press, so he adopted a lil orphan boy and hence, teddy became the mayor’s son!
not the greatest scenario because the mayor is a GRADE A dick to teddy! he’s nice to everyone except for his son. probably because teddy has always been such a handful and apparently adopting a kid wasn’t as easy as he thought it was gonna be.
didn’t really know how to tame the wild child so he eventually started to become abusive but we won’t go into detail about that. BASICALLY THE MAYOR IS JUST A CLOSETED ASSHOLE but everyone thinks he’s AMAZING!
music has always been his escape and something that he’s had an affinity for even at a young age.
is honestly just like a big ol’ golden retriever who loves everyone pretty effortlessly, wears his heart on his sleeve and will make friendship bracelets for people.
has a hard time telling people how he’s really doing and about the demons he battles because he doesn’t like to be a burden. he knows he can be a handful
still such a troublemaker and has gotten arrested for the stupidest things so many times
plays guitar & piano. he’s actually a really good singer too! he just gets shy and self conscious and doesn’t often sing for people
falls in love like a million times a day
drinks a shit ton, does a lot of drugs and is actually really bad at taking care of himself
HAS THE BIGGEST HEART but can genuinely be an idiot sometimes
gay af
if you’re a guy, he will 1000% flirt with you. he loves cute boys and will try to bang you
but he’s also a hopeless romantic who is shamelessly looking for love too even though he believes he’s unlovable
very cuddly and overtly affectionate
SOME PLOTS: okay he’s only been in town for like a month so some of these plots we can build upon over time :)
PLOTS: would love some FWB, EX BOYFRIENDS give me angst u motherfuckers, maybe ex-girlfriends that he used as a beard to make his pops happy, hook ups, one night stands, new friends, sibling like friendships, protective friendships, party buddies, bad influence buddies, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, HIS BANDMATES MOTHER FUCKERS, his neighbors, unrequited crushes, people who are like the mom friend to him because he’s an idiot...ROOMMATES
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ofreprises · 5 years
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* aaron tviet. 30. cismale. he/him. | did you see cullen kingsley this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for two months and last time i spoke to them, they were a stage actor. if i remember correctly, they’re ataurus and they remind me of ghost lights, shamelessly hummed tunes & old money probably because they’re charismatic and eccentric.
have an extra boy! CULLEN’S BIO IS HERE. it probably needs to be edited some but...i’ll do that later. under the cut are extras/wcs.
we stan a musical theatre gay
He’s def dating some guy who’s higher up or an authority figure in town?? because that’s JUICY.
Very close with the local theatre pop?? as in, he gives them ALL high-fives on the street.
Super extra, big activist ! Big twitter presence because he has no shame ! Def posts about dudes butts.
More Notable parts he’s had include: Gavroche in Les Miserables & Winthrop in The Music Man (as a theatre bby), Gabriel in Next to Normal, Danny Zuko in Grease, Enjolras in Les Miserables, & Micheal in Bridges of Madison County (gotta stay On Brand with Aaron u know)
BIG SUCKER for the classics
he’s so superstitious! As in Ghost light must be on at all times, can’t say “Macbeth”, won’t go on stage unless he preforms a very specific ritual
He’s not…estranged from his family. Still sees them on Ballards and such, but they always look at him like a Disappointment™
wcs include: his partner, his three siblings, local theatre buffs/actors, maybe a volunteer director? he’s a p chill guy, down for anything really!.
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gcldnstars-blog · 5 years
yara martinez. 36. female. she/her.  |  did you see alicia vasquez this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for five years and last time i spoke to them, they were an actor. if i remember correctly, they’re a scorpio and they remind me of black stilettos, expensive bottles of white wine, & massive bouquets of red roses probably because they’re passionate and self absorbed.
