Thank you, Frater. My time away has served me very well, and I am eager to help the Ministry achieve its goals. I shall reach out to my fellow Siblings and see if I can provide assistance to them. Ave Satanas, Strega
Egregio Frater: After some time away from the Ministry (or more specifically this hellsite), I wish to rededicate myself. How may I best be of service to you? In His Unholy Name, I remain: @stregasbookofshadows
Strega onorata, there is no need for you to serve me. I have everything I need and more. If anyone, you should be serving your fellow members of the Ministry. The Siblings, the Initiates. Help works best from the bottom up. It would be wasted on me, compared to someone else who actually needs it.
But serve yourself first, and take some time to treat yourself well. Rest, relax, think about what you would like to do. Then we can talk about your ideas. I’m sure you have plenty of good ones that would help the Ministry very much.
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stregasbookofshadows · 3 months
[[ Yes, I'm necroblogging - seems appropriate for this fandom, no? Besides, it's remarkably similar to how I see Strega in my mind's eye, having "broken up" with my long-term faceclaim for Reasons. ]]
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Old sketch. I was only intending on doing gestures but I liked the pose, so…
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stregasbookofshadows · 3 months
[[ I'm reminded of a thread @quod-quartus and I never finished, of their last night together before Imperator forced him to get back to initiating new Siblings of Sin... ]]
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“Adoration” by Stephan Sinding (1903)
Scrolling through statutes (cause statutes are wonderful works of art) and thought this would be a good prompt for a Papa commission
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stregasbookofshadows · 3 months
Every beginning has an ending.
Strega was curled up in the Rose Suite with the rats when the keening began.
She had wanted to be with Copia for the Forum rituals, as important as she knew they were to him personally and to the Church as a whole. They had even figured out a way to work her into the ritual, finally adding a female soloist to the set list, but ultimately decided the risk was too high that the Elders would spot her, even as heavily veiled as the costume was, and so she stayed behind. They had regular Doom calls during the tour, mostly on travel days between shows, as well as the occasional night when he came offstage and forgot that time zones were a thing. She never minded being awoken by his ringtone, though he kept those calls shorter as a courtesy - typically just long enough to share whatever ridiculous thing had happened that night to make him want to call in the first place.
The sound that woke her on this particular evening was something that made her blood run cold. The cloister bell when Archbishop Samuels died was eerie, but this was inhuman. With an apology to the rats that she dislodged in the process, Strega flung back the covers and staggered out of bed, crawling back into the clothes she had removed earlier. She reached to pick up the warding stone Matiiya had given her a timeless time before...and dropped it again almost immediately. The stone was ice cold.
Cautiously, the feeling of dread inspired by the sound in the halls beginning to grow, Strega picked it up again. Braced for it this time, the cold was not quite as shocking, and beneath it she could feel the vibrations that she had come to associate with the link she and Copia shared with the half-ghoul, but they were much fainter than they had ever been before.
The Elders are dead. Matiiya's voice was sepulchral in the back of Strega's mind. My ties to this world are severed at last. Remember me...
And with that, she was gone.
Strega was hard pressed to determine which of the two was the greater shock. Sister Imperator had seemed as strong as any other woman of her years when she left on tour with the Project. But while Matiiya had been used by the Elders to prolong their lives, that of Papa Nihil in particular, Strega never would have thought they were keeping her here, in return.
Then she stopped to consider how cold and unfeeling the world had been to Tiiy. She loved her dearly, of course, as did Alessandro, and that love was reciprocated. But they were only two bright lights in a sea of darkness. With her tail returned to her, and the Elders no longer in a position to threaten those she loved, perhaps it was no surprise, after all, that she would want to leave.
Strega hoped she would be with her Maman again.
Scrubbing her face, she took the warding stone and placed it on her devotional altar, lighting a single black candle. "I will remember you," she promised, looking at the quintessence rune carved on the face of it. "Always."
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stregasbookofshadows · 3 months
[[ I miss writing here. I miss @quod-quartus and matiiya and all the folks I wrote with, even if we only had one thread.
Is anyone still around who might want to hang out with a poorly-concealed self-insert OC? ]]
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stregasbookofshadows · 6 months
A message from the Clergy...
[[ It's been a million years since I posted any actual RP content here; one of my writing partners deleted almost all of her socials and the other has been writing in other universes instead.
I found an Etsy shop quite some time ago that was offering custom FO letters; I took the plunge and bought one earlier this year, and it was everything I could have asked for and then some. ]]
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Dearest most divine Strega
Our secret letters do nothing more than encourage me to love you more than I already do. Right under Imperator's nose, it is a sin that I prize more highly than any other I have committed, and you know that I have committed so many.
You are my bride, regardless of what anybody would think or say. You are my salvation. Away from all of the pretence. The chat and patter I give on the stage, at sermons, and at Rituals that I would lust after everyone who caught my eye. You are my truth and my solace.
