strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
“The phone belongs to Dr. Dagan Callaghan, unfortunately he’s in surgery right now.” He paused, thinking. “If you’d rather, you can drop it off at the hospital front desk. They can get it back to one of us.”
“I’m getting my karma in now. Hopefully the next time I lose something, it’ll come back,” Luisa joked, but her expression soured where Roane couldn’t see it. She wanted to help this person out, but she couldn’t spend the whole night waiting for him to get off of work. “I’m going to be around for 30 more minutes. Whose phone is this anyway? If it’s easier, I can deal with them directly.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
“No, I’m back at work.” Roane hesitated, thinking quickly. “Let me see if I can get away long enough to meet you. How long are you going to be at the mall?” He realized there was some urgency in getting the phone back, he had no idea how inclined the girl was the snoop, or if there was even anything to be concerned about on Dagan’s phone. The alpha was in surgery, so he couldn’t be consulted on the matter. Best to work as quickly as possible, then.
“You’re being a huge help, thank you.” 
It was an iPhone, with a very artfully decorated pack symbol in the corner of its case. Some things were just good manners, but she would be lying if she said that didn’t contribute towards her promptness.
“Ah, yes, and a grey case, right? Is there somewhere I can drop this off for you? If you’re still at the mall, I can bring it over.” Luisa offered, quietly cursing herself the moment she offered. She should have at least waited until after she got her yogurt. At least if she could get this out of the way quickly, things would even out. It was terrible to lose your phone.
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
The frown faded, slowly replaced by a smile as Nagisa continued. “I would like that as well. While the Mearas are distantly cousins to the Callaghans, I am far from home and family here.” Roane nodded. “A few years. My mentors advised that I might have a better chance of working in my areas in a regional hospital instead of metropolitan one.” He shrugged. “Results have been mixed on that front.” 
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“I see your point. I apologize, my sister and I are just not exactly on best terms with them and would prefer for them to stay in Japan. I…I think a real family connection is what both myself and my sister need.” Nagisa explained to him opening the menu and looking through it. “Have you been in Beacon Hills long? Me and Kai have been here for less than a year and it’s been an experience to say the least.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
Roane blinked, startled to hear a female voice paired with Dag’s name. “Uh... yeah?” The nurse had parted from his lover only a few minutes before, having just returned from their long ‘lunch’ (it was more like a late dinner) at the mall. “Yes, yes actually.” He quickly put the pieces together, they’d rushed off after Dagan was called back to the hospital for an emergency, apparently the surgeon had put down his phone. 
“It’s an iPhone, right? Thanks for calling.”
“Uh, hello?” Luisa said, just a hint nervous, holding an unfamiliar phone against her cheek. She’d found it on the bench in front of the frozen yogurt store at the mall, a strange enough finding to derail her search for icy sweet goodness. “I’m sorry to bother you, but do you know who this phone belongs to? You were the last number they dialed.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
Roane frowned, beginning to wonder why Nagisa had bothered to meet with him if he was going to be so uptight about it. He’d been aware of the Satos’ presence for some time, it was Dagan who’d suggested he make contact. 
“If my mother wanted to deal with the Kazukis, she wouldn’t do it through her estranged omega offspring.” Not so estranged, actually, he’d spoken with his mother only a few days ago. But that was not something to be discussed in public. “I was merely seeking to make a connection for my own sake. If you’d prefer not to acknowledge it, I understand.”
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Nagisa nods reading over the menu, trying to figure out what he wanted to eat. He still couldn’t relax, ever paranoid of the press that loomed over. He was almost envious of the other, he didn’t have to worry about this sort of business. Nagisa raises a brow though when he mentions his alpha parent missing little that can be of use to her. 
For this Nagisa had to speak in Japanese, he didn’t even care if the other spoke it or not, he couldn’t take the risk. “The Kazukis are not a family your mother wants to associate with. Regardless, my sister and I are not of that family. Not anymore. We are Satos through and through and if your mother wants to deal with the Satos we will be willing to speak. But never the Kazukis. That family is better off dead in Japan.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
Send 🍰 for my muse’s reaction to yours bringing them a cake.
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
Roane smiled and nodded at the advice. “I’ll keep that in mind.” But he shook his head at the offer. “No need, I have some, just need to remember to keep one on my person.”
It was impossible not to notice the way Nagisa’s eyes searched the deli, looking for any potential problems. However, one of the reasons Dagan favored this place, and Roane had chosen it, was because it was frequented mainly by staff from the hospital and the medical offices that surrounded it. Not a hotbed for reporters looking for a scoop. “The omega who gave birth to me told me a little. My mother made me aware that there were potential relations in Beacon Hills other than the Callaghans. Siobhan Meara misses very little than can be of use to her.”
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“Keep a small one on you at all times. Brush you kitty when you can and I’m sure it’ll lessen the hair.” Nagisa explained to the other omega and gives a small nod. “I can get you some pocket rollers if you want.�� Nagisa felt…relieved that the other was willing to be quiet about their true last name. He wasn’t sure he nor Kai could deal with that if it went out. 
Walking into the restaurant with Roane, Nagisa follows him and sits across from him. Eyes roam the area to make sure no one would notice him or was a paparazzi. Even if he was just the ‘assistant’ he was still hot news to those people. It was the curse of being in a strong upcoming pack. “I might consider it. I will need to see what else there is…How did you find out about me and Kai? Did your…mother tell you?”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
“You’re right, I wanted to be a surgeon, but I had to settle for being a nurse. It’s not what I wanted but I’m damned good at it.” Roane shrugged, rising to his feet as he caught sight of flashing lights. “Sometimes you’re just fighting for yourself. There are ways to be independent, but they require sacrifice and work.”
