stratagemical · 10 years
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i dont get why komaeda is such a fan favorite i mean have u heard of Chiaki Nanam (on dA)
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stratagemical · 10 years
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// I... should probably get a little bit more active, or I'm gonna lose Nanami/forget how to write permanently. So, like this post for a short starter! I'll be capping at 2.
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stratagemical · 10 years
    〈 ✖ 〉 ─ She nodded briefly; a soft "mhm" escaping from her lips. Though little of his words sounded as reassuring as they should be, a faint smile tugged at the corner of her mouth in response. Sibyl was known for these dangerous incidents, something one would have only noticed once living a bit longer within borders, paying a bit more attention to things one shouldn't do. 
    The gamer shifted her gaze once again towards the protected crime scene. Another weird, inexplicable feeling of familiarity overcame her, as if the sight of the fresh blood and corpses wasn't a new one for her – and it wasn't the same feeling she had when thinking about her games; it was different. It was almost as if she has seen this before; somewhere, and it seemed like it was hiding in the back of her mind, refusing to leave its place. And while staring, she felt kinda bad, guilty in a way; despite knowing that it must be common for people to feel nothing but pity when looking at the victim's corpse.
   Subconsciously, her hands moved slowly towards her neck, fingers getting a hold of the soft fabric of her hood's brims, rubbing the texture between her fingertips. Pulling it gradually over her head; as if on reflex, Nanami answered, tone low.
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        “Ah... I'm afraid I didn't. There... wasn't anyone in particular. I was thinking...”
   Her voice trailed off. There was so much she wanted to say, yet there was nothing that she could say. This was the first time since long she's incapable of voicing her thoughts appropriately, let alone process them.
Murders and Familiar Faces [stratagemical]
He noted down her name and the answers she gave him. Living at the dorms, so a student probably. She did seem to be the right age, so a few years younger then him, which made it even stranger that she seemed so familiar. The only younger people he knew were also enforcers. Generally he didn’t know a lot of people, especially not random students who were close to a crime scene. When he looked up from the notebook again he noticed her worried expression and frowned for a moment. 
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"Ah, but that’s what the we’re here for. I can’t be associated with normal society but i can assure you I’ve had to deal with criminals worse than this." Having been an enforcers for several years Komaeda had seen far worse crime sites. A body and blood was a lot to take for someone who was unfamiliar was crime but by now he felt mostly numb towards it. Numb and maybe some disgust at whoever had committed this murder.
He tried giving a reassuring smile, not realizing that it might be out of place right after saying he ‘dealt’ with a criminal worse then one who killed a person. “So you came here after the crime had already happened? Did you see anyone suspicious on your way here, they might have been in a hurry or something similar?”
The questions he asked seemed good enough, though Komaeda still wasn’t entirely sure what he was even doing. This wasn’t his job to do but the feeling of knowing the girl wouldn’t leave him. But it wouldn’t be right to ask, he’d probably just make her uncomfortable, like some weird pick up line. He knew he was scum, but at least not that kind of scum.
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stratagemical · 10 years
    〈 ✖ 〉 ─ It's a surprise, a pleasant surprise, and for once Nanami was glad for company during her excursions around the city. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she spot the young woman, closing her eyes in thankfulness as the stranger's words left her mouth. At least they were both in the same situation - or at least the other could have made it appear so, but the pinkette wasn't one to judge anyone; she might have had suspected the same about her.
    Glancing around, her gaze shifted from the broken windows to the abandoned streets, partially littered with the leftovers of cigarette butts; a not so pleasant fragrance of blood, waste and smoke lingering in the air. The gamer, lost in thought, bit her lip, her chin resting on her hand.
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              “Um... then how about teaming up? … I'm a little lost, too, you see.”
    She looked away for a second, as if to check on whether someone was behind her.
                  “We'd be able to escape from here easier this way, I think.”
X Factor.stratagemical
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stratagemical · 10 years
    〈 ✖ 〉 ─ She hesitated.                      “…Nanami. Chiaki Nanami.”     The gamer breathed it barely above a whisper; unsure of whether that information was still relevant or not. Hands wrapping around the straps of her backpack, she darted the enforcer another glance, averting it before their eyes met. It's weird. Her memory isn't all that bad, yet she couldn't tell why the stranger seemed to familiar.There wasn't a single chance she might have met him before from anywhere - he's an enforcer, a part of the government - something she has never been part of. Yet.
