stringdeath-blog · 6 years
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            i n d e p e n d e n t  h o r r o r  o c .  t r i g g e r i n g  c o n t e n t .  n s f w .  p e n n e d  b y  j u d e .
                              DIDN’T YOU KNOW?                                             even a flower can be a CARNIVORE.
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stringdeath-blog · 6 years
petaldeath ------ JUNEBUG.
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         “i’m so JEALOUS of your creativity,” june muses dreamily, admiring his work as they peer over augie’s latest film.  both of them are, really.  sometimes she feels like she’s the only one whose contributions can’t be seen.
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       his eyes have been locked onto the screen for the past couple of minutes, and he’s barely moved since the footage began. one thing about what he does is that it can only be done once. each victim is different, each ending is special. he’d only been able to live through it once until they met augie, and now...         he snaps out of his daze when she speaks, and he turns his head to look at her. a slow smile crosses his lips and he reaches over to lace his fingers with hers. “jealous? there’s no reason to be jealous. it doesn’t feel creative. it just feels natural.”
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
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so i know i haven’t been around and some of that was the dash but tbh my wisdom tooth on the left side of my mouth has been acting up really badly since saturday. normally when my wisdom teeth start hurting it’s very little for like a day or two and it stops. this time it’s very swollen, it hurts very badly, i’m pretty sure it’s?? infected?? and i have to work tonight somehow through this bc there’s literally no one who can cover for me.
so tomorrow morning i’m going to the dentist and i might wind up being mia for more time than i was planning to just?? bc of pain??? honestly. idk how wisdom tooth surgery is or if they’ll even be able to go ahead and take me tomorrow. i hope they can.
anyway!! uh if anyone wants to keep me company at work tonight my dis.cord is kmart gerard way#2112 and i’d love some people to talk to/write with to keep me distracted flmslkfsa.
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
so i really want to write to keep my mind occupied but i really don’t want to be on tumblr right now, so if anyone wants to write with me on discord or something, feel free to ask me for my username. i can’t really handle all this.
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
violentstarved ------ VERONICA BLANCHE.
@stringdeath ; sc.
        she flexes her jaw, rubbing a hand over the knot working into her neck, there’s a fresh bruise lining the length of her cheek, something she certainly wasn’t opting to talk about, but of fucking course, he would bring it up. 
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        “none of your business,” she grouses, dropping her arm back to her side, “d’ya always gotta ask stupid questions?”
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       “---if that’s what you consider a stupid question, then... yeah. always.” he flashes her a smile--- a particularly cheeky one--- and he shakes his head, raising his hands in surrender. “i’m joking. i won’t push if you don’t want to talk about it.”
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
evilwork ------ OTIS B. DRIFTWOOD.
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      “ yer’ loss!  he was a-hollerin’, let me live! let me live! heh heh heh! rabbit pie tastes better after they’ve done a little bit of runnin’. 
huntin’ season is, after all, upon us and sometimes, the herd needs some… thinnin’ out.  ”
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       his own style is a little less hunter meets hunted and a little more like he seems to think somewhere, somehow, he’s doing a good thing. that is, unless he’s with june. then things get a little more... violent.
        “hunting season?” he asks, and his eyes flick over to otis. 
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
atrabilicus ------ BEVERLY MARSH.
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         “–so i said touch me again and i’ll kill you. and he did. so i bashed his head in with a baseball bat.” well, she wished she had. bev would never have such gall to act out, especially against her father. but she’d engaged in a deep story to tell this guy just why she was out so late by herself. “don’t worry, mister. heard about the murders, i can handle myself.” she’s got a five-inch pocket knife in her jacket and she isn’t afraid to use it. 
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       for a moment, he wonders if what she’s saying is real, but something about it feels more like a fantasy than a reality. besides, most people don’t just come out and say they bashed someone’s brains in with a bat, even if he deserved it. “sounds like one of the lines from cell block tango,” he says, and he offers her a warm smile. “i’m not going to offer to walk you home, because that seems really suspicious, just--- keep an eye out. okay?”
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
charles’ current blogroll!!
colin gray- @boydevoured horror oc- @stringdeath audrey jensen- @lakewoodsecond​ warren graham- @strongally nathan prescott- @capturesdeath
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
petaldeath ------ JUNIPER BELMONT.
@stringdeath —- v i c e n t e 
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          ❝ —- are you going to do it again? ❞
                         the question is sudden and without context, but it is accompanied by a surprisingly insistent grasp as she stops him from leaving just yet.  her lips press together, eyes searching his face.