Accidents Happen- Open
“Not all of us want to be nurses or midwives or nannies though.” Jackson said. “And I don’t know what I’m fighting for anymore. There doesn’t seem to be much point.” He said, “I can fight, but where’s it going to get me? Living on my own as an outcast? On the streets? Killed? We can’t fight. And you’re deluded if you think having a job makes any difference.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
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“I’m not sure what I was thinking when I got a light-colored cat with long hair. I think kittens are like a drug, honestly.”
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“I know the feeling. I used to work at an animal clinic in town and I’d come home with enough fur on me to knit a sweater. It used to make my mom nuts.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
Roane arched an eyebrow at the other omega. “Do you think someone just handed me a job? Or that I don’t have to fight against discrimination every day?” He snorted. “The answer is to keep fighting, you’ll never get anywhere if you stand still and expect the world to give you something.” 
He looked up, trying to catch some sign of an ambulance or paramedics. “Everyone will want you to fail, but the sweetest revenge is success.”
Accidents Happen- Open
“Yeah, and what is?” Jackson said. He wanted this kid to pull through, of course he did, but it wasn’t as if he’d pull through and get snapped up by a generous Alpha and live his life happily. That wasn’t how things worked. “I know what my choice would be if I were him.” He said, holding the shirt to his head. 
“You’re one of the lucky ones, you’ve got a job. I’ve got a womb for hire.” He said, “A second rate womb for hire. This one probably doesn’t even register on the scale. What can the world offer him?” Jackson asked, tears clouding his vision.
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
Although he’d given up on an attachment to family not long after turning 16, Roane was quietly pleased that the Satos were willing to claim him. Some alphas refused to even acknowledge their omega kin, he was happy to know that Kai was not among them. “I keep stashing lint rollers at strategic locations, but I always seem to miss somewhere critical.”
The nurse scanned the restaurant as he stepped inside, relieved to see no sign of the waiter who’d been such a jerk when he’d had lunch with Dagan. Picking a quiet table, he sat down. “The reuben is very good. Everything is made fresh.”
To say both twins were surprised to find out they had a cousin was definitely a shock. Of course it made sense after the digging Nagisa did. The sister of their omega mother was sold to the Alpha family Roane was from and then bamn family relation. Nagisa decided to be the one to go since they were sure it’d be incriminating if she went.
He gives a small smiles and shrugs when the other mentioned his lack of cat hair on his suit. “I lint roll all the time. Especially before heading out. Images to keep up…” Nagisa follows the other into the deli and shakes his head. “No it’s fine. I wouldn’t mind having something small for now.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
“I’m a nurse at Beacon Memorial.” Most of the blood seemed to be coming from a head wound and a gash in the omega’s thigh. Roane stripped his scrub shirt off, leaving him clad in the undershirt beneath it. He tore off a long strip and began wrapping it around the boy’s thigh.
“No. Death is never an answer.” Emphatically shaking his head, he handed the rest of his shirt to Jackson. “Hold that to the wound on his scalp.” Even at his lowest point, the nurse had never considered death as a possibility. Once you were dead, you no longer had any choices. A living omega still had them, even if it they were shitty ones. 
Accidents Happen- Open
“You’re a doctor?” Jackson asked, kneeling down to soothe the ache on his joints. Jackson’s heart was breaking. Things had to change for omegas. Families couldn’t keep turfing kids out onto the street when they showed blue eyes. He was one of the lucky ones. He had a contract. But even then, how lucky was he. He had an absent alpha, a kid to look after, and no chance of ever living independently. 
Jackson wiped his eyes where tears had formed. “Maybe it’s better he doesn’t pull through.” Jackson said, “What has he got to look forward to?”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
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“Ehh, too much effort.” The nurse made a face, looking down at himself. Was it worth running back to the car for the one he kept in the console? Maybe. All he needed was some helicopter mom trying to sue him for attacking her precious with cat dander. Tape, maybe? “Thanks anyway.”
“If you go to a local pet store, I’m sure they’ll be tons.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
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“Cats are assholes.” Roane grinned up at his cousin, rising to his feet with a sigh and a bone-popping stretch to greet him. “Apparently yours aren’t plotting against you today. How are you, cousin? You look good.” 
They stood on the sidewalk outside the small deli near the hospital where they’d agreed to meet for lunch. “I hope this place is okay, they make good sandwiches.”
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“Ah cat hair, the bane of black clothing’s existence. I get double the fun since I have two kittens who love to sleep on my clothes when not sleeping on me at night.”
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
“Oh, you mean you weren’t looking for a copy of The Joy of Cooking?” Arms folded across his chest, Roane glared down at the younger omega. “Are you always this much of a pain in the ass, or do you save that up just for my enjoyment?” As opposed to the measured calm he used when in a caregiver role, today Roane was pissed. He’d already had a frustrating shift, but now he was being deprived of his milkshake. Not good.
To be honest, he really wanted to tell Mr. Stilinski-McCall what to stick, where to stick it and the amount of force required to lodge it there firmly. What held him back was not fear so much as the knowledge that unless he wanted to stay in the bookstore all damned day that he was probably going to have to take the offered escape route. Fuck.
The alternative was calling Dag... but he didn’t want to admit to his lover that he couldn’t take care of himself. Damned pride. The conclusion made him even pricklier. “Yes. Do that.”
and all the people say [open]
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strawberryroane-blog ¡ 9 years
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