storytellingdreamy · 2 years
I had the most realistic saddest dream.
It was just near my house. I had a date with Sanne, that also was Manon, in one person I think?
It was Halloween, we wanted something fun.
It was called Halloween train? Can't remember the exact name.
But we had a time planned out.
I was walking outside, apparently with another friend, Jaimy.
I walked up the little hill, were some times cars comes by, even though it's a walking path.
A car flies by, with a high speed that's not even allowed. But it disappears in midair.
There was this one huge vacation bus, parked against the fence. (that's not even possible, the bus is to heavy to lean against the fence).
There was a man who was complaining about the cars that came by to fast & at that moment a car comes again - I had doggo with me, Juulke and I had to hold her tightly, so she doesn't get run over.
The man complained again. I on the other hand was more worried about the fences, were the busses are leaning against - in that same moment another bus comes by and does the same thing, it was so bizarre that it didn't fall or anything.
A lady walks up and get attacked by Juulke, but attacked by a friendly way (asking for huggles & pets).
The lady starts talking about her grandmother and how special she is to her.
She was also saying that's she wasn't allowed to hug her grandmother, if do, then all the souls she carries will be set free?
So that was the one thing she was sad about.
I started to feel nauseous.
At that moment, I saw my friend, in a make shift garden, decorating something & a co-worker came by, Brian.
As if there are friends as well (they don't know each other in real life).
The more I looked, the more I didn't feel so well & started to crying for no good reason - I tried to hide my tears by covering my hair infront of my face.
Everyone around me was talking at the same time, but it all blurred out & didn't hear them.
I started to fast walk, down the little hill, back to my apartment - but while I walked, I heard that one friend calling my name & enchanting the thing we were going to do, while following me.
At the door point the apartment's main hall door, was the moment she stopped and asked what was wrong?
I mumbled something & went inside.
There in the main hall, everything was a bit gloomy & dark (not how it supposed to be).
The back door entrance was cover with flower pots & a alter like, selling booth, that sold something weird (so weird that I can't remember it.)
I called the elevator & waited.
2 people arrived, while talking to each other - they don't see me or looked at me (as if I wasn't there.)
A woman comes down the stairs & walked through the alter thingy with ease, without breaking any thing or miss place the stuff.
The elevator arrived and I went in first. The 2 people kept on talking & didn't bother to come in.
I pressed on a button?
The elevator door some what closed (and here comes the crazy part.)
It started to assented up, but not how it should be. Everything was shaking & the colors were multiple, (just like you would see if a television is broken.)
I started to panic, for what is happening.
The elevators doors open again and I was still at the same floor I got in.
The 2 people are still at the same place talking.
When suddenly the elevator started descend down into the ground, with a high speed.
The door didn't come along and so did the walls, partially.
I sink into myself, while leaning at the wall.
While I was screaming my lungs out - I started to hyper ventilate, while crying (so I was having an panic attack).
My hands were against the side of my head, shaking.
In a instanded the elevator was back, as if nothing happened, the doors were still open (as if all of that was in my head).
I was still in my panic attack, against the wall.
The friend (Sanne/Manon) walked up to me & tried to calm me down.
Meanwhile all the people I saw in my dream, were there - looking at me (not in a creepy stare way, but just, I dunno, just looking at the scene)
I halfly started to wake up, seeing my bed room, but while I close my eyes I see the dreaming scene, that slowly started to fade away.
And apparently I was drooling in my sleep & I was still tired.
It was 09:30 am.
While I was dreaming there were thoughts that were in my head, they felt worried (or something).
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storytellingdreamy · 3 years
The apartment looked familiar, but there were people doing weird shit.
Was being teased by saying I will be beheaded and everything, with another person that was apparently my friend?
One moment later my head was on a vaporion's body and the other an joltion. It didn't took long before the police came and safed us.
Our bodies were found and they put our heads on it, the only thing was that ya saw this line scar, that you see in movies because of the stitches.
The dream continued further, where I was walking around the street and I wanted to hide my scar with the help of my scarf.