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this is!! super long but that’s kinda my thing. i’ve had alicia since i was born and she’s a trainwreck so here we go ig
full name: alicia julia vasquez  nicknames: ali, ‘that bitch’ birthday/zodiac: october 30/scorpio mbti: enfp alignment: chaotic neutral hogwarts house: slytherin fictional character comparisons: madeline mackenzie, valencia perez, gabrielle solis
alicia was the baby and the princess from the moment she was born. the youngest and the only girl in a not so well off family in new york city. pampered and protected at all costs, even though her brothers were tossed aside and expected to help bring in money. she wasn’t allowed to do what her brothers did and she hated every second of it. she wanted to be treated as an equal. Her brothers ended up getting involved in some pretty rough things like drugs and some ahem gang activity which excited the tiny alicia more than it should have. She wanted to get her hands dirty, and even though they shouldn’t have, her two older brothers ended up letting her get involved. nothing too serious, but things 14 year olds shouldn’t be around for sure.
because of her family’s background, the company ali kept wasn’t always the best and her friends quickly taught her simple things like pick pocketing and shoplifting - things she picked up on very quickly. now?? it’s like second nature. think that scene in ocean’s 8 where debbie gets steals from that store by pretending she was returning the items. That was monday afternoon for alicia.
it wasn’t long into high school when alicia found theatre. it was an outlet. a chance to be seen and not on the back burner anymore. and she was damn good at it. alicia went to nyu for - of course - performing arts. She nailed every second of it and it didn’t take long for her to have an agent, manager, and eq card. How did she pay for this you ask?? not legally. ya girl became a true career conwoman and rocked the streets of new york in more ways than one
she spent the first few years out of nyu in off broadway shows, and even landed a couple of swing roles on broadway. Her big break came with being cast as ursula in little mermaid!! it was while she was in something rotten that alicia was starting to feel like she needed something more. she started looking for on screen work and got the typical one episode arcs on law and order and shows of the like. people who knew her from broadway knew it was her, but it still wasn’t enough for her. she moved herself out to LA-- begrudgingly, i mean, who needs that weather?? -- and within a year had gotten!! The role of a life time!! lead in a block buster movie!! aw, now she’s a b-list celeb. she was also in the into the woods movie as the bakers wife, thank you for your time.
alicia is was filming a musical tv show (think crazy ex girlfriend) in ballard for the last few years. she met etta, her fiance, during all of this and they fell in Love alicia vc: or like whatever. but now!! the show is canceled (five seasons is a good run anyway) and she doesn’t know what she’s going to do.
ali loves drama and it’s pretty annoying actually. she gets bored easily, puts her nose where it doesn’t belong, the works. she would never admit it out loud though. even if she comes off as kinda the worst sometimes though she’s actually really kind and would kill (possibly forreal) anyone who hurts people she loves. as long as you don’t give her a reason to hate you, she won’t, but once you give her a reason rip in peace you.
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frcgmcnts · 5 years
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oh hey! i’m bree, i go by she/her pronouns and i reside in the est timezone. i’ve been eyeing this group for the longest and i’m so happy to be here! this is my angel baby wendy and i really hope you all love her and i’m so excited to get to know you all and your muses and yeah! if you’d like to plot please hit that heart and i’ll be sure to message you all. 
*  lily collins. 26. cisfemale. she/her.  |  did you see wendy wolfe-harris this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve lived in ballard for one year and last time i spoke to them, they were an writer / owner of harris bookshop. if i remember correctly, they’re a aquarius and whenever i hear goodbye by jorja smith, i’m reminded of them. 
fun facts: 
full name: wendy opal wolfe-harris 
age: twenty-six
birthday: february 14th 
star sign: aquarius
sexuality: pansexual 
occupation: struggling writer / bookshop owner
& more: *tw: death + murder mention* 
wendy was born to elijah wolfe and amelia harris, two hard-working dedicated parents who bore six children, wendy being the youngest out of all them. 
she grew up in a home that was more or less always on the road. they never managed to stay in one place too long, they always seemed to have to move at the drop of a dime.
so wendy grew up seeing much of the world in fleeting glances and she never really knew of a place she could call home. 
her mother never spoke much of her hometown, and neither did her father the only thing they ever mentioned about ballard was the fact that they both ran away from there to pursue their dreams. of course, they told it as though it were some epic love story and wendy hung onto to every word. (hence the fact that this girl is a whole ass hopeless romantic)
but around the day after wendy’s 13th birthday, her parents went out for the night, leaving her third oldest brother in charge. the next morning wendy and her siblings were greeted by a police officer at the door, informing them that her parents seemed to be vicitms of a mugging gone wrong and they didn’t make it. 
