stskoperblog · 4 years
 I don’t like school from home because I felt better in class, even though I had to wake up early in the morning, away from home, got on the bus and went to school. I was better off at school because I could listen to the explantation that professor gave live and it made it easier for me to memorize the subject matter we were learning. For us who are in vocantional school it is even worse to have school from home because we cannot do real practice.
Working independetly from home is harder for me. When I am at home I can’t wake up early in the morning and look at the computer what should I do for school during the day. It’s harder to organize work because there is a lot of it. While videoconferencing makes it harder for me to write subject matter so I have a lot of work for the afternoon. I’m practically at school all day. When the lessons are held from home, you are more interested in 100 other things besides school, in class you are forced to listen to the professor.
I like quarantine because we don't get as much grades, I don’t like quarantine because we can’t socialize with each other, we can’t listen to the explantation that professor gives at school and we can’t have practice lesons. Quarantine is practicaly bad for everyone because we can’t socialize with other relatives. It seems to me that a part of the current situation is not realistic and that those in higher positions have us under control.
Summary: I don't like quarantine!
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stskoperblog · 4 years
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1. Dežni plašč 2. Goba 3. Izolacija 4. Ribič 5. Vrabec 6. Devet kraljev 7. Priklenjen
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stskoperblog · 4 years
"Through Struggle We Rise"
Where will we fit our talents With this distance around us? There's no contact to cover For others to worry about us We're a pack of wolves hungering For attention and support But the virus caught us off guard And this was our last resort Was it our best retort, though? I won't question all the medics Who put their very lives at risk But I struggle to understand it We're in a lockdown yet the Numbers aren't all the best and I bite my tongue while trying not To ask way too many questions
We'll be here for quite a while It's best that we get busy, right? So the boredom doesn't sink us We'll sink it and we'll win this fight It's one measly virus verse a Society of many greater minds That will develop many cures to Save as many greater lives As we are able to, do note that We're not perfect, we are human So if someone doesn't like you Hug it out and call a truce, then Let's admit, we're better off set In stone as stronger together A disease will last a while but The human spirit lasts forever
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stskoperblog · 4 years
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stskoperblog · 4 years
Moje ime je Mihael in sem dijak 2. letnika. Sem ustanovitelj glasbenega projekta Daemihell, s katerim sem začel leta 2020. Igram zvrst black metal/blackgaze (v podzvrsteh projekta lahko štejemo še: atmospheric/melodic/symphonic/post-black metal/ambient/DSBM).V videu vam predstavljam instrumentalno avtorsko skladbo imenovano "Enclosed Humanity" s prihajajočega albuma "The Secrets Of A Captured Heart", ki bo izdan leta 2021.Igram električno kitaro in bas. Pri albumu pa bo sodeloval tudi prijatelj Andrej, kot violinist in vokalist. Vokale bova snemala, ko posnameva vse instrumente za skladbe (zato lahko sedaj predstavimo samo instrumentalno verzijo). Če vam je pesem/video všeč in bi radi ob izdaji poslušali celoten album ali pa če imate kakršnekoli dodatne informacije ter vprašanja, nam lahko sledite ali pišete na naši Facebook strani Daemihell -
  Skladba, ki jo predstavljam, se navezuje na trenutne razmere, na to, kar doživljamo v obdobju karantene, kar simbolično sporoča tudi naslov Ograjena Človečnost.
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stskoperblog · 4 years
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Pouk na daljavo ...
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stskoperblog · 4 years
We might be stressed right now With the world full of blunder  A disease is running rampant And our schedules torn asunder Just remember we are strong As a race, we'll never squander Our ability to survive Yes, victory's over yonder Although it seems apparent That we battle a disease We're stronger than we think Won't ever fall to our knees In this time of desperate need It's important to believe In the power of humanity There's nothing we can't achieve
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stskoperblog · 4 years
Gabriel´s skills on the wheels!
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stskoperblog · 4 years
I've paved the way For grave mistakes To make the stage And slay the pain That's lurked in me Alas, I've yet to see Improvement, yet We're made to be I raise my hopes And rest my case My ambitions are My saving grace I've reached high To close the gates Sent madness back The way it came - Serial 
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stskoperblog · 4 years
DJ 2. E
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stskoperblog · 4 years
Dance the virus away - DJ 2. Ca
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stskoperblog · 4 years
Dance the quarantine away - DJ 2. Čb
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stskoperblog · 5 years
“Mommy, can I curse?” She asked. Mommy said: »Darling, Please don’t ever curse.”   “But why mommy? Why?” The girl cried. Mommy replied: “You are not a witch.”
T. Ljondova, 2.E
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stskoperblog · 5 years
To drive
Freedom is driving,
just being driven for now,
I am still learning.
Time changes with speed,
driving faster is better,
my car is ready.
Waiting is awful,
but patience rewards us all,
I want to drive fast. 
M. Zemljič, 3. F
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stskoperblog · 5 years
My everything
You, my everything
Once you have cheated on me
And it was over. 
I do not know why
I just want you for myself
Because I love you. 
S. Šlosar, 3. F
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stskoperblog · 5 years
The sky
The night is coming
The sky has a lot of stars
Stars are beautiful
The sun is rising
I want to fly to the sky
The birds are singing
V. Kocjančič, 3. F
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stskoperblog · 5 years
28.11.2019 - STŠ odpira vrata...
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