#Stranger Things Kink Meme
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Hello and welcome everyone! This is a blog dedicated to the Kink Meme concept, where fans can submit prompts as well as fill prompts that have been submitted.
What is a Kink Meme you ask? Kink Meme’s are ways for fandom communities to share fan creation desires (Prompts) and for fan creators to fill those desires (Fills)! The first recognized Kink Meme was created back in 2007 in the Bleach fandom and have over the years, inspired many fandoms to do the same.
This one in particular is for the Stranger Things fandom!
If you would like to participate, read the following under the Keep Reading for information on how to begin!
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FAQ Submit an Ask Submit a Prompt/Fill AO3 Collection All Prompts Filled Prompts Tags
Do Prompts & Fills have to be Kinky?
No! Prompts & Fills can range all the way from Citrus to Grapefruit in the Citrus Scale. This means that you can submit Safe For Work and Not Safe For Work prompts!
What is the Citrus Scale?
The Citrus Scale is something that stemmed all the way from fandoms in the 1980s with the term “Lemon” being used to label erotic fanworks. Over time, the Citrus Scale was expanded upon to be more detailed! This can come in handy when wanting to denote exactly how explicit a fan creation is.
CITRUS Rated General Audiences No romance, sexually suggestive actions, violence, strong language or dark themes. Hugging, hand holding, cheek kissing, clothed cuddling, etc are all within Citrus range. ORANGE Rated Teen & Up Mild or sparring uses of romance, sexually suggestive tones/words, violence and dark themes. Making out, clothed cuddling with heavy petting, blood & cuss words are all within Orange range. LIME Rated Mature Romantic themes, sexually suggestive actions, violence, strong language and dark themes. This range is typically used for the lead up to a sexual encounter, meaning everything BUT sex. This can also apply to violence without the imagery being explicitly shown/written. LEMON Rated Explicit Graphic sexual actions, violence, harsh language and dark themes. This is for when sex happens, when violence is shown/written in detail and all things not typically “Safe For Work” is present. Kink falls within Lemon range. GRAPEFRUIT Rated XXX This scale is for when certain actions, themes or kinks are for the not widely used or ‘bazaar’ Lemon concepts. This can include uncommon kinks, or often times triggering themes. This is different from Dead Dove Do Not Eat (read below) Dead Dove Do Not Eat What You See Is What You Get DDDNE is a Tag Modifier that suggests that if you see a certain tag that you should understand that it is telling you exactly what you are getting. (Ex. If a fan work is tagged DDDNE, Cannibalism, then you should expect to see or read about people eating each other.)
How should I submit my prompt?
Using the form below, Submit a prompt or Fill a prompt.
PROMPT SUBMISSION ANON: (Yes/No) PROMPT: (Prompt should be typed) CHARACTERS: TROPE/KINK TAGS: RATING: (Use Citrus Scale) FILL SUBMISSION ANON: (Yes/No) PROMPT LINK: (Link to Original Prompt) FILL LINK: (Ao3 Collection, Tumblr Link, Twitter Post, etc) CHARACTERS: TROPE/KINK TAGS: RATING: (Use Citrus Scale)
Need help? Here's a few useful resources!
You can find a comprehensive list of kinks here; https://datingxp.co/list-of-kinks/
If you need inspiration on what types of Tags & Fandom Tropes to use, you can always brows AO3 or look at the website https://tvtropes.org/
Can I submit a Prompt or Fill Anonymously?
Yes! But not through Anon Asks.
When submitting a prompt or a Fill, please state whether you would like to be Anon in your submission. The owner of the blog @/ TheDikTatorTot & the Mods (To Be Added) will NOT post your submission off Anon if it’s been requested, nor will your submission be shared or spoken about outside of that submission. The submission (after it has been posted Anon) will be deleted from the queue as well so no history of it’s existence remains.
Obviously most Fills will end up being posted with the author attached as unless you use the Anon feature on Ao3, there aren't any genuine ways to stay anonymous. You can create your own separate Tumblr account to post from, but that's about it for this website.
Why can’t I use the Anon feature?
We want to curb potentially harmful actions by those who might try and trigger the mods on this blog. Leaving Anon off will curb that potential.
What is NOT allowed to be submitted as a Prompt or Fill to this blog?
