storyhaunt · 8 days
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CHERISH THE STARS & THE LIGHT THEY BRING YOU IN THE DARK — FOR YOU ARE A TRAVELER, ARE YOU NOT? ind. tai yang, warrior of light, as portrayed by vincent. 21+.
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storyhaunt · 15 days
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storyhaunt · 17 days
last post for the night, but anyway. late sunday contribution. x'yra, respectfully, will not let anyone touch her until they've been deemed worthy and earned the gold stamp of approval. she doesn't adhere to drowic culture surrounding sex, and has never had any interest regarding … well. pleasure drow, *rgies, etc. you have to earn her respect and prove yourself as competent and deserving of her time to even have her consider being intimate with you. she also has a heavy preference for topping, and will only bottom in an extreme few cases (see: romantic relationships that have preserved for awhile, and trust has developed to fruition and the bond between the two has genuinely blossomed).
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storyhaunt · 17 days
listen. i want to tell ye that i have infinite reasons for making this. that i've been designing this for weeks, months even. but i can't. this happened because i saw one (1) meme and aligned that with two (2) cups of coffee. either way besties, you're all getting a strangely detailed list of reasons to drop your muse into another muse's lap. you wanna switch the roles? add a [ REVERSE ] if you want your muse to be the lap that's being sat in! don't add to this list, don't claim it as your own, i'll curse all your potatoes to be soapy and sad to consume.
[ SHAVE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can carefully shave the last of the receiver's stubble from their face.
[ MAKE-UP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to get a better vantage point to apply makeup to their face.
[ SNIP-SNIP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap whilst giving them a haircut.
[ HAIR ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so that the receiver can style or just play with their hair in peace.
[ CAR ]: sender ends up sitting in the receiver's lap whilst in a very crowded car together.
[ STUMBLE ]: sender loses their balance and trips backwards, falling into the receiver's lap in the process.
[ INTIMIDATION ]: sender, in an effort to frighten the receiver by invading their personal space, sits in their lap to try and inspire discomfort or fear in them.
[ LOOK ]: sender, wanting to see something that can only really be seen from where the receiver is sitting, sits in their lap in order to see it as well.
[ HEAL ]: sender ends up in the receiver's lap trying to tend to their wounds to the best of their abilities.
[ FEAR ]: a frightened sender sits in the receiver's lap in an effort to feel some measure of safety and protection.
[ COMFORT ]: sender, after a challenging and emotionally draining experience, settles into the receiver's lap in search of a feeling of comfort.
[ ADJUST ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to fix their collar or tie or other item of clothing.
[ STRADDLE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap with one leg on either side of their legs, straddling them effectively.
[ EMBRACE ]: sender settles in the receiver's lap to give them a long, well-deserved hug in comfort.
[ CARRY ]: sender, having been carried by the receiver for other reasons, winds up sitting in their lap once they sit down.
[ THROW ]: sender flings themselves at the receiver, so eager for a hug that they end up in their lap.
[ DROP ]: exasperated (or maybe just exhausted) the sender drops down into the receiver's lap to rest.
[ CUDDLE ]: eager for some well-earned cuddling, the sender finds it much easier for everyone involved to sit in the receiver's lap during the cuddle session.
[ MOVIE ]: while watching a movie together (and possibly being so distracted by the film that they don't realize what they're doing) the sender settles back into the receiver's lap.
[ CHAIR ]: the distinct lack of available chairs in a room results in the sender having no choice but to sit in the receiver's lap.
[ CLOSENESS ]: after having been apart for a considerable length of time, the sender sits into the receiver's lap just to be close to them.
[ PRETEND ]: in a bid to persuade others that they're in a relationship (even though they're probably not) the sender climbs into the receiver's lap to convince the on-lookers of their legitimacy.
[ LEARN ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can teach them a particular practical skill (e.g. pottery, knot-tying etc.)
[ ACCIDENT ]: the sender, unaware that the seat they're trying to claim is occupied, drops into the receiver's lap without realizing it.
[ EXHAUSTION ]: the sender, surrounded by nothing but uncomfortable places to rest in, finds a solution by sitting in the receiver's lap in order to rest and possibly sleep.
[ CHILLED ]: the sender and receiver find themselves in a particularly cold room, leading the sender to sit in the receiver's lap in order to share body heat.
[ KISS ]: the sender lowers themselves into the receiver's lap in order to kiss them properly.
[ FLIRT ]: the sender, only just beginning to explore the romantic side of a relationship with the receiver, sits in their lap in order to express their feelings clearly.
[ ROMANCE ]: the sender, in a well-established romantic relationship with the receiver, sits in their lap just because they can.
[ THRONE ]: having found the receiver sitting in their throne, the sender sits in their lap in order to symbolically and physically share the seat.