There was a stand that sold something? And I had to stand there.
Two man walked up to me, guy two was saying that guy one wants something and guy two showed his ID - the ID wasn't real, it was plastered with tape and there was a old picture of me when I was around 16/17 years old, with the address of Potterberg, 101.
It was terrifying to see something like this, while this guy thinks it's okay to walk around with a fake ID and that I'm the one on it.
I told him that it was it is fake - guy two just casual walked way while saying that it wasn't is business and that he only helped and no supervisor is.
I was a bit irritated, but also scared. I followed back to guy one, who looked different then other people (I don't know what I was selling or giving, but I have to break the ice and tell him to leave with his fake ID).
The only thing that remain was that part and a next dream came to play and that one was also weird, but it had something to do with my work and my phone, that broke on the back, by a fall that shouldn't happen because of the case around it, but it still happened anyway (weirdly enough).
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storytellingdreamy · 3 years
13-10-2021 Changeling
In the dream I can change into every kind of animal, it hurts when changing to them, but over time I'll get used to it.
I have a feeling that it comes from life is strange 2, because I have a brother /sister that looked after me? But they couldn't what I can.
The wolf was my favorite animal to change in, I can be a full wolf or a werewolf kind. I can stay it for a long time, but it's difficult to change fast back to a human, when I do that - my voice becomes crispy or just hard to talk and parts of the wolf stays, like the tail, ears or the color of my skin. But the one thing that will for ever stay are my eyes. Not that I mind, that's cool!
In the dream there was another person who kept my sibling company - dunno if it was a friend or colleague, but they were nice to me and they knew of my changes as well.
My sibling worked at a company, I'm not fully sure what they did there, but I do saw a lot of food, people from different countries and the rest I'm not allowed to see.
Sibling always take me along to work (I don't know where we live) so I'm always by them side.
The atmosphere was grimish, I was changed into a werewolf and we were in this huge room - that's round and there was this window like screen, you can look outside, but ya can also watch stuff on it.
Sibling is working on a project, I have no idea what it's about - I was goofing around and poking them from time to time, they don't really mind (getting them to smile is the best, they hardly smile of laughed - it makes me always worried about them).
My sibling gets a message from the colleague friend saying that the headchief is coming their way.
In panic I had to change back fast (they always taking me along, but I'm not allowed to be wolf - I wonder why not?)
It was difficult to change back, so my tail was still visible and my voice was crispy again, so that means no talking.
Sibling looked stressed, stressed for why the headchief is coming to their department and also stressed for not fully controlling my powers, I think.
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storytellingdreamy · 3 years
There was already a nightmare, that followed to the next.
There was this app on the smartphone, that ya have to play (it felt similar to Pokémon go) - but in the app there was a ghost, who kills everyone if you don't continue or did something wrong.
There were some horrible images and then this thing appeared. The app gave a warning sign, but I wasn't on time to read it all, but I do remember about saying "kill me in real life" *yes or no*
That was all kinds of wrong, but the app froze up and then the ghost thing came, showing a image of a person, sitting on the street, fully sinked in and shoes sitting next to the person.
I tried to give answer, but didn't work and then the ghost laughed and went through me.
I forced myself to wake up - it worked, but I was paralyzed and there was this heavy pressure on my chest.
It was awful.
After a few moments, I could move slightly, but the pressure stayed for while.
I felt that I was sweating like crazy, the ends of my hair was wet and the upper part of my shirt as well.
It took a while for me to fall back to sleep.
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storytellingdreamy · 4 years
Dream 21/04/2020
There was this some kind of thing (looked like a evil version of dream! Sans) - that was trying to figure out who he was.
By going through storybooks.
There was even a fat dude who was trying to decipher the books.
(there was one book that had Booker DeWit been written in some pages when there was no character involved)
The most stranger things was there was this one fic, were I jumped in and I was that dream! Sans thing (robot?) and there was another person who had the same story as me, but looked different. Taller (kinda like papyrus, but also not him, more like Swap! Pap?) We tried to find our master W. D. Gaster? (he apparently made us?)