There are few stipulations that need to be followed in order to get your prompt accepted;
Stolen Prompts. Please do not submit prompts that you have not been given specific permission to post or were created by yourself. This does not mean that you can't have similar prompts, but no copy & pasting a prompt from somewhere else (that isn't yours) just to try and get it filled.
Double Posted Prompts. Please do not re-post your prompt to the blog more than once. If it has been accepted, it is available to be filled and will not get more or less attention from being re-posted.
Previously written works. Please submit only newly created fanworks specifically created for submitted prompts.
Untagged fanworks. Please tag your fan works as best you can with the tags provided so the mods can know what they are reviewing.
Prompts or Fills with the Young Teen characters (Will, Mike, Lucas, Max, El, Dustin, Souzie, Etc). If you submit a Prompt or a Fill with these characters you will be permanently blocked from submitting in the future.
Bestiality with Non-Monster animals will NOT be accepted. Aka Cats, Dogs, Horses, etc. Only MONSTERS & Monster Humanoids will be accepted.
How many Fills can a Prompt have?
As many as you want! Multiple people can fill a prompt if they choose too, there is no limit. All fills will be linked/connected too each Prompt so it will be easier to find.
Anything else I should know before filling?
Yes! If you have filled a prompt, you may submit your Fill to the Ao3 collection linked in the home page of this blog. You do NOT have to submit to the collection.
Fandom is a place of all desires, walks of life, experiences and levels of comfort. If you see something that has been Prompted or Filled that you do not like or find triggering, the best option for you to continue enjoying your experience on this blog and all others, is to block tags of the content you do not want to see.
Not all content posted here will be up the alley of the owner of the blog or the mods but there will be no judgement past purposefully hurtful actions. I can’t truly give examples as to how to define that line between dark themes, and purposefully hurtful, but if your intentions when prompting or filling is to upset, trigger or demean the fans of certain characters, pairings or tropes, then it will be easily spotted.
Do not let this stop you from posting dark content. That is not the intention here, but please be aware of how you portray certain themes with certain characters and their fans when Prompting or Filling. Thank you.
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steddiekinkmeme · 4 months
Are you affiliated with other Kink Memes?
Nope! Though we are not affiliated with any of the following, we encourage you to participate in and browse through these other Stranger Things kink memes!
Stranger Things Kink Meme
Stranger Things Kink Meme
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What do all my crushes have in common?
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Literally nothing, idk what you mean.
Is this a kink? Do I have a dark haired fringe kink? Because Emily Prentiss has already given me a gun kink, so…
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pukner · 1 year
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when ur boyfriend needs praise and you buy a star card to build up his self-esteem
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manic-eddie · 2 years
Steve Harrington-core
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cyraclove · 1 year
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Rating: E (explicit sexual content, accidental voyeurism) Pairing(s): Eddie Munson/Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson/Original Female Character Chapters: 1/1 Words: 2,810
Part of @chrissy-n-eddie's hellcheer kinkmeme collection (thank you so much for moderating!!)
In response to this prompt: Chrissy accidentally stumbles upon her sometimes weed dealer Eddie casually hooking up with another Hawkins High student and despite her better judgement, she can't stop watching...
Preview under the cut
Chrissy’s breath trembles as she peers through the brush, fingernails picking at the mossy bark of a tree. The splintery picnic table in the middle of the clearing comes into view—and so do the two people standing next to it. 
There’s a woman bent over the end, a pretty brunette. Her elbows dig into a denim jacket that’s been laid over the top of the table, her flowery skirt rucked up around her hips. She’s got her eyes closed, her mouth half open as she sucks in little gasps.
Chrissy recognizes her. 
Amanda…something. Parker, maybe? All Chrissy really knows about her is that she’s in the drama club. They’d been in the same English class last year, but they hadn’t spoken about anything other than Shakespeare and Animal Farm. 
It’s the hands gripping her waist that catch Chrissy’s attention. The showy rings on the fingers. The familiar tattoos on the forearms. 