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storyhaunt · 17 days
i do think, like … x'yra is an individual who can 'improve'. but at the same time, that is an incredibly difficult thing to achieve because of how she's been raised and just how ingrained her beliefs are, how encouraged she has been to be who she currently is — and especially as an elevated chosen of lolth, so to speak, there are aspects of her that can't be easily … changed, i guess. and ultimately, it is not detrimental that she be a 'good' person; that's not at all what i'm saying, because. (gestures). not around here, partner. brain immediately died, but what i'm saying is —
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storyhaunt · 17 days
susan pendragon and james yeung were romantically involved from their late teens to their early twenties. although the romantic aspect of their relationship didn't last — as a result of shared trauma, wherein they both realized that, at the stage of life they were at and with everything they had gone through, they could not healthily pursue that kind of dynamic, with each other or anyone else — the love they felt for each other was and is no less real, and they both helped the other grow as an individual during their time together. they are still extremely close friends and stay in contact / regularly hang out.
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storyhaunt · 17 days
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independent & private rhaenyra targaryen from george rr martin’s fire and blood. loved by kore.
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storyhaunt · 17 days
i can't decide whether or not susan hails from a lineage of knights or not, but i do think there is a kind of, like … idk. i think there's just something about the concept of her not coming from any prestigious or powerful family, despite what her surname might suggest; the idea that her power and her capabilities are her own, that she built herself, that she is the first of her ilk. the idea of her not having to live up to a legacy, not having to follow in anyones shadow, but instead being the one that casts that shadow in the first place. do you understand. do you
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storyhaunt · 17 days
susan pendragon.
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storyhaunt · 17 days
calwyn mahariel did not have a choice when it came to being conscripted into the grey wardens. when duncan found her, she was already ill and dying, tainted and slowly rotting from the inside; no matter what path she chose, death would be standing outside her door, and there would be no true peace found. she is of good heart and mind, and though she was a heavy help during the fifth blight, it was not the road she would have went down if she had had a true choice in the matter.
relatedly, due to the nature of her sickness before conscription, and the fact that joining the grey wardens was only a temporary solution that would delay the inevitable, she is not the strongest foe on the field; though she is an adept archer and excellent rogue, her true skills lie in her precognition and darkspawn insight. the blood that runs through her is strong — she knows things that others do not, hears things they cannot hear, sees that which has already and has yet to happen.
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storyhaunt · 17 days
STARTER CALL. capped at 6. going to be slow with these. please specify a muse / a few muses you'd want to write with!
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storyhaunt · 20 days
the sun, slowly and steadily sinking beneath the canopy, long and dark shadows cast in his wake of its fading warmth. a comfortable patch of grass and moss beneath the welcome shade of an elder tree had been designated as rýsir's spot for the day, and the gyryth, well awake and well aware with his arms folded loosely over his chest, rests easily under those vibrant leaves. it's been awhile since he's had the chance to just lean back and bask — typical of rýsir was it to stalk after @redemnation, latch on to your tail and growl over you like some jealous beast protecting its meal. today … well, even beasts like some reprieve every once in awhile, and he knows you won't go far.
rýsir hears you as you step through the undergrowth to this private little haven of his, set apart and distanced from the camp as it is; knows it is you who has finally returned. laziness and leisure curiosity keep him where he sits with back against that tree and his eyes closed. he wants to see what you will do.
exasperated (or maybe just exhausted), you drop down into rysir's lap to rest.
he grunts the moment you make contact with him — you are nowhere near unexpected, but the sudden weight of you is. one dark eye cracks open, ear flicking in mock annoyance, and he for all the world seems irritated that you have decided to disturb his beauty nap … yet, still does he readjust, shifting his legs to give you a more comfortable resting place and uncross his arms to half-heartedly hold you. the gesture is almost tender, strangely so, and the curious look he gives you does not alleviate such ideas. do you taste concern in that knit-together brow of his, in the way the hand upon your back gently kneads against you?
no. surely not.
" what do you want? " you know well enough by now that the words are not spoken unkindly. the question is straightforward, genuine, lacking only the warmth of a man more practiced with compassion. what do you want, he asks you, praying only for direction — to know if it is silence you desire, or a means to complain, or just a place to rest. soot-gray tail, snaking towards your own, not yet tangling, but seeming to want to.
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storyhaunt · 20 days
listen. i want to tell ye that i have infinite reasons for making this. that i've been designing this for weeks, months even. but i can't. this happened because i saw one (1) meme and aligned that with two (2) cups of coffee. either way besties, you're all getting a strangely detailed list of reasons to drop your muse into another muse's lap. you wanna switch the roles? add a [ REVERSE ] if you want your muse to be the lap that's being sat in! don't add to this list, don't claim it as your own, i'll curse all your potatoes to be soapy and sad to consume.
[ SHAVE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can carefully shave the last of the receiver's stubble from their face.
[ MAKE-UP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to get a better vantage point to apply makeup to their face.
[ SNIP-SNIP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap whilst giving them a haircut.
[ HAIR ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so that the receiver can style or just play with their hair in peace.
[ CAR ]: sender ends up sitting in the receiver's lap whilst in a very crowded car together.
[ STUMBLE ]: sender loses their balance and trips backwards, falling into the receiver's lap in the process.
[ INTIMIDATION ]: sender, in an effort to frighten the receiver by invading their personal space, sits in their lap to try and inspire discomfort or fear in them.
