Overall Evaluation of Work
the outcomes of the majority of the work that I have produced I have been happy with. the goals I had set myself had been achieved, as I feel confident knowing my skill range, what I can and cant do, and setting goals appropriate to that. within these I feel that the weakest area of my work was working within illustrator and photoshop. those took me a substantial time to grasp the skills, and I still don't think the quality of that work is good. But that's probably as to be expected as that work was mainly towards the beginning of the term.
the one key skill in which i am terrible at is the planning and worksheets. research i am ok with, it just takes time to gather all the details and facts, but when it comes to the worksheets and planning i neglect its quality. I find that i neglect them because e i so often change my mind about the ideas or concepts that i don't write them all down or bother to develop them. However doing so could help in expanding concepts within my work, so in the future more time could be made for quality of other work.
the actual product created st the end of the projects i feel were good. but which i would consider continuing on with im not sure. i can see using super sculpey and developing that further to combine it with stop motion.
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Behind the scenes on film
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Weird Cities
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jan svankmajer
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Jan’s work is incredibly weird, but it is clear what a lot of his references were; real life animals spliced together. but unlike other people who mash animals together to create monsters, Jan seems to be able to pick the right combination to really make some freaky creatures, something that wouldn't look out of place in a mad scientist’s lab. if you wanted to take this further in to the grotesque and horrifying then look at the designs in the film ‘the fly’.
Ian Mcque
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Mcques work is very big bulky and industrial in the things that he draws. Its quite reminiscent of the 80′s, where as nowadays things are sleek smooth and digital, his work looks like it is designed from a time before digital technology advanced to what it is now. to me this kind of work is the most interesting because it is so different to modern day; its like everything is made from scrap metal instead of carbon fibre.
Diane Kohne
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Its clear that Kohne likes to create a lot of human characters with strange facial features and shapes 
Daniel egneus
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these selection of monsters  share some similarities in the way that they were designed, mutated and exaggerated features taken from real life inspirations. In the case of cloverfield the design looks as if it is a wingless bat that’s gone on a starve diet.
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clash of the titans
The monster from the original clash of the titans looked like a mix of Godzilla and the creature from the black lagoon, but it still sort of has old school monster charm to it. The new design looks like a steroided up lizard, like a lot of monster designs in media. its not a bad design, its just not particularly unique. though you can now use computers to make huge monsters do anything in your films, part of what made many designs for creatures beforehand was the limitations, and intriguing designs that cane from getting around them. 
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the mist
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Matt Sesow
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Its a robot Panda, trained for combat and deployed on the field. It has won countless battles due to the fact that no one wants to kill pandas. Who would want to kill that face
Also i forgot to take pictures of the process, but it was just block of wood that I cut down, sanded and then painted
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Animation Now
Small scale animation
now pretty much anyone can animate anything if they have enough patience to do so, of have enough money to pay someone else to do all the heavy lifting. And this animation can get more creative than if produced by studios, like Marty Coopers animation which is drawn on acetate and put in front of real settings. He must have a lot of patience
Large scale animation
As long as its entertaining, the animation doesn't have to be that intricate. Things like ‘Southpark’, ‘family guy’, and ‘BoJack Horseman’ are popular but are not very complex in terms of the animation. They are popular because with animation you can create a strange world, where there is a suspension of disbelief, meaning you characters can get in to increasingly stranger situations. and through this you can tell the compelling stories, like ‘Bojack Horseman’ which can get surprisingly deep for a show about a talking horse who’s a washed up sitcom celebrity.
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animation research
12 principles of animation
these are the twelve principles of animation, to make your animation more compelling, and pretty much every animator now follows them
of these the ones most important to me are the follow through and overlapping actions seeing as my robot will be moving and stopping with multiple moving parts. it would also be best to use straight ahead action rather than pose to pose whilst animating it.
Gertie the Dinosaur
Gertie the dinosaur was one of the first animations to be made, incredibly time consuming as it worked essentially like a flip book; each frame was drawn out individually and then played out in order. Its not perfect, Gertie does move strangely especially involving faster movements, (which could be because he used too many frames, and he had no dinosaurs to reference at the time) but some parts run very smoothly. The tail is probably the best animated part, it moves really smoothly in some parts, and actually looks like really good movement. 
