PROMPT: Billy has a micropenis, and he's REALLY self-conscious about it. Steve teases him about it every time he fucks him because he loves to see Billy cry. It gets him off. If Billy's good for him, once Steve's done, he flicks his tongue back and forth on that tiny dick to make Billy come. If Billy's not a good boy, Steve has threatened to out him in front of their friends, showing everybody his tiny cock. CHARACTERS: Steve/Billy TROPE/KINK TAGS: Micropenis, humiliation, crying, teasing, bullying RATING: Any including DDDNE
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PROMPT: Canon adjacent AU where billionaires aren't allowed by law. Once you hit that number, you're automatically assigned a "slave" who lives 24/7 with you, makes sure you behave, and they'll discipline you anywhere anytime they see fit including board meetings or school, etc.
Rich people use the word slave when referring to them but only to save face. The slaves are really masters except that they don't own the properties and aren't rich themselves, but they can make decisions about how the money is used.
Steve's parents fled the country the day before their company hit it big, leaving Steve with well over $2 billion in assets.
Steve can't get rid of it fast enough to meet the deadline and is assigned a slave. He doesn't get a choice in who it is but they give him a written assessment to see who they should pair him with.
He doesn't pay attention and checks the boxes for high pain tolerance and all the other extreme stuff - he got the rating scale backward.
I love humiliation, spanking, power dynamics, and am open to all kinks. If any of this inspires somebody I'd be thrilled to read it. I'm not picky about every detail and just want to read fun stuff.
CHARACTERS: Steve + Any male character (Hopper? Billy? Eddie?).
TROPE/KINK TAGS: Slave!fic with a twist | noncon/dubcon (situational) | humiliation | open to any other kinks
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PROMPT: Eddie lives (so does Billy if that's who you pick), and everything seems fine for a while. Everybody tries to forget what happened, and it's easier to do when Eddie is just back to being Eddie. Until Billy or Steve finally progresses to first-time sex with him.
It all goes great, they're having an awesome time with either virgin sex or just first time for the pairing, maybe a little awkward because of that, but when Eddie comes first, whoever is fucking him screams in pain, stuck inside him by barbs (you know how cats have barbed penises and there's a barbed penis trope on kinkmemes and AO3? that only assholes have barbs)
Your choice if Eddie thinks this is totally normal and is like hey chill they'll go down in a minute just enjoy it (endorphins? vampire-bite-type euphoria?) or if both of them freak out and call someone to help after unsuccessfully trying to disengage or whatever you come up with.
Bonus for whoever fucks him coming back because, even though it hurts like hell, the sex is great and totally worth it. Or maybe they invite somebody else to join in?
There just needs to be more barbed asshole/anus fics in fandoms, and I *can't* be the only one to fill AO3 with them 😔
CHARACTERS/RELATIONSHIPS: Eddie Munson | Billy Hargrove | Steve Harrington | Mungrove | Steddie
TROPE/KINK TAGS: First Time | Barbed Anus/Penis
RATING: Any Citrus Rating
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PROMPT: https://www.tumblr.com/strangerthingskinkmeme/726371638854221824/prompt-submission?source=share
FILL: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49688668?view_full_work=true
MAIN CHARACTERS: Billy Hargrove | Jim Hopper
TROPE/KINK TAGS: Canon Divergent | Discipline/Domestic Discipline  | Power Imbalance | Public Humiliation | Degradation/Humiliation | Spanking | Non Consensual Spanking | Forced Feeding  | Mention of Child Abuse |  Ward Of The State
CITRUS RATING: Orange (Teen & Up)
Note: This Fill gets the First Fill award 💝 Thank you for giving too fandom with your creativity.
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PROMPT: Billy gets in trouble with the law too many times and is given the choice of a randomly assigned guardianship from the government or the first person on the guardianship list in Hawkins – Hopper. Billy takes Hopper, thinking the guy will be a pushover.