[ LOOK ]: sender, wanting to see something that can only really be seen from where the receiver is sitting, sits in their lap in order to see it as well.
[ HEAL ]: sender ends up in the receiver's lap trying to tend to their wounds to the best of their abilities.
[ FEAR ]: a frightened sender sits in the receiver's lap in an effort to feel some measure of safety and protection.
[ COMFORT ]: sender, after a challenging and emotionally draining experience, settles into the receiver's lap in search of a feeling of comfort.
[ ADJUST ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to fix their collar or tie or other item of clothing.
[ STRADDLE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap with one leg on either side of their legs, straddling them effectively.
[ EMBRACE ]: sender settles in the receiver's lap to give them a long, well-deserved hug in comfort.
[ CARRY ]: sender, having been carried by the receiver for other reasons, winds up sitting in their lap once they sit down.
[ THROW ]: sender flings themselves at the receiver, so eager for a hug that they end up in their lap.
[ DROP ]: exasperated (or maybe just exhausted) the sender drops down into the receiver's lap to rest.
[ CUDDLE ]: eager for some well-earned cuddling, the sender finds it much easier for everyone involved to sit in the receiver's lap during the cuddle session.
[ MOVIE ]: while watching a movie together (and possibly being so distracted by the film that they don't realize what they're doing) the sender settles back into the receiver's lap.
[ CHAIR ]: the distinct lack of available chairs in a room results in the sender having no choice but to sit in the receiver's lap.
[ CLOSENESS ]: after having been apart for a considerable length of time, the sender sits into the receiver's lap just to be close to them.
[ PRETEND ]: in a bid to persuade others that they're in a relationship (even though they're probably not) the sender climbs into the receiver's lap to convince the on-lookers of their legitimacy.
[ LEARN ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can teach them a particular practical skill (e.g. pottery, knot-tying etc.)
[ ACCIDENT ]: the sender, unaware that the seat they're trying to claim is occupied, drops into the receiver's lap without realizing it.
[ EXHAUSTION ]: the sender, surrounded by nothing but uncomfortable places to rest in, finds a solution by sitting in the receiver's lap in order to rest and possibly sleep.
[ CHILLED ]: the sender and receiver find themselves in a particularly cold room, leading the sender to sit in the receiver's lap in order to share body heat.
[ KISS ]: the sender lowers themselves into the receiver's lap in order to kiss them properly.
[ FLIRT ]: the sender, only just beginning to explore the romantic side of a relationship with the receiver, sits in their lap in order to express their feelings clearly.
[ ROMANCE ]: the sender, in a well-established romantic relationship with the receiver, sits in their lap just because they can.
[ THRONE ]: having found the receiver sitting in their throne, the sender sits in their lap in order to symbolically and physically share the seat.
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storyhaunt · 21 days
thinking about rivalt and his pact. the fact that he was born into it, that he's never had a choice, that freedom is not something he's ever been able to conceptualize and understand. rivalt, his life ruled by his patron, an eldritch and incomprehensible thing, his mind and body things through which it can experience the world. rivalt and the way he can do sickening things, terrifying things, the way his magic is as old and gnarled and unknown as the thing that haunts his every living-dead moment.
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storyhaunt · 21 days
people are pissing me off this morning*, so friendly reminder that the vast majority of the characters found on this blog are, in fact, transgender. canons and originals both. if that's something you take issue with or are uncomfortable with, i am gesturing towards the door. i have no intention or desire to change how i portray my characters, and their transness is not a point of shame for them or me.
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storyhaunt · 22 days
rýsir normally has more manners than he seems to be displaying on this night. typically, he has half a mind to speak clear on his intentions, to make himself the focus and lay bare what it is he wants. tonight, though, tonight he fancies himself a bold and teasing thing; settling in comfortably behind you while you scan inked pages, ever-rapt and absorbed in whatever words they sing to you. he genuinely does expect you to notice him, even before he brings his lips to the sensitive curve of your neck — his fangs no more than a gesture meant to rile or bother. and then, sharp movement where it is not anticipated, and the soon-following promise of blood light but sharp on the tongue. lucky are you for what manners and sense rýsir still has, that he does not make immediate strides to taste more.
he does not quite pull away from you, but he does keep razor-teeth safe and away. for now. " as you say. " purred are the words as they leave rýsir's lips, a light rumble against skin; and, most curiously, there is an apology there, somewhere hidden beneath leisure tone. " i didn't mean to interrupt you, alaíre — nor did i intend to startle you. i can fix it, if you'd like. "
@deaith rolls . . . hm. bites you
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distracted by the book opened on your lap, you are every inch a hare ensnared. movement hemmed raw by instinct inadvertently causes his fangs to break skin. marked. wanted. pleasure stains your cheeks the height of dusk and mind with utter nonsense. ". . . arsehole," you mumble halfheartedly, "ask next time."
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storyhaunt · 22 days
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kaveh akbar, 'calling a wolf a wolf' // doc luben, 'love letters or suicide notes' // @/nutnoce, tumblr // 'my body's made of crushed little stars', mitski // @/ojibwa, tumblr // 'spring', mary oliver
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