    Truth to be told, she’s a little excited. A tad bit. Despite being aware that she shouldn't take this too lightly either. Maybe it was because all of this 'questioning a witness' and 'gathering information' resembled those occurrences in puzzle games she loved. Not that this was the appropriate reaction to begin with, of course. Glancing once again at the enforcer, she waited for his question calmly; only to realize he's been thinking about something as well. Judging from his behavior, this was probably his first time of inquiring witnesses – is what she thought, basing her speculations on intuition. It was probably notable as well, but that's even more a reason for her to help as much as she could.
                     “Um... I don't live around here. But I come here very often, since this store is the closest to the dorms...”
    Her eyes looked down in worry. 
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                      “It's the first time I've encountered a murder around here, though.”
Murders and Familiar Faces [stratagemical]
Komaeda politely waited for her reply, was she in shock because a murder happened? Should he back off? He wasn’t sure. It had been a while since he talked to anyone out of his unit and all he could do was hold the notebook and pen nervously and keep up a calm facade.
"Thank you, Miss.. uhm?" he stopped, swallowing the feeling that he should know this. He never met the girl before, there was no memory of her but still… Still. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I’m from Unit 3, Enforcer." It probably wasn’t necessary to say that, but he didn’t want anyone to mistake him for something better then he was. As if proof was needed he shortly held up his left hand showing the watch to the girl. "I’m required to ask you a few standard question, I don’t intend to take to long. Honestly I wouldn’t want to waste your time." He gave her a small smile before looking down on the empty notebook.
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Now would be a good time to remember what the standard questions actually were. This was probably why people with actual people skills were sent to ask witnesses. At this point the nauseous feeling he’d had before was completely overshadowed by regret. God he was ridiculous, he was already wasting the girls time and now he couldn’t even pretend to come up with good questions. Pathetic.
For a moment he gave himself to feeling terrible though his face was still stuck on the smile he had given the other, then he managed to get a grip on himself. His hands were shaking and he lowered the notebook to get them out of the line of sight. “Sorry, I’m feeling a bit under the weather. In any case. Are you local to here? Do you visit this shop a lot?”
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stratagemical · 10 years
    〈 ✖ 〉 ─ A. B. A. A. B. LEFT. A. A. A. RIGHT. A. B. START. SELECT. END.
    A sigh escaped her lips, her eyelids fluttering shut with a frown. Why does she never learn from her mistakes? She's had it happen to her countless times already. Whenever the calm blue spot on her device switched to a devious red, fear had taken over her; and she would panic and look frantically around, almost as if help can be found by doing so. Nanami wrapped her hands around the black gaming device, slipping it into her hoodie's pockets, and for the first time, looked up. Little sunlight could be seen – the narrow street the gamer somehow managed to subconsciously walk into was enclosed by two tall edifices, both appearing... different from the buildings she's accustomed to. Now that she's noticing it, this district...
    Her interest piqued by the questionable part of Sibyl she's never seen before, she walked a little further, only as far as she could go, until darkness became inescapable. This obviously doesn't seem good at all, but... she can only continue and walk until –
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   It seems like she wasn't the only one who's gotten curious.
X Factor.stratagemical
Impossible. This couldn’t be happening. Raising her gaze from her book, Shiori found herself in a completely different district than the one she had been aiming for. Immediately closing the book, she held it close to her chest as she turned in place. Towering buildings cast an intimidating gloom over the streets. The comforting glare of the lights was dimmer, emptier. Hugging one side of a building, avoiding the mysterious puddles of liquid on the floor, Shiori peeked around the corner. It couldn’t be. This was dangerous. This was bad. Out of all her mistakes, this had to be the worst one yet. How could she have ended up in the very district everyone knew to avoid. “….X.”
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stratagemical · 10 years
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Hey hey! This blog is affiliated with another group now, so please unfollow! Sorry for the trouble.
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stratagemical · 10 years
    〈 ✖ 〉 ─ Orange hues painted the afternoon sky, covered by clouds which once a while flew by. The commercial district was as bustling as always: citizens on their way back home, students just like her on their way to the dorms, and others heading out for a hangout or dinner.
    It was a busy Friday. Just like always.                         Well, not really.
    If there wasn't the pungent smell of blood lingering in the air, the chit-chatting crowd around the small convenience store or the bright red-blue light, it'd be as always.
               Someone was murdered.