Hopper decides Billy’s had a shitty upbringing with Neil, so he starts over. I love domestic discipline and non-consensual spanking, but I’d also love to see forced feeding when Billy decides to protest his situation with a hunger strike or public humiliation with Billy made to stand with a well-spanked ass in the station. I’d gladly read slash or gen.
I’d be totally happy with any rating from citrus to grapefruit and DDDNE because I just really want to read this scenario. As far as kinks, I’ve read everything and I’m open to anything other than permanent character death.
If you recognize this prompt, it’s because I posted a late-night whine about trying to find similar a few weeks ago.
CHARACTERS: Billy Hargrove | Jim Hopper
TROPE/KINK TAGS: Slave | Discipline/Domestic Discipline | Power Imbalance | Manhandling | Degradation/Humiliation
RATING: Any Citrus Rating
Keep reading for Fills on this Prompt
Fill 1 |
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PROMPT: Vampire/Monster Steve, Eddie & Billy can only run free around Hawkins IN for so long before the white coats in Hawkin’s Lab get curious. Little do the boys know, their time running free is coming to a end very soon.
Feel free to add any additional tags
CHARACTERS: Steve Harrington | Eddie Munson | Billy Hargrove | US Scientists
TROPE/KINK TAGS: Monster AU | Experiment | Torture | Blood | Forced To Kill | Vampire | Undead
RATING: Lemon | Grapefruit | Dead Dove Do Not Eat
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Question to the followers!
Would you like to see, or think that adding Reader & OC tags be something the blog should do? I know there are a ton of people who enjoy reader fics as well as OC fics. I myself am friends with people who enjoy that stuff so I feel like they shouldn't be left out.
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PROMPT: If Billy wants to act like a rabid dog? Well Steve's gonna treat him like one.
CHARACTERS: Billy Hargrove | Steve Harrington | Harringrove
RATING: Grapefruit
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Hello and welcome everyone! This is a blog dedicated to the Kink Meme concept, where fans can submit prompts as well as fill prompts that have been submitted.
What is a Kink Meme you ask? Kink Meme’s are ways for fandom communities to share fan creation desires (Prompts) and for fan creators to fill those desires (Fills)! The first recognized Kink Meme was created back in 2007 in the Bleach fandom and have over the years, inspired many fandoms to do the same.
This one in particular is for the Stranger Things fandom!
If you would like to participate, read the following under the Keep Reading for information on how to begin!
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FAQ Submit an Ask Submit a Prompt/Fill AO3 Collection All Prompts Filled Prompts Tags
Do Prompts & Fills have to be Kinky?
No! Prompts & Fills can range all the way from Citrus to Grapefruit in the Citrus Scale. This means that you can submit Safe For Work and Not Safe For Work prompts!
What is the Citrus Scale?
The Citrus Scale is something that stemmed all the way from fandoms in the 1980s with the term “Lemon” being used to label erotic fanworks. Over time, the Citrus Scale was expanded upon to be more detailed! This can come in handy when wanting to denote exactly how explicit a fan creation is.
CITRUS Rated General Audiences No romance, sexually suggestive actions, violence, strong language or dark themes. Hugging, hand holding, cheek kissing, clothed cuddling, etc are all within Citrus range. ORANGE Rated Teen & Up Mild or sparring uses of romance, sexually suggestive tones/words, violence and dark themes. Making out, clothed cuddling with heavy petting, blood & cuss words are all within Orange range. LIME Rated Mature Romantic themes, sexually suggestive actions, violence, strong language and dark themes. This range is typically used for the lead up to a sexual encounter, meaning everything BUT sex. This can also apply to violence without the imagery being explicitly shown/written. LEMON Rated Explicit Graphic sexual actions, violence, harsh language and dark themes. This is for when sex happens, when violence is shown/written in detail and all things not typically “Safe For Work” is present. Kink falls within Lemon range. GRAPEFRUIT Rated XXX This scale is for when certain actions, themes or kinks are for the not widely used or ‘bazaar’ Lemon concepts. This can include uncommon kinks, or often times triggering themes. This is different from Dead Dove Do Not Eat (read below) Dead Dove Do Not Eat What You See Is What You Get DDDNE is a Tag Modifier that suggests that if you see a certain tag that you should understand that it is telling you exactly what you are getting. (Ex. If a fan work is tagged DDDNE, Cannibalism, then you should expect to see or read about people eating each other.)
