strawberryanne · 4 months
hello dark mode users :)
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strawberryanne · 5 months
please watch this i cant stop thinking about it
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strawberryanne · 5 months
You guys just have to trust me on this one and click here okay?
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strawberryanne · 5 months
Aight, so uh
I decided to make a separate blog for posting my arts
Here it is: cherryamelia
I'm not forcing ya'll to follow it btw, i'm just telling ya'll about it incase you're curious about what my art looks like 🥲👍🏻
And yeah, that's all
Goodbye now, i'ma try to go back to sleep
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strawberryanne · 5 months
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TV Guide Dan Vol.51, April 2024 Issue ft. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Cast Members Iuchi Haruhi x Hayama Yuki Interview (translations below)
Publication: April 5, 2024
"Please tell us about the other person's role in Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger."
Iuchi: Ishiro Meita, played by Yuki-kun, may look cool at first glance, but that's just him hiding his true character. Whenever I play the role of Taiya Hando, he's a character that makes me think, "Ishiro trusts Taiya." Going forward, we'll gradually get to see his cute side.
Hayama: It's true that Ishiro has a wide range of emotions (laughs). My impression of Taiya is that he values his intuition. So far, there aren't that many scenes in the show where the two of them talk together, so we don't know what led to their relationship of trusting each other, but I have a vague idea of what part of Taiya made Ishiro fall for him.
"Can you name some similarities between your roles and each other?"
Hayama: This isn't just me, as other cast members and Director Nakazawa Shojiro have also mentioned it, but Haruhi's personality is getting closer to Taiya's day after day. At first I thought I was the only one who thought that way, but when I told everyone, it seems like they think so too. I feel like he was chosen because he was the one meant to be Taiya.
Iuchi: That makes me happy (he's embarrassed). I didn't know you were talking about that.
Hayama: Taiya's a character who works quietly by himself, and Haruhi's the same way on set. During break time or when he's with the cast, he's always in a talkative mood, but before filming, he reads the script quietly by himself.
Iuchi: Now that you mention it, I think I may be like that. I like to spend time with others, but I'm also the type of person who values alone time. Yuki-kun is…
Hayama: (leaning towards him) I'm cool, just like Ishiro, right?
Iuchi: Uh, y-yeah (laughs). But, to tell you the truth, I feel that both Ishiro and Yuki-kun have a gap. They look cool at first glance, but in reality, they're cute…
Hayama: Isn't that just gap moe?! (*being attracted to the gap between one's appearance and personality)
Iuchi: That's right (laughs). In particular, I was amused by the fact that Yuki-kun recently won a figure and tote bag in a lottery for his favorite anime, and he's been carrying the tote bag with him all the time. He even takes it when moving from the waiting room, where you normally don't have to take anything with you. Seeing him do things like that, even though he's older, I think Yuki-kun is so cute that it's unfair.
"How did you become friends?"
Hayama: My hobbies are to go ramen hopping and going to saunas. When I mentioned this, Haruhi said, "I'm interested!" From there, we started going together for awhile.
Iuchi: Right! I was interested in both and wanted to get into them, but I had just moved to Tokyo and didn't know the city at all…Now, I've started to follow Yuki-kun's example, and made a photo folder with just ramen.
"What kind of ramen do you like?"
Hayama: Basically, I like everything, but I especially love Chinese soba with a soy sauce base. What kind of flavor do you like Haruhi?
Iuchi: Originally I was a soy sauce person, and liked thin, hard noodles, but recently, Yuki-kun took me to a restaurant similar to "Jiro" and I became addicted.
Hayama: It might've been a bad thing that I told you about it (laughs). The next time we have a day off from filming, us four guys, including Saito Ryu-kun and Soma Satoru-kun, should go together.
Iuchi: Yeah! It can be like alittle treat for us.
"To begin with, are you two outdoor or indoor people?"
Hayama: I'm a total indoor person. My hobbies are watching anime and reading manga.
Iuchi: We're the same. I also watch anime, movies, dramas, and have recently gotten into reading, I also play the guitar as a hobby.
Hayama: Well, if we were going to spend time together indoors, Haruhi should play the guitar as background music while I read manga. That way we can enjoy each other's hobbies.
Iuchi: Ah~ I see. But, if we were to spend time together, I'd like to go to Akihabara. I don't really go out if I'm alone, so I'd like to look around at the things we share a similar interest in.