There was this small epic battle between some characters. Papyrus was really cool and super self confidence
(his face looked like LazyCat paps) - then the fight ended with Sans saying, that HE is Gaster! (I was all like wtf, no way).
Then Sans's eyes starting to glow this deep purple color and his voice changed in a more deeper creepy like voice.
"Obey! You dumb creatures! For I am, W. D. Gaster!"
he said and we were both in shock (and I was freaking out about this). It turns out that Sans never have been exist in the first place, that he was some kind vessel for Gaster to live in? (X_x)
And that kinda ended the story. I dropped back in frustration, that isn't supposed to go?!
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storytellingdreamy · 5 years
I had a dream, that I went to the doctor and all the assistance where in one room babbling to each other - saying they need to do better or else they get killed by the head doctor (they even dragged me into that room and gave me food?)
The only thing I wanted was a check up on my hand?
But apparently they thought I was one of them?
(I even saw a death scene of a "what if" the assistance fail to do their jobs >>;;;;;)
But they were also not allowed to leave the building, so they were trapped in there for ever ._.
The head doctor came by and pinned me down on the ground (they pressed a elbow between my ribs), saying I'm not allowed to leaf and if I would try to..
The rest I didn't hear, because I was waking up - well at least I tried to. Still had this weird presser between my ribs..
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storytellingdreamy · 6 years
D's info sheet
D, that's their name.
They are a space goop, so that's why they don't have a gender, though they like to wear a dress to feel a bit girly.
They are a very shy bean at first, but if they know the person better then it will be a cold hug monster >:3 (they feel cold, because space is also cold)
They are also super curious and fast learners - but only by seeing it, if they can't see it then they loose interest.
They love any kind of food (don't get hungry or gain any weight) - get hardly sick, only when they eat chocolate (puke fallen stars x'D)
They can talk in two ways
With their mouth - but that is covered by goop, so they have to rip it open to be able to speak (but that will scare people off at first meeting)
Or uses telepathy - to speak through the mind of one another
D has 2 forms, that depends if the person/creature is dreaming good or bad.
Yumi/Dream(y?) = make them taller, make them look more adult-ly (that's also the reason D wears oversized clothes, because of this form) . Their "skin" becomes less darker, but more brighter - even forms wings on their back.
But feeding on these dreams caused the victim to sleep 3 days straight without waking up
The victim still feels tired when they wake up and gets a bit forgetful
The form last a week (it depends how many good dreams there are/and victims to feed on)
Nightmare/NM = change fully into a creature/monster, that has 4 arms, with huge claws (caused to walk on all fours, or better say all six) and has sometimes 6 eyes - that are hollow white (with sometimes a pure black pupil, that stares into your soul) - their "skin" color turn to dark as the night sky
Their size increases (clothes turn to shreds while growing/changing)
They can go in berserk while eating to much bad dreams - destroy anything that comes in their way
The victim goes into a coma for the rest of their life (or is their still hope for them?) or die/or get eaten - > depends how hungry they are/how many creatures/people there are
This form last.. They don't know/remember.
The first time changing, cased them a lot of pain (well it will always hurt when changing in this form) - there for they blackout - that caused them to forget or recall any memories of this
That's also the reason they don't come near other creatures/people.
There is also a "Twilight" form, that is a mixed form between Dream & Nightmare or Nightmare & Dream - it's more a swap form in between forms.
Twilight = Dream & Nightmare = Yumi/Dream(y?) form only more edgy - less brighter "skin" (don't trust this form, they will deceived you or kill on sight)
Twilight = Nightmare & Dream = Nightmare form but waaay smaller as the original, is super friendly and not kill-y
These forms only happen when there are mixed of dreaming good or bad.
There is no counting how long the form lasts
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storytellingdreamy · 6 years
Sun and Moon
They never noticed each other, always there to do their duty.
Bringing the light and the dark.
Until one day a solar eclipse happened and they saw each other for the first time.
At first they just, stared to each other.
The they started talking about little things, to know each other.
