Just Some Dare [Shikamaru x Ino] 
@proudxkunoichi​​ asked // Feb 12 · 2 days ago
“This is just some silly dare. It won’t mean anything after.” — (for Shikamaru) - she has no idea how wrong she is but oh well, we live and we learn 😂
Starters that are all about kisses
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“Alright, let’s get it over with then...” Shikamaru replied to Ino. Hey if she said it won’t mean anything, it won’t mean anything to him either. Then again, they were playing spin the bottle with their friends, he figured that was the whole point, to maybe set things up that matter by chance?
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xshadowrising · 2 years
Continued from here
The yelling carries throughout the facility, even pouring a tad outside. It almost made Shikamaru turn away. He knows she can be an ass when she’s on the job. It typically caused them to bicker. And after the news he got from Kakashi, that’s the last thing he wants to do with the blonde.
All he wants is to spend time with his childhood friends for what might be the last time.
That alone gave him the courage to continue despite Ino’s bad mood.
She’s practically snapping at him but he allows it. He suggests they go somewhere alone. Away from here. Maybe it would calm her. Then she points over at the stacks of paperwork and he immediately understood. He’s been there too many times since Tsunade was Hokage and now as an advisor to Kakashi.
“I can help you.” It isn’t the ideal way he wants to spend what might be the last time with her but it’s better than nothing.
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 “   wait- are you… did you just flirt with me ?   ” (hiii, long time no see *shy wave*)
The Nara's eyes blinked once, twice, thrice. Did he just flirt without his own brain knowing? All he did was compliment her hair, which admittedly was stunning.
"I...uh...maybe?" Smooth. Real smooth.
"But...your hair really is nice today! I'm not lying or anything..."
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bloomingtalent · 3 years
👀 + "Most good looking Konoha ninja after Naruto?"
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Hinata's face flushed at Ino's very direct question. "D-do I...have to answer?" she stammered before trying to calm herself a little...but thinking of her answer didn't calm her as much because there were a lot of appealing shinobi in her village. "W-well, I'm not saying...I like him in that way...but I'd say Sasuke-kun takes second place."
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narasnooze · 3 years
@proudxkunoichi asked:
"don't freeze me out. not again. i don't blame you. i could never blame you, because you didn't do this. got that? "
   mind control / aftermath.
   Trying to avoid eye contact with this woman was nearly impossible, but he would continue to try his best for as long as he considered needed. Until they knew for sure there was not a single possibility of a fall back. Even with their enemy locked away. It had been... a nightmare.
   “I nearly strangled you to death. I’m not shutting you out, I’m trying to keep you safe.” He said, walking past her towards the hospital. Keeping it together, saying that out loud, was more difficult than anything he’d ever had to do.
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movedoverthehcrizon · 3 years
Does Tsunade think of Naruto and Sakura as her children or grandchildren?
@proudxkunoichi sent an unprompted ask !
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No. But yes, but no. She doesn’t think of them as her children because she doesn’t see herself as the motherly type, or the grandmotherly type. She doesn’t see herself as maternal to put it simply. She’s more like a protector with deeper connections with certain people. She would die for Naruto because of everything they’ve been through, but she doesn’t feel a familial bond with him, it’s hard to explain. With Sakura it’s because she’s been a huge part of Sakura’s growth and she’s gotten to watch her florish under her wing. So to answer your question, not really.  
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musaics · 3 years
Continued from here with @proudxkunoichi​!!
Ino’s eyebrows rose in pleasant surprise, being slightly skeptical for a solid ten seconds before thinking it through and nodding along.
“Very well.” she lowered herself on the grass in front of him, knees tucked underneath her. “Let me see what braiding skills you got, Lee!”
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Ino’s apparent skepticism only made Lee want to prove himself that much more.  Hands resting on his knees, Lee inhales deeply before setting to work.  Gingerly, he unties the delicate band that held all of Ino’s hair up high on her head.  It all falls in one thick, flaxen blanket.  
“Ah,”  Lee breathes, eyes wide with surprise.  “You have more hair than I thought.  It does not look this thick when it is tied back.”  A pause as he peeks his head around to face her before getting a thumbs up.  “But do not worry— No hair is too thick for me to handle!”
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avengernomore · 3 years
@proudxkunoichi Continued from here x
Sasuke gave a small smile as Ino said his name.
“I did try to get your attention by saying your name, but you seemed miles away. I just came to visit, but seems you’re quite tired, huh?”
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suck-my-tomato · 4 years
🌸 (i couldn't resist, haha :D)
                                   🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair
     Ino was a part of his daily life now, and has been for the last two years since coming home after the war.. He couldn’t imagine life without her anymore, she was his sun and his moon and every single little star up in the universe above them. Sasuke, following that Uchiha curse, would do anything and everything to keep her safe and the world knew that. Ino would never have to worry about her life, her safety, as long as Sasuke was around. 
But right now they did not have to worry about any life threatening situations. Right now the two of them were walking hand and hand out to the outskirts of the village to go to the Uchiha compound. “I have a special spot I want to show you.” More and more the couple has came here, to the compound, to clean it up and work on the houses together to get this place in a livable situation for the future. 
A few more silent moments were spent together under the warm spring sun before Sasuke broke it by giving Ino a little shove through a gap in a wall that led the two of them out into a field of wild flowers. “My mother would bring me here when I was younger.” He started out as they stepped into the field with flowers that grew high. “And you can bring our son here.” If they were to have one. Lips turned up into a soft smile, not big enough to touch his eyes but this was typical for him, it was a lot of emotion to just smile like he does around her. 