Read on Ao3
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lightyaoigami · 3 months
Do you have a story or anecdote that you've never gotten to share and want to? I feel like I have a million funny stories that I can never bring up in conversation because they're just so out of the blue or strange lol.
this is a great question. one time i was at a bookstore and got to chatting with another patron. i complimented her AoT gear (she had an ita bag and stickers and such) and she proceeded to inform me that she and her girlfriend were in a 24/7 D/s relationship in which they rp'd two characters from AoT. one of the wildest things i have heard from a stranger.
honesty hour i will answer anything
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Steddie (stranger things) omo shipping meme
This is a kink thing, folks, discussion ppl desperate to pee.
I love running through this series of questions when I’m all fired up on a “new” ship. I’m a multi shipper here as well, but I’ll start with these two yahoos, Steve and Eddie (some qs I approach as if Steddie are a couple in the future and living together, and some  I stick more closely to canon for)
Who gets desperate because they didn’t want to get up from a video game/work/other activity
This is definitely more likely to be an Eddie move– hyperfocus can be a bitch, man. I can see him reading or especially working on a campaign or music and just putting it off or even not noticing until someone else, maybe Steve, sitting across the room, like, notices the quality of the bounce has changed and totally clocks it as Eddie-has-to-pee instead of the normal Eddie-finding-the-right-stimulation-threshold. Maybe Steve would pop over with a drink, or maybe he made himself a sandwich and did one for Eddie as well, so he intentionally interrupt Eddie’s focus which, like, normally he wouldn’t… but in a case like this he’d do it intentionally, “Hey babe, I made some for me, you want some too?” and Eddie jolts out of it, comes back to the world, accepts whatever Steve was giving him, and then Oh-So-Casually scoots rapidly towards the bathroom.
Can also see, like, Eddie hyperfocusing on a day when he’s home and Steve’s at work, only for Steve to come home and interrupt and Eddie to realize he’s Absolutely Desperate.
In neither case do I see him actually really wetting himself, not unless they play these games. 
Now Steve… I can definitely see Steve specifically having had close calls or incidents related to sports? Like, many an athlete has many a time pissed themselves, or peed right off the field etc because they are SO well hydrated and sometimes it just is like that. 
But then again, that’s “can’t” stop the activity more than it is “don’t want to”
Who insists they can hold it even when they can’t
Either. I can see Eddie more often being the one, like, not in tune with what his body is up to and getting into a tight spot and then doubling-down bluffing about it… but i can see either one of them getting, like, competitive about it, not willing to be the one who admits he’s gotta pee first… or imbibing substances that mess with his control… i especially can see Drunk!Former-Frat-type Steve forgetting that he broke the seal and not remembering he’s not gonna be able to hold it, etc, but trying to bluff his way through anyway
By the same token, can see high!eddie having nooooooo idea how bad hes gotta pee, really.
Who pees in a bottle because they didn’t want to leave their warm bed at night
Oh absolutely either one. 
Steve maybe doesn’t do it as much, was less in the habit when he lived in his parent’s pristine house, or when the likelihood of having a girl over was high, wouldn’t want to miss something like that and have a potential partner find it…
And def after they are together, if one catches the other at it, he’s gonna give him good-natured shit about it, but yeah. No big deal.
Who doesn’t pay attention to their fluid intake
Steve, maybe, if he’s drinking alcohol (otherwise, he’s more likely to just Always Be well hydrated, less “not paying attention” and more “always shooting for hydrated, even if that means peeing a lot more”)… but Eddie probs more normally, vacillating wildly between over and under hydrated. 
Who has the larger bladder
I can see arguments for either, steve has to pee a lot, but that’s cuz he’s usually well hydrated. Can see that either resulting in him Not holding as much, cuz always peeing, or holding plenty, just, there’s always plenty to hold…
And I can see Eddie with a monster bladder cuz he’s always putting it off, and therefore always holding… or the opposite, especially if he’s bad about, like, drinking water, and it usually drinking, like, coffee or other things that are stimulants/diuretics/bladder irritants.
Who is more likely to have a shy bladder
I think it could be fun to write either one that way… but of the two, probs more likely Eddie. He’s a more baseline-anxious type to begin with… and I think athletics to the degree Steve has participated are very likely to cure anyone of that– when you gotta, then you gotta, and you gotta take every opportunity, even when you’re packed in with a bunch of other athletes and there’s maybe not much privacy
Who will only use an appropriate facility
I don’t think either would care, really. Steve has definitely pissed in some “convenient” places during/after games, or in folks’ backyards during parties, but also i bet Eddie has pissed in the woods in particular many a time.
