strategist-nara · 4 years
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strategist-nara · 4 years
psst, hey, you!
Do you RP on Discord?  Are you interested in anime, AUs, literature, films, and shows? Do you want to RP said fandoms on Discord?
Welp, I finally do have a Discord and I’m far more active on it than on Tumblr, so if you are a mutual of mine, DM me so we can plot - I have many AUs which I have either created or assist in modding, so if you’re interested in those, we can discuss them too!  I play many more muses on Discord than my standard RP blogs, so you can also DM me if you’d like to RP with one or more of them! Just DM me, and I’ll tell you my full list of muses!
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Catch y’all later! ~
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strategist-nara · 4 years
woke up from my two-month long nap, may go to sleep for another two months --
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I’m not dead, I just fell asleep. Asuma-sensei ordered me to ‘get off my lazy ass’ and back to you guys.
It’s a drag, but it’s rude to keep people waiting, anyway.
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strategist-nara · 5 years
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It wasn’t because it hurt. It was more because he didn’t want to deal with such a thing, but he supposed he deserved it anyway. He begrudgingly accepted what she’d said about him having untied hair as a small child - the last time he had been out and about with loosed hair was when he didn’t have enough hair to tie up in the first place. Of course, her lie - saying that she could’ve mistaken him for someone else - was easily blown off by his knowledge of her abilities, but he didn’t feel like provoking her any further and dealing with more nagging. Not today. 
His face was red because he was embarrassed and he really shouldn’t be; he shook his head. “I’m not sick, don’t worry. Thanks for the tea.”
reply to @strategist-nara
Though it was quite a deep cut, Shikamaru was making a big deal out of it more than she, for a change. Ino watched half-amused as he mumbled to himself, helped with the cleaning and bandaged her wounded finger. "Can you really blame me? We were most likely in diapers last time I saw you without a hair tie." she retorted before murmuring a soft thanks. Her lazy bum of a teammate could be kind of sweet when he wanted.
Ino wasn't used to being on the recieving end of teasing. She teased people, not the other way around. The blonde hit Shikamaru's arm, a light blush adorning her cheeks. "Shut up. I could have mistaken you for a henge or something." A poor lie since she was a sensor and would recognize his chakra anywhere but it was all she could come up with at the moment. She nodded. "I will go make us some black tea then."
Remembering how red he had been earlier, she whirled around and narrowed her eyes, "You are not having a fever, are you Shikamaru?" Ino reached out to touch his forehead, slightly concerned. His reluctance to train and do anything productive was bad enough when healthy. She didn't want to deal with a lazy, suffering Nara who she couldn't nag at without feeling bad afterwards.
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strategist-nara · 5 years
I own the chewed pencil that Shakespeare used to write his famous works.
He used to chew on it so much that I can’t tell whether it’s 2B or not 2B.
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strategist-nara · 5 years
Desperate times called for desperate measures...and he only had so much time. Bracing Ino against him, he signed as best he could. Crossed index fingers for the Shadow Clone Jutsu.
Two clones materialized in front of him. Thankfully his nap meant that creating two clones had cut his chakra down to half rather than zeroing him out and killing him.
He looked at the one on the right. “Get back to the nearest town and send for their best available medic.” 
Thanks to his photographic memory, the clone would be able to get to the town and back without getting lost. To the one on the right, he said, “Help me look for Asuma-sensei and Chouji, would you? Chip crumbs and ashes most likely...”
He was listening to everything that Ino was saying - he wasn’t the type to get distracted unless he wanted to be. The contact of her hand against his cheek was painfully grounding. She was weakening fast. Who even knew if she had been poisoned as well as cut? In any case, he couldn’t spare the mental energy to properly respond with words. He just focused on the task, hoping Ino would understand that he wasn’t ignoring her.
They leapt through the forest, the remaining clone searching the ground while the real Shikamaru searched the trees. Soon enough, the clone on the ground discovered tiny pieces of potato chips in the grass. 
“They’re this way,” the clone said, and they followed.
reply to @strategist-nara
It was easy to forget sometimes that Shikamaru could be just as stubborn as her when it came to saving loved ones. His mind was always restless, forever spinning at unfathomable speeds. Ino ought to cut him some slack from time to time. She wondered whether Kami had to balance the abundance of Yin energy with a serious lack of Yang. It was only fair, she supposed.
Cute. she mentally huffed. He thinks he can boss me around now. Had she been in any less pain and a tad more closer to the living than the dead, Ino would have whacked him over the head. Alas, her hands weakly wrapped around his neck when he rose from the ground. "Shikamaru..." she forced her eyes open and succeeded, through barely. Stay awake. She kept repeating to herself. By now, Ino was functioning on sheer power of will cause her body had no more left to use. "It's okay."