The solar eclipse only takes a few minutes, but for them it felt like a whole day - chattering about everything they know and love. Until they got separated and they only could see each other from a far.
They were always looking forward to see each other again on the next eclipse - but sadly, a eclipse only happens every several years. So in stead they send "e-stars" to one another - but that didn't last for long, the stars couldn't memorize the full messages, so they stopped sending e-stars.
Until they both got the same idea. Why stay in space if they can live on earth, like everyone else!
The sun and moon used their powers to create both a physical form to live in and is then send to earth - there they have to find each other. Along the way they make new friends, some friends last for long, some departed a long the way - but they both keep on searching for one another, until they finally meet each other - finally.
But this time they aren't alone, they are now surrounded by a lot of lovely people they called friends and they live happily ever after.
The End.
~* This was a little story I had in mind and did in one go write it down, but It was night and I was super tired, so I'm sorry if there are some grammar - English isn't my mother language ;w; *~
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storytellingdreamy · 6 years
The cursed princess
There was creatures who turn people into stone or into gold.
But not this one.
A princess who is loved by her people, but no one was allowed to look at her, for the princess as a terrible curse upon her, no one know what the curse is, but no one doesn't want to find out what it is.
The princess has special guardians, who can resist the curse and will guard the princess from any danger or intruder who tries to kill her or even worse - using her curse to use it against war.
Once every month the princess goes out into the village to welcome new people or to make sure everyone is well - but by doing that, everyone has to kneel down and look down as well, so no one can see her.
The princess sings a song so the people will know when she comes by, but also giving the people hope and love - for she love her people very much.
On that month a traveler comes by the village, to see if the rumors are true about the cursing princess.
Everyone was gathered and throwing flowers on the path that the princess always take. The traveler was amazed by the people reaction.
A soft melody was heard in the far distant - people bent their knees and already looked down. The traveler did as well, accepted for looking down, instead he looked around and waiting for the princess arrival. But the guards came in first, making sure everyone looked down (not everyone have to bend the knee, as long the people don't look up).
One guards noticed the traveler "I guess your new here, but you also heard of our rules around here" and by that the guard pushed the head down of the traveler and walks further.
The traveler refused to obey and looked up to only meet eyes with the princess. Blushes appeared at the traveler face, until his heart hit him like a hammer - the traveler bent over in pain.
~* I'll place this here before I forget, but I'll continue to work on this :3 *~
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storytellingdreamy · 6 years
19/08/17 Dream
It was some kind of trailer dream, but a continuation (in other word I had that dream before, but didn't go any further.) Goten & Trunks are running away from something big (I think a enemy?) then another shot is being showed of Vegeta & Goku being all saiyan like and they were buddies? (they were just standing there looking at something below). But there was this weird feeling, that Gohan was never been born or even existed! But in the next it was as if it all was being played on a screen (ya know the thing that bad guy's do, when they wanna torture the hero by showing things that they don't want to.) (here comes a spoiler for the ones who don't watch DBSuper or aren't there yet) The next was the tournament of those galaxy thingy (not sure if it was there, but was kinda the same feeling), but no one was fighting, but instead being tied up. There were 3 groups and one person alone tied up, it was Gohan! (I'm not 100% sure what happened there, but it was kinda off..) Gohan was shouting something to the person who was showing this, but they just laugh about? One of the guy from the tied up group was mocking Gohan for being weak and other stuff (I don't remember that one). Then he let out a blast through its mouth and go through Gohan's head (it happened real fast), then his body exploded into a black hole and suck the near by group in it (so the shooting guy goes in it too). The rest of the group was shocked, but were also glad they didn't end up like those guy's. Apparently there was a warning to not shoot anyone or use power's, then it will end up like that. But that wasn't the only thing that happened, the guys that got sucked in be came one person?! (kinda like a Amalgamate from UT) It was really gruesome to look at..
