studyblrima · 6 years
Did you know?
Katakana and Hiragana consist of the same sounds! Katakana tends to be more angular and rigid, and Hiragana has more curves! Katakana is used for writing words that came from other languages! Kanji originates from china, and each symbol represents a word instead of a syllable!
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studyblrima · 6 years
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I’ve started using WaniKani to learn Kanji, as well as finished their guide for learning hiragana! I intend to begin Katakana soon, and am currently checking out TextFugu!
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studyblrima · 6 years
I want to follow more people !
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studyblrima · 6 years
good luck to anyone whose results day is tomorrow or coming up!! wishing you all the best and don’t forget that no matter what happens, your grades do not define you! 
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studyblrima · 6 years
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studying is for sure the easiest when it’s the small and simple things that make it do-able! here are the small & simples for you:
write it down, then, type it up. it’s so much easier to retain information when you see it in a bunch of different ways! i always write first and type later! print out your typed up notes and mark them up!
draw, draw, draw. add diagrams wherever you can! this will appeal to your visual-learner-side and could help you discover a new way to understand the material! decorate your notes and help show what’s important with bubbles or stars or whatever you’d like!
stick post-its everywhere. plain & simple, post-it notes are integral parts of studying from coursework & textbooks! mark off sections or important info with them.
make index cards. index cards are amazing for on-the-go memorisation & things of the sort! write down important things or facts or equations and get an index card box, and keep growing your collection.
talk it out. to your parents, your friends, your pets, or even to yourself. explaining complex topics out loud can be a really great way to gauge how well you truly understand things!
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studyblrima · 6 years
I planted adzuki beans :D
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