A happy sigh left his lips as Sasuke found just the perfect spot, sat down and then eventually laid down in it. Eyes were shut, soaking up the rays that kissed his pale skin.. Then he felt it, something gently running on his temple and tucking down on his ear in between his hair. “Hm?” Eyes fluttered open, and the first thing he saw was Ino and the outline of the flower in his peripheral vision. “You’re a goddess, Ino.” Sasuke mumbled. If one could see her like this, they would say the same thing.
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onemultimuse · 4 years
@proudxkunoichi​ from here!
Ino was right. Things could have been a lot worse than they turned out being. Who knew S-rank missions could be so...exhausting? Both shinobi were banged up and bruised in more places then one, but such is the life of respected, honorable clans like theirs.
Sakura had, while chewing them both out simultaneously, thrown them into the same Hospital room sometime ago. Shikamaru wasn’t sure about it, but it seemed like Sakura was getting angrier with age. This realization makes him chuckle.
Dark eyes soon fix on his teammate. A cool hand absently brushes long blonde hair out of her bruised face while he leans back into the crinkly hospital pillows.
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“Don’t worry about me, Ino. I’ll survive. Just like I always do.”
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Counting Fingers [ShikaIno] @proudxkunoichi​
said to cosmic-canons // // Dec 13 · 2 days ago
“How many fingers do you see?” for Shikamaru Training/Fighting Starters Lets get ready to rumble!
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“Uh, twelve? Wait, that can’t be right…” Shikamaru replied while still in his daze. He hit the back of his head against a tree while they were training together, their spar escalating beyond his intellectual reach too for him to slip up like that in the end.
“Why don’t we take a break?” he suggested, more for him than Ino herself. That blunder aside, he was content with the progress he made with further mastering his Shadow Sewing Justu, using some new applications during their fight too.
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xshadowrising · 2 years
❝  if that’s how you feel about them why not just say it?  take a chance.  wouldn’t you rather know one way or the other?  ❞
“She’s the most troublesome woman I’ve ever known. That’s why.” The cigarette is wedged between his fingers as he holds her face. “Ah but then her baby blue eyes just make me forget about it all.” Getting lost in those very eyes he’s speaking of.
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@proudxkunoichi continued
[To Ino:] ....
[To Ino:] Okay so...
[To Ino:] What if my hairbrush is also stuck in knots...
[To Ino:] I mean, A hairbrush 👀
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bloomingtalent · 3 years
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Hinata had come to this mission, excited somewhat because it seemed to be a rather easy mission, yet challenging and she had it with Ino too! Ino was very skilled in Hinata's eyes and she was certain that their mission would be a success but that thought wasn't the same anymore because it looked like they might make this mission a failure - especially with enemies around them!
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narasnooze · 3 years
Restrained + 2 or 8
  2. Tied to a Chair @proudxkunoichi
   Two weeks, three days, five hours and sixteen minutes...
   That’s how long she’s been gone. Vanished. No sign of life or where she’d been taken. Both Chōji and Shikamaru had passed out a couple of times from lack of sleep but once woken up again, they’d continued their work to find her.
   Two weeks, three days, five hours and eighteen minutes....
   Ino.. Please, be alive..  We need you.  I need you.
   Trees became only a blur as the two young men jumped and ran through them.
   Two weeks, three days, six hours and thirty five minutes...
   Chōji knocked the door open to a long, dark corridor and yelled to Shikamaru to go on, to find her. He’d stay behind and take care of the enemy until they both returned and they could escape.
   Two weeks, three days, six hours and fifty one minutes...
   Shikamaru fell to his knees in front of her and desperately looked for any sign of life. “Ino..? Ino, can you hear me?” He reached towards her, hesitated and took a quick look around them, her, the chair and anything that could set off a trap. When it seemed OK, he let his fingers gently touch her cold cheek and held his breath.
   “...Ino..  wake up..” a tear fell down his cheek, “Please..”
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konohadaddies · 3 years
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? - for Shikamaru, 42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? - for Naruto & 36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? - for Shino
Dark brows knit together at the question and he considered lying, considered trying to claim he hadn’t liked anyone in any way other than platonic. But at the same time...dishonesty without reason always made him feel awkward and he’d rather avoid that. Sighing heavily and flopping backwards so he could stare up at the sky, Shikamaru gave in. “Yeah. Always figured I’d prefer someone as calm and lazy as me...but each person I actually find myself wanting is so far from that it’s laughable.”
Blue eyes blinked rapidly a few times as Naruto scrambled for an acceptable answer. It wasn’t that he tried to be a pervert like Jiraiya-sensei, but if he liked someone enough to kiss them, he liked them enough to want more than a kiss. And that meant it was hard for him not to touch, to let his hands wander. Though he only touched their back or sides unless they encouraged him to seek more. Cheeks aflame with his embarrassment, he wished he were better with words when all he managed to actually say was, “Not long?”
The young Aburame gave the tiniest of flinches at that question and for once was quite glad he was wearing his goggles as it meant they couldn’t see how his eyes widened. He had done all he could to hide his crushes over the years, knowing they would never amount to anything. But as much as he knew his crushes would never be returned, he couldn’t really deny that he had feelings for both of his teammates, that if either of them ever asked for anything from him he’d give it without a second thought. Clearing his throat, Shino gave a small nod, not trusting himself to speak.
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