of course since her oldest brother was away at school the only logical people fit to raise the remaining wolfe-harris kids were their grandparents, her mothers parents, back in her hometown of ballard. 
this was a big adjustment for wendy, but she put on the brave face for her brothers and sister who were admittedly a mess. wendy took on the role of becoming their rock. their beaming ray of sunshine when they lost— everything, so she never really got the chance to grieve. since she had to keep her head on straight for them. 
life with her grandparents was pretty much the standard, they had only seen them on the other end of a computer or in the few pictures her mother kept of them. 
but living with them was where she discovered her love of all things literature after spending time with her grandparents and uncle in the bookshop they owned she just kind of felt like her nose belonged in a book and her hand should hold a pencil. 
the rest of her of time in ballard growing up wasn’t all about books, she was kind of like the local dream girl. she was on the cheerleading team in high school and she was captain of the school volleyball team. 
she just attracted people and gained quite a bit of popularity (and some major heartache). she was just the girl you couldn’t help but fall in love with. 
but eventually she moved away for college and went all the way to california to pursue her degree in writing —professional writing to be exact. 
after school she pretty much settled into life in california, she only wrote one book but was too scared to actually have it published but she holds the only copy very close to her heart and if you gain her trust she’ll let you read it. mainly she’s just had a few poems published here and there and she spent most of her time writing for others who paid her enough. 
but last year, after years of making others dreams fly off the pages and becoming so uninspired in her own work, and the fact that her grandparents were ready to retire. wendy moved back to ballard, setting up residence in their old home which she’s working hard to make feel like her own.
she really hopes the move back sparks up her juices again and that she can keep the family bookstore open and boost its business. 
as sweet as wendy is and no matter what kind of charm this girl posses, she’s very outspoken. if wendy feels some type of way she won’t hesitate to notify you but at least it comes out a lot more polite than even she can control. she isn’t one to readily open up to others either, she prefers to be the confidant of others, the hero in their novel if you will. but she seems to find it difficult to have her own hero so she tends to keep any of her real feelings, you know the ones she pushes aside, to herself.
wanted connections: 
angels: the two are the closest of friends, inseparable even. they always call her when their in a bind and need a saving grace, an angel if you will. which she’s always there to be for them, and they do the same for her. they’re pretty much very open with everything regarding one another. they could’ve also been friends before wendy moved and they kept touch all the years and they just reconnected in person once she came back. (based loosely off the song angels by chase atlantic) 
boys like you: the pair are polar opposites, they never dated in high school in fact they actively avoided each other. well.. at least that’s the show they put on for everyone else. secretly, they were an item, but without the label. he was her first everything. they loved each other, or at least that’s what wendy thought until the day he broke it off with her. now that she’s back in town she’s been seeing him around a lot lately but refuses to pay him any mind, even if he’s trying to pay her some. no matter how bad she wants to. (based loosely off boys like you)
platonic soulmates: these two have known each other for years and have more in common than they care to admit. they put up with each others faults and have always fell back on one another when times are hard. they’ve seen each other at their worst. they’re closer than friends, than siblings even.
anything else! it was supposed to be longer than this but i’m so fucking lazy jskdjfs. i’ll come update this later. <3
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ofsympathy · 5 years
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*  shawn mendes. twenty-two. cismale. he/him. |  did you see beau fontes this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for two years and last time i spoke to them, they were a hotel heir. if i remember correctly, they’re a capricorn and they remind me of late night text messages, walking past restricted lines, and lone curls falling against foreheads probably because they’re adventurous and closed-off. (  bee, 21+ est, she/they.  )
okay if y’all ordered a pretentious little fucker , well , u got him and if u didn’t ? i’m sorry , you’re getting him anyway :////
meet the love of my whole life , beau fontes. i’ve been Yelled At ( playfully ) bc all of my shawns are little fucking DEMONS but it’s the best way to play him CHAN GE MY MIND 
beau is from new york , specially from the bronx though he lived in the city for the better part of his early teen years.