If we gave either one a shy bladder, that could be a component, but i don’t think it much is if we’re trying to be canon compliant.
More likely to have a holding kink
I want to say eddie, who i think is more likely to be kinkier in general/aware of his kinks. 
But steve, between the athletics, the drinking at parties, the general competitiveness, and the fact that he definitely definitely has had a great deal MORE sex than eddie– it’s entirely possible, that if he had one he would also have figured it out.
Who challenges the other to a holding contest
Either. They’re competitive. Actually, maybe it’s a comment/dare/etx from Robin or one of the kids.
How would each react to having and accident
Lol depends on how sober they are and or if there are extenuating Upside down shenanigans.
I can see eddie being embarrassed/humiliated maybe? If it was, like, sober in company or while he was trying to be cool or smth. Like maybe if it was Steve catching him coming out of a hyperfocus sesh and he doesn’t make it, maybe then he’d be embarrassed, especially if they were dating and hadn’t been that long. 
But if he’s in an altered state and/or really after all the shit they’ve been through, idk that he would care that much.
Similar for steve, like, if it were to happen somehow like on a date or smth, some situ where he was trying to be Cool Steve, maybe he’d b embarrassed about it. Maybe if it happened during sex, where he prides himself on always giving a Good Time… maybe then he’d be bothered… but otherwise, nah. Again, intense athletics + altered states + the upside freaking down, who gives a shit.
How would each react to the other being desperate/having an accident
I mean, with horniness in anything I write. But otherwise…
So if Eddie’s in the pickle, genuine stressed about whether he’s gonna make it/or in the aftermath, Steve’s gonna be good about it (in the later seasons, might have been a real Ass earlier). He’s gonna do his best to get Eddie wherever he’s got to go, or find him a bottle, or encourage him to piss on a tree or whatever, the fuck does anyone care about it. Clothes wash. 
He might tease some, definitely if this is pre-established kinky game stuff for them, but he’s gonna do his best to make Eddie not feel bad/keep other folks from knowing, etc.
In the reverse situ, Eddie would definitely come out of the gate making fun, but he’d shift Very quickly into being genuinely helpful/trying to make Steve laugh about it (even if laughing isn’t exactly ideal, lol)
Who is more likely to wet because of anxiety/fear
Probs eddie. If steve was prone to that, it would have come up almost certainly when Robin mentioned it in the bathroom at Starcourt.
Plus eddie just reads as a nervier dude in general. Dunno how likely, but he’d def be more likely
Who is more likely to wet deliberately
Either if part of some kinky game, steve if during a fight or smth when he knows there’s no point devoting any more brainspace to it (like sometimes in athletics), Steve maybe also more generally (probs again in context of drinking etc) more when they are living at home, partly because he’s not gonna worry so much about ruining his clothes/shoes? Like, not that eddie wears real fancy stuff, but sometimes maybe he does, and especially steve has an empty house with built-in washer dryer and eddie Shares a small space with his uncle and likely does laundry elsewhere.
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doctorwincest · 2 months
Still time to participate! Please spread far and wide!
Just a gentle reminder that you can still participate in the survey on asexuality and fan fiction! Check it out and lend your voice ti a good scientific cause. I am university lecturer in University of Oulu, Finland. I hold a PhD in contemporary Literature and am conducting a research project on how asexual fans view or engage with erotic or pornographic fan fiction. I am looking for all participants over the age of 16 to fill out a short survey on the subject. Please note that by submitting your answers, you give your consent for your data to be utilized for research purposes. The survey may be filled out completely anonymously. The survey is conducted both in English and in Finnish and may be filled out in either language. For more information and to participate in the survey, please follow either the English version link here https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/F85DFC0813F0C45F or the Finnish version here https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/F876B5104D423614
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diabla616 · 2 years
a measure of truth to it
"Pfft, Steve." Nancy Wheeler scoffs, and the derision in her voice gives Eddie pause, makes some weird new protective part of him flare up. He's not sure he likes it all that much. Eddie should stay out of whatever this is - especially given where his sympathies lie these days, but - Steve deserves better than to have her talking like this about him when he's not here.