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storytellingdreamy · 6 years
Dream 3/12/17
This was the most relaxing dream I had, it even give me feeling dat I belong there (it's maybe I changed my pillow sheets and the dog was laying close to my back) In the dream I was at a friend's old room, only it was a little different. It was night time there and I was trying to look outside. The sky was a bit clouded, but sometimes the clouds would disappear and showed the moon. The stars where in a sort of pattern around the moon, it was really something. I was trying to make a photo out of it, with my phone. But with the window closed I saw a funny drawing in it. So I opend the window to get a better view of the night sky. Every time I wanted to capture a photo, the clouds would reappear (just like in real life). While I was trying that, someone yelled my name? It came from below and there was a party or something? It's like the same party where I have been before (the July birthday party of my best friend and her boyfriend). The funny thing in dreams, when your tired there too and goes to bed and sleep there as well and I think I was dreaming in there too. So a double dream xD (I cut the dream a bit shorter then it was)
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storytellingdreamy · 6 years
18/07/2018 Dream
I went to the cinema, that normally takes very long to get there. There are moments that I walked and moments that I'm just being lazy and take the taxi. I dressed myself neatly, with a little bigger bag, for my headphone and some extra food. Before I headed to the door that strange feeling came back, I stood still for a moment to let that strange feeling slide away. 5 minutes of standing still, only staring at the door and it was gone, i let out a relieving sigh and walked out of the door. When I was outside the building, there was already a taxi standing. That's convenient. I didn't gave much thought about it and just took the taxi. The inside taxi didn't look so much special compared to the other taxi's, only that next to the driver seat was a glasball with coins in it, that formed a symbol (I think?). When I wanted to say my location, I noticed that the taxi driver was asleep. *oké that's weird.. Should I get out and take another taxi? They looked at their phone for time. The movie is gonna start soon and there wasn't another time that's gonna play. *where do ya wanna go miss? I startled for bit and looked up to the taxi man. I got a bit nervous to what to do, but then I ignore the thoughts and roll with it. I said my location and we went off. To relax myself I put headphones on, there wasn't any music in the taxi and I don't feel like chit-chatting with anyone. The taxi driver almost want to start talking when he looked into his back mirror and saw the headphone wearing person looking outside. He sighed for a moment *one of those, again. After driving in silence they arrived to their destination, payed the taxi guy and entered out. Still wearing headphones they entered the cinema building and choose the movie they wanted to watch. It wasn't so crowded as usual, they given't much thought about it and just enjoyed the movie. ------ When the movie was over they entered outside, thinking if they should take another taxi or just walk home? They almost wanted to space out in thoughts, when they noticed that there was a taxi standing a few blocks away. Is that the same taxi? The taxi had dropped her off a few blocks away from the cinema, so it might be the same one or a different one. Doubts came up, not knowing what they should do. They decided to take the taxi after all. They entered the taxi and was greeted by the same guy from earlier. *hello miss! How was the movies? He was turned when I entered, he had a genius smile and still looked a bit tired. Did he wait for me this whole time?! Or did he fell asleep again and I woke him up when I entered the car? *I-it was nice. With blushes coming up, I looked away from him. He turned back to the steerwheel. *so where to g.. *back where you picked me up. I answered a bit cold. He looked up and softly chuckled for a bit and did what he was told. The strange feeling came back, only more intense then usual. They started to fidgeted to the buttons of their bag, sweat was starting to break on their forehead. The feeling is starting to boil form inside, thoughts are starting to multiply. *and we are here. Shocked out of their thoughts they looked up and see only woods. *this isn't it wh.. The taxi guy just got out of the car (along with the keys). *hey! Where are you going?! The strange feeling was gone and step out of the car as well. The guy was already walking away from the car almost into the woods, I followed him into the woods. When I stopt walking and noticed what he was wearing or better said what I he is not wearing any shoes and is walking on bare foot. He noticed that I stopt walking and turned around. *what are you standing there? Come one! I stood there fidgeting on the lower part of my shirt. Why did I even followed him? Without noticed he grab my hand and start walking again. I didn't even noticed that he walked back to me, I didn't heard any foot steps. *it's not good to stay like that for ever ya know. I looked up to him. He was still holding my hand, while