beau comes from a family of money. his great-grandfather has a hotel line passed onto his dad and his parents are both successful ceos , though they recently started focusing on expanding their hotels down the east coast.
back to this lil buttercup ; he was spoiled To Death and never had to ask twice for anything. honestly never had to ask once.
however , he pretty much grew up around nannies and isn’t super familiar with parental love or Closeness so he’s Incredibly guarded and closed off by nature.
did a lot of shit for attention but money was always thrown at him as a way to get him out of his parents hair. 
within the last two years , beau’s parents wanted to expand their hotels west and they also wanted their only son + heir to their hotels to start Learning the business.
so lil beau here was dragged out to baLLARD to open a chain of their hotels there in light of the expansion - so the horizon suites ? that’s beaus ! WELL , it’s his parents but they’re trying to get him to take ownership of it.
he doesn’t want it. however. the town is helping him be a little more ... humble ??? 
definitely still rich and pretentious. but a little more humble.
honestly i cannot THINK so lets move onto his personality.
annoying but somehow likable. a HUGE H U G E attention seeker. wants ur attention. ALL of it. 
charming in a weird way. like u wanna hit him but also be around him ? 
loves cuddling.
that’s just a cute fact.
idk im a mess this is all u get rn. 
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wcntstcp · 5 years
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*  Naomi Scott. 23. Female. She/her.  |  did you see Grace Harper this morning on main street? i heard they were heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for forever and last time i spoke to them, they were an Daycare worker/Bartender. if i remember correctly, they’re a Gemini and they remind me of dark under eye bags, money under the mattress, farmers markets probably because they’re hard working and scatter brained.  (  blake.  ) *Tristan Bishop assumes unrequited love connection
“Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.” - Oprah Winfrey
* FULL NAME: Grace Lyn Harper
* NICKNAME(S): Gracie, Harper, Gracie Lyn, Ms. Grace
* AGE: 23
* DATE OF BIRTH: June 6th, 1996
* GENDER: cis female
* OCCUPATION: Daycare employee (Day Job), Bartender (Night Job)
* FACE CLAIM: Naomi Scott
* HEIGHT: 5’6”
* HOMETOWN: Alvarado, Texas
* FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: Most of her family is still living in Texas, aside from her aunt who is here in Ballard. but if you’re interested in bring her some family, let me know!!
* ZODIAC: Gemini
Grace Lyn Harper was born and raised in the small town of Alvarado, Texas. Though aside from her frequent use of the word “y’all”, you would never know. Her whole life, she was very close to her family. Her aunt has lived in Ballard since Grace was born and with frequent visits, Grace became very familiar with the town. After she graduated high school, her aunt begged her to move down. Grace finally agreed to move down. Since then, she’s been working at a daycare by day and a bartender at night so she can try to save up enough money to tour Europe and work on her artwork.
This is the most hard working girl you have ever met, but she is also the sweetest person you have ever met. She puts everyone before herself. That being said- underneath that kind and loving exterior is a girl who is tough as nails. She has sooooo much sass. You don’t even know. She has many passions, however, with her two jobs she isn’t able to participate in most of them. The only one she hasn’t given up is her artwork. She’s been an artist since she was very young. One of the other reasons this girl works so much is because she has expensive taste, even if she won’t ever admit it. Quality over quantity in her book. But with quality comes expense.
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wxrkmcmma-blog · 5 years
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*  Willa Holland. 24. Female. She/her.  |  did you see Danielle Levinson this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for six months and last time i spoke to them, they were an Owner of Grey Area. if i remember correctly, they’re a Aries and they remind me of strong single mother, pta meetings, black coffee probably because they’re independent and stubborn.  (  Blake, 18, CT, She/her.  )
“Distance yourself a bit. You’ll realize a lot.”
* FULL NAME: Danielle Shay Levinson
* AGE: 24
* DATE OF BIRTH:  April 17th, 1995
* GENDER: cis female
* HERITAGE: Caucasian
* OCCUPATION: Owner of Grey Area
* FACE CLAIM: Willa Holland
* HEIGHT: 5’5”
* HOMETOWN: Ballard, OK
* FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: An Older Brother who still lives in town (IF ANYONE WANTS TO TAKE HIM UP, PLEASE DO!!)