    Though it shouldn't be an unusual sight to see the MWPSB present at a crime scene, it was still a first for the gamer to see it in real life. Of course, she's seen more crime scenes than one could imagine, but... knowing well that this wasn't part of a video game; that a person really died, the thrill she'd otherwise have in the partition in the fictitious world subsided immediately.
    There was a certain emotion; disapproval, anger, sadness; something in-between triggered by the imagination of what may be behind those 'KEEP OUT' tapes – and she couldn't stand there any longer. Consciously, the gamer turned around with the intention of leaving, knowing well that she shouldn't be here. She was tired and in need of food for the rest of the week, moreover, she certainly couldn't help. This wasn't a scenario of a video game – something where the by-passer is, by chance, a protagonist, who will solve the crime and thus become part of the MWPSB. It's reality.
"Excuse me..? I hope you don’t mind but I have to ask you a few questions."
    She shifted her gaze immediately towards the stranger – a man clothed in the uniform of the police. The pinkette furrowed her brows in confusion – eyes blinking a little; only coming to the realization that she's still owing the officer a reply.
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       “... ah, um... okay.”
    She couldn't help but feel as if the stranger's face looked somehow... familiar, as if she's seen him somewhere before, but... she's uncertain.
Murders and Familiar Faces [stratagemical]
This conveniece store must have never been as crowded as it was now. Unfortunately for the owner non of the people here currently were planning on buying anything. They were here for a different reason: a man, probably in his late twenties on the floor. He was dead, lying face first, his shirt bloodied from a stab wound in his back.
Komaeda frowned as he looked at the blood that had already formed a small pool around the man. It had been a clean cut, and with knife long enough to pierce the lung, the guy didn’t have the time to do anything but die. A shame. Innocent citizens should have to go like this, not to mention that this was already the second person to go like this. Whoever the killer was, apparently they were having fun.
There was a nauseous feeling forming in his stomach, he couldn’t tell if it was from the cold he had caught earlier this week or the disgust he felt towards the killer. Not that his well being mattered much. Around him the others assigned to this were doing their own work. Finishing the securing of the scene, trying to figure out any clues. There wasn’t much for him to do since they had almost no leads on this killer and his job was supposed to find those.
Shoving his hands in his pockets he turned around, leaving the inside of the store for some fresh air. Outside were also the witnesses, which still had to be questioned. Nothing Komaeda enjoyed to much, he didn’t like bothering normal citizens.
It was a task he would have left to someone else but when he looked at the witnesses his eyes got locked on a girl. Her hair had a soft pink color and she looked somewhat tired (though honestly, who wouldn’t in such a situation?). But it wasn’t how she looked, it was.. something else, something vague and he had no idea where to put it.
A weird sense of nervousness overcame as he walked closer to the girl. He had managed to get hold of a pen and a notebook, which he flipped open as he approached her.
"Excuse me..? I hope you don’t mind but I have to ask you a few questions."
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stratagemical · 10 years
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"…Nowhere in particular… I don’t really like to travel, although it would be nice if I had the chance to visit the world’s largest arcade, I think."
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stratagemical · 10 years
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01 by: Gom
**permission to upload this was given by the artist**
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stratagemical · 10 years
• • • συтℓιєя | | & αηgε-яε∂
    〈 ✖ 〉 ─ TIMING – to be in the right place at the right time – is what she lacked.
    There wasn't much she could remember, and if anything, then this: She's finally decided to stock up some new games – and without even straying off her path or taking a different route as usual, she's arrived here. Where exactly this was... she didn't know. Darkness had embraced the previously bright sky, the towering buildings resembling ruins rather than skyscrapers of a modern city. Despite being a shut-in, she still had an idea of how the city looked like; and even if she'd discover a new area by chance, none of any has ever appeared as... peculiar as this one. Has the city really changed so much since the last time she's gone out...?
    It was probably for the best to ignore whatever she's heard. Nanami struggled to look away, aware of what kind of trouble this might cause, yet curiosity got the better of her. But curiosity killed the cat.
    There was... blood. Someone's bleeding. He was lying on the ground. Her eyes couldn't believe what they saw. Gasping? Breathing? Can she...? And there was eye contact. They're staring at her. Their lips are moving. They're coming for her. They're charging towards her.
   A second. One second. Her life, hanging onto one mere second.