Hayama: Alright! Come to think of it, it might be fun since we have so many things we like in common. The other three main cast members of Boonboomger are outdoor people, so it's good to have people like that by our side!
"What's something you'd like to ask each other?"
Iuchi: Ummm…when you were a student, were you smart?
Hayama: So suddenly?! why?
Iuchi: Yuki-kun, you seem like a smart guy. However, when I thought you were cool, you turned out to be surprisingly different.
Hayama: I see (laughs). I think my grade level was above half? It was alittle above the average score, but it wasn't really that high…wait, Haruhi! Are you trying to ruin my image with this interview?!
Iuchi: No, no! I'm not! (laughs).
Hayama: (laughs). This is going to be a serious question, but as I mentioned earlier, I feel that in a very short period of time, Haruhi has become more and more like Taiya, and that everyone views him as such. I read the script and make a certain plan before going to the set, but once I saw the way that Haruhi played Taiya after I got there, I changed my plans. When acting, do you do anything in addition to reading the script?
Iuchi: Hmmm…If I had to say so, I'd say that at random moments during my daily life, I think to myself, "Taiya would make a move like this right now." For example, I've always been the type of person who looks down while walking fast, but I think that Taiya would straighten his posture and walk slowly, so I've been trying to do that.
Hayama: Heh~. So, Taiya's character is taken from daily life?
Iuchi: Yeah. Otherwise, even though I'm playing the role of Taiya, I feel like I'd inadvertently come off as Iuchi Haruhi…As an extension of that, from the moment I read the script, I try to read it while keeping in mind that, "I'm Taiya Hando."
Hayama: Amazing. I'd love to learn from you!
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strawberryanne · 6 months
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strawberryanne · 6 months
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strawberryanne · 7 months
Are fedoras really that bad?
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strawberryanne · 7 months
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TV Guide & TV Life, March 2024 Issues ft. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below)
TV Life 3/15 Issue, Publication: February 28, 2024
Iuchi: When you first heard the title, "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger," were you surprised?
Suzuki: I said, "Huh?" in response. I also said "Is that true?" (laughs).
Hayama: For sure, I kept wondering what it meant (laughs).
Iuchi: Did it mean "to cheer up" or "the sound of a car's engine"? I wondered which one "Boonboom" was, but it ended up being a double meaning for both.
Hayama: It seems that "Explosive (Bakuage)" also incorporates the staff's desire to make Super Sentai even more "bakuage" than ever before.
Suzuki: It's upbeat and outlandish in a good way, and leaves an impact.
Saito: Other than the title, I was also surprised by the visual impact of Boonboomger.
Soma: They have tires on their faces.
Saito: These forms have a past, nostalgic feel to them. The more you look at them, the cooler they get.
Soma: When I see them fighting, I get alot more attached to them.
Saito: I think they'll be easier for children to draw pictures of.
Soma: I want them to draw alot.
Iuchi: Genba's hairstyle too. All you have to do is go around in circles a bunch.
Soma: No, no! My hair isn't yakisoba! (laughs).
Iuchi: When I was a kid, I liked miniature cars and played with them alot. However, I never really knew how cars were made. Taiya in particular is a master of development and modification, so I first made sure that I knew about cars, and then I'll try to make him look mature and calm as I play him.
Hayama: What I'm most conscious of, is being cool. I was told that "Red" and "Blue" have always appeared in every Super Sentai production. When I heard that, I felt more responsible. I want children to think that Boonboomger is cool even after they grow up. Especially since Ishiro is the coolest of cool, I try to be like that in the way he stands, and even in the way he speaks.
Suzuki: Mira is a bright, energetic, and innocent kid who enjoys everything. I try to be like Mira from the moment I enter the set. I also try to express myself clearly so that the viewers can understand what kind of emotions Mira is feeling when she speaks and moves.
Saito: Since Jou's a police officer, I started by researching the profession. I watched alot of footage and close up interviews at police academies and learned what it was like to be a police officer. While maintaining the seriousness of a police officer that I felt, at the same time, I want to show him as the cheerful and lively Jou that's eccentric when he needs to be.
Iuchi: Also, the angle of his salute.
Saito: Yeah. I'm careful about that too.
Iuchi: When I imitated it alittle, he said, "It's wrong!" (laughs).
Saito: There's a proper way of doing it. Such as it being with your right hand, not left.