* PLATONIC CONNECTIONS: Two childhood best friends (LET ME KNOW!!)
* HOSTILE CONNECTIONS: Down for all the plots!!
* ZODIAC: Aries
Danielle Shay Mitchell grew up in Ballard. She was just livin her best life until she was 19 and found out she was pregnant with her then boyfriend’s child. She made the choice to move to the city to give her child a better life. Fast forward, she is now the mother of two beautiful four year old twin girls, Deja and Destiny. She made the decision to move back to Ballard six months ago, missing her old town and seeing how it was being built up. She also now owns Grey Area.
This girl is the definition of a strong independent woman. She works her butt off to give her daughters the best life possible. She works long hours, but her babies always come first. During the today when she just working on paper work and the like, you can expect to see her twins up there with her. She is very friendly and loves people, but she is incredibly stubborn. She will admit she’s wrong only if SHE believes she is wrong.
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svftwhispers-blog · 5 years
hi, guys!! i’ve finally decided to type up my intros . sorry it sucks though. anyway! i do want to say ahead of time that i don’t have full backstories for any of my charas (except layla, but i’ll get to her later) bc i’m still thinking about them, so i only have personalities. maybe one day i’ll work more on backstories though.
also, for a little about me, my name’s sora! i’m 22 yrs old, est timezone, and i go by she/her pronouns. uhh, i love anime, tv shows, and movies (especially disney). oh, and i love doggos and playing video games. now, onto sage renzi...
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* zoey deutch. twenty-six. female. she/her. | did you see sage renzi this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve lived in ballard for thirteen years and last time i spoke to them, they were a front desk clerk. if i remember correctly, they’re a leo and whenever i hear hurricane by halsey, i’m reminded of them.
here’s her PINTEREST
she looks like a badass and is a badass.
she’s v vulgar and doesn’t care what others say about it. she’s the type to curse in every sentence with a fuck it attitude.
she can be quite insensitive and rude to others because she doesn’t really have a filter. it’s because of how much she doesn’t care about her reputation and she doesn’t care what others say/think about her, so she feels free to say whatever she wants. due to this, she tends to get into a lot of arguments and fights, but more than half of them, she’s kept as a secret to not worry her family if anyone hasn’t told them.
however, she’s not mostly like this with her family. she cares about them deeply, even though she doesn’t say it often or show it. she’ll tag along with anything they do, will listen to whenever her siblings want to have a talk with no judgement, and she’s very protective of them.
with a reserved trait, she also doesn’t admit that she likes the outdoor activities and she can be sporty as she enjoys tennis, swimming, basketball, football, soccer, and more. a reason why she likes going out with the family.
one hobby she keeps a secret is her art. she’s really good in drawing and painting, but doesn’t bother to tell anyone. she gave up her dream to be an artist a long time ago. 
if labeled, she’d most likely be a mix of the dirtbag and connard.
her attire is usually black boots or sneakers, denim and leather jackets, tank tops, ripped denim shorts, and usually has bedhead or has her hair up in a ponytail. other times, she’ll wear hoodies and beanies.
oh, for the song hurricane by halsey, the lyrics, “I'm a wandress. I'm a one night stand. Don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man” is so relatable to her. she knows she doesn’t belong to anyone and pretty much likes it that way at the moment.
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iinscne · 5 years
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*  Madison brown. 22. cisfemale. She/her.  |  did you see Marlo Amherst this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve been in ballard for twenty-two years and last time i spoke to them, they were an musician/tattoo artist. if i remember correctly, they’re a Sagittarius and they remind me of the smell of cigarette smoke on leather, liquor fueled bad decisions, stumbling home at 5am probably because they’re dynamic and impulsive.  (  Blake.  )
*alcohol tw, drugs tw, abandoning tw
“I’m no sweet dream, but I’m a hell of a night.”
