studentjay · 7 years
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Hey friends!
For this week’s TUTOR TUESDAY, I tried to go into a bit more detail on legs which I briefly have talked about in other tutorials. If you have any tutorial recommendations send ‘em in here or to my personal! Keep practicing, have fun, and I’ll see you next week!
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studentjay · 7 years
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studentjay · 7 years
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Hey friends!
Meg here for this week’s TUTOR TUESDAY! This week I go over just a little trick that I like to use when drawing and connecting arms/hands/legs/feet ect. This helps me with foreshortening as well. I hope it helps you folks as well! I have tutorials that talk more specifically about hand/foot/leg anatomy here. If you have any tutorial recommendations send ‘em in here or my personal. Now go forth and I’ll see you next week!
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studentjay · 7 years
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no better afternoon than math ha ha ha
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studentjay · 7 years
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studentjay · 7 years
17. 9. 10; update! Im in college now! and Im also really good at no procrastinating which I thought was going to follow me into college, but the overwhelming fear of failure is keeping me from fucking up. I'm still studying Korean, and can read it pretty fast but my vocabulary is pretty low. So my goal is pass all my classes and learn some korean vocab!! 😩👌🏾
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studentjay · 7 years
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a photo of (part of) my study space! just doing some last minute bio revision before the exam tomorrow
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studentjay · 8 years
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studentjay · 8 years
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24/100 Days of Productivity
I worked till the middle of the day and reviewed Chemistry when I arrived home. I probably could have done more but I got caught up in a nature documentary. The Planet Earth series on Netflix is great! However, I am planning to do more Chemistry tomorrow.
Later on, I walked laps for an hour at the track. The track is close to where the bus will pick me up for university in a few weeks so I’m planning to walk laps there before and after class. Being active helps me think so much better and I’m trying to plan out how to stay healthy as a student. The plan so far? Pack lunch every day, avoid buying coffee or sugary drinks, walk laps at the track, and join intramural sports teams. If anyone has tips, let me know!
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studentjay · 8 years
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may 2, 2016: [imstudyingok // exam week]
making progress on my european history notes, a lot of fun but i’m soo slow :(
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studentjay · 8 years
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• I can’t remember the last time I was able to sit down and actually write out a study sheet, but a quiz in AHis tomorrow let me get a little creative! 🍎 • 3/29
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studentjay · 8 years
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Studying Japanese: Resources! 
In lieu of a ‘how to study’ Japanese post, here’s a few online resources which have helped me with studying Japanese throughout the years. 
The resources listed below;
Range from beginner’s level to advanced level
Are appropriate for studying for the JLPT (N4- N1)  
Are appropriate for self study
Most are free, or come with a free trial period! (excluding textbooks. but trust me, i’ve got your back)
Essential Websites and Extensions
Rikaikun:The one-stop shop for all your browsing needs. Hover over any kanji compound and this app will do all the translating for you. I found this incredibly useful for reading practice (esp. on news articles etc.).
Jisho.org: One of the best dictionaries out there. Sorts most kanji according to JLPT level.
Tofugu: A good general starting place to find resources and read interesting articles about Japanese culture, ex-pats working in Japan and Studying in Japan. They also have a special series on applying for the JET Program! 
Particles? Verbs? Subjects? Conjugations? 
JGram: All grammar is sorted by JLPT Levels. A good overview of common grammar structures. 
Tanos: Also JLPT sorted  
Introduction to Japanese Syntax, Grammar and Language: a comprehensive overview for beginners
NHK World: Lessons from the Japanese Public Broadcaster NHK. Largely Beginner’s Level.
Dictionary of Japanese Grammar (beginners) (advanced)
Handbook of Japanese Verbs: Beginners guide. Very handy pocket size so great for revision for the beginner-intermediate level.
How to Tell the Difference between Japanese Particles: Comparisons and Exercises: something to help with those pesky particles! 
Writing (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji)
Learn your alphabet(s) gdi! 
Japanese Lesson
@ryohkei is a Japanese calligrapher who handwrites beautiful characters + stroke order and definitions. Very informative, given that handwritten kanji may differ from their typed counterparts. 
Practice Writing Sheets  
Charts (hiragana, katakana)
Get you in touch with other native learners!
Hi Native 
Genki: perfect for beginners
Sou Matome: easy daily lessons and weekly review. All levels (sorted by JPLT level)   
Kanzen Master 
Tobira: highly recommended for those who are in the awkward intermediate - advanced plateau! Traditional Textbook format. 
Tanki Master 
500 Essential Japanese Expressions: A Guide to Correct Usage of Key Sentence Patterns: really useful for revision and to bridge the intermediate-advanced gap. 
This blogspot: Lifesaver. Just, trust me on this. Please. 
Multimedia (Youtube, Podcasts)
…because heck, learning a language is more than memorising charts and structures! 
Bilingual Chika! One of my favourites. She recently published her own textbook!
 Japanese Podcast 101
Watch Japanese TV at Jpopsuki
A masterlist of free resources by @nihongogogo
This resource post by @study-ings
A list of N2 resources by @learningkakumei
This beginner’s resource post by @solarstudy​​
Stay tuned for later parts to this series incl. going on exchange, studying japanese, “wtf this kanji looks like a scribble”
All the best! 
- fuckstudy 
Masterposts are posted every other Sunday (asia pacific)/ Saturday (everywhere else). See previous masterposts here. Feel free to request topics here. 
Previous topic: dealing with failure 
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studentjay · 8 years
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plants, book and tea
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studentjay · 9 years
Grammer Post Master List
A master list of grammar posts on my blog. These are in no particular order and are mostly intermediate level. 
 ~(으)ㄹ 까 하다
~어/아야 겠다
~기로 약속하다/결심하다
~곤 하다
~(으)ㄴ 모양이다
~(으)ㄹ 만하다
~(으)ㄴ/는 다면서
~단 말이에요. 
~어/아 놓다
~(으)ㄹ 뻔하다
N + 만하다
~었/았던 것 같다
~기만 하다
~(으)ㄴ/는 대신에
~(으)ㄴ 사이(에)
~는 바람에
~는 김에
N + 만 못하다
~다고 보다
~ㄴ/는다는 것이
~뿐만 아니라
~고자 하다
~지 그래요?
~도록 하다
~고 말다
~(으)ㄹ 텐데(요)
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studentjay · 9 years
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18 . 02 . 2016 // ready? let’s go
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studentjay · 9 years
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Chem review 2
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studentjay · 9 years
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My (attempt) at a mind map Spanish sucks but I like the color palette
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