          ❝ i saw her. i thought she was beautiful. ❞
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       he’s still trying to walk when she asks the question, trying to get to his next class, and he turns his head to answer just in time for her to grab hold of his arm. something about the force behind the gesture tells him that she knows something, but he doesn’t panic. not yet. even her words send a shiver down his spine, cause his mouth to go dry, but he tries not to nervously lick his lips.
       “---who?” he asks, and his lips curl upward into a little smile. how could she know it was him? how could anyone know?
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
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          𝘓𝘈𝘠 𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘓𝘓 𝘓𝘐𝘒𝘌 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘋𝘌𝘈𝘋 / 𝘍𝘙𝘖𝘔 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘖𝘙 𝘛𝘖 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘙𝘖𝘚𝘈𝘙𝘠 / 𝘞𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘜𝘓𝘋 𝘓𝘖𝘚𝘌 𝘖𝘜𝘙𝘚𝘌𝘓𝘝𝘌𝘚 / 𝘈𝘕𝘋 𝘗𝘈𝘐𝘕𝘛 𝘛𝘏𝘌𝘚𝘌 𝘞𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘚 𝘐𝘕 𝘗𝘐𝘛𝘊𝘏𝘍𝘖𝘙𝘒 𝘙𝘌𝘋. // independent & private colin gray from the movie jennifer’s body. portrayed by charles. highly triggering.
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
gotbiit ------ DILLON HAYES.
@stringdeath STARTER.
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“hey, dude. you’ve got gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe.” dillon stated while his expression remained flat, his gaze on the younger man. “i’m not kidding i swear, i was trying to ignore it but then i figured i best tell you since you know - awkward, right?”
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       vicente pauses, blinks, then lets himself lean against the side of the building he’s against so that he can lift his feet, blue eyes flicking over the bottom of his converses. it’s the second shoe, the left one, that’s got gum stuck to it, and he frowns a little at the sight. “thanks,” he says, and for a second he sounds unsure how to proceed. then he spots a coin on the ground and bends over, grabbing onto it and using it to scrape the gum away. “don’t think most people would have bothered.” 
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
evilwork ------ OTIS B. DRIFTWOOD.
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     “ well, uh, no——it’s all over the fuckin’ place. you’ll have to do a bit of scrapin’ if yer’ gonna want a piece. ”
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       he considers it, for just a second, considers taking a piece for june, but after a beat of hesitation he shakes his head. “no, i prefer my human a little less liquified.”
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
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       SO I’M DEAD; a goner, probably hanging slack-eyed from some rafter, tongue hanging out like some trophy kill or something. can’t say that i’m surprised that our town has once again been struck by murder! ever since brandon james there’s been a whole nightmare on elm street ‘sins of the parents’ vibe here. that was springwood, this is lakewood. whoever came up with that could’ve tried harder— it’s called subtlety. look it up. but i digress. i am not among the living, and so i assume you want me to say something profound. 
       noah, this is the point at which i could get sappy, but i won’t. i will however say that i hope the legacy of bi-curious and the virgin lives on. just don’t you dare replace me. oh, and also, please don’t let my father bury me in a dress. please. 
       to emma and brooke and everyone else, i’m sorry for any pain i caused. and i just want you all to know that i love all of you. mostly. okay! well, i’ve had just about enough of this. lakewood, ya always sucked, and i really hope you change. r.i.p.
                           independent and private audrey jensen from mtv’s scream. penned by charles.
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
‘So,’ Death said quietly, extending its hand. ‘Are you ready to take a walk with me?’
The Never Book (via auideas)
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
petaldeath ------ JUNIPER BELMONT.
@stringdeath​  —- vic / starter call.
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           ❝ i think your brothers might be suffering from separation anxiety, ❞ june greets, tipping her head in a subtle nod to the small group that vic had abandoned in favor of his new seat beside june.
            ❝ are you sure you aren’t breaking some secret frat code?  they seem pretty invested.  it’s the sophie’s choice of seating arrangements. ❞
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       “---breaking our seating arrangements to sit with a cute girl is probably the only way i’m getting out of this alive,” vicente insists with a playful grin, biting at his lower lip and turning his head to look at her instead of at his abandoned fraternity brothers. “trust me, they’re invested. i get questioned at the house daily.”
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stringdeath-blog · 7 years
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