walking. *wha.. *keeping everything boiled up is never healthy, haven't ¶×§®© learned you anything? That was weird, for a moment I heard only static when he spoke. I tried to get out of his grip, but he keep on holding (it didn't hurt). ------ After a while walking into the woods they come closer to a old mansion/fire tower/hotel like place. Overgrowing leaves were everywhere around the building, the paint was staring to get off and the front door was half broken through, at least one of the two doors. *what is this place? He let them go of his grip and turned around to them. *it's a old building, isn't that obvious? -_- ¶°. Static again. *I don't get what you want from me?! The strange feeling came in hard and they bend over, arms crossed around their torso. Energy was blooming everywhere. They didn't know what was happening. A hand was placed on their back, rubbing smoothly. It helped to calm them down. He then placed his hands on each shoulder and eyed them. * come on, I don't think it's a good idea to stay outside. They leaned into his holding while he was leading them into the building. (get dumped into a pool almost get drown, transformed in a painful way. Doggo/skel - trash the whole place pew pew~ guy sits there looking and trying to avoid them. Other dude joins him sitting and chit-chatting. Then go find them and find them in the upper place butt naked on the ground unconscious. Give them a dress by using magic. Lift her/them up and gone)
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storytellingdreamy · 6 years
Drea*mare 10-01-'18
I was been followed by 2 weird guys (they had this weird aura with them, specifically this one guy was a no no!)
I was first in a group of people, they all knew me, but I didn't know myself. Well more like as if I'm in someone else body, but that person already died. But those people are my friends? I was wearing a dress that my mom gave me, but that was so far the only thing I have and it was a bit torn apart.
We where in this huge basement like room.
Someone find us (not good) and one of the people got dragged out by a weird creature. Her boyfriend screamed out her name and changed fully in to a werewolf and chases after it, we followed.
The poor girl was already dead by the moment we got up. The boyfriend was already changed back and demanded the creature to give her back her life?
Some how time reversed for them, but in the end they both died? The girl last words where; good bye.
I was left alone with one person, but they didn't stay for long (dunno what happened to them, they where just gone).
I was running through old buildings that was connected with doors and every door as something special or has nothing at all (so the nothing part was a sign that I can go through). There was this voice in my head? That said which door I should try or do.
Every room I entered was short or went straight to a new path (it was more like a maze with doors and a environment that I knew?)
But I had to enter a door that didn't feel right, but had no choice (because the bad man where right on my tail), it was first one room with stuff of my dad (real life!) I didn't care for it, so I just stepped on it, but I leaded to a new room (that one was just awful), the floor was covered by people I knew (real life too), but there was a way to go around it without stepping on them. On the left side there was my mother's stuff that I need to walk on carefully, but didn't go anywhere and had to jump a part and hope to not step on them.
On the right side was my brother's stuff with all his action figures all nicely in fighting possessions, but that leaded to the end of the room. So I choose that, but had to walk on carefully (because I don't wanna break them?) There was playing music in the background in that one moment (that I didn't know). But when I reached the end of the room I had to run a basement stairs, but I was starting to wake up, so things begun to fade. The moment I reach the door, I had a feeling someone touched my hand and then I woke up.
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storytellingdreamy · 6 years
Once there was a boy, He got no friends to play with, he was always alone playing on the fields. One day a child step up to the boy and asked to play along side with the boy. The boy was so relieved, they played all day, even the day after. The boy was so happy to finally have a friend. As the year's go by, the boy grew up. He went to school and made a lot of new friends, he forgot all about his old friend. Then one day he remembered his old friend. He looked everywhere for them, but couldn't find them anywhere. He even went to the old playfield. There he find his old friend. Still the same as the day they met, With a big smile on their face Slowly... Fading away, in the sunrise. "Don't forget me, will you not?" That was their last words. Was the thought of the boy.
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storytellingdreamy · 7 years
The Sisters
*Dream 22/04/‘17 I wanted to post this sooner, but work was in the way and some parts were hard to remember. So hear is a story based of my dream from 2 days ago xD ————————
2 sisters fight together to stay alive, in a world no one could think off. Demon like creatures rule over the earth? Or where they once humans?