Soma: Genba's rather mysterious and doesn't show his true feelings. He's a unique character that hasn't been seen before, so I try to play him freely without being restrained by anything. I try not to make it too elaborate. I think it'll make it feel more "Genba like."
Iuchi: All five of them are unique. Let's "bakuage" through the whole year so that as many people as possible can enjoy it! _
How would you describe yourself in terms of "Explosive(ly) XX"?
Iuchi Haruhi is: Explosively Stubborn It's fine to be particular, but I've been reminded to listen to the opinions of those around me. I think I've gotten alittle better at this compared to in the past. However, I'm still stubborn in some areas.
Hayama Yuki has: Explosively Long Legs All the small, medium and large sized pants at clothing stores are so long that they don't fit. I thought it was fine, since Ishiro often crosses his legs, which makes him stand out. I'm also prideful (laughs).
Suzuki Miu is: The Explosive Mother Everyone calls me "Mother" on set. This is because I'm the one who arranges everyone's shoes and puts away our lunch boxes. I'm Boonboomger's mama (laughs).
Saito Ryu is: Explosively Extreme I take what I like to do seriously, but I never do anything that I don't want to do. I'm either at 0 or 100. That's why I'm serious in some strange ways (laughs).
Soma Satoru is: Explosively Fun I love anything that's fun, and I like to enjoy everything, whether it's having fun at work or in my private life. I try to keep my spirits as high as possible.
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TV Guide 3/8 Issue, Publication: February 28, 2024
Iuchi: When I heard that I was going to be apart of the Super Sentai series, my mind went completely blank. The first time I really felt it was at the introduction meeting. When I saw the documents on the desk, I thought, "Ah, so this isn't a joke" (laughs).
Hayama: Ever since I started acting, it's been my dream to be apart of the Super Sentai series, and this was the third time I auditioned for a role. I felt like I had taken the baton from the blue's of "Avataro Sentai Donbrothers" and "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger", both of whom I know very well. If I was going to do it, I wanted to be blue, so when the decision was made, I immediately asked, "Which color?" and was very happy when they said blue.
Suzuki: I went to the audition thinking, "I'm definitely going to be picked," but when I was finally chosen, I felt a great sense of responsibility and pressure. I strongly felt that since my name would be etched into this historic series, I had to be prepared to take on the challenge.
Saito: I've admired heroes since I was a kid, and I entered the entertainment industry to be apart of the Super Sentai series, so I was very happy when I was chosen. When I put the suit on at costume fitting, I realized that I could finally become a real hero.
Suzuki: You say you entered the entertainment industry because of the Super Sentai series, but what will you do when this is over?
All: Are you going to disappear? (laughs)
Saito: No, the Super Sentai series was just my first goal.
Suzuki: It's a production you absolutely had to do. I'm glad (laughs).
Soma: I've had multiple auditions for the Super Sentai series, but this time I was chosen, so I was very happy. Just like Miu-chan said, I felt pressure behind this happiness. But, on the other hand, I hope to enjoy the pressure and do my best together with my wonderful friends.
Saito: Many of the recent Super Sentai's have a flashy look to them, but Boonboomger has an old fashioned coolness, it's as if, in a good way, we're back in the Showa era. It's very appealing.
Suzuki: Ryu-kun, you're always mentioning the names of various Super Sentai series.
Soma: He's the most knowledgeable out of all of us. He's the Sentai master! (laughs).
Saito: I'm from the "Engine Sentai Go-onger" generation, but thanks to the influence of my sister and mother, I've also seen some of the older ones.
Suzuki: When I heard the title, I thought it was an interesting one, but at the same time, I thought it would be an uplifting and upbeat work.
Iuchi: I'm very happy that I'll be involved in the memories of today's children through this production.
Soma: I think it's a production that focuses mainly on smaller children, so I hope alot of children will watch it.
Hayama: I didn't play with toy cars that much as a kid, but even I think it's cool to see singers turned actors appearing in dramas. Cars are a theme that's easily understood by smaller children, so I feel explosive (bakuage) every day when playing the role (laughs). _
Q: What's the moment when your mood explodes?
Iuchi: I like to write lyrics and compose music with my guitar as a hobby. When I think things like, "I've got the chorus" or, "I've finished a whole song," I feel an explosive sense of accomplishment. But, I haven't let people listen to it…(*The other members then say, "We want to listen to it!"), Well then, I'll play it for you sometime over the next year.
