strangekiitten · 2 hours
coloring is actually the worst part of the drawing process
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strangekiitten · 1 day
So fuckin glad summer is over autumn is the best season but goes by too fast, give me more crisp mornings and let the leaves stay colorful a little longer
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strangekiitten · 2 days
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strangekiitten · 2 days
*perspiring so heavily my hair is wet I’m sweating through my clothes, eyes bloodshot and I’m shaking*
Ashley Graves is NOT a 1d villain
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strangekiitten · 2 days
I feel like too many people who’ve played tcoaal fundamentally misunderstand this game. But I also feel like everything that’s need to be said about this topic has been said and by people who could articulate this way better than me… Despiteee this anytime I see someone misunderstand or make a mistake when talking about the story there’s this *urge* I have to correct them. I was playing tcoaal with my friend and he just. He wasn’t getting a good chunk of it. Tcoaal isn’t even a hard piece of media to get why is this so hard for some people. So many opinions about this game are so wrong
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strangekiitten · 3 days
LeyLey getting hit by a car and Rennes first thought going to if she had ever put her under life insurance and her second thought realizing she hadn’t and her third thought being how quickly can she get rid of the body before anyone notices
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strangekiitten · 3 days
The graves family continuing to “keep it in the bloodline” but instead of there being any smidge of positives like prosperity of a royal family in a monarchy there are only negatives as the bloodline keeps getting more deformed and they don’t even escape the lower middle class title
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Ashley and Andrew would have 3 beautiful incestuous triplets and they would all have health problems because Rennes parents and grandparents were actually brother and sister as well and she thought could break the cycle but she was wrong it just skipped a generation because she was an only child
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Mello catching Matt snorting lines in their bathroom and forcing him to do the rest of what he was saving for later to dissuade Matt from ever doing drugs in the house again even though this amount could make him overdose
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Mello getting sick of Matts bad habit of not cleaning up after himself and smashing one of the beer bottles he left strewn about on the floor over his head for it
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Mello holding Matt down and scoring his name into his forearms with his pocket knife for being defiant
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Mello cuddling with Matt after verbally and physically abusing him and when Matt looks him in the eyes tears welling up and asks Mello if even loves him Mello goes silent for a notably long time before saying yes while not even looking Matt in the face and staring off at the wall behind him
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Mello breaking down and frantically apologizing to his god while he's shitfaced and Matt's there helping him calm down but takes note how he doesn't once mutter an apology towards him
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Mello making Matt put out his own cigarettes on himself when he catches him smoking because Mello hates it and think that it's a disgusting dirty habit that deserves a punishment
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strangekiitten · 3 days
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Rewatching and rereading death note but it just doesn't scratch the autism itch like it did for me 2 years ago. I'm going to spend another 6 hours playing my incest game
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strangekiitten · 3 days
Matt getting sick of the abuse and killing Mello and then himself with the .44 Remington Magnum he keeps on his waist because he can't imagine being alive without him but also can't stand being alive with him
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