"I thought you guys were-"
Every account he's heard so far seems to suggest that the blame for the Harrington-Wheeler breakup doesn't fall entirely on Steve- or even mostly on him as far as Eddie can tell. Though Henderson isn't an unbiased source and Eddie's not an impartial audience. Not any more.
"No!" she says, "no we're - good."
Eddie frowns a little, "Sure." he says slowly.
Wheeler shakes her head furiously, enough that it seems to throw her off-balance a little, briefly. Eddie catches her elbow and steadies her. "It's not- not like that."
The confusion he's feeling must show on his face, even to the very drunk because she leans in closer and drops her voice a little lower, to a drunk-girl whisper. "It's just - he's a lot, don't you think?"
Eddie, who over the past three months has very seriously had to restrain himself from following Steve Harrington about like one of the little sheep he adopts for Hellfire, definitely doesn't think so. If anything Eddie's a lot, but Steve hasn't shot it down yet, seems to be encouraging him even. That's why he's here tonight, in fact, at a party he's most likely not actually invited to - because Steve had shrugged and said I know it's probably not your thing, but it might be fun, and Eddie hadn't been able to say no, hadn't quite been able to shove down the tentative hope at that, again. Of course, Eddie won't ever say it first - but maybe Steve will, one day.
The music picks up, and Wheeler bobs her head along with it. Eddie takes a slight step back, leaning into the wall out of the way of drunk, dancing highschoolers, hoping he's avoided any type of active participation in that awkward conversation; bitching about the ex he maybe, possibly has a thing for.
When the song finishes she turns back to him, slightly less glassy-eyed than before, and he makes a mental note to grab her a glass of water before he dips. She's going to be feeling it tomorrow anyway.
"Seriously though you don't think he's-" lowers her voice a little, "too much?"
Too much? Steve could be several hundred times more than Eddie's experienced so far and it still wouldn't be too much - though that feels a little revealing to say out loud. So he shakes his head.
"No, I mean-" she hesitates, glances around a little and evidently decides fuck it - he'd liked that about her, the bull-headed determination to do and say whatever crossed her mind, though he has a sinking feeling this one comes at his expense. "-too big."
Oh. Oh no Jesus Christ, Eddie shouldn't be hearing this. Especially when she's assuming it's a fact he already knows.
He scrubs a hand over his temple, and Wheeler steps closer, puts a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Eddie. No one cares."
And that should be what he's worrying about. Hawkins isn't known for it's lenient stance on anything out of the ordinary - he's had first-hand experience of that - so Eddie should be concerned that apparently all their friends think this - whatever he has with Steve is a done deal, rather than a slow, nervous crawl to a conversation neither of them has dared broach yet. When in fact the real issue here and now is he's never going to be able to look Steve in the eye again without thinking, somewhere in the deep recesses of his brain that Steve's apparently hung - not even that; big enough for it to be a problem, even.
"Nothing's going on." Eddie manages, in a strangled tone, "But, uh- good to know, I guess."
Wheeler blinks at him slowly, "Oh."
Then her face lights up, and she waves at someone across the room. "Steve!"
Okay, that's Eddie's cue to exit stage left here; Wheeler can pass on his regards. Eddie needs some time to - process.
written for the ST kinkmeme on Dreamwidth
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strarepairkinkmeme · 2 years
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A Stranger Things Rarepair Kink Meme, specifics can be found in the information post. Round One is now open for prompts!
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Question to the followers!
Would you like to see, or think that adding Reader & OC tags be something the blog should do? I know there are a ton of people who enjoy reader fics as well as OC fics. I myself am friends with people who enjoy that stuff so I feel like they shouldn't be left out.
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steddiekinkmeme · 4 months
Welcome to the Steddie Kink Meme!
We're a brand new kink meme focusing on Steddie as the main pairing! While other ships and characters can be involved in prompts and fills, as long as Steve and Eddie are involved, all are welcome!
We operate much like any other kink meme. Fic prompts can be submitted anonymously (or non-anonymously if you so choose), and prompts will be filled, wherein those filled fics will be submitted here and/or added to our collection on AO3.
Check out of ground rules in our FAQ.