How should I submit my prompt?
Using the form below, Submit a prompt or Fill a prompt.
PROMPT SUBMISSION ANON: (Yes/No) PROMPT: (Prompt should be typed) CHARACTERS: TROPE/KINK TAGS: RATING: (Use Citrus Scale) FILL SUBMISSION ANON: (Yes/No) PROMPT LINK: (Link to Original Prompt) FILL LINK: (Ao3 Collection, Tumblr Link, Twitter Post, etc) CHARACTERS: TROPE/KINK TAGS: RATING: (Use Citrus Scale)
Need help? Here's a few useful resources!
You can find a comprehensive list of kinks here; https://datingxp.co/list-of-kinks/
If you need inspiration on what types of Tags & Fandom Tropes to use, you can always brows AO3 or look at the website https://tvtropes.org/
Can I submit a Prompt or Fill Anonymously?
Yes! But not through Anon Asks.
When submitting a prompt or a Fill, please state whether you would like to be Anon in your submission. The owner of the blog @/ TheDikTatorTot & the Mods (To Be Added) will NOT post your submission off Anon if it’s been requested, nor will your submission be shared or spoken about outside of that submission. The submission (after it has been posted Anon) will be deleted from the queue as well so no history of it’s existence remains.
Obviously most Fills will end up being posted with the author attached as unless you use the Anon feature on Ao3, there aren't any genuine ways to stay anonymous. You can create your own separate Tumblr account to post from, but that's about it for this website.
Why can’t I use the Anon feature?
We want to curb potentially harmful actions by those who might try and trigger the mods on this blog. Leaving Anon off will curb that potential.
What is NOT allowed to be submitted as a Prompt or Fill to this blog?
There are few stipulations that need to be followed in order to get your prompt accepted;
Stolen Prompts. Please do not submit prompts that you have not been given specific permission to post or were created by yourself. This does not mean that you can't have similar prompts, but no copy & pasting a prompt from somewhere else (that isn't yours) just to try and get it filled.
Double Posted Prompts. Please do not re-post your prompt to the blog more than once. If it has been accepted, it is available to be filled and will not get more or less attention from being re-posted.
Previously written works. Please submit only newly created fanworks specifically created for submitted prompts.
Untagged fanworks. Please tag your fan works as best you can with the tags provided so the mods can know what they are reviewing.
Prompts or Fills with the Young Teen characters (Will, Mike, Lucas, Max, El, Dustin, Souzie, Etc). If you submit a Prompt or a Fill with these characters you will be permanently blocked from submitting in the future.
Bestiality with Non-Monster animals will NOT be accepted. Aka Cats, Dogs, Horses, etc. Only MONSTERS & Monster Humanoids will be accepted.
How many Fills can a Prompt have?
As many as you want! Multiple people can fill a prompt if they choose too, there is no limit. All fills will be linked/connected too each Prompt so it will be easier to find.
Anything else I should know before filling?
Yes! If you have filled a prompt, you may submit your Fill to the Ao3 collection linked in the home page of this blog. You do NOT have to submit to the collection.
Fandom is a place of all desires, walks of life, experiences and levels of comfort. If you see something that has been Prompted or Filled that you do not like or find triggering, the best option for you to continue enjoying your experience on this blog and all others, is to block tags of the content you do not want to see.
Not all content posted here will be up the alley of the owner of the blog or the mods but there will be no judgement past purposefully hurtful actions. I can’t truly give examples as to how to define that line between dark themes, and purposefully hurtful, but if your intentions when prompting or filling is to upset, trigger or demean the fans of certain characters, pairings or tropes, then it will be easily spotted.
Do not let this stop you from posting dark content. That is not the intention here, but please be aware of how you portray certain themes with certain characters and their fans when Prompting or Filling. Thank you.
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