clumsycowplant 2 years
The Straud Clan: An Interlude (and Update)
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Dahlia hasn't concieved yet, despite their trying. Nontheless, she's been putting together the baby's room for when they're a little older. They would be staying in their room through infancy.
She stood and gazed upon her work. She felt proud. But then an anxiety began to form in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't help but wonder if this was something Vlad really wanted, or if he was just sick of her centuries of nonstop begging.
She didn't know. She could just hope that nontheless he would be a good father, and that she'd live up to her own expectations and be a good mother.
(Sorry I haven't been updating! A lot's been going on recently, and PLUS Dahlia hasn't concieved yet!! But I promise I haven't forgotten this story, and I have way too many ideas to just abandon it.)
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clumsycowplant 2 years
The Straud Clan Lore
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The Strauds and von Emricks are long-standing allies
The von Emricks are from Roaring Heights
In my lore, the Strauds aren't originally from Forgotten Hollow. Dahlia and Vlad settled there around 200 years ago. Before then, the two lived in Moonlight Falls. When Vlad's family discovered him in Moonlight Falls, they left for Forgotten Hollow.
Dahlia and Vlad are in their 700s. They were betrothed since they were young children, and didn't marry until they were in their 100s.
Dahlia has many siblings, and is 13th in line to lead the von Emrick clan.
Vlad is an only child. His father and mother are currently still alive, and he's 2nd in line to lead the Strauds.
It's because of Dahlia that they are in a very shaky truce with the Vatores. So shaky. It could break at any moment.
(There will be more as I develop this story, in which I will update this!)
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clumsycowplant 2 years
The Straud Clan: Fledgling Dilemma (Part 3)
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Vlad could hear it. His wife sobbing downstairs.
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"Curses Vlad!" He thought, "You hateful old fool!"
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"The one good thing in your unlife, and you sully it up! And what are you doing to fix it? Nothing, except wallowing in self-pity!"
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"Get down there and fix it!" He hisses to himself,
He leaves their shared bedroom and walks downstairs. He stays out of sight as he gazes into the dining room.
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There is his wife, crying next to the high chairs where she wished so badly a baby could be sitting. He could hear it upstairs, but witnessing it was just as awful. he could believe he had driven his sweet songbird to such a state.
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"I know you're out there, beloved. I can hear you."
Vlad cautiously enters. He almost couldn't believe she still wished to call him that.
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(please ignore the absense of the high chairs, I had forgotten to add them when I took this)
"Dahlia, I-"
"If you have something to say, then be civil and sit."
"I- Yes, of course, my love."
He takes a seat. It takes awhile for him to find words, but he eventually speaks.
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"Dahlia, my sweet. I am so sincerely sorry."
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"No, I'm sorry. I keep pushing, and pushing, despite how I know your thoughts on the-"
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"No! It's me. All me. I'm too stubborn, and hateful, and scared-"
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"Scared? Love, of what? I believe you would make a fantastic father!"
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"As much as I appreciate that, darling, I'm just not sure."
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"My father.... He was... a TERRIBLE horrid man. Despite his appearances he kept up, he treated mother and I as if we were no better than scum. He never hit us. But he didn't need to. His words and rules stung just as bad. His father was the same. And HIS father before him, and so on and so forth. It's why I never wanted to be married. It's why I never wanted children. I didn't want to continue that cycle."
"Oh darling...." Dahlia had no idea her father-in-law was so cruel. He seemed like such a kind man whenever he came to visit them in Roaring Heights during her childhood. He always had gifts for her, her siblings, and her mother.
"But..." Vlad continues,
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"I believe as long as I have you, Dahlia, that won't happen. You've made me a changed man, a better man. You made me grow to love being married. Who's to say I can't grow to love being a father?"
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"Love, are you saying....?"
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"Yes, songbird, I am. I think I'm ready. Let's have a baby."
"Vlad.... Do you REALLY want this?"
"Yes, beloved. I do."
"Oh, Vlad!" Happy tears gather in Dahlia's eyes, "Come here!" She gets out of her seat and rushes over to him. He barely manages to get up in time to catch her as she falls into his arms.
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"Oh, Vlad! Thank you so much! Oh, I love you!"
"I love you too, darling. More than there are stars in the sky."
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"I'm so sorry once again, Dahlia. Sometimes I think you deserve better than a hateful wretch like me."
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"Hush, you old fool." She whispers,
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"You ought to know by now that you're MY hateful wretch. And you're all I'll ever want. If not, I would've been gone centuries ago."
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clumsycowplant 2 years
The Straud Clan: Fledgling Dilemma (Part 2)
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"I am sick and tired of you putting this off, Vlad! I don't want to be ancient by the time I become a mother!"
