hugsforyuri · 1 year
I forgot ab tumblr... haii:3
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
hshsus i gave in and made a jd redesign
I really like him as a sad boi hours but everyone like???already did that and i realized that these are my headcannon redesigns in a universe where blue hair was natural so i just did whatever.
So i made him into a sketchy ass bad boy, like total bad vibes from him because thats how everyone elsw views him. He’s actually really cool once you get to know him, he says the weirdest shit sometimes but only to Veronica because she also has a wack sense of humor.
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And heres a doodle of Jd and Veronica being friends at the 711!
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Jd: You should date a Heather, for her money, so you can get us on one of those big ass private yachts
(Veronica is not opposed to the idea)
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
Chap 4
Imma be real wit yall, they kiss soon.
Mischa had a panic attack after Talia left him on read and Noel helped.
Noel slowly climbed out of bed. He stretched out and got his phone
N: Misch, come over 
Noel quickly sent the message and within seconds there were three grey dots in their chat
M: Of ccoursw, wuen dhould i he ovef??? Bring anyrhing,,?? 
Noel laughed loudly at the message 
N: anythin you need for the weekend, maybe some food, a charger, your phone, just whatever u want:))
Mischa read the message and smiled brightly at it. 
M: ty love, i'll be over soon 
Noel's jaw dropped. He was gobsmacked, shook, flabbergasted, an fear.
N: ??? Love???????
Mischa whyd you call me love???????????
M: bc i love you. Idiot
N:??????? But talia???????
M: im polyam, noel.
N: waitwait but didnt you like whats his name harry??.
M: nah hes not as pretty as u.
Noel threw his phone across the room. Fucking Mischa Bachinski, thinks that he, Noel Gruber is pretty? He opened his closet and grabbed his comfiest clothes out. Sweatpants and a sweater. He quickly put them on and went to brush his teeth. Just as he finished he heard a knock on his door.  He rushed and opened it. "Hello dear." Mischa said as he stood at the door. Large suitcase in his hand. Almost over-packed. "Just get inside." Noel said. Mischa ran upstairs and tried to find Noel's room to put his bag down. He soon found the room, he knew it was Noel's due to the obnoxiously large chicago poster on the door. He opened the door to fine bits of shredded paper. He picked one up and it read:
I like you. A lot. I think you're really
I'd love to just kiss you 
You're gre'
It was cut off there but Mischa couldn't help but wonder what the rest of it said. Mischa heard footsteps climbing the stairs. "Mischa!" Noel ran over and hugged him tightly. Mischa returned the favour by wrapping his arms around his neck. Mischa slowly lowered his head and gently pecked Noel's hair. "Misch, did you really mean what you said?" Noel asked. "What? That I love you? I meant that Noel. I meant that with my whole heart." Noel tightened his grip and started to sob. "Mischa Bachinski, you're so perfect. Don't Let me go." Noel started to shake. "Misch please. Please. I love you. I need you." His voice shook. Mischa picked Noel up and placed him on the bed. "Noel. I'm going to get something. Get some snacks." He walked to where he set his bag and unzipped it. He grabbed some reccees, coke, and chips. "Noel, I got you a few things." Noel dragged Mischa onto the bed and hugged him. "Mischa I love you." Noel spoke loudly. "Mhh, love you too, Dear." He put his arms around Noel and pulled him close. Noel reached down slightly and grabbed the coke. He tried to read the label but he struggled "This diet coke?" Noel asked. "No it's not. Do you want diet? I can get diet. I don't mind going and getting it if you want?" Mischa Said. His tone was rather rushed, it sounded idiosyncratic. "Mischa I'd love that." Noel whispered. Mischa nodded and climbed out of Noel's wooden single bed frame. He then pulled his sweater off and grabbed a dress shirt from his suitcase. "Wait fuck fuck fuck fuck!" He yelled. The last fuck was extended. "So sorry Noel, I am so so so sorry." He took the sweater and ran out to the bathroom with black trousers and a blazer in hand. Noel just layed there, absolutely flabbergasted. Oh his golly good days. His homosexuality was real !!!! He knew from the young age of 7 when people started liking harry potter he liked the french new wave cinema . The door downstairs opened and Noel saw Mischa running out. Within minutes he was back. Five diet cokes in hand. Mischa ran upstairs and gave Noel one. "Wowzers! Gee willikers thank you mischa !!!!!!" Noel screamed. "For realz" Mischa said. He made sure the z instead of s was known. IRL TOOOOO!!?$&@*!?
They were both men likers for each OTHER.