* FULL NAME: Marlo Phoenix Amherst
* NICKNAME(S): Mars (only by her father, her “uncles”, and a select other few), Lo
* AGE: 22
* DATE OF BIRTH: December 11th, 1996
* GENDER: cis female
* OCCUPATION: Musician, Tattoo Artist
* FACE CLAIM: Maddison Brown
* HEIGHT: 5’10”
* HOMETOWN: Ballard, OK
* CURRENT RESIDENCE: She’s living full time in a hotel while her dad’s house gets renovated.
- PLS PLS PLS- BRING THIS GIRL HER FATHER!! She idolizes him and wants to live up to the fame he has attained, but she’s a mess. Ugh!! Pretty pls!!
- Also, her mother!! See more on her mom in her bio.
- AND HER “UNCLES”!! These guys are her Dad’s band mates. She loves all of them, but she’s closest to one in particular. He’s the one that originally taught her how to give tattoos and got her into it. She’s closer to him than she is to her father.
- ex’s (she’s lived in Ballard her whole life)
- flings (she’s a mess)
- on and off (she’s bi, so either gender, she’s not picky. But she does love the ladies a little more.)
- basically anything!!
* ZODIAC: Sagittarius
Marlo was definitely a troubled youth to say the least. Her parents were never really around. Her dad was a rockstar (always out on tours and press stuff) and her mom bailed shortly after she was born. So she was mainly raised by a nanny. She cokes from money but you would never tell if you didn’t know her because she didn’t dress like it or act like it. (Unless you count the drugs and booze she purchased for parties). She was always rebelling. (She’d never admit it, but she wanted her father to notice something she did). She always had a talent for music and spent her childhood learning bass, drums, electric guitar, you name it- from her dad and her “uncles”. But she always had a talent for singing. Her mom did try to come back into her life on and off throughout her childhood, but it was always really toxic and she was a terrible person so that didn’t help with Marlo’s self destructive tendencies.
Her mom finally stayed away after her dad threatened to get a restraining order after her mom tried to pick Marlo up from school one day. This incident caused her father to stick around more. Marlo and her father are now really close.
BUT THEN— her mom tried to come back into her life after Marlo released her first album with the help of her father and his band. and she just went off the rails… and that is where we are now!! Bc of everything, she is worse than she ever was when she was young. And is the definition of being off the deep end.
She is actually a really sweet and caring person, but with everything she’s gone through with her mom, she’s become kind of jaded? She doesn’t let people in super easily. She can be really stubborn and she has a GIANT ATTITUDE!!! But considering she’s almost always on something... she’s usually pretty pleasant to be around because it just makes her really chill.
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socrhigh-blog · 5 years
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hello hello!! i’m ley and i’m really excited to bring my girl sloan here! 
* zara larsson. twenty-two. cisfemale. she/her. | did you see sloan nilsson this morning on main street? i heard they weren’t heading towards the protests. they’ve lived in ballard for one year and last time i spoke to them, they were a waitress/student. if i remember correctly, they’re a scorpio and whenever i hear good years by zayn, i’m reminded of them.
death tw, alcohol tw
sloan was born and raised in sunny california. she had big dreams to go to film school to eventually become a movie director. however, plans changed when she was suppose to start college and then suddenly her mother died. she was eighteen and without her best friend.
her father was always a drinker, but when he mother died it just got even worse. her mother’s sudden death and her father’s drinking made it hard to focus on school, so after a month of being in her dream college she dropped out and got a job.
the move to ballard was not something sloan wanted to do but her fathers family would be around and it would be nice to be around people who arent just her drunk father and some older coworkers. so while she wasnt over the moon she was open to it. she started to take night classes at the community college and being a waitress in the morning. although because of the expanding her shifts are getting shorter and shorter at the family owned business that she’s employed at. 
sloan can be seen skateboarding around town or shopping at the mall. she’s closed off but friendly.
she has a hamster named bagel. 
wanted connections
since she has family in ballard it’s safe to assume that she would have visited many times in her life. so a cute childhood best friend/long distance friendship would be adorable.
also someone small sloan had a crush on!
coworkers and schools friends!
hookups ( she’s bi !! ) 
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