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"You won't, Dahlia! I just.... Gah! Just NOT TONIGHT!"
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"No, Vlad! Tell me NOW! Tell me why you don't want to have a child!"
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"We will have children, just not. Right. Now." Vlad grits out once again,
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"Now. Do you wish to keep on with this nonsense? Or do you wish to go sit down?"
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Dahlia's voice cracked and she felt a pang in her dead heart. Sure, Vlad had never once been receptive to the idea. But never had belittled her want for parenthood. Never once, in the over 600 years together had he belittled HER. Never once has he called her anything like "nonsensical".
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"O-Oh!" Vlad immediately regrets his words the moment he sees his love's face, "My darling, lovely songbird, I-I didn't-" He reaches out to try to hold her,
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But Dahlia pushes him away,
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"No, you're right, Vlad." Tears begin to fall down her face, "Let's talk about my 'nonsense' some other time."
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clumsycowplant 2 years
The Straud Clan: Fledgling Dilemma (Part 1)
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It was a quiet night night in Straud Manor. Vlad and Dahlia were about to sit in their favorite chairs in the overlook, something they never missed any night. It gave them a chance to have some alone time with one another, no distractions. When you've spent nearly 600 years together, you need something like that to keep a marriage strong. However, tonight Dahlia wanted to warm herself by the fireplace first while Vlad waited for her.
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But tonight she felt..... lonely, as she gazed into the fire. As if a profound need was missing. An overwhelming desire that would hit her every so often.
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A baby. She wants a baby. A baby, a family with Vlad. It was the whole reason they were wed in the first place. Though it wasn't any longer because of obligation that she wanted one. When she gazes upon human families, parents happily playing with their children, she always imagines that with Vlad. At first, she was content with it being only her and Vlad. But about 450 years ago, after watching humans and their families, she never tires on the subject.
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"Yes, songbird?"
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Still Dahlia can say nothing. The words are stuck in her throat. Because Vlad's answer is always the same. And it always ends in a fight wherein they sleep in seperate coffins in the basement instead of together in their bed. But Vlad knows his wife. And she's only ever too shy to speak when it comes to one subject.
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"Oh. I see. Seriously? Now?"
"L-Love, I-"
"Please, Dahlia, not tonight."
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"What do you mean 'not tonight'?"
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"You know fine and well what I mean. I do not wish to discuss this tonight. Especially before our sitting time."
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"Then when is a good time to discuss it, Vlad?! If any other time in the last 450 years hasn't been a good time, then when?!"
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"I. Don't. Know. Just not. Tonight." Vlad grits out,
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clumsycowplant 2 years
The Straud Clan: Introduction
Dahlia Straud
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The Countess Dahlia Straud (n茅e von Emrick) was still a fledgling when she learned of her engagement to Vladislaus Straud, only son of a clan very close with her's. She was very unhappy to be given away so early, instead of one of her brothers or sisters, but kept her mouth shut as she was told it was a very big honor and responsibility. The von Emrick and Straud families were dwindling. The Strauds had one son, Vlad. The von Emrick's multiple other children were having difficulty producing children. This engagement was a last ditch effort to keep their ancient bloodlines from dying out. While originally very unhappy with the arrangement, centuries together have caused Vlad and Dahlia to sincerely fall in love with one another. While Vlad still isn't very receptive to the thought of children, the whole reason the were wed in the first place, Dahlia wants children and never tires on the subject.
Music Lover
Would Be Happy To Have a Child
Prefers Exclusive Romantic Relationships
Vampire Family
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Vlad, like Dahlia, was still young when he learned he was to be wed to Dahlia von Emrick, of a clan who was long-time friends with his own. He was very unhappy, as he was content to let his bloodline die with him, due to how much he just wanted to spend his life alone. No spouse. No children. He would leave to where none of his family would find him and guilt him for "letting his ancient bloodline die!". He still did. Leave, I mean. Just instead, now he had his newlywed wife Dahlia Straud on his arm. They left together, and built a manor in Forgotten Hollow. It took a good hundred years for Vlad to get used to having a wife around what he originally wanted to be just HIS house. But after learning just how similar they were, Vlad found himself genuinely falling for her. Now, he doesn't wanted to spend his eternal life with anyone else. But he is still nonreceptive to having children, as he's perfectly content with it being just him and Dahlia. It causes many fights, as Dahlia desperately wants children. How much longer can he keep her motherly instincts at bay? Will he be forced to adopt some fatherly instincts of his own?
Music Lover
Quick Learner
Is Neutral Towards Having a Child
Prefers Exclusive Romantic Relationships
Master Vampire
(creds for vladdy's AMAZING makeover goes to the incredible @sims3melancholic)
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