Mischa lay next to Noel and they slept. Peacefully asleep together. 
Soz if this is really bad. I'm writing this while stoned as hell. Lovw yall rho. Stay safe ♡♡♡ also im gay, like a gay man , big men lover. Wanted to clarify 
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
Forgot to post this earlier mb
Chp 3
Meows gently. Sorry if this is a little late kittens… My grandmother took a stroke and almost died. It was really silly. My irl friends also left me soz yeah.  Stay alive kittens. Good christmas
Cw for panic attacks; I'll add a summary in the next chapter bc important shit happens in this one<3
Mischa climbed out of his PT cruiser. He ran his hands through his hair. He gently picked up his bag then grabbed his phone. He opened Instagram up and messaged Talia.
Mischa: Hello Talia. I am unsure if you're awake but I feel you must know that I love you. I have never cared about someone the same way I care about you. You are the light of my life. Thank you so much. Thank you for loving me. Every day as I wake up I long for the day I can be with you. So as I can hold you ever so dearly and never let you. My life's goal is to be with you. I love you.
He put his phone away and started to run to school. He noticed the time. He accidently ran into Constance. "Sorry." He said quickly then moved on. Dashing through the halls he almost missed Noel. Luckily for Mischa, Noel was wearing a bright cat jumper that is next to impossible to ignore. "YOOOOO NOEL!" He yelled at him. "Fuck me jesus christ. Hi." He said back. "Wanna walk with me?" He asked. Noel nodded. Mischa held his hand out for Noel to hold it. He looked down at Mischa's hand. He put his hand in his and walked to home room together. Holding hands.
Gonna skip to lunch
Mischa left his maths room to find Noel. He walked to the french room and saw him in the door. This teacher was notoriously strict and would not let kids break any rules. 0 rules could be broken in her class. Mischa took out his phone while he was waiting. He went to check his messages with Talia. She had left him on read. Two hours ago. Mischa felt worthless to her.
Mischa: Talia, I understand you might not want to talk to me right now but please be honest. Don't leave me on read and just say you don't wanna talk. I'm not mad at you. I'm really not. I understand it might've been an accident but still. It has upset me. I am so sorry. Like genuinely so sorry.
He questioned sending it or not. He read it over and over again yet there were next to zero errors he could find. He clicked the send button. His breathing picked up slightly. He rushed to the bathroom and bashed into a bathroom stall. He fell down to the floor. His jumper dragged up. His breathing got increasingly quicker. His vision had gotten a bit blurry and his mind was racing. All he wanted was for Talia not to hate him. No matter how many times she said he hadn't done anything or that she loved him, he would never fully believe it. His thoughts dashed around from Noel, to Talia, to everything. His eyes started to let out and he started to sob lightly. His breathing slowed slightly as he tried to focus on standing up. His legs shook as he pulled himself up. He unlocked the door and saw Noel waiting in the entrance to the bathroom. He ignored him and washed his face. Noel walked over and tapped his shoulder. "Mischa. Are you okay." It wasn't a question. He knew the answer. It was a no. He hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder. "Mischa. Did anything happen?" Mischa shook his head. "I just can't do this. I feel so worthless. I just can't…" His last words were overpowered with tears. He let out another sob. "Mischa. Take your time. I do not think you're worthless. Mischa bachinski I care about you and want you to be here. For Natilea, or whatever. She loves you Mischa." Mischa froze at the mention of Talia. "N-noel." He stuttered out. Noel's face changed. He was worried already, but this? A whole different story. "What. The. Fuck." Again Noel didn't say this as a question. "What the fuck did she do Mischa?" Mischa's mind went blank. "Nothing. She just left me on read hah." His voice was shaky. "Mischa, we're gonna skip the rest of this day and just chill out. I don't give a fuck what you say we're skipping." And with that mischa and Noel left the bathroom together, they climbed into Mischa's PT cruiser and drove off to the mall.
Im so amazing. Loveyall. If u want fr Nischa writing of mine theres some on my AO3, the AO3 acc is hugs4yuri.
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
Hey so i have bad news, we stole your boyfriend. Yup, we stole him.
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
How did i fuck up so bad
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
I romanticize america
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
Hello tumblr dot com. This is the 2nd. Chapter of nischa fic
The next day ! 