Hayama: I like to appreciate music as an art form, and I'll use music apps to play music randomly by genre depending on my mood. During that time, if I happen to land on a song that I like, at that moment, my mood rises dramatically.
Suzuki: I have the biggest blast when I eat ramen! I really like noodles, but I especially love ramen. Even when I'm exhausted after filming all day long, I've still got energy after eating some ramen. Truthfully, I post the ramen I eat on a secret account with zero followers that no one sees. I write my impressions of what I eat for my own record.
Saito: I like to do muscle training, and I get excited about it. I get more excited when I can actually see my muscles growing after my workout is over, rather than during it. I'll look in the mirror and be like, "Nice~ My muscles are growing~" (laughs).
Soma: I'm from Shizuoka, where I used to play soccer, so the moment I kick a ball is the best moment for me. When I'm playing soccer, I get the biggest rush out of it when I get to play the way I want to play and when punting the ball. It's a great feeling. I put all my stress into the ball…but, I don't have that much stress, so my plays are weak (laughs).
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strawberryanne · 7 months
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Digital TV Guide, April 2024 Issue ft. Iuchi Haruhi Interview (translation below)
Publication: February 24, 2024
Iuchi Haruhi -BoonRed's design leaves an impact!-
Iuchi Haruhi plays the role of Taiya Hando (BoonRed) in "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger." We asked the 19 year old about his enthusiasm for playing the lead role in the historic Super Sentai series.
"How did you feel when it was decided that you had been chosen to appear in the show?"
Iuchi: I went to the office after I received a call from my manager saying, "I'd like for us to talk face to face," and while making small talk, he suddenly said, "You've been chosen to appear as Red in the new Sentai." It didn't seem real at first, it felt as if I was listening to the decision that my friend had been picked, and that I wasn't involved. I played multiple roles at the audition, not just Red, so it didn't really feel as if I had been chosen as Red.
"What kind of character is Taiya Hando, who you were chosen to play?"
Iuchi: He's a genius in development and modification, is wealthy, and has a passionate heart but doesn't show it. Boonboomger is initially made up of three members, Red, Blue and Pink, but he's the most mentally mature out of all of them. However, I couldn't express it well at first, as Director Nakazawa Shojiro, who was in charge of episodes 1-3, always just told me to, "Up your mentally. Be less childish." I have the image that he's 5 years older than my actual age. It's difficult, but I think I'm gradually becoming able to express this, and I get the feeling that I'm starting to grasp Taiya's character of being "calm but not cool."
"Please tell us your impressions of BoonRed's design, Taiya's form after transforming."
Iuchi: I thought, "They're going with this, huh?" (laughs). I kept thinking about the tires being stuck on the front of the face. There's been Sentai with car motifs in the past, but these designs are way different from those, so it leaves an impact.
"What are some memorable moments from the episodes that have been filmed so far?"
Iuchi: We've had clear weather since filming began, but on the day when all five members of Boonboomger assemble for the first time, it snowed and filming had to stop. While we were waiting, everyone played around and made snowmen.
"For the next year, you'll be playing the role of a hero."
Iuchi: I talked with Mori Hirotsugu-san, BoonRed's Suit Actor, and asked him to show me the poses he does in action scenes, which I would recreate, and I also asked Mori-san to do the poses that I came up with to match the dialogue. I'd like to continue to work together to create the hero named Taiya Hando. I want to do my best so that children who watch the show will think, "The Boonboomger's are my heroes." _
-What are the conditions for being a hero?- Iuchi: Yuuri-san and Eve-san (singers) are the ones who have my back. Whenever I feel like I'm lacking confidence and want to give up, I listen to their music and become encouraged. For me, the conditions for being a hero are……I guess it's to never ask for anything in return.
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strawberryanne · 7 months
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So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.
AI art bros are big mad about it.
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strawberryanne · 7 months
143 notes · View notes
strawberryanne · 7 months
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BoonBoomger Cast │ Iza
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strawberryanne · 7 months
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314 notes · View notes
strawberryanne · 7 months
[How- how did- how did i get that far off]
[Hold on i'ma try again]
Murdrt gtibrd
Murder f4ones
[Aha, close]
reblog this and Type "murder drones" with your eyes closed.
I'll go first
"Judd r s nes"
well, I tried X3
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strawberryanne · 7 months
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'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' is a promise
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strawberryanne · 7 months
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So where are those white feminists now???
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