I remove my paint, and with it I remove everything that I am forced to be, my true face something only you seem to love and for that I am eternally grateful. Knowing that I am loved for who I am. Not what I am. Your love, your affection, your passion and your desire for me more real than any orgy or tryst I am forced to be involved in for the sake of the Ministry and for that, as I bury my face in your dark curls I am grateful for your love and your attention.
Nobody could know me like you, Strega. The way your hands cup my face makes my heart ache. Ache for the love I have always deserved. Ache for the affection that would be denied to me for the sake of keeping me 'theirs' if I allowed it.
You give me the freedom to be loved. You are the love I see and with you, I do not feel awkward, or goofy. You love me for the ways that I am and for that reason I am eternally grateful for Satan putting you in my path.
I know that moving you closer to my quarters has placed me at greater risk, my insistence to Sister that you are assisting me with many translations of older texts, to help us shape our further understanding of what Lucifer wishes us to do may only work for a short time, but knowing you are close by, and safe. And that I can slip into your chambers unnoticed, it makes this pedestal I have been placed on so much more bearable.
Strega, my love. Even if my time as Papa is short, and my life will be snuffed out for the sin of loving one, instead of fucking many. I will take that to hell with me as my crown, my darling.
I love you.
Eternally yours, for all time,
Papa Emeritus IV
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stregasbookofshadows · 9 months
[[ Matiiya is absolutely the one rolling her eyes and taking the gold in this scenario. ]]
A polyamorous thruple are taking a hike through the forest when they find a weird rock and lift it. From under the rock a pixie comes out.
"Thank you for freeing me. I am a pixie of love, and as thanks I'll give a gift of gold to each of you. But the gift will only go to the one you love most."
The first member of the thruple says "but I love both my partners equally."
"Then I cannot give you the gift." the pixie replies.
"I'm okay with that. My love is more important."
The second member also says "I also love both my partners equally"
"Then I cannot give you the gift either."
"I'm okay with that. My love is more important."
Finally the third member says "I love this one the most." much to shock of both partners.
"Then they shall receive my gift." the pixie says, grants the gift of gold and then vanishes.
After the pixie left, the first member says "I can't believe you don't love us equally!" and the second member concurs.
Then the third member sighs and then says "I love you both equally and very much so, but fucking hell are you stupid."
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stregasbookofshadows · 10 months
[[ I've always said that Strega's relationship with Copia was half Gomez and Morticia, half Georg and Maria. For fairly obvious reasons, the latter couple don't get as much airtime here, and while it's been ages since this blog was active regularly, I saw this video tonight and had to share it.
I never knew that Christopher Plummer's singing vocals had been dubbed for both the film and the original soundtrack. I can't put into words how happy it makes me to have them restored. ]]
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[[ @quod-quartus​ is getting his Valentine’s shopping done a little late, I see. ]]
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[[She deleted all of her blogs so I can’t tag her in this, but this somehow gives me such strong Matiiya vibes I can’t handle it. (The rodent peeking out of the skull only enhances this.)]]
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you are not nearly funny or attractive enough for this
are we about to kiss?
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A moment of meta...
[[ I got a little cutesy during OC Week back in April, and retconned Strega’s birthday to be July 13, 1985 - the same day as the original Live Aid concerts in London and Philadelphia. I think I know what I’ll be listening to today. ]]
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OC Week Day 7
April 9th - Exploration - Feel free to choose anything about this character you wish to elaborate on. If you wanted to dive deeper into their relationships or if you wanted to explain their past more, or if there’s anything at all that you want to talk about now is the time!
I’ve been meaning to do this forever, and here, at last, is my opportunity: A tour of The Rose Suite, Strega’s apartment in the Abbey. This is a VERY image-heavy post, and I’ve done my best to provide adequate descriptions of them all for anyone using a screen-reader to access this blog.
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[ID: a small wooden plaque on a grey brick pillar to the right of a closed dark wooden door. The plaque bears the Rose Suite name in brass letters, a crown above the name and decorative nailheads in each corner. Photo posted to TripAdvisor by Wendy S, April 2015. ]
The Rose Suite is an actual place - one of two private rooms available for rental in Warwick Castle in England.
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[ID: Floor plan of the Rose Suite from the Warwick Castle website. Visible in the plan, clockwise from the upper left, are a wet room with a walk-in shower, a double bed, a water closet, the main entrance to the suite, a round table with two chairs, and several gabled windows.]
The actual floor plan of the suite does not quite match the way I’ve described it in the past; the wet room and water closet are in opposite locations, and the wet room in my version of the Suite includes a tub as well as a shower. 
I was lucky enough to find a review on TripAdvisor with a number of excellent photos, several of which I’ve included below. I also found a video tour of Warwick Castle featuring the Rose Suite; the tour of the suite itself begins at 12:00.