Ready to jump in? Submit some fic prompts! Ask for the sweetest and nastiest fics to your heart's content.
Welcome! We are excited to see new stories!
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mariana-oconnor · 2 years
I know that fandom is all about curating your experience and checking tags etc. etc. But at the same time, sometimes I see a tag on a fic that's like 'this will fuck you up' and I feel like I'm being challenged? Like really? You think you're going to fuck me up? I thrived in anonymous kink memes; I survived the sordid wastes of the Harry Potter fandom; I waded through the Supernatural fandom back in the beginning. I have been navigating these waters for decades; I have seen what lurks in the deep - sometimes it has tentacles. You think you're going to fuck me up?
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pterawaters · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 (2k) Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Argyle/Jonathan Byers, Jonathan Byers/Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Jonathan Byers, Argyle (Stranger Things), Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington Additional Tags: Free Use, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Breathplay, Bottom Jonathan Byers, Threesome - M/M/M, Threesome - F/M/M, Vaginal Sex, Riding, Minor Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Minor Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler, Polyamory Summary:
One of Jonathan's favorite parts of the house he shares with Argyle, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Eddie is The Couch. At the end of a stressful day, it's just what he needs.
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just-antithings · 8 months
Anti-ism is psuedoscience and a moral panic rolled into one
One of the most dangerous things about therapyspeak leaving the intended audience is that now antis feel fully qualified to tell survivors how they should and should not be coping, even to the point of attempting to override/contradict the advice of certified therapists.
I've had antis tell me the fiction I enjoy writing is retraumatizing myself, that I am doing harm by writing it; when I responded that actually, my therapist signed off on the stories I wrote (even when I mentioned the specific phrase "consensual nonconsent"), they said that my therapist doesn't know what she's talking about since she sanctioned my coping mechanism and explicitly labels her practice as kink-positive. Antis are attempting to make me, a survivor with mental illness that could ultimately be fatal if I leave a psychologist's care, disregard the advice of the medical professional supervising me when they have no certification at all. This could, if I were a more vulnerable person, be dangerous for not only my trust in my therapist, but it could sabotage my treatment as well.
They are using what amounts to little more than memes, based on misinformation, that use a few intelligent-sounding phrases that very rarely apply the way they think they do, as a wedge to attempt to assert themselves as authorities who can, with certainty, dictate the appropriate course of treatment for a total stranger, including telling them to disregard the therapies administered by a trained professional.
In other words? Antis are frighteningly similar to anti-vaxxers, who took medical terminology they didn't understand, applied it to shaky cause-effect logic models, started a moral panic, used statements generated by that moral panic as a citogenesis-fueled proof their initial starting of the moral panic was justified, damaged the doctor-patient relationship of millions of total strangers, jeopardized the healthcare of those strangers who now believed their doctor to be incompetent for following accepted medical best practice, and fomented dangerous fringe political ideologies that coupled themselves to other conspiracies based on rejecting commonly-acknowledged practices.
"Vaccines cause autism! Narrative therapy that implements any form of controversial kink causes retraumatization of the writer, reader, or both, and starts the writer on an inescapable slippery slope to becoming an abuser themself! It's better to be dead than autistic! It's better to suffer feelings of shame and/or isolation in silence than it is to use fiction to put a voice to your feelings! Your child is vaccine-damaged from thimerosal and is getting sick from virus-shedding! Your fiction caused me to groom myself and you're a porn-addicted monster for not facing your trauma the proper way! Your doctor doesn't know what's good for you, I do! Only I understand how your body/mind work and what treatment is appropriate for you! Your doctor has been manipulated by Big Pharma/kink supporters! The empirical-study-informed best practices for pediatrics/psychology are what's wrong, not me, whose research is carefully informed by TikTok videos and Twitter posts carefully formulated to cause amygdalar growth to keep me afraid so I will continue to engage with fear-mongering content that causes my politics to shift towards the alt-right, who coincidentally also push narratives based in fear, not in medicine! I am being perfectly logical here!"
Antis fundamentally reject empirical medicine just the way anti-vaxxers do. They just seem to get a free pass on it since it's "only" mental healthcare they are sabotaging, and few people acknowledge it as something as legitimate and lifesaving as other medical care.
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