decayroute · 3 days
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source - holothes
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ephemeralhatred · 2 days
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toto-4444 · 2 days
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enemywasp · 13 hours
I think it's kinda silly how some TCOAAL fans try to make Andrew out as innocent in every aspect whilst Ashley is the evil one, particularly with the incest. Like I've had antis claim they can like andrew cause hes the victim of his sisters obsession when Andrew is the one who makes the situation romantic it sexual the most.
Sure, Ashley is clingy and pushy. She thought them hooking up was inevitable. But she doesn't actually care how close they are and in what way as long as he is hers. It doesn't have to be sexual or romantic, she just wants him.
Whereas Andrews the one surrounded by guilt. Hes the one who casually plays with her hair and wraps his arm round her, looping his finger in her belt holes. Hes the one who made his girlfriend style herself in ways that remind him of his sister. Hes the one who takes it that step further, who wants it. Who wants her.
And Ashley knows it.
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coff-in · 2 days
Ashley and Andrew seem like the sort of clingy mfs who would hear you innocently say someone else's name instead of theirs on accident at some point and even after you try to calm them down they make you say their name or compliment them by name to make them feel better
The only difference is that Andrew is (mostly) better at hiding how crazy this makes him and is satisfied with making you do it once or a few times and Ashley would shamelessly embrace the yandere mindset and demand you spend a full minute repeating her name to drill it in
andrew would def play up his hurt feelings about that. the manupilatorrr <3 hehehehe ilove him so much i wana put him in my moutj n crunch hom <3
ashley would make a big fuss i think. demands that you say her name again and again and again... would she want you to call her 'ashley' or 'leyley'? she's also remind you about all the favors and good things she's done for you and say "who did that? me! ASHLEY did it! no one else did it but ME!" i love her so much
is it apparent the way i think about them? andy makes me do like... puppy brained bark bark bark and ashley makes me like... more coherent
lovr them both tho, want both their tits to suffocate me <3
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chengfagshi · 7 months
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I saw this and I can't stop laughing.
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kawacy · 7 months
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Andy and Leyley
based on official devlog art
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the-poison-muse · 1 year
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decayroute · 20 hours
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First four pages of a comic i’m never going to finish
source - holothes
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okay so would Julia be disgusted by Andy’s feelings for LeyLey or would she their cuck in your universe?
She would be disgusted, I feel. I had an idea for a fanfic that I never developed beyond a few notes where Julia lives with the siblings as their mind broken maid/sex toy. Her mind is just completely gone and her only goal in life is to make the Siblings as happy as possible, whether it's the bedroom at their mercy or cooking and cleaning for them.
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femondoetus · 1 year
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what a cute couple 🤭
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ashleys-coffin · 11 months
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All devlog arts! (I think)
Edit: one more!
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hiraya-art · 11 months
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Heathers crossover
Technically JD kind of fits ashley more story-wise, but shhh. Andy looks good as him.
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bushmaster-69 · 11 months
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I made them spin
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maevaniila · 1 month
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My babies 😩💗💚
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