I'm sorry for shipping it... I used it to cope once and now I can't get away from it
:0 well keep trying! maybe try to find some other ships that you like better
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lol imagine being this person
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hey yall can you promo @ihatebrostrider we post pictures of the striders being happy without bro or incest
holy shit. i fucking love it. imma follow @ihatebrostrider and yall should do the same.
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hey i don't wanna bother y'all but could u promo a thing for me? its over on antistridercest-week !!! thank you so much if u do i rly appreciate it!
yeeeeeee!!!!! go follow @antistridercest-week everyone!
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Hey CSA and incest victims! Please be very careful in the Homestuck tags from January 15th to the 21st. Stridercest week is dueing that period and I suggest that if you’re uncomfortable with that then please unfollow or even block the character tags. The tags for the even are #stridercestweek and #stridercestweeknsfw. This also goes for anyone else uncomfortable with the ship.
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oh. my. fucking. god. anti-shippers are the real nazis.
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BORN TO SHIP HATE PEDOPHILIA IS A FUCK Discourse With Em All 1989 I am uncool with incest 410,757,864,530 NASTIES BLOCKED
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stridercestfuckoff ---> stridercest-isdead
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about the people saying stridercest is ok because dave is over 18 now
- bro died when dave was 13 so the ship could only "realistically" happen when its pedophillia - if you defend it now you STILL probably defended it before - honestly the age gap is pretty uncomfortable anyways - its still INCEST and its still ABUSE - stop
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also like, vines with just INTERACTIONS between bro and dave were tagged as stridercest. like. stop. 
one nice thing about vine getting shut down is like, there was a fuckton of stridercest cosplay vines… why? i will never know but it pissed me the fuck off when i tried to go on there
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one nice thing about vine getting shut down is like, there was a fuckton of stridercest cosplay vines... why? i will never know but it pissed me the fuck off when i tried to go on there
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mod name change: mod tula ---> mod rezi
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what a lovely day to hate stridercest
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how tough am i??? i got called a bitch for hating the worst ship in this fucking fandom by a guy with the blog title “bro can fuck me anytime”
“Welcome to the Salty Kinkshamer how tough are yah?”
Reblog this with some bs that you have had to put up with from kinksters or fetishizers or pedos.
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also if you are a survivor who uses problematic things to cope (shipping incest, pedophilia, having certain kinks) when we say ‘that’s bad you should stop’ we don’t mean stop immediately
we mean you should look into slowly stopping that coping mechanism because in the long run it is doing more harm to you then it is good
positive progress can take a while but if you are working on it then its still progress no matter what anyone says
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