strixophile · 4 years
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cinemagraph artist on instagram
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strixophile · 4 years
I had such a nice socially distanced Mabon celebration with my coven. It felt so so good, we just sliced up vegetables to make a metric ton of ratatouille and drank honey mead and cider and played Clue into the wee hours of the morning.
Just really chill and lots of laughing. Even though it was a risk and I knew it and I felt foolish sometimes for it I just needed social interaction so badly.
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strixophile · 4 years
I’m currently working on a research paper which discusses the perception of witchcraft among scholars and can I just say...
I’m thinking of calling my paper Why E.E. Evans Pritchard was a complete dick and how he fucked over witches for centuries:  A lingering perspective on witchcraft
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strixophile · 4 years
Just read about dumb TikTok drama about folks hexing the moon and I can't stop LAUGHING oh the times these are.
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strixophile · 4 years
So The Witches is on Netflix and it scared the SHIT out of me as a kid so of course I felt like scaring the SHIT out of myself as an adult and decided to watch it.
And for the first time I actually started to feel how discriminatory that movie seems to be towards actual people who practice witchcraft as well as LGBTQ+ people.
Maybe I'm feeling the wrong way about this? Maybe I'm overanalyzing it?
But the fact that witches don't have toes and so they always wear square sensible shoes really feels like a dig at the elderly and also potentially butch lesbians in a subtle way (who have fallen into a trope of practicing witchcraft). And the fact that they must wear wigs kind of speaks for itself too. They are portrayed as pestilent child murderers and for the first time it's kind of hard to watch for different reasons than before.
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strixophile · 4 years
White women on tumblr claiming that men cannot be witches because of historical persecution without addressing the ways in which white People have systemically persecuted and destroyed the pagan practices of people of color for centuries proping up their own narrow view of white paganism as the face of modern witchcraft is peak white feminism.
You don’t make the rules. Not this or any other day.
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strixophile · 4 years
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Yesterday I made a goat themed pie inspired by the art of Bill Crisafi.
🐐🥧💕 He shared it in his stories and I’M crying!
• Pie crust dough recipe of your choice
• 8 oz chèvre (goat cheese)
• 1 cup of shredded mozzarella, do not use fresh—get the bagged shreds
• a handful or two of crumbled feta (this one was kind of to taste and I looove feta)
• 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
• 1 sweet onion, chopped
• half a 14 oz can of artichoke hearts, drained and roughly chopped then laid on a towel to absorb excess moisture
• 2 big handfuls off baby spinach
• 2 cloves of garlic, minced
• 12 oz container of Tomz mixed snacking tomatoes sliced into thin discs and placed on towel to absorb moisture
• salt and pepper to taste
• 1/2 tsp ground rosemary
• 2 eggs, set aside 1 tsp of the whites of the eggs for egg wash
1. Preheat oven to 350 F, place pie crust dough into your pie plate. Trim and crimp the edges, poke holes in the bottom and set aside in the refrigerator for later.
2. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium low heat, add to this your chopped onion and a bit of salt to draw out the moisture. As your onion cooks low and slow begin preparing your other ingredients as indicated in the ingredients section—drain and chop your artichokes and slice your tomatoes and lay them out on towels-but stir onions occasionally so they do not burn.
3. When your onions are nice and brown add to the skillet with them the artichokes, spinach, and garlic. Stir to wilt the spinach and let the garlic become fragrant then reduce heat to low.
4. In a large bowl using a fork combine your cheeses and onion mixture and salt, pepper, and rosemary. Stir in two eggs, remembering to set aside just enough egg white to do an egg wash at the end of assembly, until well combined.
5. Place your cheese mixture in your pie crust. Using your fork, smooth the top to make a flat surface for your tomatoes. Arrange tomato slices over the top of pie and sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Add a decorative top now if you’d like (this is optional, the tomatoes are beautiful on their own) and brush exposed pie crust dough with egg wash.
6. Bake for 30 minutes at 350F then remove pie from oven and cover with foil to prevent the crust from burning. Return to oven for additional 25 minutes. 
7. Remove from oven, your pie will be slightly puffed up like a soufflé. Let pie cool for 10 minutes, your pie will sink a bit as the eggs cool. Enjoy!
instagram: granny_witch
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strixophile · 4 years
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strixophile · 4 years
I feel like I have old teacups around, just put a candle in in em. Great idea!
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Cozy Cottage: A delightful, Brown Sugar-scented teacup candle to evoke all the warmth and wonder of Autumn. 😌✨🍂 (Sold to a sweet sunflower! ♡)
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strixophile · 4 years
Last night my partner and I walked through the park, and fooled around a Little but not like Too Much for a windy evening and then watched as a falling star? Comet? Something that was on fire? streaked through the sky. I'm gonna call that a good Beltane holiday if ever there was one.
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strixophile · 4 years
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Happy Beltane everyone! 🌼🔥
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strixophile · 4 years
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Beltane prepares....
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strixophile · 5 years
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Pictured: me literally applying for a part-time job at an occult gift shop by the light of a candlestick. 😂
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strixophile · 5 years
🍁Happy Mabon🍁
🍁Happy Mabon everybody, perfect time to de-clutter and prepare for the colder months to come.
🍂Clean and cleanse your home, maybe do some baking, change up your alter or sacred space if you want. Just have a great time😊🍁🍂
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strixophile · 6 years
you guys hear they’re releasing new tarot cards?
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strixophile · 6 years
Maybe an unpopular opinion:
I feel a lot better about the idea of crystals and stones just continuing to form and expand in the cool silence deep in caverns underground than I do about chipping them off, wearing them, putting them on altars, exposing them to noise, chaos, light.
I like the idea of the unseen glistening, the hidden and undisturbed beauty that no one sees. Is it strange for the true power of crystals to be the inspiration of their slow formation, centuries-long movements, their meditative stillness? Do crystals have to be taken away to channel intent, or was the intent there all along?
(I dunno it just seems like a shame. And it feels a lot like white people taking advantage of an aesthetic without thinking about it?)
(I realize that many crystals these days are lab grown)
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strixophile · 6 years
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Exquisite Photography Series That Depicts Dried Flowers and Tea Sets
Artist, wife and mother, Marina Malinovaya spends her leisure hours orchestrating extravagant photographic compositions using dried up flowers, leaves and tea sets.
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