    It was loud, she didn't close her eyes, she couldn't close her eyes, and it was quiet, a beam of light shot out of nowhere, a fickle light, and there was blood, on them, on her, blood, swearing, screaming, people, people who----
    Someone's approaching her. His lips move. She's silent.
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    & TIMING – to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is what happened.
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stratagemical · 10 years
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//it's time for an intro ba dum tsss
my name's rie/bear/maey a.k.a. cyber mod~!
i'm somehow a high school student but at the same time i'm a part-time NEET. it's complicated. anyway! i think it's vital to mention that i always take some time for replies & nanami's a muse i just lost recently, sooo bare with me! rping is fun and something really sophisticated but i'm really lame so.
if you want to contact me here's my twitter and personal tumblr! (talk to me about fictional redheads and i will give you a cookie) rolls out
edit: sorry for the mess on my blog; i hope it doesn't bother anyone too much 'cause i really want to keep those entries ` A`;
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stratagemical · 10 years
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//coughing noises. i am back, but so many people left which is why i'm still kinda confused about the replies i'm supposed to do. It might take a while until I actually??get to work ooops. so yeah, sorry about that.
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stratagemical · 10 years
    ◄〖☆〗► It's been days since she's arrived at this prestigious academy (probably a little over a week, she judges by feeling), but it was an obvious and unalterable truth that 'classes by schedule' and her a b s o l u t e l y perfect self-control over gaming didn't blend well together.
    By the moment her eyes open from her deep slumber, the day was destined to be another one of these 'I will go to class because I think I have to' days, with her attention indulged into her gaming device, mind wandering off not too far away from her next mission: going to the respective classroom.
     ...That is usually the case, but not when she's facing the (this time rather) blissful reality that there seems to be no class today. Those discoveries happen one after the other; a slight "ah"▷ escaped her lips as her eyes caught immediate interest in what the other student was doing, the familiar noise of a known game piquing her attention.
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    "Tetris..."▷  she murmured, a sign of excitement and sparkle visible in her eyes, her feet trotting unconsciously towards the other student.
puzzling times;; chiaki
While he wasn’t exactly the best in video games, mediocre even, he enjoyed playing strategy games or puzzle games that requited him to solve whatever problem was set in front of him. Normally it would give him a sense of accomplishment and even if it was short lived, it was still an accomplishment to him. 
A lot better compared to how he usually felt with himself in Hope’s Peak Academy, where he couldn’t hold his own head up in pride. Again those thoughts ran through his mind like clockwork, as Hinata ran his hand through his hair with frustration as he leaned back on the chair in the class room.
He wasn’t waiting for a class today, rather he was merely killing time in the classroom playing a tetris puzzle game on his phone at least until the class room door opened all of a sudden.
Hinata’s body lurched up to looked at the newcomer but what he was surprised to see it was a young girl, probably his age. But what was strange was the newcomer was definitely a face he’d seen in Hope’s Peak from afar, in Komaeda’s class.
"Ah… there isn’t a class here today!… I’m just killing time here, so don’t mind me."
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stratagemical · 10 years
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K E R R I A A C A D E M Y ★ G A M I N G C L U B
...Starting from today, the gaming club is accepting members. Um... we'll have competitions, discussions, events, trades... things related to gaming in overall, and gaming nights... I think. All gamers and non-gamers are welcome to join, so having fun is its first priority... in any case, we're accepting.
★ home |★ questions |★ info |★ forms |★ apply |★ members
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stratagemical · 10 years
"I'm sorry..."
★ ★ She isn’t sorry. The words come out of her mouth, but the way she says it tells a different tale. There may even be a smile upon her face if only Clay could bring himself to look at her — but he can’t. He won’t. He simply stares ahead, unflinching.
There’s a feeling of betrayal in the pit of his stomach. He hasn’t known this girl long, but he never imagined she was capable of this. Maybe he deserves it after what he did. Maybe this is his divine retribution for something he hadn’t meant to do. He’d apologized at the time, but it seems it wasn’t enough. A part of him wonders if even this will be enough, and if not, what will? What will it take to satisfy her? What must he do to gain her forgiveness for his mistake?
Clay glances at her through his peripheral vision to see a face painted with sheer concentration. “You’re not sorry,” he mutters.
The blue turtle shell hits him and he falls into the starlit abyss. He drops to seventh place. Nanami smiles.
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stratagemical · 10 years
jetblacksoul replied to your post://I updated my tracker. If I missed anyone, or my...
[awhh feel better!]
// asfgkl;df thanks! 
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