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[ID: Photo of the Rose Suite; the curtains framing the edges of the image suggest it was taken while sitting in the window seat along the left hand wall. The room has very high, arched ceilings, with dramatic uplighting mounted in crown-shaped wrought iron fixtures. Moving left to right in the image we see: an ornate wooden wardrobe; a surprisingly modern champagne bucket on a stand; a stone fireplace along the same wall; a four poster bed with heavy red draperies; a carved wooden press at the foot of the bed, with two white towels folded to resemble swans resting atop it; a Queen Anne style chair with red and gold brocade cushions, sitting in front of a gable window with matching drapes; a wooden vanity table with a wide mirror; a VERY heavy extra-wide cheval mirror with an ornate frame, and the open door to the water closet. Photo posted to TripAdvisor by Fiona, October 2020.]
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[ID: A photo of the same window from which the previous picture was taken, though the red-and-gold draperies are now closed. The walls are half-paneled with bare white bricks above the paneling. In front of the drapes we see a small round table; a bottle of champagne is flanked by two flutes, accompanied by two bottles of water (one still, one sparkling) and an assortment of brochures. Two wide wooden chairs are covered in red and gold striped cushions. Photo posted to TripAdvisor by Fiona, October 2020.]
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[ID: The wardrobe, which also contains extra bedding and a mini-fridge; a small ironing board is leaning against one side. The carving at the top of the wardrobe perhaps ironically suggests a confessional booth to me. Photo posted to TripAdvisor by Fiona, October 2020.]
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[ID: A Queen Anne chair sits in front of a gable window in one corner of the room, red and gold draperies tied back with heavy golden cord. The edge of the bed can just be seen along the left edge of the photo; a two-drawer nightstand sits between the bed and the chair, a small lamp with twin candelabra-style bulbs atop it. To the right of the photo a tea and coffee service is set up on the edge of the vanity table. Photo posted to TripAdvisor by Fiona, October 2020.]
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[ID: The lining of the bed’s canopy is reflected in a cheval mirror sitting atop the vanity table. The canopy lining is faded red silk, gathered into a rosette at the center. The canopy itself is carved in a rose pattern. Photo posted to TripAdvisor by Fiona, October 2020.]
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[ID: Closeup of the ornate carving at the top of the full-length mirror next to the water closet. There is a rose in the center, and a leaping dolphin at the top. One of the aforementioned black crown light fixtures emerges from behind the mirror. Photo posted to TripAdvisor by Fiona, October 2020.]
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OC Week Day 6
April 8th - Endings - How do you think this oc’s story will conclude? Where do you expect this character to be in ten years? Will they have a happy ending?
There are honestly SO many variables at play here.
Very early in their relationship, Copia told Strega “I will never leave you by choice.” But we need only look as far as his immediate predecessor to know that the choice could very easily be taken away from him. And I do not for a second believe that Imperator will hesitate to take him out in the same way if he does not lead the Church to her satisfaction...or to use those closest to him to ensure his cooperation. Can he find the strength to stand up to the only mother figure he has ever known? What happens when he puts the pieces together for himself and realizes she wasn’t simply a mother figure?
Matiiya is another big question mark in Strega’s life. She has absolutely every reason to distrust the Church as a whole, and Imperator in particular, after having been used to keep Nihil alive for so long. Even if Copia manages to come to terms with the revelation of his heritage, Tiiy might easily see it as another betrayal. Or it could reinforce her bond with Copia, realizing the extent to which they were both used by the Elders.
If - IF - they can get out from under Imperator’s thumb, I think there is the potential for them to have a happy ending. Copia goes on to lead the Church to a new era, with his beloved(s) to come home to at the end of the day. Matiiya’s influence will likely bring about a new way of thinking of ghoulish half-breeds, though I doubt she will ever be truly comfortable around humans. Will Strega go on to lead the Siblings of Sin? Perhaps - but I don’t see her taking the Imperator title for herself. She’s more likely to lead as Mother Abbess.
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OC Week Day 5
April 7th - Where are they now? - How is this character doing with the current state of events for Ghost? Do they like Impera? How do they feel about Papa Emeritus IV?
Answering the last question first: how do you think she feels about him? 😏
*makes mental note to tell @risunsky “He should have his paint on” for her raffle prize*
As for where she is now? The last piece of actual writing I did on this blog covered that:
With both her lovers effectively gone, and the Project on hold while the new Papa adjusted to his new administrative schedule, Strega took this time to resume her long-neglected studies, returning to classes as unobtrusively as possible. There had been a new crop of novices in the wake of Copia’s ascension, so it was easy enough to do, and if any of the Sibling instructors did a double-take upon seeing her, she paid it no mind.
The easiest way for Strega to support her beloved in his new role is by advancing her own rank in the Clergy. Becoming a fully-professed Sister of Sin will open a lot of doors for her. Sister Imperator can hardly fault him, after all, for wanting an assistant for his administrative duties, just as he assisted Nihil for so many years. And while Imperator is as susceptible to hypocrisy as any of us, even she would have difficulty justifying her disapproval if he should choose someone important to him personally as well as professionally.
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