It was only a matter of time before she ran out of spiritual energy too and she didn't want him blaming himself if things didn't work out. "The rescue mission..." she paused, hating how weak her voice sounded. "Sasuke-kun leaving and the others injured..." Ino cupped his cheek with one of her hands. Reassuring him was something that helped fight off the powerful urge to sleep. "It wasn't your fault. None of it. You got that, lazy bum?" she narrowed her eyes at him before they softened. "If your plan, whatever it is, doesn't work out or my system shuts off before we even get started...that's not your fault either."
She trusted him, she realized. If there was anyone who could pull through in such an impossible situation, that was Shikamaru and his ability to strategize. A motivated Nara is quite a force to be reckoned with. Ino smiled to herself.
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strategist-nara · 5 years
how does your muse feel about their body?
if your muse could change one thing about their appearance, what would it be?
does your muse have any scars? if so, what is the most notable one?
has your muse ever gotten a tattoo? what tattoos would they potentially want?
does your muse wish they were a different height?
what process does your muse have for styling their hair?
does your muse have any physical problems?
how many bones has your muse broken?
does your muse have much muscle?
how easily does your muse bruise?
is your muse closer to tall and lanky or short and stocky?
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strategist-nara · 5 years
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“I was asking how you learned that shuriken jutsu.” The Nara had already memorized Sasuke’s techniques from seeing them once. While he had no intention to copy Sasuke’s style of jutsu, Shikamaru was genuinely curious.
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❝ Hmmm you say something ? ❞
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strategist-nara · 5 years
Comforting Cuddles Starters
“Noooo don’t leave me, my pillow!”
“I need a hug. A six hour one.”
“I have pillows, blankets, supreme comfort, and all that’s missing is you.”
“This is an intricately constructed blanket fort. It’d be a shame if it went to waste.”
“Mmmm… no getting up, only cuddles.”
“My personal space isn’t shared with just anyone.”
“Holding hands has been perfected. Now to the next step.”
“I could play with your hair for hours.”
“You’re more comfortable than the couch.”
“My torso isn’t exactly a pillow you know.”
“I suppose I should just forget about getting up huh?”
“I can tell you’re upset. Do you need anything right now?”
“Not the best with words, but I’m told I’m great with a hug.”
“It’s okay, you don’t need to talk now.”
“I just need someone else here, right now.”
“No words just quiet, please…”
“I had an important appointment later but… you only live once. I can cancel.”
“Yes I had the day off. No you can’t prove I took it off for you. The only way to find out is by spending it all with me.”
“One of us is starting to fall asleep.”
“Mmmmphf… that’s what I think about that.”
“Were literally all the cushions taken for this project?”
“We’re comfortable now, but unfortunately someone left the hot drinks in the other room.”
“Someone has to make the greatest sacrifice of getting up out of this warm cocoon.
“You’re making a face. I know that face. It won’t work, I will resist it.”
“I will keep making this face at you until you falter and give in.”
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strategist-nara · 5 years
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“My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet, Sakura,” he complained, gesturing irritably at the clock next to him. “Why does my mother need me this early, and why’d she send you?” He looked at her with narrowed, calculating eyes, only to have her finger poke into his cheek. With an embarrassed exclamation, he swatted at her hand, though he knew better than to touch her else he be subjected to her considerable wrath.  “Although you succeeded in waking me up. Congratulations.”
*jumps on his bed a bunch before plopping on him*
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Strictly speaking, Shikamaru hated being woken up in the morning. When Sakura jumped on his bed, his eyes opened instantly, restarting his brain like last night’s browser tabs had reloaded. As she bounced on his bed, he yelped.
“Sakura, what - how the hell did you get -”
OOF.The pink-haired kunoichi suddenly smothered him with her entire weight, forcing the breath out of his lungs and sparking a pain in his ribs.
“What was that for?!”
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strategist-nara · 5 years
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Shikamaru has an eidetic memory, otherwise known as perfect recall or photographic memory. He uses this in order to create his strategies, especially useful in situations such as the fight against Tayuya (which required memory of finger movements).
He never forgets a birthday because of this, but he’s not overly enthusiastic about mundane celebrations, and prefers simple gifts for others.
He doesn’t particularly go out of his way to announce his birthday. His extent of personal celebration is mainly eating a meal his mother prepares for him, with some extra sweets allowed, which he shares with Chouji and Ino when they come by.
Ino and Chouji always try to do something fun and drag Shika out of his ‘laziness bubble’ on his birthday. Chouji’s mom makes him cake every year. Ino presents him with a special bouquet, too.