Noel got off the big yellow bus to go to school. He walked to the brick red wall surrounding the hell of a school. As he walked through the path he saw mischa. "Yo noel gruber!" Noel spun around. "What." He said, snarkily. "I am so sorry for calling you pronouns and transgender yesterday. Wrong of me to do. I also apologise for hitting on you, both in the romancy kissy kissy way and in the bum bop cla way. Like I'm sure it would've been better in the kissy kissy mwa mwa way." Noel nodded. "I thought you had that imaginary fiance natia? Wasn't that her name? Nevermore you should stay faithful to your partner." Noel said. Mischa nodded. "I am your kind noel gruber. I am in the lbtqgfaai fandom." Noel giggled. "You're bi?! And polygamous? Damn bro." Noel coughed out. "I am the bisexuality and i wish to kiss my homies. Not you though. You're not the real homie." Mischa called out loudly. Noel just stood and smiled. He was gobsmacked. Flabbergasted. Absolutely shook. Earth shattering news. "Ok." He quickly ran away wiping tears from his poreless face. His skin was smoother than a donut. Mischa ran after Noel. "Bff  noel gruber  come back! I apologise, kitten." He smacked his face. "NO ITS TOO LATE NOW TO SAY SORRY." he cried out. His eyes glowed red. The clothes ripped as noel gruber revealed his true form. The alpha wolf. "AWOOOOOO" He roared. "No." Said Mischa. Noel slowly transformed back into a human. His clothes magically transformed back onto his skin. He embraced mischa quickly. "I am sorry." He cried into mishca's shoulder. "It is okay." They cried. Then walked to home room. 
Noel: hi, i am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for everything today. Don't tell any1 ab the alpha🤬🤬🤬
Mischa: ok. Won't. Thank you
Noel: good night 
Chp 2 end😱😱
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
im so.. typical? Straight, Cis, Good Grades, No trauma, Close with my entire family, no mental illness, no physical illness, I dress basic (lululemon, brandy), I don't have crazy hair, No crazy makeup, not loud, funny, or quirky.. 😞
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
Feel free to reblog Big Steppy. Help him go as far as possible!
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
Hello tumblr dot com .
First chunk of chapter two is done. May appear sooner than expected
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
Hello tumblr dot com
My next chapter of the nischa fic shall be out by next week. Good luck
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
Hello tumblr dot com.
This is my nischa fic's first chapter
Nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa nischa
Nischa fic
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?
Noel Gruber had just left his yellow bus to enter his school. He would meet his friend, Mischa, at the brick wall outside the school. "Yo happy gay month bro." Mischa shouted to Noel. Noel was the only gay in the village. "Hah, thanks." Noel took off his Kanken bag and grabbed his book Mischa asked him to buy. It was for algebra 12. Mischa snatched the book out of Noel's hands. "Thank you so much gay bro!" Noel nodded to Mischa. He flung his bag on his back. As the bag flung onto one of his shoulders, his transmasc pin fell off. As Noel started to walk to home room, Mischa ran up behind him and tapped him. "Noel! Noel!" He turned around. "Hm?" Noel hummed in response. "Your shiny bag decorator with the sharp thing fell. It's got the blue, and-" He was cut off by Noel saying "Thanks Misch, also the word is pin." Mischa looked shocked. "But I thought you pinned people down?" Noel chuckled and brushed it off. "Hey Noel Gruber! Don't brush me off. Tell me truth." Noel turned around. "Words can have multiple meanings. Like a pin, yes you can pin people down but you can also pin things." Mischa nodded. "So, can I pin you?" Noel audibly gasped. "How dare you! But yes." Mischa pinned Noel down and started punching him. Noel gasped again. "Get off me you horrible succubus." He made the irl angry face. "Ok gay month boy pronouns and transgender." Mischa got off noel. "Meow meow." Said local furry, Ricky Potts, as he rolled past. "Furry!" Mischa shouted. "And im proud. Growl." Furry said. "He is odd." The transgender noel said, yeah hes trans, so? "Rolling eyes, you're not better noel gruber the gay taco bell." Mischa, violent one said. Noel grabbed his knife and slashed the floor. "I will slash you next if you are a gay one more speed." Noel ungays and straight. He loves the women. He goes up to jane doe and hugs her. Goes back to mischa and kisses him. Oh my god they kissed. He pulls away and gays again. "Oh my god i am bi and polyagamaamours!" He equips his telephone and texts his finance 
Mischa: TALIA.
Talia: yes, love?<3
Talia:Yes of course!! I champion your journey in personal discovery<3
talia:i need sleep mischa:(
talia:5 more minutes<3
talia:love you too misch<3
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
I have hw due 1st period tomorrow that i forgot to do. I wanna die rn🤗
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hugsforyuri · 2 years
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