Out of the inkwell
This is actually pretty good, the animation has been developed a lot further since Gertie, Incorporating a smother flow to the animation style, and more pronounced movements and actions, and clearly by this time the principles of animation are becoming developed. Certainly the process of animation was becoming more complex, Fleischer using rotoscoping which meant he could animate with live action.
Disney are probably the most well known for their animations, producing films with hand drawn cell animation right up until the 2000s and huge developments in computer software and CGI  
1995 saw the release of ‘Toy Story’ which was their first feature length, and then everyone wanted to animate like Pixar. considering that its only really been around for around twenty years, the amount that it has progressed it pretty amazing
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(add storyboard)
from this i went on location to film and i managed to get a lot of shots
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and lots of shots
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these were all imported in to premier pro and cut in to somewhat of a framework for editing, like how long some shots were and what kind of order i want the shots in
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then the title screen and film company
the film production logo was just made in photo shop, with the different layers saved as jpegs
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they were going to be edited in in time with sound, so it was easier this way than an after effects project since i could move each freely
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The final edit of my trailer, whilst i did make it as to how i had intended it, with the quick editing and the building upon  of the music, i feel like i could now go back and make one ten times better. I didn't really judge how many more different shots i would need, since it was really quick editing and the trailer needed to be around a minute long, i started to struggle towards the end of the editing process to find new shots to edit in. it might be a little bit obvious that i did inflate the time with this by making titles or sound effects at the end and beginning to go on so i hit that minute mark. i wouldn't have wanted it to go on for longer than a minute, i think short trailers work best for the way i edited this, but i definitely could have used more footage. also i felt that the sound in my trailer felt like it was lacking more ambience. It was only after once i listened to the audio and thought this that i realised i could have just used the audio from the original clip and turned it down low for more ambient noise.
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Robots, mars rover, rover is the name of a dog, boom, there you go, dog robot.
this is the first not so complicated idea
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here is the second really complicated idea, i spent ages drawing this, so its the one i went with
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i didn’t really know how much i could and couldn't do, so i just drew one where i could simplify all the aspects down if needed, this story board would be more of a goal if i was working on this project for approximately 10 years because animation is long and tedious.
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because of the design, we decided it would work best to cut all the movable parts out of paper. But i didnt realise at that point that the wheels would be a problem untill i had already drawn things, so i had to draw sets of wheels. i thought one for every frame in a second, but in retrospect there probably could have been less
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after many hours of cutting out lots of tiny small paper parts, it was just putting them together and moving them about
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then to photoshop to line them all up and put them in the right layer order
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i ended up having 30 frames
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I was going to have the robot moving for a longer duration of time by just looping the same frames, but that didn't work for a number of reasons. First is that the first few frames of the animation had the ears and tail in upright positions, but i also couldn't skip those frames because otherwise the words on the wheels would not match up. i could have dealt with this in multiple ways; by moving the position of the ears and tail in the first few frames in photoshop, or i could have skipped out a few more frames at a time to make the wheels look as if they are moving faster. i didn't because i think it would have been really difficult and time consuming to make those frames then match up, so i have a shorter animation.
final animation:
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I think the right style for me here is clean lines defining the rocks and some light shading, so when i draw more i will stick to that style
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Mutated Heads
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story boards
Dean Tavoularis
a very sketchy type of storyboard
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David Russell
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Saul Bass
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Jane Clark
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digital painting
from the concept art that we looked at, i could see that it was all about strange concepts and ideas, so i decided upon a tuxedo spider - because everything is made better by a tuxedo
I did a rough outline of the head first
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then neatened it up and gave the body a basic outline
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then started to make it neater
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I attempted to paint it but i just couldn’t get it to look right. maybe if i was to continue doing it for longer i would eventually get it right or find my style with it, but the time i was attempting it i really wasn’t happy with digital painting. 
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Computer Graphics
(A nowhere near comprehensive guide)
step 1: take a shot tracking a point
step 2: put it in to after effects then realise you’ve failed massively
step 3: take shot tracking a point that’s really clear and defined
step 4: put in after effects and create tracking points
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step 6: make one of those tracking points null
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step 7: take after effects project and open it in cinema 4D
step 8: create a solid object on the null point, export to after effects
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step 9: edit in 4D to fit the shot, what you do will transfer to after effects
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step 10: find smoke green screen, remove background, and add to project 
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step 11: add more smoke
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step 12: fix issues another time
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Places to submit work
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