As always, he loves to sleep, and hates waking up early in the morning before his alarm. Most days he just rolls over and goes back to sleep until his alarm inevitably annoys him enough to get him out of bed. 
On some days, however, he lies awake for a while. Once or twice he’s actually sneaked out of his room and gone to lie down in the garden to watch the sunrise and the clouds. The first time, his mother almost had a heart attack when she saw he wasn’t in his room, and another one when she looked out the window to find him awake so early.
She yelled at him after, which is why he just goes back to sleep on any other occasion.
He actually does know the Shadow Clone jutsu (after all, the Nara clan plays with shadows).
He doesn’t use it because it diverts most of his chakra and can be very dangerous to use in his case since he has to coordinate the attacks with Team 10 very specifically.
He will only ever use it in dire situations in which substitutions or his usual Shadow Techniques aren’t enough.
When he does use them, he can only summon two maximum if he wants to be able to sustain his other Shadow Techniques at once. Needless to say, he leaves this jutsu to Naruto.
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strategist-nara · 5 years
*jumps on his bed a bunch before plopping on him*
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Strictly speaking, Shikamaru hated being woken up in the morning. When Sakura jumped on his bed, his eyes opened instantly, restarting his brain like last night’s browser tabs had reloaded. As she bounced on his bed, he yelped.
“Sakura, what - how the hell did you get -”
OOF.The pink-haired kunoichi suddenly smothered him with her entire weight, forcing the breath out of his lungs and sparking a pain in his ribs.
“What was that for?!”
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strategist-nara · 5 years
My muse is asleep. Go into my ask box and wake them up however you'd like.
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strategist-nara · 5 years
Send me a #and and I’ll use a random generator to help choose a trope for a starer!
Almost Kiss
Anguished Declaration of Love
Big Shut Up
Chekhov’s Skill
Conveyor Belt of Doom
Did I just Say That Out Loud?
Drowning My Sorrows
Erotic Eating
Eureka Moment
Friends With Benefits
Friendship Moment
Go Out With A Smile
Groin Attack
Heroic Sacrifice
I Did What I Had To Do
Jerk With A Heart Of Gold
Last Stand
Lock And Load Montage
Meet Cute
Mercy Kill
Negated Moment of Awesome
No Sense of Personal Space
Oh, Crap
Only A Flesh Wound
The Reason You Suck Speech
Ready For Lovemaking
Rousing Speech
Secret Relationship
So Proud of You
Take My Hand
Training Montage
Unresolved Sexual Tension
Unusual Euphemism 
Vacation Episode
Verbal Backspace
What The Hell, Hero?
You Are Not Alone
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strategist-nara · 5 years
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strategist-nara · 5 years
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Anonymous ask for : The moment I start to shipping Shikatema.
                            ➡  The scary, yet beautiful smile.
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strategist-nara · 5 years
His face was redder than before now as he stumbled forwards to help her clean up the broken shards, only to see her finger was now bleeding.
“Jeez, Ino,” he grumbled, crouching to help her pick up the shards with a delicate precision, “You see me like this and you manage to cut your finger open...” he shook his head, rummaging in his pocket for a bandage and muttering under his breath. “All I did was untie my hair...”
He held out the bandage, easily stopping the blood flow from the small cut as he wrapped it around her finger. When that problem was solved, he picked up the shards with the same finesse, depositing them into the nearest bin. He supposed it was his fault that the cup was broken, so he looked up at her. “Sorry about the cup. I’ll definitely warn you next time, if ever I decide to untie my hair again.” A smirk twitched on his lips. “Oh, and by the way...I wouldn’t mind black tea, if you have any.”
reply to @strategist-nara
"Don't worry so much." Really? Ino narrowed her blue eyes at him. "I'm your female teammate, silly. Worrying about you comes with the job description." she replied, trying to make it sound as though it was no big deal. She left Shikamaru to change and do as she said she would. It soon occurred to her that she forgot to ask what type of tea he wanted.
Empty cup in hand, Ino hurried back. "Oi, Shika." she called while walking. "What tea do you..." the question died on her lips. She dropped the cup upon returning and seeing...his hair released from its usual style. The sound of porcelain breaking effectively broke the spell. She blinked and then quickly lowered herself to the floor so she could start picking up the pieces.
Her gaze remained on Shikamaru though. He looked...different. A good kind of different. "I didn't think it'd be this long...Ow." she exclaimed, biting back a curse as one of the shards tore open her finger. Blood followed afterwards and Ino decided that she should stop staring and be more careful. She wasn't usually this clumsy but it wasn't every day that she saw Shikamaru with his hair down. "Warn me next time you think of doing that." Ino told him.
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