The sisters live in a banned house, it wasn’t much but something to live for.
One of the sister got blind in middle of the battle - things got really hard. They have now one person on the look out and keep everything safe.
But that wasn’t all, the blind sister has a special aura that’s like a beacon, attracting all the demons.
So there was never night rest for the protecting sister.
But there was good news, a far way part of the city there was a small hospital and there where still doctor’s {oddly enough} - they went there hoping to find cure for the blind sister and there is! The doctors could make a special glasses for her so she can see again, but that would take a while to make it. So in the meantime the sisters just have to survive in the place they are now in.
At one night a demon broke through the door. The blind sister was fast asleep, but the other was there to protect her.
But this demon was different then the rest, it has his own mind and was trying to sweet talk the protecting sister - things like, to give up and join them - she was to tired to fight him or anyone else and she was better off alone.
The sister almost give in, until something inside her was screaming to stop.
With one arm stroke she pierce through the demons soul.
In dying breath the demon spoke it’s last words. *for how long are you going to keep that a secret, from her?* The demon start laughing, but not for long. The sister pulls out her arm and the demon turned to dust. In her hand was a crystal ball, that was the demon’s soul - she kept the soul just incase.
{this is the weird part}
The sisters found a small child, that was in a brink of death. The blind sister refused to leave them behind. The other sister thought of a way to help them, but it could be risky for them. She used the soul crystal, hoping to give the child new life.
The child’s soul accepted the crystal soul, but in change they lost their memories for who they once were. But the sisters doesn’t mind, they accepted the child as their own. The child calls the blind sister, mommy and the other mother.
The blind sister was glad to hear the great news, her glasses were ready and now after month’s she can see everyone’s faces and she can help her sister and protect their child (not that the child needed protection, they fight along side with the protecting sister - though there were times the child just cried in middle of battle. But the sister’s don’t blame them, the child is still young.)
{here comes a part I don’t fully remember :T - I’m sorry for this}
There are so many demon’s, the protecting sister goes berserk and her inner demon breaks loss. The child get terrified and hides behind the blind sister (she has inmiddels her glasses, so she can see again. But it’s easier to say who is who) screams to stop and that she is not acting for who she normal is. The protecting sister just ignore her and slaughter every demon she sees. Some of the demon’s started to flee, but it’s no use. With every death strike the protecting sister start to change and absorbes every demon soul’s, without even knowing - she is starting to loss her self.
The blind sister can’t watch anymore, she told her child to hide somewhere safe, until she says it’s safe to come out. The sister then dashes at the demon beast that was once her sister.
Everything went so fast - the blind sister got pierced through her chest, by her own flesh and blood sibling. Even though she was pinned down on the ground, she tries to talk her sister back to live - but it’s no use, she is already to far gone.
A maniacal twisted laughter was heard from the demon beast once called sister, she reach lower to the dying sister and spoke to her with multi voices. *Now I know, why everyone wants you. If I knew this before, then I would have killed you a long time ago*
Tears rolled down the cheek of the blind sister. This is all a bad dream, she thinks to hear self.
But the suffering didn’t last for long.
The demon beast was struck down from behind.
It was as if time had stopped. The sisters look to each other, they both had a peaceful smile.
Everything fades away.
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storytellingdreamy · 7 years
It’s called “Hello darling”
It’s a little something that I came up with, so feel free to read it.
Leave a comment or if ya see any miss-writting/ spelling, please let me know! English isn’t my first language (´ヮ`)
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storytellingdreamy · 7 years
Another dream thing~
What’s with me and dreaming to be someone, I’m not (⊙_◎)
This time I dreamed, I was Asriel (I was really a crybaby) ~ and the magic of reset was already working, only not so powerful as frisk.. It was more like uhm.. Rewind and some monster won’t remember it, only very strong/boss monsters could remember it ~ But anyway.. It was strange and funny at the same time.. Chara was already there °Д°
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